Rated Hokage

Chapter 307 306, The Ninja World Completion Plan!

Late summer season.

In the peaceful and stable ninja world, a piece of unexpected news suddenly came out.

Konoha's Fifth Hokage, Hinata Shin, wants to hold a five-kage meeting and send ninjas to send messages to the other four major ninja villages. The meeting place is chosen in the Iron Country.

Of course, this was agreed by the high-level officials of the Iron Kingdom. They were unwilling to get involved in the disputes in the ninja world at first. Whatever you say, directly choose to use force to subdue.

Mifune had no choice but to give a promise of being willing to guarantee the Five Kage talks.

Several years have passed since the last ninja world war, and now is the time when the major ninja villages are developing rapidly, and everyone is trying their best to restore their strength in order to deal with the next war that does not know when.

As for the so-called peace, everyone knows that as long as the structure of the Five Great Nations still exists in the ninja world, there will be no permanent peace!

Konoha's letters to Yanyin, Yunyin and Wuyin have the same content.

I would like to invite you to go to the Iron Country to discuss the long-term peace of the ninja world.

But the war has only been over for a few years, and it is the time when the hatred between each village is as deep as the sea. It is too ridiculous to talk about peace now.

After reading the letter, Tsuchikage, Raikage and Mizukage didn't intend to pay attention to this seemingly absurd Five Kage meeting. They felt that it was the best of benevolence for the ninja who didn't send the letter to stay.

As for Sand Hidden Village, it has always been an alliance with Konoha, and it was because of Hokage's kindness that Godaime Kazekage was able to ascend to the top position.

The ninjas sent out to deliver the letter soon returned.

Yanyin Village and Yunyin Village responded almost exactly the same, and drove the messenger back after some sarcasm.

However, Mizukage Kutachi Yagura, the fourth generation, gave a different response, saying that if Konoha Ken and Kirigakure Village discussed the ownership of Mio, they would agree to participate in the Gokage talks.

He also said that he was willing to spend money to buy Sanwei back.

These situations were really expected, and there were maps on the desk in front of him at the moment.

"Then let's start with Hidden Kirigami Village and rebuild an order in the ninja world, the Cruel Justice."

Really whispered to himself.

"Start today!" # Fog hidden.

Now Kirigakure Village is governed by the fourth generation of Mizutsuki Yagura, and besides the fourth generation of Mizukage, there is another person in the village who has the same power and prestige as Mizukage.

Elder Master Yuan.

Wuyin Village is also a village with many Blood Successor Boundary Clans, such as the Huiye Clan, the Snow Clan, and the Ghost Lamp Clan.

These families have a very high status in the village, even higher than the status of Uchiha and Hyuga in Konoha Village.

And Master Yuan is the spokesperson of these Blood Successor Boundary Clans, who is trusted and feared by others.

Fourth generation Mizukage office.

"Mizukage-sama." Kamizuo walked in.

"Master Yuan wants to invite you to come over."

Goju Yakura frowned when he heard this: "Did you say something?"

Qing hesitated, then said, "No."

Kutachi Yagura said blankly, "It's because the news that I wanted to buy Mitsuo back from Konoha has reached his ears."


The Fourth Mizukage sat down on the chair directly, and just didn't respond.

Jami Ninja Ao could only stand like this, although the Mizukage in front of him looked like a young man, but he didn't dare to underestimate or neglect him in his heart.

Goju Yakura sat like this for a long time, seemed to be thinking about something, before getting up from his seat after a while.

"Let's go."

Qing bowed again when Mizukage walked in front of him, and then followed behind him.

All the way to Master Yuan's house, in the pavilion of the yard, Goju Yakura almost bumped into a young girl with reddish-brown long hair head-on.

The girl exclaimed: "Mizukage-sama!"

Yakura said helplessly: "Why are you always so frizzy, be careful if you can't get married in the future, no one will want you."

This girl is young and beautiful, in her teens, while Yakura looks younger than her in appearance, but she is trying to teach the younger generation.

The girl lowered her head in embarrassment: "Master Mizukage, why did you say that about me? What should I do if I really can't get married in the future?"

"Okay, where is Master Yuan?" Yagura asked.

"In the living room!" The girl quickly pointed to the direction behind her.

Yagura walked directly towards the living room, but Ao didn't follow, but stayed where she was.

"Qing, what is Master Mizukage asking Master Yuan for?"

"It's not that Mizukage-sama has something to do with Master Yuanshi, but Master Yuanshi has something to do with Mizukage-sama." Qing explained.

"So what's the matter?"

"have no idea."

The girl curled her lips and leaned against the pillar beside her feeling a little bored.

"Terumi Mei."


"I heard from Ghost Shark that you rejected the double-knife flounder."

"Ah, what are you talking about?" Terumi Mei thought for a while, then smiled, "I don't like weapons, and the flounder is too ugly."

Qing sighed and said, "Do you know that being able to inherit the Ninja Sword is the dream of many people in the village."

"That's your dream, not mine."

Qing Wenyan smiled wryly and said, "That's right, it's normal for a talented lady like you to think differently from us."

The girl in front of her is an extremely talented person who has used two kinds of blood succession boundaries at a young age, and is known as the most talented person since the establishment of Wuyin Village.

Strength, talent, background, appearance... Terumi Mei can be said to be perfect in any point, and she is placed high hopes by the elders of Yuanshi.

When Qing faced her, he felt nothing but shame and awe.

"By the way, of the new seven people, only three have been confirmed so far, right?"

"Well, dried persimmons, ghost sharks, never cut the peach land, and Ringo Yuyuri."

Terumi Mei pondered: "Except for Kisame, I'm not very familiar with it."

At this moment, the wind suddenly picked up, shaking the vegetation in the courtyard.

Terumi Mei raised her face, squinted her eyes and looked at the sky, and faintly saw a black shadow getting bigger and bigger in her sight.

At first it looked like a flying bird, then slowly it looked like a goshawk, and then slowly its outline could be seen clearly, not a bird, but a person.


Qing at the side also noticed something, and suddenly raised his head to look at the sky.

"what is that!"

Qing Weiwei's exposed eyes were wide open, showing a look of horror, because a giant figure covering the sky and the sun appeared in his sight!

The sky darkened in an instant, and the entire sun was completely covered.


The giant landed directly in Kirigakure Village, and the ground trembled as it landed. Terumi Mei and Ao saw with their own eyes the dust flying several meters high in the distance!

When you get closer, the figure of the giant is more difficult to see clearly. All you can see is the black and shiny metallic luster on the whole body, like armor covering the whole body, which is very shocking. frightened.

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