Rated Hokage

309 Chapter 308, the woman at home

Hokage House, in the master bedroom.

"Go travel?"

Ayari looked at Makoto in surprise.

"Why... are you going on a trip all of a sudden?"

"I haven't taken you anywhere before. I want to take you out this time."

"The child... take me?"

Lingli was stunned for a moment, then asked again: "Are there just the two of us?"

Zhen also smiled and asked, "Isn't it possible?"

"Where are you going?"

"The Land of Iron."

Lingli didn't immediately agree, but hesitated on the spot.

"Wouldn't it be appropriate if we were the only ones going, what about Ayano, Mikoto, and Kushina?"

Zhen said indifferently: "Whatever is inappropriate, I have the final say, if you want to take them with you, you can take them with you, if you don't want to take them with you, you just want to live a two-person world with me, then don't take them with you."

Of course, Lingli wants to have time to be alone with Zhenzhen, but there are so many women in a family, and she is afraid that doing so will cause other people's resentment.

Especially her older sister, Ayano, would definitely be upset.

She hesitated there for a while, then said, "Let me think about it."

Zhen Ze directly took her into his arms, hugged her deeply from behind and said, "If there is anything to consider, just the two of us."

The person in his arms didn't respond, and when he really let go of her, he saw her looking at him with resentment.

He couldn't help laughing: "What's the matter, aren't you happy to take you out alone?"

Ling Li said slowly: "Suddenly being so kind to me, did you do something bad again?"

Really helpless: "It's wrong to treat you well. Did I treat you badly before? If you think it's not good, then take everyone together this time."

As he spoke, he spread his hands and lay directly on the bed.

Ling Li sat beside him and said to him, "You know how you treat me."

After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand to let her lie in his arms.

"Then I want to make up for it now, give me a chance, this time it's just the two of us, and play outside for a few days."

Ayari still has concerns: "You are Hokage, what about work?"

"Don't worry, everything has been explained."

However, Lingli was confused by this surprise. After all, she was the nominal hostess of the family. Although she was the youngest, she respected and cared for the other three women on weekdays, for fear of any conflicts.

Her sister is fine, after all, she is a close relative of flesh and blood, and she was just awkward for a while before she recovered. When Kushina and Mikoto first moved in, she was also the one who took the initiative to care about their situation.

Thinking about the fact that she doesn't care about anything, Ayari sometimes feels that she is really wronged, and she can only persuade herself that she is the Hokage of the village. One's own business.

After acquiescing to the matter of finding multiple women, Lingli worked hard to play the role of a wife, a hostess, and a mother. Sometimes she didn't know that in such a family and in such a relationship, Whether you are happy or not.

But she loves the truth deeply, and this is the only thing she can be sure of.

And children.

At night, before falling asleep, Ayari was thinking about this matter all the time, and she was not in the mood when making out, which made her really bored.


Ayari rested her pillow on Makoto's arm, waking Makoto up when she was about to fall asleep.

"Huh?" Zhen replied hazily.

Lingli said slowly: "Why don't we... let's take everyone with us."

After regaining consciousness, Zhen said helplessly: "There are so many people in a big family, and we have to worry about the children when we go to other places. Do we still have time to play? Can Xia take care of him at home alone without the children?"

Lingli still wanted to say something, but she said impatiently: "Okay, don't talk about it, just the two of us, I've decided."

However, within a few minutes, Lingli spoke again: "How about...

"If you don't sleep anymore, you won't go!"

Lingli let out an aggrieved "Oh", thinking in her heart that she was not thinking of you, who made you so many women.

On the second day, Zhen returned from the Hokage Building at noon.

After seeing Ayari, he asked, "Is it packed?"

However, at this time, Ayano suddenly stood up from the side: "I want to go too!"

I really looked at Ayari unexpectedly, but Ayari averted her eyes a little, and then looked at Mikoto and Kushina, seeing the expressions of these two women, she obviously knew it.

Feeling troubled in his heart, he straightened his face and reprimanded Ayano: "What are you going to do, do you know what I am going to do this time?"

After getting along for so long, Ayano is not as afraid of the truth as before, and she curled her lips when she heard the words: "Of course I know, I want to leave us and the child and you two to go out and play."

Zhen calmly said: "I'm going to attend the Five Kage Talks. Ayari is Mrs. Hokage, and she will attend with me."

Five shadow talks?

Ayari didn't know about this either, and her face was full of astonishment after hearing the words.

And Kushina, who was sitting on the sofa, quietly asked Mikoto, "The Five Kages meeting...can I bring my wife?"

Meiqin pondered for a while, she had never heard of such a thing, and after a second thought, she decided that she was really deceiving Ayano.

Ayano had nothing to say, but she was very unhappy in her heart, she turned her head and sat on the sofa without saying a word, sulking with anger.

It's really difficult, there are too many women and you have to take care of the level of a bowl of water, so I can't help but give Lingli a look, and Lingli glances around guiltily.

"Don't pack up yet." Zhen said directly to Lingli.

But it was really tough, Lingli could only say "Oh", glanced at her sister, turned and entered the master bedroom.

Ayano seemed even more aggrieved, Miqin came over and patted her on the shoulder, hesitated for a moment and got up to Zhen's side, and said softly: "Why don't you take Ayano with you, there are me and Jiuxin at home Nana, it's fine."

Zhen glanced at Ayano on the sofa, the woman was listening with her ears pricked up.

Immediately walked over, Ayano quickly turned her head to the side.

"Why, feel wronged?"

"No." Ayano murmured.

"Are you wrong?" Zhen asked again.

"...Wrong." Ayano shook her lips and could only say.

"What's wrong?" Zhen continued to ask.


This made Ayano's eyes turn red instantly, Mikoto tried to smooth things over when she saw this, but Zhen stretched out her hand to stop her.

Ayano bowed her head there, and after a long while she uttered a sentence: "I... shouldn't make trouble for no reason."

Only then did Zhen say: "It's fine if you know you've made a mistake, go and pack your things."

Ayano was stunned when she heard the words, raised her head, and looked at Zhen with doubts in her eyes that were originally filled with tears.

Zhen said again: "If you don't want to go, forget it."

Mikoto gently pushed Ayano aside.

"Oh, no, I... didn't... go! I'm going to clean up now!"

Ayano suddenly became incoherent, stood up at a loss, then turned and went to the bedroom.

Don't worry about whether you feel wronged or not, you will be a fool if you don't go down the stairs.

Looking at her back, I felt helpless and a little funny, sat on the sofa, and waved to Mikoto and Kushina.

Mikoto was leaning in Zhenzhen's arms very tenderly and obediently, and Kushina was also sitting on the other side of him being hugged by him.

"Okay, the family will trouble you these two days, if you have anything to do, just go to the clan to order."

"Understood." The two replied at the same time.

"I'll take you out next time."

"Hmm." The two women responded sensiblely again.

Who is sincere and who is false, of course the truth can be heard, but this kind of thing doesn't matter at all to the truth.

He is not the vulgar villain in the TV series who will go crazy with jealousy and hatred because he can't get a woman's sincerity.

It's enough to get your person, there are really ten thousand ways to make her smile and cater to herself, and I really don't bother to care about what she thinks.

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