Rated Hokage

310 Chapter 309, Snow Country Honeymoon

The Iron Country, a small neutral country, a country full of warriors without ninja weapons.

Similar to the Land of Wind and the Land of Rain, it is a country with very obvious seasonal characteristics. Because it is located in the extreme north of the world map, it is covered with heavy snow all year round and has a severe cold and harsh climate, but it has also given birth to a relatively unique culture.

Outside the royal city, the sky was still covered with snow, the ground was covered with a layer of silver, and a giant figure nearly 100 meters high stood outside an obelisk.

It's hard to see in this dark and snowy weather.

There is a special heating method in the obelisk, which is much warmer. It has been a day since the Five Kage talks, but there is still no Hokage showing up.

Tsuchikage Ohnoki of the third generation, Suigetsu Kudachi Yakura of the fourth generation, Raikage Kirabi of the fifth generation, Kazekage Hakura of the fifth generation, the four shadows from the village had arrived here two days ago with two guards each.

On Konoha's side, there is also a person, one of the Seven Crown Guards, Hinata Fire Gate.

Hokage didn't show up, and the Five Kages meeting couldn't be held. Fortunately, the giant standing outside the obelisk made everyone very patient.

"Mr. Huomen, may I ask when His Royal Highness Hokage will arrive?" Goju Yakura came to ask again, facing a person who was a guard, his posture was very low.

"Master Hokage will naturally arrive when he should arrive." Huomen just responded calmly.

A young Onoki can only endure such a junior. The reason why they are able to come here is naturally because they were "visited" by the Cruel Justice.

After living for most of his life, he can be regarded as an old senior in the ninja world. He has never seen such a tyrannical and terrifying power. Even Konoha's Ninja God and Uchiha Madara were never as terrifying as that giant.

Onogi thinks that he has never underestimated the Fifth Hokage, whom he has never met before, and he has managed to find out some of Konoha's secrets. To be the last laugher, no matter how young you are, can't be a simple role.

Moreover, the country of fire will soon become a country of ninjas, and Ohnoki even admires the young Hokage's skills in his heart.

Konoha never seems to lack such outstanding people, and now he has once again shown the power to overwhelm the ninja world just like the God of Ninjas back then. It's more than ten years old.

"Your Highness Hokage is really tantalizing." Godaime Kazekage Hakura said with a smile.

"Master Fengying, please wait for a while." Huomen said with a slight bow to Ye Cang.

Sand Yin is an ally of Konoha, and Huomen still retains a respect for him. Sand Yin is also the only village that has not been "visited" by the Cruel Justice.

However, when Ye Cang came to this obelisk, he was still shocked by the body of the Brutal Justice, and looked at the few shadows who honestly came to participate in the talks, and faced a Hokage guard who had no temper at all.

She can already foresee that the structure of the ninja world should undergo an earth-shaking change.

The good news is that Sand Yin and Konoha have always had a close relationship. After the Fire Nation's rebellion, the Wind Nation generously gave a lot of assistance when the people were hit by disasters.

This should ensure that the situation of Yinsha Village will not be as embarrassing as the other three villages in the future.

The fist is not as hard as others, so he can only bow his head, Ye Cang looks very openly, and the other three shadows should be most anxious now.

The Five Kages meeting was held by Hokage, and Hokage is currently playing in the Iron King City with his two beautiful wives.

The exotic style makes people feel novel, and the two sisters, Ayari and Ayano, are also very happy. They are both mothers, but they still drag Zhen around the streets like a girl.

This is a rare opportunity. Since the two and Zhen were together, they have never played so recklessly. Zhen can see that the two are very happy. The original plan was to play for two days now, and then go to the five shadows meeting by the way, and then continue To accompany them to play.

Let those shadows wait for now, and wait until Ayari and Ayano have enjoyed themselves.

The three of them found a hot spring hotel when they first arrived in Wangcheng, and really paid for the entire hotel.

After putting the luggage into the room, Aya suddenly realized something.

"How... how do you sleep at night?"

"Sleep together." Zhen said casually.

Ayari bit her lip lightly, her eyes flickering non-stop.

This bad guy...

Ayano also pretended not to care about it, and simply packed her things on her own.

Ayari knew exactly what she was thinking.

Before Kushina and Miqin didn't live in, the bastard hinted more than once if she could have a big quilt.

Lingli has always adhered to the bottom line, and sternly refused, and every time Zhen mentioned it, she would have a cold face, as if she would turn her face immediately if she said one more sentence.

Really can only let it go.

And after Mikoto and Kushina moved in, Zhen shifted this thought away from her, and it had already been implemented on Mikoto and Kushina.

Once, Ayano complained to her that during that time, Zhen ran to Mikoto and Kushina's room every day, and she ignored the two sisters.

Ayano also hinted to her whether their sisters could do the same, in order to gain true favor.

At that time, Lingli was very angry, and she had a fight with her own sister, which affected Zhen, and she didn't talk to Zhen for two days. After that day, Zhen also restrained herself a lot, and tried her best to sleep at night. All dipped.

Before today, I was definitely afraid to mention sleeping together.

And Lingli would definitely not agree, but thinking about it carefully, he was really thinking about himself when he came out this time, which made Lingli very moved and happy.

And Ayano brought her out by herself...

Or this time...

Lingli looked at Zhen Mingming pretending to be nonchalant, and kept peeking at her, so she immediately glared at him.

"Then ask the boss for another bed, and each sleeps in his own bed."

Zhen heard the words and laughed: "Okay, each sleeps separately, are you still worried about what I will do?"

Ayari looked away and let out a "hum".

"It's useless for you to think about it. Anyway, I'm inconvenient for these two days."

I was a little dumbfounded for a moment.

Lingli couldn't help raising the corners of her mouth when she saw him slumped, and turned around to pack her things too.

At this moment, Ayano suddenly leaned over and said in a low voice, "Ayana left two days ago... Mine won't come until a week later."

However, when Ayano heard this, she became furious instantly, shouting and rushing towards Ayano, and Ayano ran away laughing.

Seeing the two women chasing and fighting in the room, Zhen couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and suddenly regretted why he didn't bring Mikoto and Kushina, it would be better if he brought Tsunade and Nonou Yes, and Samuel and the others.


Is it a bit greedy?

Don't worry, there is a long way to go! There is a long way to go!

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