Rated Hokage

311 Chapter 310


I was really woken up by Ayari's action of putting on clothes. The hotel room was very warm, and the curtains were drawn. It was a rare sunny day outside, and warm light shone in.

Ayano, who was lying on Zhen's other side, curled up in Zhen's arms, leaning sideways and hugging him tightly.

"It's morning, it's time to get up."

Ayari had already put on her clothes, and said when she saw Zhenzhen opened her eyes.

Just like Ayari, she was reluctant to get up, and lazily said: "Sleep a little longer, I went to bed too late last night."

Lingli pursed her lips and muttered: "I know, who made you mess around."

Thinking of the absurdity of last night, she couldn't help but turn a little rosy, and seeing her sister still sleeping with her arms around her, she felt a little unreal in her heart.

Ayano's appearance on weekdays is completely different from her posture at night. Ayari feels that she is already good enough in this aspect, but she did not expect that the contrast between Ayano is even greater.

The two people in the bed embraced each other and went back to sleep, Lingli stretched out her foot and kicked Zhen through the quilt, but there was no response from the other party, so she pursed her lips and left to wash up.

In the past half an hour or so, Lingli finished washing, looked at the two people who were still sleeping late, knelt down and directly put her extremely wet and cold hands into the cup.



The men and women in the quilt exclaimed at the same time, like two frightened domestic cats, kicking the quilt crazily there, trying to expel those extremely cold hands out of their own happiness.


Ayari laughed triumphantly there.


"Are you crazy!"

Looking at the angry two, Ayari smiled very happily.

"You deserve it, who made you stay in bed, what time is it?"

Grinning his teeth in anger, he stretched out his hand and dragged Ayari onto the tatami, pressing on her back to take off her pants.

"Ah—what are you doing?!" Ling Li screamed, her face flushed instantly, and she quickly grabbed her clothes with her hands.

Despite what happened yesterday, she still felt uncomfortable in front of her sister.

"Yyano, hold her down for me." Makoto said directly to Ayano beside him.


Ayano came out of the bed, regardless of the cold on her body, obediently pressed Ayari's hands and feet tightly.

"Let go! Let go!"


"Ah! Makoto Hinata! I can't stop talking to you!"


"Hyuga Ayano, I'm going to be angry if I don't let go! I really turned my face!"



It was another toss in the morning, and the sun was already high when I came out fully dressed, but the temperature was still cold, and the snow on the roof had not melted, and the hotel staff were cleaning the snow in the yard.

Lingli and Yanao also followed Zhenzhen in brocade fur cloaks, but Lingli was a little awkward when walking, and from time to time secretly rubbed her own buttocks in the cloak with one hand, seeing that Yanao was laughing at herself, she ruthlessly stared at her hard.

The street in the morning was not as lively as in the evening, and there were not too many pedestrians. The three of them went back and forth between the shops, choosing gifts for Kushina, Mikoto, Natsu and the children at home.

The two women were there to choose carefully, most of which were gifts for women. I really didn't bother to intervene, just wandering along.

When stopping in front of a paving shop, Lingli looked at Zhen aimlessly, and suddenly asked with a smile: "Why, don't you want to pick a gift for your little secretary?"

Zhen heard the words and couldn't help raising his eyebrows slightly, and said: "That's right, then I'll buy one for Samyi too."

At this moment, Lingli was very angry, thinking that you really dare to say that, she raised her foot and stomped on the real foot in secret annoyance.


The real body is extremely strong, and in fact it doesn't hurt at all, but he still pretends to have a gasped expression.

"Don't buy it!" Ling Li warned viciously.

"Didn't you ask me to buy it?" Zhen asked innocently.

"I won't allow you to buy it now!"

Zhen sighed softly: "That's fine, listen to you."

Lingli grinned at Zhenzhen again and gave a warning, and this little girl-like attitude made her smile secretly.

The two women picked things up there again, and they would only give some advice when they stood aside and were asked.

Suddenly, he was attracted by a gadget.

It's not a rare item, just a small wind chime, the size of a thumb, thrown casually among the items.

Zhen reached out to pick it up, pinched one end of it and shook it slightly.


The sound is very crisp.

Seeing this, Lingli immediately asked: "What do you want to buy, did you bring it to your little secretary?"

I really had no choice but to spread it in the palm of my hand: "Do you think it's appropriate to give women such things?"

Lingli saw that it was just a small wind chime, so she put down her vigilance. This little thing is not bad for a child.

"Ningci and the others shouldn't like it, right?"

"It's not for children, I think it's fun." Zhen said.

Ling Li gave him a blank look: "How old are you, you like such childish things."

Really just laugh without saying a word.

This thing is naturally childish in the hands of a child, but in the hands of an adult... it should be said that in the hands of the real, many interesting (perverted) ways to play have already emerged in his mind. # Obelisk outside the royal city.

In Fengying's lounge, Ye Cang is drinking hot tea, looking at the vast snow field outside the window.

"Master Fengying, the people from Wuyin Village went to ask again just now." The guard who came in said.

"Haven't come yet?" Ye Cang just said calmly.

"Yes... this Hokage-sama, what on earth is he paying attention to, isn't he holding the Five Kages meeting?"

Ye Cang chuckled: "If this Hokage's mind could be guessed, it wouldn't be like this now."

The guard seemed hesitant to speak.

"What's wrong?" Ye Cang asked.

"I'm a little worried..."

"worry about what?"

"Master Kazekage, the shadows of the four villages are here now, what if Konoha takes this opportunity...to do something?"

Ye Cang's expression was like this when he heard the words, staring at the vastness outside the window, his eyes flickered.

She said slowly: "Even if we're not here, we can't stop Konoha from doing what he wants to do. What can we, Shayin Village, do to the power that makes the other three villages feel afraid?"

The giant outside the obelisk made her think about many things in the past two days.

Hokage's absence for so long may not just be stepping down the status of the other three kages, her Kazekage may not be very special in Hokage's eyes.

Otherwise, why didn't Hokage communicate with her in advance before the five shadow talks.

At this moment, there was a sudden knock on the door, and the guard stepped forward to open the door.

"Kazekage-sama, Hokage-sama invites you to the five-kage meeting."

Ye Cang's hand holding the teacup trembled imperceptibly, put it on the table, and stood up calmly.

"Has His Royal Highness Hokage arrived?"

"Already in the main hall."

A warm smile appeared on Ye Cang's face.

"It really makes people wait."

py book, the author claims that this book is also known as "Sunshine Qin Shi"

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