Rated Hokage

312 Chapter 311, Declaration of Peace

The main hall of the Five Kages Conference.

On the huge U-shaped conference table, Five Kages sat facing each other, Hokage was in the center, and there was a separate place opposite Hokage, where General Mifune of the Iron Kingdom sat, representing the person in charge and supervisor of the meeting.

The lights were focused on the meeting table, reflecting everyone's faces clearly. On the table was a bamboo hat representing Ying's identity.

No one spoke first, or everyone was waiting for the man in the middle to speak.

Mifune cleared his throat at this time, and said, "Thank you for being invited by Hokage to participate in the Five Kage Talks. I am Mifune, the person in charge of the meeting. Now the Five Kage Talks officially begins."

Each shadow brought two guards, who were selected elites from their own villages. They were all standing on the second floor of the obelisk, always alert to the situation off the field, and ready to rush down to protect their shadows at any time.

Zhenzhen glanced over the four shadows of Feng, Lei, Water, and Earth, and said with a smile: "Most of them are unfamiliar faces."

Ye Cang answered with a chuckle at this moment: "If you want to talk about a new face, it should be you, His Highness Hokage."

Zhen suddenly said: "You are right, compared with you, I am just a junior."

Onoki, Kirabi, and Kutachi Yakura all stared at him, all with solemn expressions.

These three villages and Konoha were enemies a few years ago.

Yanyin Village almost completely defeated Konoha, the two sides fought bloody for a long time, resulting in countless casualties.

Kirabi and Konoha have a feud against Konoha, and the two-tailed Jinchuriki is captured by Konoha.

All the previous generation of Ninja Swordsmen in Wuyin Village were killed by Golden Flash, and they spent a lot of money to buy back the Seven Ninja Swords, and their own Sanwei also fell into the hands of Konoha.

Regardless of their standpoint, they all hated Konoha in their hearts, but at this moment they could only sit here obediently, watching the young Hokage's face.

The arrogant thing that defeated them stood outside the obelisk at this moment.

"However, I am very impressed with the names of all of you." Zhen said with a warm smile.

"Why don't I introduce myself first, next Hinata is now Konoha's Fifth Hokage."

"Inviting all the ninja world seniors here, I hope to reach a consensus with you on the matter of peace in the ninja world."

Peace... what is peace?

The four kages present knew very well in their hearts that the peace Hokage spoke of probably meant "unification".

From the great changes that have taken place in the Kingdom of Fire, it can be seen that his ambition is not limited to a country or a famous name, but now he has extended his claws to them, and he has come with a force that they cannot resist!

"Hokage Highness Hokage's reputation has long been heard." Goju Yakura spoke first between Ohnoki and Kirabi.

"I, Kirigakure, have always hoped to establish a friendly relationship with Konoha, but it is a pity that there has been no better opportunity."

"Excuse me, Hokage, what do you mean by peace?" Ohnoki asked directly. He saw that this kind of hypocritical politeness was useless to the other party. The other party must be a person who only sees actual interests.

At this moment, Zhen suddenly let out a long sigh: "I am a person who hates war very much."

Everyone: "..."

Didn't you instruct me to "visit" the mech giant's visit to their village a few days ago?

But this kind of thought can only be thought about in the heart, and the faces of the four shadows are all calm, with a look of listening carefully.

"The war between humans has been going on for thousands of years, and it has never stopped."

"The reason... um... this..."

As he was really talking, he suddenly lowered his head and muttered, as if he hadn't thought about his lines.

Everyone was speechless.

"There is no need to investigate the reason." Zhen suddenly said again.

"Everyone present here is considered to be at the top of the world. They all have the power to change the world. I think that as long as we join hands to negotiate peace and build a harmonious and beautiful family, then the war can be completely stopped!"

Hand in hand to talk and... big family...

This Hokage looked very out of tune, and what he said sounded extremely innocent and ridiculous, like a child playing house.

Ye Cang stared at the gentle smile on Zhen's face, and he was sure that the other party was faking it.

It's humiliating them, but also irritating them.

Onogi's thin body looked out of place sitting on the tall chair, his hands were on his legs and his veins were clenched.

Zhen smiled and asked: "Everyone, what do you think of my idea?"

Seeing that no one answered, Zhen clapped his hands suddenly again and said: "By the way, you should have seen the giant outside before you came."

Everyone was instantly refreshed.

Zhen smiled and said, "It's called the Cruel Justice, isn't that a good name?"

Brutal... Justice...

The three shadows of Shui, Tu, and Lei all thought of the Daming Mansion in their own country that had been bombarded to nothing, and their hearts sank instantly.

There was a dead silence in the main hall, and this silence lasted for a full minute.

It was Kazekage Hakura who spoke first.

"Your Highness Hokage...can you elaborate on your plan?"

Zhen grinned and said: "It seems that His Highness Fengying knows the current affairs the most. I appreciate that."

Ye Cang just laughed dryly at this.

Zhen glanced at the little old man sitting beside him.

"Senior Tuying, what do you think?"

Seeing that the other party asked him about himself, Onogi's eyes froze instantly.

"Dare to ask Hokage, after establishing the 'big family' you mentioned, how will the five major countries and the five major ninja villages deal with themselves in the future?"

Shin put one hand on the table, propped his chin and said slowly: "In the future there will be only one country, an empire of thousands or ten thousand years, all the countries in the world will be included in the empire, and all people will be governed by the Empire."

As he spoke, he paused for a moment: "As for the five great nations, don't you all think that the five great nations are the source of the war? The five great nations divide and divide people. This is what the empire wants to eliminate."

He glanced over the crowd present.

"So, I hope that you can make a contribution to the peace of the world. This is a rare opportunity."

After speaking the truth, the scene fell into dead silence again.

This Hokage has made no secret of his ambitions, and just as they expected at the beginning, this Hokage wants to unify the ninja world... no, he wants to rule the entire world!


At this moment, an untimely laughter suddenly sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and found that it was from Onoki.

"Young people's thoughts are really surprising."

Zhen's expression was as usual, and he looked at the thin old man. Although this man looked funny, he was the strongest among the four shadows present besides him.

Onoki asked him: "Hokage, don't you think there will be no wars after reunification?"

"Oh, why not?" Shinya said.

"The disputes between people stem from the differences between people. Some people are born rich, some people are born poor, some people are born strong, and some people are born weak... These differences will always exist, and there will be conflicts if there are differences, and conflicts will catalyze Out of war, Hokage, I can tell you a way to truly eliminate war."

Onoki said calmly, his eyes fixed on Zhen.

"That is to destroy human beings!"

Tsuchikage's speech was even more sensational than what Zhizhen said.

Zhen Wenyan just raised the corners of his mouth, put away his arms resting on the table, and leaned casually on the chair instead.

What a shitty peace declaration.

What shitty human differences.

All he wants is unity, all he wants is to stand at the top.

The smile on Zhen's face grew wider and wider, watching Onoki speak slowly.

"So you neither want peace nor die?"

Ask for a ticket

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