Rated Hokage

313 Chapter 312, The Scary Hokage

To be honest, the atmosphere on the scene dropped to freezing point. The guards on the second floor were all sweaty, and any trouble would make them rush to Zi Jiaying's side immediately.

Facing Hokage's threatening words, Ohnoki did not show timidity, but a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Young man, no matter how powerful you are, you must know how to use it."

As soon as he finished speaking, the headlight above the main hall shattered with a "snap", the light beam shining on the conference table suddenly disappeared, and countless glass shards fell from above.

Swish Swish Swish!

This also alarmed the guards stretching out from the second floor, and rushed down one after another in an instant, and the one who moved faster than them was Onoki who flew up.

He hovered in mid-air, and his hands in the seal turned into an afterimage. At the same time, he completed the seal at the same time as a guard of rock ninja who fell from a high place.

"Magic · Immovable Light Gallery!"

"Dust Escape: The Art of Stripping the Original Realm!"

The illusion and dust escape were launched almost at the same time, and the target was Hokage sitting at the head of the conference table!

Dust escape is a blood successor elimination (blood successor expansion) that combines the three attributes of wind, earth, and fire at the same time. It can directly decompose the target into an atomic state and wipe it out!

This is an advanced secret technique that is even more difficult to master than Xuetsuji Kaikai. Judging from the performance in the original book, the destructive power of this technique is terrifying, and even Uchiha Madara's Susano can't resist it.

As for the illusion of Tuying Guard, it's good to make him really trance for a moment, and Onoki can completely disappear in this world in just this moment.

Before he came, he was ready to turn the table and turn his face. Hokage's ambition can be guessed without thinking carefully. It is probably to let them surrender voluntarily and rule the ninja world from then on.

How could Ohnoki agree to this ridiculous request? Even if the other party showed overwhelming strength, should he be asked to unconditionally offer everything he has managed all his life?

Just kill Hokage here!

As long as Hokage is killed, Onogi does not believe that the other three Kages will willingly stand beside a person who is trying to unify the ninja world.

The idea is beautiful, yes, sitting in the same position and watching the light of Chen Dun form, it will engulf him in an instant, but he didn't lift a finger, a pitch-black ball appeared out of thin air in front of him, and it instantly turned into a ball. A black barrier blocked the dust escape.

Dust Dun, which was supposed to annihilate everything, collided with the pitch-black barrier without even agitating, as if Chakra was swallowed up by the black barrier, and the light of Dust Dune disappeared bit by bit.


Onoki's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes.

Someone blocked his dust escape? !

How can this be!

Sitting there with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, he said, "Tu Ying, I admire your courage."


Two screams suddenly sounded from behind Ohnoki, but the guards he brought were all dealt with by Huomen.

Zhen didn't immediately deal with Onoki floating in mid-air, but swept his eyes over the other three shadows.

"Before that, I would like to ask, is there anyone else who thinks the same as Tsuchikage?"

No one spoke, and the main hall was dead silent.

The guards stood in front of their own shadow, and the three shadows of Feng, Lei, and Shui didn't seem to want to take action in the face of their dispute.

"It seems that everyone agrees with my proposal just now."

Zhen smiled and said, then lightly raised his right hand.


Onoki, who was originally floating in the air, fell heavily, directly smashing the conference table into a deep hole. In addition, everyone in the main hall heard a "crack" sound of broken bones.

Those who were close noticed that Tu Ying's deeply sunken conference table began to drip blood continuously, but there was no movement inside.

Sokage...is he dead?

Just such a move, an unbelievable move, this person is Tsuchikage, the famous two-day scale Onogi in the ninja world!

Someone couldn't help but swallowed his saliva. At this moment, he finally realized the seriousness of his gaffe and how terrifying this Hokage was!

There were rumors outside that he could move mountains and reclaim seas and destroy heaven and earth, but few believed it. Now it seems that these rumors are not groundless.

"Kazekage." Zhen directly called out his name at this time.

Ye Cang's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and he almost lost his composure.

"Hi... Your Highness Hokage."

Zhen stared at her, his gaze was as deep as a pond, and this gaze made Ye Cang even more flustered.

"Now, would you like to join the Empire?"

Ye Cang broke out in cold sweat. She knew that her answer would not only determine her fate in the next moment, but also the fate of the entire Shayin Village. At this moment, she felt that she had come to the edge of an abyss, and if she was not careful, she would be doomed.

But she didn't have much time to think about it, and within a second of time, she could feel the colder eyes on her body.


There was a smile on the corner of Zhen's mouth, and his eyes looked at Yakura and Kirabi with incomprehensible meaning.

"You two, do you think the same as Fukage, or do you think the same as Tukage?"


This is the scene of the Five Kages meeting, but at this moment, Raikage and Mizukage are like prisoners undergoing trial.

The Hokage sitting there prevented everyone from feeling any pressure from Chakra, and even when the opponent made a move just now, they never felt any chakra fluctuations.

But the more this is the case, the more terrifying it is! The power of each other is no longer in the same dimension.

"I am willing to assist His Highness Hokage."

In the end, Kutachi Yakura spoke.

"Kigakure is willing to assist His Highness Hokage to build a... peaceful world."

After Mizukage finished his speech, Raikage didn't have a head. Even though Konoha had a blood feud with him, behind him was the entire Yunyin Village.

Zhen Hearing this, he burst out laughing and got up from his seat.

"I am very pleased that you all have such awareness."

As he spoke, he glanced at the pothole on the conference table that Tu Ying had sunk into.

"It's a pity, Tuying, you are so stubborn, Huomen."

Hearing the sound, Huomen immediately appeared beside Zhenzhen, bowing down and waiting.

"Yanyin Village seems to have to spend some effort. If they are willing to surrender, let them live again."


The conversation between the two made everyone present terrified, and it was exactly as they thought. Now Yanyin Village will have to pay the price for what Ohnoki did just now.

It is conceivable that if they reject the truth, the end will not be much better.

After the fire gate left for a moment, everyone suddenly heard a loud bang, and the entire obelisk trembled, and then the figure of the giant outside the window could be seen rushing towards the sky and disappearing.

Zhen smiled and said warmly: "This five-kage meeting went much smoother than I expected. I thought you all had some opinions."

Ye Cang responded stiffly with a smile: "His Highness Hokage is also out of righteousness... We are naturally willing to support things that are beneficial to the entire ninja world."

Goji Yakura also quickly agreed.

A few people didn't even know what to say about the politeness and flattery, so they could only smile awkwardly.

"Since that's the case, the talks will end here first. You also need to go back and explain the situation to the people in your own village. I hope to see you in Konoha a week later."

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