Rated Hokage

Chapter 317 316, Ling Li: Xia is an adult

After everything is on the right track, I suddenly feel that life is a little boring.

It seems that there is no one in this world who can oppose him. Heijue is locked up by him, Uchiha Madara is definitely dead, Obito is still a hard-working Konoha ninja, and Nagato treats him honestly after losing his reincarnation eyes. Hidden in the rain.

There is only one Orochimaru left, but now that he has Tenseikan and the Cruel Justice, no one is afraid.

The only remaining threat is the Otsutsuki clan outside the sky, but that is decades away.

For Zhen Zhen now, it feels like he has cleared a game, but in reality, it is impossible for him to really be a game, and he can't open the second week.

"His Majesty the Emperor."

Samyi held a stack of documents in her arms, looked at Zhen who was playing with the children, and stood aside waiting for the other party's response.

This is in Hokage Mansion. The original Hokage building was demolished, and it was really planned to build a real palace. For this reason, the houses of nearby residents were confiscated and they were arranged to move to the new city.

The arduous task of building the imperial palace was naturally handed over to Uchiha Obito, who was deeply "trusted" by Zhenzhen.

Without the Hokage building, Zhen moved the office back to his home, and Samuyi, as his secretary, also followed.

"What's up?"

"It's all sent up from below and needs to be decided by you."

Zhen took these documents casually and glanced at them, his brows furrowed in an instant, and he didn't get angry considering that the child was by his side.

"It's all trivial matters. Didn't you tell them to make their own decisions in the future?"

Zhen has already delegated power, and has placed some people who he thinks are okay in various positions, but they are not good at government affairs because they are born as ninjas, and they often report everything.

Waving to Samuy to send all these documents back the same way, I couldn't help but take a deep breath.

He felt that he needed a group of political talents to help him govern the country.

But talent is not something you want. After thinking about it, I still feel that we need to start with education.

Just as the real god was flying outside, Hinata suddenly rode on him, laughed and said, "Father, let me fly quickly, don't let Naruto and Sasuke catch me."

Hearing this, Zhen laughed and let Hinata's body float into the air, watching the play among the three of them.

"Dad, I want to fly too!"

"I also want!"

Ningci has already entered school, and there are also Sheren and Chonggo who accompany him to enter the school. The three have always been inseparable friends.

And the education aspect that Zhen just thought about is precisely planning to carry out an education reform.

After this idea appeared, Zhen took the time to draft a preliminary plan.

The cultivation of ninjas must continue, but it must be firmly controlled by the empire. The original five major ninja villages are slowly disintegrating. Ninja educational institutions need to be rebuilt, but not too many. There can only be one in each province, and the scale must be larger than the original five major ninjas. The respective schools in the villages are bigger, and every year the top students among the graduates are sent to Konoha for screening and assessment, and then they are hired to become a royal ninja who can serve the empire.

The remaining ninja graduates can be selected locally by the province's high-level executives, or become registered ninjas of the ninja union to earn a living by accepting tasks.

In addition to ninja education, there is also political education. This does not need to be universal. It is enough to set up a special educational institution in Konoha, and the enrollment will not be open to the public. The source of students will be strict on their origin Those who are screened can be civilians, but more should be family children.

In addition, Zhen also plans to set up a place dedicated to cultivating scientific and technological talents to continuously provide talents for the two research institutes.

In the study room, Samyi looked at the manuscript that Zhen had drafted, and exclaimed: "Your Majesty, your ideas always make people feel inferior."

Zhen Shi smiled and said: "This flattery is too fake, can I not understand what I wrote?"

Samui still gave a few words of compliment.

At this time, Lingli suddenly came over with tea, and said with a smile: "What are you talking about, so happy?"

Samuel immediately bowed and saluted: "Your Highness the Queen."

Zhen shrugged and said, "Just talking about business."

Ling Li raised her eyebrows and said, "It turns out that things at work can make you so happy."

Hearing the ambiguity in her words, Zhen waved her hand to signal Samyi to back down. Before leaving, Samyi also took away Zhen's manuscript, saying that after taking it down, someone would give a detailed plan before showing it to Zhen.

After Samyi left, Lingli said with a half-smile: "It seems that we are really talking about work?"

"Otherwise." Zhen directly reached out and took her into his arms, patted her buttocks and said.

"What are you thinking about?"

"It's not that I'm just thinking about it." Lingli said, using her mouth to indicate the direction of Samuel's departure.

"Who made your secretary so beautiful."

"Then I can't find an ugly monster to keep by my side, how bad it is."

"You can find a man."

"Men...cough, there is no suitable one...really not."

Lingli looked at Zhen with a smile, and suddenly stretched out her hand to pinch the soft flesh around his waist.

"Hiss—don't pinch! It hurts!" Zhen hurriedly begged for mercy.

"I'm wronged, I was really just talking about work just now!"

Ling Li snorted: "Even if you were talking about work just now, you must have done something shameful at other times."

Zhen muttered: "What is shameful, why do you say it so ugly."

"Do you dare to deny it?"

"...Cough, let's not talk about this anymore. I just happen to be fine now, why don't I take you to see the progress of the palace's construction."

Ling Li pressed him on the chair, and pulled another chair to sit opposite him.

"Don't worry, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Zhen casually took a sip of the tea sent by Lingli.

However, Ayari suddenly stopped talking there, which made it a little strange.

"What's wrong?"

"It's...it's about Xia."


Hyuga Xia.

I really thought about it suddenly, by the way, I haven't seen her in the past two days.

Since Ning Ci was born, Xia has been acting as a nanny for a child in his family. Although she is a servant, everyone gets along very well, and the children like her very much. It can be said that Xia is already a member of the family. members.

After Neji entered school, Xia didn't come here very often, and Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata also had their own mothers to take care of them.

"What's wrong with Xia?" Zhen asked after thinking about it.

Lingli looked at him quietly: "Do you know that Xia has already grown up?"

Zhen was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly realized what she meant, and became embarrassed.

"Yes... Really, time flies so fast. I still remember the time I met Xia Gang, and you introduced her to me."

At the beginning, Lingli wanted to match them up, but at that time, Lingli never thought that she would fall into the hands of a boy who was so many years younger than herself.

Lingli continued: "Girls like Xia's age have already made a marriage contract in our clan... Do you have any ideas?"

This made it really difficult to answer, he didn't know whether Lingli was asking him if he had any thoughts about Xia, or if he had any thoughts about Xia's marriage.

If he said the wrong thing, he might be beaten and kicked by Lingli again.

I can only respond with a dry smile: "This... I haven't considered it yet."

Ling Li looked at him with a resentful expression: "You really haven't thought about it?"


Suddenly, Ayari stood up from her seat.

"Okay, it's over."

I really watched her leave with some puzzlement, and Lingli didn't speak clearly, he was afraid that he would make Lingli suspicious and angry after asking more questions.

Xia... has grown up.

Sitting on the armchair, still rubbing the teacup in his hand, Zhen suddenly became emotional.

Has it been so many years?

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