Rated Hokage

Chapter 318 Chapter 317, Xia on Lingli's bed

Near noon, when Chuncha came back from grocery shopping, she saw her sister lying on the sofa reading a book.

Xia is getting more and more beautiful, with brown-green shoulder-length short hair, a sweet and peaceful appearance, and two long, thin, white legs that keep dangling there.

"I'm back."

"Welcome back." Xia replied without raising his face, his gaze always on the page.

"You've been busy recently." Chun Cha said.

"Ningji went to school. Naruto, Sasuke and Hinata don't need me to take care of them. There's nothing to do."

Chuncha thought for a while, put the bought vegetables in the kitchen, then came out to sit beside Xia, and snatched the book from her hand.

"What are you doing?" Xia said helplessly.

"Get up, I have something to ask you." Chun Cha said as she closed the book and put it on the side coffee table.

Xia just let out a heavy breath, and instead lay down on the sofa.

"You tell me."

Seeing her like this, Chuncha was also very helpless. After deliberating his words, he still asked, "That Hokage...I mean His Majesty the Emperor, doesn't it mean anything to you?"

"How do I know." Xia buried her face in the pillow and responded with a urn.

Chun Cha couldn't help feeling distressed: "It shouldn't be."

She clearly heard that His Majesty the Emperor is a womanizer..., and her sister is so beautiful, she flaunts in front of him every day, is it true that she is not tempted at all?

And Xia is also a little confused about her future. When she was in Zhen's house, she got along well with everyone, and sometimes Zhen would make some small jokes with her that made her blush.

But as the children grew up little by little, she suddenly felt that she was a bit redundant. When several women got together to chat, she was sensitively thinking about her identity.

What kind of identity will I become in the future?

When Zhen Zhen first became the patriarch, many people told Xia that she was likely to become the patriarch's fiancée, because at that time she was the most suitable no matter in terms of age or other aspects.

But what he never expected was that Zhen actually married Miss Lingli, who was so many years older than herself.

This made the girl's heart fluctuate.

At this moment, Chun Cha suddenly said again: "Xia... I think you need to make some plans."

Xia glanced at it: "What plan?"

Chuncha hesitated and said: "What I mean is, in case His Majesty really doesn't care about you... you might as well consider other people of the same age in the clan, such as..."

Xia Dun said irritably: "Okay, you don't want to worry about my affairs."

Chuncha immediately put on a straight face: "I'm your sister, I don't worry about anyone else, how old are you!"

Xia asked in turn: "What about you, after so many years, I haven't seen you find me a brother-in-law."

Chuncha choked for a while, and had nothing to refute, immediately laughed twice and said in a slow tone: "I'm serious, Xia, I'm also doing it for your own good."

"That... Huomen, didn't you have a good relationship when you were young, how is your relationship now? Do you still keep in touch? If you have nothing to do, you can go out together."

My sister's calculations are quite good, and if she can't get close to the emperor, she will go to Huomen.

Huomen is His Majesty's personal guard, the head of the seven crowned guards, a young hero who is in the limelight.

Xia and Huomen did have a good relationship when they were young, and there was Iroha at that time...

But since it was rumored that she was going to become a real fiancée, Huomen could avoid the risk and generally stopped contacting her actively, which made Xia feel very depressed, after all, she also regarded him as a friend.

Later, with the passage of time, the little friendship between the two when they were young also faded, and the meeting was just a nodding acquaintance.

Losing a childhood friend, Xia sometimes thinks about it is a pity, but there is no other emotion except pity.

Chun Cha was still there persuading her earnestly, saying that it would be good to choose Huomen, but if she really became His Majesty's woman, it would be troublesome if she was not favored, and she would have to fight with other women.

Hearing that, Xia was very annoyed, and laughed in his heart, the women in the real family would not be intriguing, not only would not be intriguing, but also...

Xia thought of something, and her face became a little ruddy. She didn't want to listen to her sister's chatter anymore, she got up and was about to go back to her room, when there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Xia hurriedly went to open the door, but Lingli was standing outside the door.

"Miss Ayari?"

"It happens that you are at home, I have something to tell you." Ling Li said with a smile. # evening.

When it was time to have dinner, I realized that Xia was also busy helping in the kitchen.

This is not surprising, everyone is used to Xia's existence.

It's just that Zhen remembered what Lingli said to himself today again, and looked at Xia's body from time to time, feeling a little fanciful.

When Aya found out, she just gave him a hard look.

At dinner, Xia also ate together at the table. She was very quiet the whole time and didn't talk much. What was really surprising was that Xia's eyes kept avoiding her, whether it was intentional or not.

After dinner, Zhen played with the children for a while, and Xia and Jiu Xinnai cleaned up the dishes together.

Sending the children back to the room, Makoto who was about to take a bath was suddenly stopped by Ayori at the door of the bathroom.

"What's wrong?" I really didn't understand.

"What have you been aiming at just now?" Ling Li asked.

"Is there? Who am I aiming at?" Zhen said with a guilty conscience.

"How dare you pretend to be stupid!" Ling Li directly blocked him against the wall, reaching out to pinch him.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, the child is going to sleep." Zhen said hastily.

Ling Li still looked at him angrily, and snorted coldly: "Don't think I don't know what you're worried about."

Zhenzhen smiled: "Don't worry, I won't mess around without your permission."

Lingli glared at him again: "Then you can dream!"

Zhen leaned over to kiss her, but she avoided her in disgust. After Lingli turned and left, Zhen also went into the bathroom to take a bath.

When I came out of the bathroom, there was no one in the living room, only the lights were still on.

Zhen turned off the light in the living room casually, and then entered the master bedroom.

There was no light in the master bedroom, and he froze in place when he opened the door and walked in. As far as his current vision is concerned, the night has almost no effect on him.

The man lying on the bed was covered with a quilt up to his neck, and it was tight, only one head was left outside.

Not Ayari.


Looking at the brown-green hair of the person on the bed, I couldn't help but feel my scalp tingling.

It's impossible to go to the wrong room, and Xia basically doesn't stay at home now.

Aya manages her...

I really stood at the door of the room for a long time without saying a word.

No wonder Ling Lihui suddenly came to him and talked about Xia, it turned out that it really meant this...

Thinking back on Lingli's behavior and state today, she hardly had a good look at herself, did she feel aggrieved again?

At this moment, I couldn't tell what it was like in my heart.

Seeing that there was no movement, the person on the bed moved, turned over, and looked at her with a pair of eyes open in the dark.

Seeing this, the corners of his mouth lightly raised, and he walked over.

"Really..." She called out Zhen's name softly, showing a bit of timidity.

He just caressed her cheek affectionately.

"Don't be afraid, let's be a real family."

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