Rated Hokage

Chapter 319 318 Yahiko's Perspective

the next day.

Xia woke up a little late and didn't set the alarm clock. When she opened her eyes, she found that the sky outside the window was already bright.

She was the only one left on the bed, and she looked at the time and found that it was past eight o'clock.

When she walked out of the master bedroom, she found that everyone was there, which made her feel a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Sister Xia, you are so lazy!" Naruto ran over to laugh at her.

Lingli walked over and patted Naruto on the head: "Don't yell."

Then he said to Xia: "Go wash up first, I left you breakfast."


Xia glanced at everyone in the family again, and looked at her with a smile on the corner of her mouth, which made her even more embarrassed.

Obviously, she is very familiar with everyone, but her identity has changed since today, which makes her a little at a loss.

While she was washing in the bathroom, Ayori suddenly came in again.

"How was he treating you last night?"

"Huh?" Xia Wenyan couldn't help being a little dazed.

Ayari leaned on the door frame to watch her.

"Ah, what? How did he treat you last night? Did he torment you for getting up so late?"

Xia's face turned red instantly, and he hesitated for a while before saying: "He... is very gentle."

After all, it was the first time, and she didn't know what Zhen was like, but in her opinion, Zhen was very gentle to her last night, and it made her feel very good.

Lingli continued: "Everyone knows about this, there is nothing to be ashamed of, as long as we get along as before, the child's name will let them change slowly."

"En." Xia still lowered his head and responded in a low voice.

"Let's stay here in the future, but you don't need to rush to move to salute, the palace is almost finished, and everyone will have to move there by then."

"I see."

Seeing Xia's well-behaved and sensible appearance, Lingli suddenly couldn't help asking.

"I chose him, do you regret it?"

Xia didn't expect the other party to ask such a question, and he was puzzled.

"He doesn't belong to you... Even, you don't even have one-fifth, and you won't have his company for many nights in the future."


Xia was silent for a while, then slowly shook his head.

"I don't regret it, Ayari-san."

Ling Li's eyes flickered: "Hurry up and wash up and come out for breakfast."


Xia suddenly remembered what her sister had said to her. Before yesterday, she could indeed choose another man, a man who belonged to her wholeheartedly.

But so what, such a person can't even compare to a thousandth of the real one.

She walked out of the bathroom and looked at Zhenzhen lying on the sofa with Kushina's legs on her head and reading magazines leisurely. Naruto and Sasuke ran out to play again. Hinata trotted over and tugged at her clothes with her small hands.

"Mom just told me that I will call you Mama Xia from now on."

Xia lost his mind for a moment, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Ah... that's right."

Xiao Hinata asked again: "Mother Xia, can you stop being so fierce in the future?"

Xia couldn't help laughing a little: "If you are obedient, I won't kill you."

On weekdays, she is the person the children fear most at home, except for Lingli. She has beaten and scolded all the four children in the family.

The family is quite harmonious in terms of children's education, and when Xia starts to fight, the child's biological mother will definitely not stop her.

Of course, Xia will not do it for no reason. Every time, the children are too naughty.

In the morning, I really went to see the palace under construction. Obito was already very used to this kind of work, discussing something with a group of craftsmen in the crowd.

Seeing that he really came, everyone saluted him one after another.

"His Majesty the Emperor."

"I'll see how the construction is going."

Really looking around, there is soil, the progress of the construction is very fast, and it is expected to be completed in less than a month.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, everything will be fine with me." Obito patted his chest and said.

"Of course I believe you." Zhen also smiled lightly and patted him on the shoulder.

The overall planning sketch of the palace is also a sample given by Zhen. It was built according to his wishes, and the progress is already halfway there, and many pavilions have been erected not far away.

After encouraging Obito and a group of craftsmen, he really left there.

Having nothing to do, Zhen began to hang out in Konoha, shuttling back and forth in several streets in the new city.

It is still early, and there are not many pedestrians on the street. I really walked in this modern street market, imagining that after a hundred years, maybe the civilization of this world will have a qualitative leap.

After shopping around for a while, I went to the ninja school again, and found Neji's class, but there was no one there, and I checked and found that it was on the playground.

Ningci, Sheren, and Chongwu got together and sat under the tree to enjoy the shade.

The other children were playing games and playing around together, but the three of them seemed like three little old men, no one took the initiative to speak, and just sat there.

Some people wanted to get closer, but Ning Ci's attitude was very flat, and children would not be so stubborn, and left after touching their noses.

It's really funny to observe in the dark, thinking why Ning Ci didn't see him so cold when he was at home.

After looking at his son for a while, he really planned to talk to Nonaiyu about his life, when someone suddenly appeared behind him.

"Is there a problem?"

The person who came was Huomen, who bowed behind Zhenzhen and said, "Is His Majesty the Emperor here to see His Highness Ning Ci?"


Zhen just answered, and then looked at Huomen thoughtfully.

"Why are you here?"

"I'm also observing His Highness Ning Ci," Huomen said.

"Why?" Really surprised.

"His Royal Highness Neji has already enrolled, and maybe he will be able to graduate from school in a short time. I want to make preparations before then."

Zhen was even more surprised after hearing the words. Hearing what Huomen meant, he wanted to be Neji's Jonin after Neji graduated.

He really had never said such a thing, nor expressed his intentions. He hadn't even thought about such a thing before. After all, his child had just entered school, so he didn't expect Huomen to be so caring.

Looking at the figure of Ning Ci on the playground, Zhen Zong looked around among the children again, and found a little girl with two buns and a boy with long hair and thick eyebrows.

I really thought about it, and it's okay to let Huomen teach Ning Ci. If Xiao Li can't meet Kai, there probably won't be that Li Luoke.

Looking at the relationship between Ningci, Sheren and Chongwu, no one else can intervene.

"You really have a heart." Zhen said.

"It should."

Huomen has always thought that he is the most suitable person to guide Neji in the future. He is also from the Hyuga clan, and he is His Majesty's personal guard. No one is more qualified than him.

Huomen has been looking forward to this.

Your Highness Neji, grow up quickly!

Zhen went to the principal's office, looked at the list of students in Yanning's second class, and saw the names of Rock Li and Tiantian.

I really feel that Xiao Li and Kai belong to two people who have achieved each other in the original book. It is not that Xiao Li has brought Kai a lot of strength growth, but because the two of them firmly recognize each other.

It would be a pity if Kai lost such a disciple. # Outside the main entrance of Konoha.

The three of Yahiko looked at the extremely prosperous city in front of them, feeling inexplicable in their hearts.

They came to Konoha again after receiving a real order.

Yuyin Village no longer exists, and the Kingdom of Rain was included in the Province of Fire and became the City of Rain.

After the Tower of Sunrise there was built, it was completely taken over by the personnel sent by Konoha, and all the rain ninjas were incorporated.

The world is united and the world is at peace.

This is completely beyond Yahiko's imagination, all of this happened too quickly, and it's all because of Hinata Makoto's tricks.

The Brutal Justice is in the world standing outside Konoha, and it is such a thing that makes the whole world declare its surrender.

It sounds like a legend, but it happened not long ago.

"Is that the Cruel Justice?" Yahiko looked at the giant and muttered to himself.

Yahiko's eyes flickered: "Now the folks call it the God of Justice."

There are countless folk legends about this giant, among which the most widely worn one is that it was sent from heaven to assist His Majesty the Emperor to achieve peace.

Hinata really asked him to come here, but he didn't know why, he could only follow orders, and Mr. Jiraiya went to wander around again, he said that he would get tired of staying in one place all the time.

The three of them and the ninja guarding the gate explained their intentions, and they led them into the Konoha.

I thought I was going back to the Hokage Building, but it was in another direction, so Yahiko asked the person who led the way what was going on.

"The Hokage building has been demolished, and His Majesty's palace is being built."

They were taken to the living room of the Hyuga Clan. After that, the three of them didn't dare to talk nonsense, so they could only sit there drinking tea and waiting.

About half an hour passed before he really came.

"I have seen His Majesty the Emperor."

The three immediately knelt down and saluted.

"Get up." Zhen walked directly to the main seat and sat down, glanced at the three of them, nothing changed, the forehead guard was no longer attached, and Nagato's eyes were also black now.

"I'll just say it straight, Yahiko, I value you very much. Although Yuyin is gone, I don't want your talent to be buried."

Yahiko was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, this kind of development surprised him.

Zhen continued: "Let all those things that happened before be over. Now everyone in the world is my subject, and I treat you all equally."

"Yahiko, I'm going to give you a job, and I'll stay in Konoha to work in the future, don't refuse."

Yahiko couldn't help but look at each other with Nagato and Xiaonan, then he could only kneel down and salute: "Thank you, Your Majesty, for your love."

"As for Nagato and Xiaonan, if you are interested in doing something, I can also arrange a job for you. Konoha's benefits are very good."

After experiencing so many things, Yahiko is no longer the naive Yahiko he was at the beginning. He was the leader of a village, and he has contributed a lot to the development of Yuyin Village. He has good talents in internal affairs.

Nagato and Xiaonan also knelt down to thank each other. They had no right to refuse the gift from the emperor.

What happened before made them stand on the opposite side, but in the end the result was that the other side let them go, and Teacher Jiraiya.

Although it can be said that they paid a lot of things in exchange for it, the three of them all knew that even if they robbed them, they would be powerless to stop them.

The strength gap between each other is too big, so big that it is difficult for them to have any will to resist.

Now that he suddenly said that Yahiko should be reused, should it be said that this is the emperor's pattern?

"Your residence has been arranged. In the new urban area, someone will take you there later, and someone will take the initiative to explain to you tomorrow about work."

The three of them were taken away from the Hyuga Clan's territory again, and came all the way to a residential building in the new urban area.

To their surprise, the accommodation arranged for them turned out to be three independent houses on one level, each of which was very high-end and luxurious.

"I heard that houses here can sell for tens of millions of taels." Xiao Nan looked around curiously.

"Ten million taels..." Nagato couldn't help smacking his lips, thinking of the bustling streets of Xincheng District just now, he felt that this figure was worth the money.

The person who brought them over gave them the keys to the three houses, told them briefly where they could go to buy something, and then left.

"Yahiko, are we going to live here in the future?" Konan asked Yahiko.

Yahiko stood in the corridor outside the room, looking at the street with people coming and going in the distance.


If it is really possible to start over, it seems to be a good place here.

He suddenly smiled and said to the two: "There is nothing to worry about, as long as the three of us are still together."

Nagato and Konan both smiled.

The three of them looked around in their respective houses again, each of them had a two-bedroom room, which was very spacious, fully enough for their own use, and even felt a bit wasteful.

Then they went down together to buy some things, took a good stroll in the shopping street in the new city, and really felt the prosperity of Konoha today, and I was still amazed by it.

Early the next morning.

There was a knock on Yahiko's door.


Remembering what Zhen said to him yesterday, Yahiko also got up early.

Standing outside the door was a person dressed as a Konoha ninja.

"Mr. Yahiko, hello, I'm in Xiashancheng Wu."

"Hello Mr. Wu."

"I'll take you, Mr. Nagato, and Miss Xiaonan to register first."

Yahiko woke up Nagato and Konan, dressed them up, went to a place with Yamashiro Satoru, and received three sets of clothes and three copies of Konoha's forehead.

Looking at these things in their hands, Yahiko and the others all had strange expressions.

Is this... a Konoha ninja?

Yamashiro Satoru said: "Nowadays, only Konoha ninjas in the world can wear forehead protection. The uniform is a new style, and there have been many changes from the previous style."

Yahiko quickly said: "We will cherish it very much."

"Mr. Yahiko, let me take you to your office first. Mr. Nagato and Miss Xiaonan can go back first."

Yahiko was led around half a circle in Konoha, and entered an office building.

"Your job belongs to the civilian category. Your Majesty has explained that this job is just for you to get acquainted with. There will be more important positions for you in the future."

After listening to Yamashiro Satoru's brief introduction, Yahiko discovered that this is a place to handle government affairs sent from various places.

"I will work hard."

Yahiko had already changed into Konoha's uniform, put on a forehead protector, and started his new job.

Sitting at the desk, Yahiko was once again full of longing for the future.

Nagato, Xiaonan, maybe our future life will be better than before...

There is also teacher Ziraiya.

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