Rated Hokage

Chapter 320 Chapter 319

A long queue formed outside a popular beverage store in Xincheng District, mostly women.

Lin and Hongdou were also in the middle of the crowd.

"Why are there so many people?" Hongdou complained.

"If something is good, it will be popular. It's okay to wait, it's okay anyway." Lin chuckled.

While the two were queuing up, they suddenly saw two small figures bypassing the long queue and walking towards the counter.

While Lin was still in a daze, Hongdou beside her had already made a move, and directly grabbed one of the fatter figures with one hand.

"Boy, didn't your family teach you to queue for shopping?"

The other party was very young and wore glasses. After being dragged in place by Hongdou, he struggled a lot.

"Let go... let me go!"

"Let go of me!"

Hong Dou grabbed the little fat man's back collar, taking advantage of his height, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't break free.

The other boy also said, "Let go, do you know who he is!?"

Hongdou raised her eyebrows: "I don't care who you are, just go back and line up."

Many people around paid attention, pointing and discussing, Hongdou also let go of this person.

However, the little fat man looked unconvinced, and said loudly: "I am helping His Highness Ning Ci to buy things, of course there is no need to queue."

Your Highness Ning Ci?

Hongdou and Lin both looked surprised, and Konoha had only one Highness Neji, and they instantly realized who the other was talking about.

What surprised the little fat man was that the woman didn't show any fear when she heard His Highness Ning Ci's name, instead she slapped him on the head.

"Queue up! You have to queue up to buy for the emperor!"

The little fat man pointed at the red beans in horror and was speechless. At this time, his companion pulled him to pay attention to his surroundings. The little fat man found that the people next to him were all looking at them.


He clenched his fists and stared at the red beans.

"Hmph, good men don't fight women!"

The two boys turned and went to the back of the line, and kept sneaking glances at Hongdou and Lin. When they finished shopping and left, the two came out of the line again and ran to the shop counter quickly.

"Hurry up, His Royal Highness Neci wants it! Five cups of signs!"

The people who were cut in the queue did not dare to say anything after hearing His Highness Ning Ci's words.

However, when the two of them bought their drinks and came out, they turned around and saw that Hongdou was drinking a drink in one sip and looking at them with one hand in his pocket.

"What... why?"

"Take me to see your Highness Neji." Hong Dou said directly.

"Who are you, why should I listen to you?"

"I'm your aunt."

Hongdou grabbed the little fat man's back collar again, ordering another person.

"Lead the way quickly."

Lin also followed helplessly. She also persuaded Hongdou at first, but Hongdou insisted that she would teach those who don't understand the rules.

"You bad woman, let me go, do you know who my father is?!"

The little fat man in glasses kept threatening.

"Who is your father? Could it be that he is also the emperor?" Hong Dou said cheerfully.

"My father is Tonogawa. He is the head of the Science and Crafts Department. He is a highly trusted subordinate of His Majesty the Emperor. My father built the Cruel Justice. Please let me go!"

Hong Dou curled her lips and said, "I still think your father is the emperor, isn't he just a minister?"

Lin was a little surprised by the identity of this little fat man. She knew who Tonogawa was, and so did many ninjas in the village.

Finally, they came to an overpass where three little boys were sitting on a bench in the middle.

"His Highness Neji!"

The person who led the way quickly ran in front of the three people, and spoke very quickly, as if to complain.

When Hongdou approached with the little fat man, Neji also stood up.

"Bad woman! Let go of Kazuki! This is Your Highness Neji!" At first, the person who led the way stood on Neji's side and yelled at Hongdou.

However, something happened that he and the little fat man didn't expect. Ning Ci bowed slightly to Hongdou and Lin.

"Miss Lin, Miss Hongdou, what happened?"

Hong Dou let go of the dumbfounded little fat man, and asked Ning Ci, "Are these two your dog legs?"

Ning Ci pondered for a while: "They are my friends."

Hongdou asked again: "You let them jump in line to buy things under your banner?"

Ning Ci was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and instantly understood: "Pianzhu."

Pian Zhuchang flinched, and immediately stopped speaking.

Hongdou and Lin paid attention to the changes in their expressions, but Ning Ci said: "I'm sorry, I was at fault for this matter, Miss Hongdou and Miss Lin, I caused you trouble, Pianzhu, Dadong."

The other two also honestly bowed to Hongdou and Lin to apologize: "I'm sorry."

Hong Dou watched this scene with her eyes flickering. She also saw that Neji didn't seem to know what this little fat man Tono Katasuke did to them. She also thought that Neji would directly say that she didn't know about it. What happened, let these two people apologize again, but I didn't expect to bear it directly.

She looked at Ning Ci quietly in her eyes, her age should be the age of just entering school, her small face is immature but there is a bit of that guy's shadow.

Does that guy have such an excellent child...

Hongdou curled her lips and said, "Okay, just don't let me run into you again."

After saying that, she turned around and was about to leave, while Lin waved goodbye to Ning Ci.

At this moment, Katasuke approached them with a smile, and asked with his eyes open, "Your Highness Ning Ci, do you know them?"

"The one who caught you just now was Mitarai Red Bean, one of the Seven Crown Guards."

Tohno Katasuke and Dadong suddenly looked shocked, and said in a voiceless voice: "She is..."

It's no wonder they don't know each other. Compared with other members, Hongdou is really low-key.

Ning Ci calmly said to the two of them again: "If you do anything wrong in my name in the future, don't come to me."

The two shook their heads again and again: "No! No more!"

One of these two men was the son of the Minister of Science and Craftsmanship, and the other was the son of the Deputy Minister.

Ning Ci didn't want to pay attention at first, it was his father who told him that these people could get in touch with them properly, and the two of them were also very obedient, trying to please him everywhere, rushing to do all kinds of errands.

Seeing how hard-working they were, Neji reluctantly recognized them.

the other side.

After Hongdou and Lin left, they were still talking about what happened just now.

"I didn't expect Ning Ci to be so old and so sensible." Lin said with emotion.

"That kid is pretty good." Hongdou also said. "Just don't be like his father in the future."

Lin didn't say anything about it. Hongdou has always had a big opinion on Zhen. She still remembers that when everyone first met Zhen, Hongdou was the most enthusiastic among all the people. have no idea.

Hongdou said again: "Okay, let's not talk about this, go buy some bars, and have a drink together at night."

Lin smiled and said, "Okay, call Hong and Jingyin again."

They are all adults now, and they have reached the age where they can drink alcohol. The drinks on the table when the sisters get together on weekdays are replaced by wine glasses at some point.

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