Rated Hokage

Chapter 322 321, Samui: Serving Your Majesty, You Must Do Your Best

"Ningji, how do you feel at school?"

"It's good, but what the teacher said is too simple."

"Don't be so ambitious, just listen to the lecture carefully, you know?"

"I know, Dad."

After dinner, Zhen sat on the sofa and chatted with Ning Ci.



"I know someone named Tono Katasuke, who is a year older than me."

Neji told his father everything about Katasuke, including the fact that Tono Katasuke's father was Tonogawa.

"You handled this matter pretty well." After hearing this, Zhen was quite surprised, and patted Ning Ci's head on his body to show encouragement, thinking that no wonder Lin would praise him.

Neji said again: "Dad, there are many people in the class who want to get close to me, are they the same as Tono Katasuke, because I have a special status, I am Dad's son."

Zhen thought for a while and said: "Some may think so, and there must be some people who just think that you are excellent Neji and simply want to be friends with you."

Ning Ci showed distressed expression: "But I think they are too stupid, I don't want to talk to them."

Zhen laughed loudly and said: "If you don't want to talk about it, then don't talk about it, as long as you don't intentionally hurt others and just do what you want to do."

Ning Ci nodded and said, "I see."

The son is good enough, and as a father, Zhen is naturally very pleased. At this time, Naruto and Sasuke also came over, and Zhen couldn't help becoming distressed when he saw Naruto.

Naruto entered the school, wouldn't he be a crane tail again?

It seems very possible, this child doesn't show how smart he is now, he only knows to be crazy with Sasuke every day, and they will be arranged to enter school next year, so let's give them some preschool education before that.

Together with Hinata.

After the palace was completed, all the Zhen family moved in, and many maids were arranged to handle chores.

The whole family still lives together in a large bedroom, and everyone is used to it.

The front hall has become Zhen's daily office, and he usually doesn't disturb each other, because Zhen is used to the perspective of the former Hokage Building, so there is a relatively high attic next to the front hall for rest.

After the decentralization of power, the daily work has been reduced by more than half, and there is more free time.

Apart from drinking tea and wandering around every day, there is nothing else to do.

Siesta is still really an inherent habit, but the location is not very fixed, sometimes it may be in the palace, sometimes it may be in Samuel's house.

On the big bed of Samuyi’s house, Yumu and Mabuyi were really sleeping with their arms around each other. The three girls are getting more and more beautiful now, especially Mabuyi who has changed the most. She was just a girl with a good foundation but dark skin Suqi girl, now with age, has become a lot more charming and sexy, and the dark skin often makes true love hard to put it down.

Samui quietly got off the bed, kicked the scattered paper balls on the floor and the stockings she had taken off, picked up the nightgown at the side and put it on her body, and just walked out of the room.

She came to the refrigerator with ease, took out some fruits from it, and went to the open kitchen, washed them one by one and began to prepare the fruit plate.

After preparing all this, I turned around and went to the bathroom again, filled the bathtub with water, sprinkled it with flower petals, and made foam.

When she came out, there was movement in the master bedroom, and Samyi walked into the bedroom with a fruit plate and a glass of water.

Zhen had already woken up, lying on the bed as if in a daze, Mabui was sitting there and getting dressed, Yumu was still sleeping soundly, hands and feet pressed against Zhen's body.

"His Majesty."

Samuel brought the tray to Zhen with both hands, but Zhen just stood up and took a sip of water when he saw it.

"The water in the bathtub is ready for you."

Samui's service is always so considerate, and I'm really used to having Samyi by my side. Whether it's in daily life or work, it's never wrong to entrust many things to her.

After really walking out of the master bedroom, Azabui shook Yuki who was sleeping soundly.


The wooden man raised his head sleepily and looked at her blankly.

Mabuyi said: "It's time to get up, stay asleep, or you will be scolded by Samuyi later."

The wooden man regained his composure and said, "You are all up, where is Your Majesty?"

"I'm going to take a shower, and Samui has also gone in, so hurry up and get up now."

Yu Muren lazily closed his eyes: "I'm so tired, let me sleep for a few more minutes, Your Majesty has been tossing too hard today."

Seeing this, Mabuyi could only helplessly say: "I don't care about you anymore."

The wooden man closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep, until he was awakened by a sudden burst of cold stimulation.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and found that Samuel was standing in front of the bed, looking at her expressionlessly, and Samuel's hands were still dripping water.

The wooden man's brain shut down for a few seconds, and then he said a few words with a dry smile: "Good afternoon."

"Get up." Sam said succinctly.

"Oh." You Muren didn't dare to disobey, she was very afraid of her sister now.

She quickly got up from the bed to get dressed, and checked the time by the way, it was already half past three in the afternoon.

Walking out of the room, Samuyi and Mabui were both sitting on the sofa.

"Your Majesty...has he left already?"

But Samyi said sarcastically, "So you knew His Majesty came just now."

Hearing the words, the wooden man stretched out his hand to touch his lower abdomen, and muttered: "Of course I know, it's still very strange now."

Samuel squinted and said, "That's a gift and favor from His Majesty..."

"Yes, I know, I will cherish it."

The wooden man raised his hand and said, but Samuel frowned and quickly shut up.

Samui said with a cold face: "Do you know how difficult our life is now?"

Yumu could only nod his head and said, "I know."

"When it comes to serving His Majesty, how many times have I told you that you must do your best. Do you know how many women have no chance to climb into His Majesty's bed?"

Yumuren continued to nod: "I know, I was wrong, I won't sleep in from now on, and I will wake up when His Majesty wakes up."

Sam Yi said, "I'm not talking about this matter."

Yumu couldn't help being surprised: "What is that?"

Samyi glared at her and said, "When we were serving His Majesty together at noon today, you were so tired that you asked His Majesty to move."

Ma Buyi at the side couldn't help but pursed his lips and almost laughed out loud when he heard the words.

The wooden man showed embarrassment on his face, and muttered: "At that time... I really had no strength, and you didn't say to help me share it."

The matter of the three women being entangled here at this moment, if it gets out, it will definitely make people feel extremely absurd.

But for them, the most important task is to serve him well every time they really come.

Especially Samuyi, she put her whole heart and soul into this matter, and now it is really her everything.

Zhen didn't give her any training, or mental PUA, it was all her own thinking.

"Be serious!" Samuel snarled.

"I'm going to check your homework at night to see if you've been slack lately."

The wooden man's face suddenly collapsed: "Ah, no, I have already been tossed about by His Majesty today, so just let me go."

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