Rated Hokage

323 Chapter 322, Stubborn Lin

The province of fire, the city of soup, is also the country of the original soup.

Zhen is shopping here with Lin at the moment.

In fact, Konoha also has a hot spring hotel, and the town here is far less prosperous than Konoha, but many things are much more convenient if you are not in the village.

For example, you don't have to be afraid of meeting some acquaintances, which can relieve Lin's worries.

At the moment, the girl is dragging Zhen around happily, playing small games like fishing for goldfish and throwing darts on the side of the road from time to time.

Maybe these things are not interesting in themselves, it mainly depends on who is accompanying them.

In the afternoon, after shopping around, Lin soaked in the hot spring pool to get rid of the exhaustion of the day.

Really came over wrapped in a towel and carrying a wine bottle.

"This is the female pool, what are you doing here?"

Lin heard the sound and knew who it was without looking, so she asked loudly.

Zhen was stunned on purpose, then said: "Really, I thought it was Men's Pond, so I went wrong."

The entire hotel was taken over by him, Lin also knew this, and it wasn't that the two hadn't met each other frankly.

Zhen put the wine bottle beside the pool and filled the two cups.

Lin said contemptuously, "Can you act more fake?"

He really laughed, and then the whole person slowly entered the hot spring pool, and the bath towel around his waist suddenly floated up and slowly disintegrated at the same time.

The hall was filled with mist, and many things could not be seen clearly from a distance.

Lin put the towel on her head on her chest, looked at the person next to her and said vigilantly: "Why are you here, are you wearing underwear?"

Holding the wine glass in one hand, he leaned on the edge of the hot spring pool and said with a smile, "You'll know if you come and touch it."

But what surprised him was that a foot really came over, touched the hipbone at his waist, and retracted quickly.

"Bah, pervert!" Lin spat lightly.

But at this time, Zhen said: "Are you wearing it underneath? Let me touch it."

"Ah! Go away!"

Lin suddenly yelled vigilantly, and retreated quickly in the water.

It's really just to scare her, and he didn't really chase her.

Strange to say, Lin said she was a rogue pervert, but she didn't mean to wrap up a bath towel and turn away when she was naked in the water. Instead, she was arguing with him.

Seeing that she was quietly drinking, she took the initiative to lean over again, picked up another wine glass, and took a sip by herself.

Taking advantage of the situation, she stretched out her arms underwater and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Don't mess around." Lin glared at him and said.

"No messing around, are you really wearing it?"

Lin gave him a sideways glance with her beautiful eyes.


Zhen smiled and put down the wine glass, picked up the wine glass and filled it up for her, and then filled it up for himself.


Lin also really clinked glasses with him, following his example, she raised her head and drank the wine in the glass in one gulp.

As soon as she breathed a sigh of relief, that guy's face was pressed against hers, and his mouth was imprinted on her lips domineeringly.

Lin leaned back uncontrollably, and the wine glass in her hand accidentally fell into the hot spring pool. With the sound of splashing water, she was pushed to the edge of the hot spring pool.

She said out of breath: "you bastard, can't you go back to your room, you have to be here."

"Where I want to be."


The people in front of him are always so unreasonable, but sometimes Lin finds that she likes his unreasonable appearance.

I always say that I don't want it, don't like it, and tell the other party to stay away from her.

But this guy doesn't care about so much, he directly kisses him domineeringly every time, blocking her duplicity and allowing her to recognize what she really wants every time.

Compared with him, Obito's polite respect and restrained infatuation are very boring things in Lin's opinion.

After the passion, Lin was really carried back into the room and placed on the tatami.

"Live in my house." Zhen persuaded her while drinking water.

This is not the first time he has said such things to Lin.

Lin, who was lying there with her hair disheveled, responded after a long while: "No."

Really helpless: "Why are you so stubborn."

Lin had a smile on her face, looking bright and moving.

"No matter what you say, I just don't want to live with those women."

In her opinion, it is impossible to be his only thing, so do the most special one for him.

She wants to use practical actions to prove to Zhen that she is not a person who is attached to you like those women, and she is equal to you, in a relationship of mutual giving and taking.

Even including things like sex, what Lin thinks is that you are not the only one enjoying it anyway.

After really understanding her thoughts, he never really forced her except to persuade her time and time again.

In the evening, Zhenhe Lin flew back to Konoha again, and at Zhen's speed, it only took a minute or two.

Lin saw a potted plant on the ground in front of her house with a note on it.

"The bluebells I sent you, you are not at home, so I put it here."

The final signature is Obito.

"It's really infatuation." Zhen said with a smile on the side.

Lin Mei rolled her eyes at him: "You still don't leave, I'm going home."

Zhen shrugged: "Go, let's go."

Lin opened the door of her own house, walked into the house with a potted plant, and closed the door on purpose.

Zhen sighed helplessly, turned and left, and within a few steps, he saw a familiar figure in the distance.

"Bring soil."

"His Majesty!"

Obito hurriedly came to Zhen and bowed to greet him.


Zhen Zhen looked at him with a strange look on his face: "What are you doing here?"

Obito laughed twice: "It's okay, I'll just stroll around."

"Really?" It was really a smile but not a smile.

"It seems not far from Lin's home."

Seeing through, Obito didn't hide it: "I originally planned to find her, but she hasn't been at home all day, and I don't know where she went."

He naturally didn't know that his beloved goddess was not at home because she had been playing outside with the man in front of her all day.

Zhen said: "Really, it's getting dark, Lin should be back by this time."

Obito nodded and said, "I thought so too, so I came over to have a look."

Zhen smiled and patted him on the shoulder: "It's not easy, how many years have you liked Lin?"

Obito smiled shyly: "It's been more than ten years, and I have liked it since I was in school."

"Then go ahead."

With the encouragement from His Majesty the Emperor, Obito gained a bit of confidence. After he really left, he walked towards Lin's house again, and found that the lights in Lin's house were lit, and he placed it in a place she didn't see. The potted plants were gone too, and I was overjoyed immediately.

He quickly came to Lin's house, and suppressed his excitement again.

What should I say when I see Lin later, she probably hasn't eaten since she came back so late, why don't you ask her out for a meal...

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