Rated Hokage

324 Chapter 323, Naruto from Another World

Naruto opened his eyes wide and looked at the strange ceiling in front of him.

"Naruto, you are sleeping late again, be careful that Mother Xia comes in and scolds you." A voice sounded from the side, making Naruto turn his head to look, and there was a familiar figure who was quickly getting dressed.

Naruto looked at him carefully for a long while before he asked, "Sasuke?"

"Huh?" The other party also seemed to him that it was slightly different from the appearance in memory, and the most important thing was that the brows were not so cold.

And the familiarity in the other party's tone made him feel like a stranger even more.

Naruto was dazed for a while, then sat up abruptly from the bed.

"What time is it, are you going to be late for school?!"

Sasuke laughed and said, "It's not your turn to go to school yet, why hysteria."

As he said that, he quickly walked out the door.

"Don't blame me for not reminding you to get up quickly, you will suffer when Mother Xia comes in."

Naruto was left alone in the room, still sitting there in a daze, unable to recover for a long time.

Who is Mama Xia... Where is this place... Why is Sasuke so kind to me...

Naruto twitched the corner of his mouth, making sure he wasn't dreaming.

It's just that such a luxurious bedroom in front of him is still a bed for three people, Naruto is sure it's not his own room.

Not long after, the door of the room opened suddenly, and a woman with short brown-green hair walked in.

"Naruto, what time is it yet to wake up!"

As soon as this person came in, he spoke in an extremely unfriendly tone, which made Naruto shrink his neck subconsciously, and responded in a low voice.

"I'm planning to get up."

Naruto, who was confused about the situation, pulled the clothes aside and tried to put them on. The texture of the clothes was much better than the clothes he was wearing before, but it felt a little small.

Naruto stood on the ground, surprised to find that he seemed to be shorter.

And the woman with short brown-green hair walked up to him and stretched out her hand to straighten his clothes.

"How many times have I told you not to stay in bed, what should I do if I develop a bad habit."

Naruto looked at the woman who was buttoning himself in front of him at a loss, and suddenly asked cautiously: "Mother Xia?"


"You are Xia... Mom?"

Hyuga Natsu looked at Naruto strangely.

Naruto scratched his head: "That... do we know each other?"


Hyuga Xia frowned slightly, looking at the little boy in front of him who didn't seem to be lying.

"you do not know me?"

Naruto hesitated and nodded slowly: "...I have no impression."

"Then do you remember who you are?"

"Uzumaki Naruto."

In the living room.

The whole family surrounded Naruto, which made Naruto feel a little timid. The adults in his impression had always had a bad mood towards him.

"Naruto, do you remember me?" a certain white-eyed loli asked.

"I'm your sister Hinata!"

Ayano glared at Hinata from the side, telling her not to talk nonsense.

Naruto called out her name directly: "Hinata."

Hinata immediately said happily, "Naruto knows me."

The children obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter, they just thought it was fun.

But Naruto felt that Hinata had also become strange. In his memory, Hinata was a little transparent who didn't like to talk and blushed at every turn. It would be troublesome to talk to her.

With a worried face, Kushina asked Naruto again: "Naruto, do you really not remember me?"

Naruto looked carefully at the beautiful red-haired woman in front of him, and slowly shook his head.

Seeing this, Lingli murmured, "Call Zhen back first."

"Someone has been sent to call."

"How could such a thing happen?"

Mikoto pulled Sasuke aside and asked him seriously if anything happened to Naruto last night.

Sasuke had an innocent face, and there was nothing he could do about it, but this morning Naruto seemed to want to stay in bed.

But now he even thought that it was Naruto's intentional prank, in order to prevent Xia's mother from reprimanding him, but it's not going to end well now.

"Naruto, I'm your mother." Kushina clasped Naruto's hand tightly and said to him.

Naruto said weakly, "I... have no parents."

These words made the worry in the eyes of the women even more intense.

After waiting for about ten minutes, I really came back.

"What happened?"

Ayari quickly explained to Zhen that Naruto seemed to have lost half of his memory when he woke up. He didn't remember anyone at home except Sasuke and Hinata. He also said that he had no parents and was going to school.

When Zhen came to Naruto, Kushina immediately pointed to Zhen and Naruto and said, "Naruto, this is your father, do you remember?"

Naruto sat on the sofa, looked at Zhen, still shook his head.

Looking at his son who has suddenly changed his temperament, he was really surprised.

After thinking about it for a while, he asked, "Do you still remember Sasuke and Hinata?"

Naruto nodded.

"What about Neji?"

Naruto shook his head.

Kushina immediately said, "Ning Ci is your brother."

Naruto said, "I don't have an older brother."

Zhen signaled to Kushina to be calm, and then asked Naruto, "Who do you remember?"

Naruto said, "I remember many people."

"for example?"

Naruto said without thinking, "Sakura!"

Everyone except Zhen looked at each other in blank dismay. This is a completely unfamiliar name, and it belongs to a girl. Naruto seems to have never been in contact with other girls.

Mikoto asked Sasuke in a low voice, "Who is Sakura?"

Sasuke also shook his head in doubt: "I don't know."

And the shock in Zhen's eyes was even worse, he already had a very absurd idea in his heart.

"You said you were in school, so who is your teacher?"

"Mr. Iruka."

"...Who is Hokage today?"

"Grandfather of the third generation...his name seems to be Hiraku." Naruto said as he scratched his head, his small face wrinkled slightly and he began to think.


Seeing Zhen get up, Lingli couldn't help asking: "True, what happened to Naruto?"

I really don't know how to explain it to everyone. It's too absurd to say such a thing. Naruto from another world has crossed over?

Is it a temporary time travel similar to anime Easter Egg episodes, or a permanent time travel?

If he travels forever, what about his son? So the physical body was taken over?

Gently grasping Naruto's wrist with one hand, Chakra immediately penetrated into his body, but found nothing after half a minute.

After thinking about it for a moment, he waved his hand lightly, and Naruto fell asleep instantly.

"Don't worry, I'm going to take him to check it out."

Seeing the worried expression on Jiu Xinnai's face, he said, "Jiu Xinnai come with me."

The two took Naruto to the Institute of Biological Sciences together, and asked Dou to conduct a comprehensive physical examination for Naruto.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

People are different, souls are different, how could there be nothing abnormal?

I'm really puzzled.

Kushina said anxiously, "What happened to Naruto?"

Zhen Si pondered: "He's fine... and he can't say he's fine, he's become another person now, another Naruto."

"What's the meaning?"

"It's hard to explain. You can understand that there is a parallel world in this world, where there are roughly the same things as our world, only this subtle difference, for example... that world does not have me or the like, and the current Naruto He is the Naruto of that world."

Kushina was trying her best to understand what he said, looked at Naruto lying on the operating table, and suddenly asked, "He's still Naruto, right?"


Kushina looked at Zhen, his eyes flickering: "Then he is still our child, right?"


Really brought Naruto back home, and said to Naruto, "Naruto, I am your father."

Naruto just looked at him and blinked.

Zhen pulled Jiu Xinna over and said to him, "This is your mother, your biological mother."

Then he introduced the rest of the family to Naruto one by one, and said that Sasuke was his brother and Hinata was his sister.

Naruto was ignorant, he just felt that these people in front of him were very strange.

He finally locked his eyes on Jiuxinna, hesitated for a while before asking: "Are you... really my mother?"

Jiu Xinna nodded vigorously, almost unable to stretch his expression, and stretched out his hand to pull him into his arms.

"Yes, I am your mother, I always have been and always will be."

Naruto quietly felt this warm embrace that he had never had before, and was suddenly touched deep in his heart.

Is this a dream...

Even if it's a dream, it doesn't matter.

"mom, Mom, Mom."

There is really nothing to do for the time being, and he is completely blind to such things as "soul travel".

He also came through soul time travel back then, and he always felt that time travel was just a coincidence, or a joke of a higher level.

It can be done now, just let Naruto live by his side and observe slowly.

in the bedroom.

Sasuke sat on the bed swinging his legs slightly, staring at Naruto on the opposite bed without moving his eyes, and Hinata also sat on the chair backwards, also staring at Naruto.

Naruto was uncomfortable seeing them.

"Are we really not going to school?" he asked.

"Are you pretending?" Sasuke asked back.

"Put on what?"

"Fake amnesia."

"I don't have amnesia."

"Then you say you don't know everyone."

"I really don't know him."

Sasuke immediately pursed his lips: "You don't know Neji either?"

"do not know."

"What about Brother Itachi, there are Sheren and Chongwu."

"do not know."

Sasuke couldn't help asking, "Who do you know?"

Naruto thought about it seriously: "Iruka-sensei, Sakura, Choji, Shikamaru, Kiba...well, and Ino."

After speaking, he felt as if he had forgotten who, but he couldn't remember.

Sasuke and Hinata looked at each other, they didn't know any of the names Naruto said.

Hinata whispered, "Could it be that Naruto's brain has fallen asleep?"

Naruto suddenly got angry and said, "I'm not stupid! It's obvious that you guys have become weird!"

"Why are we so strange?"

"Sasuke, you...you should be a bad fart, you always look down on others because of your good grades."

Sasuke was completely puzzled by this.

"And Hinata, you are weirder than Sasuke, you always don't like to talk, and you always blush."

After hearing the words, Hinata said, "It's strange that you said that."

Naruto said: "It's not surprising!"

He felt that Sasuke and Hinata were playing tricks on him.

"I'm going to find Sakura, she must be fine!" Naruto stood up with a firm expression on his face.

Sakura...who is it?

"Let's accompany you." Hinata said immediately.

"Mothers should stop running around now," Sasuke said.

Hinata rolled her eyes: "Naruto, go ahead and tell me that you saw that little Sakura, and you might recover your memory."

In this way, under Hinata's plan, the three children successfully left the house.

Kushina was worried, and followed secretly not far away.

But after walking out of the house, Naruto was a little dumbfounded, why his house is so big!

"I was always lost when I first moved in." Hinata said.

After leaving the palace, everything on the street was a little strange to Naruto. The shadow rock disappeared and turned into a strange tower, and what was that particularly tall giant in the distance.

Fortunately, Sakura's house was there, and he remembered it clearly.

When he came to Sakura's house, Naruto became awkward again. This was his first visit to Sakura's house. Although he fantasized about it many times, he never practiced it.

Hinata didn't care so much and went directly to knock on the door.

The person who opened the door was a white cheongsam woman with yellow hair. Looking at the lovely Hinata, she asked curiously, "Hello, is it you who knocked on the door? May I ask who are you looking for?"

"Is Sakura here?"

"So it's Sakura's friend, please come in." Haruno Mebuki immediately said with a smile on his face.

The Haruno family.

Xiao Ying looked at the three strange peers in front of her and was a little dazed. When her mother said that her friend came to play with her, she thought it was Ino.

These three guys... who are they?

"Sakura." Naruto looked at her eagerly.

"who are you?"

"I'm Naruto!" Naruto said quickly, in a hurry.

"Naruto... we probably don't know each other."

"...What about this guy, Sasuke, do you remember?" Naruto pointed to Sasuke beside him again.

Sakura glanced at Sasuke, but suddenly her face turned red.

This man is so handsome...is his name Sasuke?

Eventually, the three children left from other people's homes.

"Is this Sakura you know?" Hinata asked.

"..." Naruto just shrugged his head and said nothing.

Seeing him so depressed, Sasuke and Hinata looked at each other from behind, and Hinata whispered, "I feel like Naruto has a crush on that girl."

Sasuke said in a low voice, "That girl has a wide forehead."

Naruto in front suddenly said, "I can hear you talking."

Sasuke said helplessly: "Okay, don't be unhappy, I'll treat you to a drink."

The three of them came to that very popular drink shop together again. When they first entered the new city, Naruto couldn't help being a little dazzled, what was everything around him...

"Why are you here?"

There weren't many people in line today, Sasuke was about to go to buy drinks when he found Neji and his party here.

"The three highnesses are also here, Dadong, hurry up and buy drinks for the three highnesses." Tono Katasuke said very insightfully.

Sasuke pulled Neji to the side and whispered to him.

After hearing what Sasuke said, Neji was surprised.

"Is there anything Dad can do?" he asked.

"Father seems to say that there is not yet."

Naruto looked at the drink that was handed to him, and the boy in front of him wearing glasses who was only a little thinner than Choji looked at him flatteringly.

"His Highness Naruto, this is yours."

Naruto took the drink, looked at Hinata next to him and drank it directly, and imitated her, inserted the straw in, and took a deep sip.


The delicious taste made his eyes light up in an instant, and he drank it in a big gulp, and quickly finished a large glass of drink.

Hinata laughed and said, "Are you so thirsty?"

Naruto pointed to the beverage bottle in his hand and said excitedly, "This is delicious!"

Hinata: "..."

Why does this guy look like a country bumpkin, and he is still like this in front of outsiders, so embarrassing...

Seeing this, Tono Katasuke immediately said, "Dadong, buy another cup for His Highness Naruto."

Naruto was full of excitement: "Can I? Can I have another drink, I don't have any money with me now."

Katana Tono waved his hand, pretending to be displeased and said: "His Highness Naruto's words are too outlandish, how can you pay for being with me, besides, the whole Konoha is yours."

Naruto couldn't hear the meaning of the second half of his sentence, he only knew that he could have another cup of such a delicious drink.

Soon another drink was handed to him.

At this moment, Neji and Sasuke finished talking, and Neji said, "Stop wandering around outside, and go home."

"We're planning to go back too."

Naruto drank the drink happily, but was taken away by Sasuke and Hinata.

Tohno Katasuke waved his hand on the spot and said, "Your Highness Naruto, if you want to come here for consumption in the future, you can come to me anytime."

Very good! Now it's time to catch up with His Royal Highness Ning Ci's younger brother!

He also thought happily in his heart.

On the way back, Naruto quickly finished another drink and threw the empty bottle on the ground.

Seeing this, Sasuke and Hinata were stunned, and Hinata kicked him lightly.

"If mothers see this, they will be punished for littering," Hinata said.

Sasuke bent down and picked up the drink bottle and threw it into the trash can beside him.

Naruto also knew he did something wrong, and scratched his head in embarrassment. He remembered that Mr. Iruka had taught him not to litter when he was in school.

"You guys are really different from before." Hinata also finished her drink, took a few sips, made a "sizzling" sound, and threw the empty bottle into the trash can.

"I won't be possessed by a ghost."

Naruto ignored what she said later, but set his eyes on the untouched glass of drink in Assistant's hand, swallowing while watching.

Sasuke couldn't help but said happily: "Why?"

Naruto just smiled embarrassedly: "Hey."

"for you."

Sasuke also handed him the drink very readily.

Naruto chuckled, rubbed his hands together, and then took it as if he had found a treasure.

"Is this stuff so delicious?" Hinata felt strange, she obviously thought the taste was very ordinary.

Sasuke said, "Naruto, why don't you say thank you to me?"

Naruto, who was walking ahead and bowed his head to drink, was stunned when he heard the words, and turned to look at Sasuke with a sunny smile on his face, but Naruto's face suddenly turned red.

"Thank... thank you."

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