Rated Hokage

325 Chapter 324, the power of time and space


Kushina sat in front of Naruto's bed, tucked in the quilt for him, and stroked his cheek with one hand.

"Mom." Naruto lay on the bed and looked at her with his eyes open.

"Mom is here." Kushina smiled softly.

Naruto asked, "Will I still see you when I wake up tomorrow?"

Jiu Xinnai said: "Silly boy, mother will always be by your side, go to sleep."

Naruto looked at her with blinking eyes, then nodded vigorously.

"Mom, see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

This world suddenly became very strange. Although it was strange, it seemed to be much better than his original world.

He suddenly had mom and dad, and suddenly he had a lot of family members.

That guy Sasuke has become less annoying...

It's a pity that Sakura doesn't know why she doesn't know herself anymore, and she has to get to know her again later.

Kushina left, and the bedroom became quiet.

"Sasuke." He said suddenly.


"Are we two...really brothers?" Naruto asked.

"It's not the two of us, it's the three of us, and Neji, he's the boss." Sasuke yawned lazily in response.


"Go to sleep, Naruto, maybe you will remember everything tomorrow." Neji on the other side also said.

"Okay, I'm going to sleep, good night."

Naruto covered his mouth with the quilt. The quilt smelled fragrant, fragrant and soft, and it was very comfortable to cover his body. He remembered that his original quilt often smelled like his own saliva.

The meals made by the mothers at home are also delicious. He ate two big bowls of rice in a row, and there are many snacks in the refrigerator, so he can eat whatever he wants.

There are a lot of clothes in the closet, Sasuke pointed to a lot and said that those belonged to him.

Many people I met during the day were respectful when they saw him, as if he was a very powerful person, not at all like avoiding him when they saw him before.

This shouldn't be a dream...

Naruto looked at the dark ceiling, and suddenly felt a little uncertain again. He was suddenly a little scared, afraid that when he woke up, he would return to the same world as before.

"Sasuke." He said again.


"I..." Naruto stammered.

Sasuke on the bed suddenly turned sideways to look at him: "What's wrong?"

"I am a little scared."

Sasuke was stunned, and even Neji looked over.

"afraid of what?"

"...I'm afraid that after you fall asleep, you will be different again."

Sasuke tilted his head: "Why are we different, we have always been like this."

Naruto fell silent.

The sensible Neji said: "Naruto, don't be afraid, we will always be by your side, our family will be by your side, and Dad will protect us."

Naruto thought of the strange father he had just met and was a little scared, he was closer to his mother.

Maybe this is the feeling of loving mother and strict father that is always mentioned in the book.

He didn't know exactly what his parents should look like, they all read it from books.

Naruto suddenly lifted the quilt and got out of bed, walked out of the bedroom quickly, and saw his mother talking to the rest of the mothers.

"Naruto?" Kushina stood up suspiciously.

"What's wrong?"

Naruto didn't speak, just walked over quickly and threw himself into her arms.

"Mom... good night."

Kushina patted him on the back softly.

"Good night."

After Naruto let go of her, he turned and walked towards the bedroom, and waved to Kushina again at the door.

"Mom, see you tomorrow."

Kushina also waved to him gently: "See you tomorrow."

Naruto got into the bed again, feeling much more at ease.


"What's the matter?" Sasuke replied helplessly, he was also very sleepy now.

"I..." Naruto hesitated, "I had a dream before."

"What dream?"

"In the dream, I have no parents."

Sasuke and Neji were startled when they heard the words.

And Naruto continued: "In the dream, everyone hates me, and I don't know why, but the adults don't let their children play with me..."

Naruto narrated his original experience in the form of a dream, and he felt that it should be more credible.

Perhaps because what he said was too true, neither Sasuke nor Neji answered.

"Idiot, it was just a dream."

After Naruto finished speaking, Sasuke spoke.

"How could you not have mom and dad? Our dad is the most powerful person in the world. We have so many moms, everyone loves us very much, and Hinata, our family lives well, why should we care about that kind of thing?" dream."

Naruto grinned when he heard this.

"Ah, I see, good night Sasuke."


"Have a good night."

"Good night."

Naruto slowly closed his eyes, imagining a new life tomorrow, and the beautiful mother should come in and wake him up.

Thinking about it like this, he also entered the dream.




"Wake up, Naruto!"

Vaguely, Naruto felt that someone was pushing him, and he opened his eyes dimly, and there was a dazzling white light.


An extremely familiar, angry voice brought him back to reality.

He opened his eyes to see his surroundings, and found that it was a familiar classroom with familiar people sitting around.

"Naruto!" Iruka's loud voice went straight to his face.

Naruto's face was dull, and he looked around with a stiff neck, and finally he locked his eyes on a handsome black-haired boy.

Regardless of Iruka beside him, Naruto stood up abruptly, brought him in front of him, and said excitedly, "Sasuke, do you remember me?"

The black hair gave him a strange look, and turned his head coolly.


Iruka reached out and grabbed Naruto's ear, and continued to shout: "Naruto! Not only do you sleep in class, but you also ignore classroom discipline! Are you going to rebel?!"

However, Naruto didn't yell in pain this time, but stood there in a daze.

It's a dream...

It turned out to be a dream...

Such a beautiful mother, such a beautiful home, how could it be his...

Thinking of this, Naruto's tears suddenly fell down.

This time Iruka was taken aback, thinking he made Naruto cry.

However, no matter how he spoke, Naruto always stood there indifferent, as if lost in thought. # Shen Ye.

Full of doubts and really wanting to sleep, he suddenly sensed something, quickly got out of the bed, left the master bedroom, and came to the children's bedroom.

"Father?" Sasuke rubbed his sleepy eyes and looked at the person at the door.

Zhen strode to Naruto's bed, saw that he was sleeping soundly, and shook him gently.


Naruto opened his eyes dimly.

"Dad? Is it daylight?"

"...No, go on to sleep, kid."

Shino stroked his cheek and said warmly, then told Neji and Sasuke to go to bed early, and left the child's bedroom.

The power just now...

It seemed to appear out of thin air, but he didn't catch it clearly.

But what is certain is that this is related to Naruto's soul travel.

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