Rated Hokage

327 Chapter 326

The family didn't welcome the arrival of Hinata from another world, and everyone was more concerned about Hinata's situation here.

Especially Ayano, who asked Shino many times if Hinata was okay.

Zhenya said over and over again that Hinata should be fine, just look at Naruto's situation.

Instead, Sasuke curiously asked Hinata about the situation in the world over there.

"Sasuke-kun... is very powerful, one of the two strongest people in the ninja world." Hinata said to Sasuke.

"Who is the other one?"


The conversation between the two aroused everyone's interest, and they asked about the differences between the two worlds.

"Miss Kushina passed away very early... Miss Mikoto too."

Kushina couldn't help but whispered to Mikoto, "Hinata doesn't call me mom, it's weird to call me honorific."

Miqin responded, "Me too."

"Brother Ningci..." Hinata mentioned Neji, and her eyes showed sadness again.

"On the battlefield at a very young age..."

Lingli felt distressed and sad when she heard the words, and came to Hinata's side and hugged her gently.

After confirming that Hinata on his side was safe and well, the scene suddenly became an exchange meeting, where a group of people chatted.

Only then did everyone know that the world over there is not real, so the fate of many people is also different.

For example, the Uchiha clan was exterminated. Mikoto was very surprised when she learned about it, and wanted to ask what was going on.

And Hinata realized that she was giving him a wink, so she didn't say the name of the person who destroyed Uchiha. She realized that her father here knew a lot of things.

Kushina who was on the side suddenly wanted to know who Naruto's father would be since there is no truth in the world over there, but this kind of thing can only be thought about in his heart.

And the Naruto from the day before yesterday said that he has no parents... The self and Naruto's father in the world over there are too unqualified, and Naruto is left alone in the world.

Hinata didn't talk nonsense, and just picked up some things to say about everyone's questions.

And she is also a little curious about everything here.

His father was the emperor of the empire who unified the world, and he was the strongest person in the world. It seemed understandable for such a strong man to have multiple women by his side.

The crowd chatted for a while, and after the curiosity of the women was exhausted, Naruto and Sasuke had the opportunity to ask Hinata. They were all very concerned about their own affairs in the world over there, especially when Hinata said After knowing that the two of them will be the strongest people in the world in the future.

"Who is Sasuke's future wife?" Naruto asked.


Sakura...it wasn't the day before yesterday...

Sasuke suddenly thought of the pink-haired girl who accompanied Naruto to meet earlier.

Do you want to marry her in the future...

Sasuke didn't feel anything at all, he just felt that the girl's forehead was a little wide.

Near noon, Zhen took Hinata to Dou's place again, and conducted a physical examination for Hinata as usual.

Just like Naruto, there was still nothing abnormal.

Hinata asked: "Didn't you say that my situation doesn't last too long?"

Zhen pondered and said: "There is only one example, so it's hard to be sure."

Hinata looked at him and thought, "Are you very clear about what happened to me?"

"That's right."

"Why, my mother and the others don't know anything, why are you the only one who knows so many things."

"Because I'm strong enough." Really calmly responded.


Suddenly, Zhen moved his face closer to her, looked directly into her eyes and said, "Don't you think my eyes look familiar?"

Hinata froze for a moment, then suddenly thought of something.

"Turn... Tenseigan!" she said in surprise.

"How did you...have Tenseiyan?!"

"I said it because I'm strong enough." Zhen responded.

Hinata was speechless, she still clearly remembered when she first met Otsutsuki Tonero, at that time the other party borrowed her sister Hanabi's eyes to get Tenseikan.

Zhen stayed in the research institute for several hours, and finally developed a special spell, which is a positioning spell applied to the soul, which can determine the location of the caster anytime and anywhere.

But considering that this is a matter of two worlds, the ordinary positioning method may be cut off. After all, the red bean's kite seal could no longer be found after going to the Ryuji Cave. strengthen.

Since this period of time, Zhen has been studying the power of Tenseiyan, in addition to his own Tenseigan, there is also the Tenseikan on the moon.

Tenseigan has the power to manipulate time and space, and its abilities are similar to those of Reincarnation Eye.

Really imprinted such a technique with the power of time and space on Hinata's soul.

It's really unclear why Naruto and Hinata's soul crossing happened. Although no bad results have happened for the time being, it will never be wrong to find out.

Like the previous Naruto who came when he was a child, and the current Hinata who came after getting married and having children, the two came from different time periods in the same world, if I sort it out, can I grasp the power of time? ?

That night, I really didn't go to sleep again, but planned to guard Hinata all night.

But one night passed, and Hinata also lay on the bed to rest, but when she woke up, she did not return to the original Hinata.

This really surprised me, what is happening now is a little different from what happened to Naruto last time.

He asked Hinata: "Before you came here, did anything strange happen, or did you do anything strange?"

Hinata hesitated and shook her head: "I was just... just sorting out the photo album, and I saw Neji's photo at that time."

Zhen was startled, and then asked: "You really wanted to see Neji again, didn't you?"

"...It's sort of like that."

Zhen called Neji to Hinata's side. Last night, because Zhen had been studying the matter of soul travel, there was no communication between Hinata and Neji.

Hinata looked at Neji but hesitated and said, "He...is not the Neji I know."

It may be because Naruto and Neji are both children of the person in front of them, their appearance is very different from her impression, even she herself, when she looks in the mirror, she finds that she is slightly different from the self over there.

But Sasuke hasn't changed much, maybe because he looks more like his mother.

Zhen said to Hinata: "He is Neji from here, and also Ni's elder brother. He takes good care of you on weekdays."

Hinata: "..."

She suddenly thought that the world here has been unified, and there should be no more wars in the future.

Then brother Neji over here, he should live in peace and happiness forever...

Thinking of this, Hinata suddenly felt that the world here is quite good, Naruto also has parents, Sasuke's childhood life will not be so miserable...

But at this moment, Hinata in front of Zhen suddenly passed out, and Zhen quickly stretched out his arms to hug her.

Hinata in her arms opened her eyes blankly.


"Hinata, how are you feeling?"

"I am so hungry."

I really couldn't help laughing when I heard the words, Hinata over there hasn't eaten much since she came over.

"Father, what happened to Hinata?" Ning Ci couldn't help asking.

Zhen pondered for a while, and said: "It's nothing, I just fell asleep."

He felt that the technique he had left on Hinata's soul had been cut off by something, but he could still feel its existence, but he couldn't touch it temporarily.

He can be sure of one thing now, whether it is Naruto or Hinata, it needs an opportunity to cross over from there.

Naruto may want to see his mother too much, while Hinata is because he misses Neji.

After this need is met in this world, the soul will be sent back.

This also means that such a thing may happen in the future, but it is still uncertain who will be next time. # The Tsunade family at the same time.


After a short knock on the door, Shizune pushed open Tsunade's door and saw her sitting on the bed in a daze.

"Master Tsunade, you're already awake, come out and wash up and have breakfast."

Tsunade heard the words and just looked at Shizune blankly.

"Master Tsunade?" Shizune felt that Tsunade's reaction was a bit strange, so he called again.

"Mute..." Tsunade who was sitting there spoke.


"Why are you so young all of a sudden?"

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