Rated Hokage

328 Chapter 327, there is no real world

Jing Yin froze for a moment, and asked, "What?"

Tsunade got up from the bed, came to Shizune, and directly touched her face with his hands.

"Master Tsunade?" Shizune didn't resist, but was surprised by Shizune's behavior.

"Strange... really strange..." Tsunade whispered to himself.

Jing Yin suddenly became very young, and the layout of the house seemed to be a little different.

She went into the bathroom, looked at her unchanged self in the mirror, and touched her face.

"Did you drink too much last night and didn't wake up..." she said to herself.

"You didn't drink last night." Jing Yin said suddenly.

When Tsunade heard the words, he suddenly looked at Shizune, startling Shizune.

"You...didn't drink anything last night."


Tsunade noticed the living room calendar again, walked over quickly and took it in his hand.



"How old are you?"


"And me?"


"...Didn't you let me mention your age?"

Tsunade rolled his throat when he heard the words, and then asked, "Am I going to be 40 this year?"

Jing Yin stood up cautiously: "Forty... out... in the early days."

She was surprised what happened to Tsunade-sama today, did she suddenly realize that she was no longer young? As a result, the mental pressure is too high and some nerves?

Tsunade plopped down on the sofa, covering his face with his hands, muttering something like "back in time".

Shizune stepped forward: "Master Tsunade?"

Tsunade raised his head abruptly again, grabbing Shizune in front of him with both hands, with a look of excitement on his face.


"Huh?" Shizune was taken aback by Tsunade's startled look.

"I'll tell you something, a big thing, don't be scared."

"……What's up?"

Shizune felt that even if Tsunade told her now that Tsunade was eighteen years old, she would not be surprised.

Tsunade's eyes widened with excitement.

"I am from the future!"

Mute: "..."

"Really, I really came from the future!"

"...Yes, is it?" Shizune replied with a dry smile, she really thought that Tsunade-sama had something wrong with his mind at the moment.

"I'm serious with you." Tsunade saw that she didn't believe in him, so he said anxiously.

"I can tell you what happened in the future, if you have anything you want to know, you can ask me."

Jing Yin was silent for a while, then suddenly asked, "Who is my future boyfriend?"

"You will not have a boyfriend in the future, and you will always be single like me."

Mute: "..."

Tsunade coughed lightly: "You can change the question."

She felt that if she said this, Shizune would be even less likely to believe her. This child is also a hard-working person, why hasn't she had a boyfriend all this time... She should really have matched her and Kakashi back then!

Jing Yin already had an expression of "I see you acting", and asked again: "Who is Lin's future boyfriend? Is it Obito? Or Kakashi?"

Tsunade was stunned when he heard the words: "Who?"

"Lin, has she promised to bring soil in the future?"


Tsunade didn't answer the question, but racked his brains to recall it.

"What you're asking is Kakashi's childhood teammate... Rin Nohara?"

Jing Yin asked strangely: "Otherwise who else could it be?"

Lin came to the house the day before yesterday.

Tsunade frowned and said, "She...hasn't she died long ago?" # royal palace.

"What, I married Naruto?"

After Hinata learned what happened from everyone, she couldn't accept the fact that she married Naruto in the other world.

"Just him, why?!"

Everyone was delighted with Hinata's reaction.

Lingli smiled lightly and said, "You seem to have given birth to a child."

Hinata: "..."

Seeing Hinata's unlovable appearance, Naruto also curled his lips and said, "It's as if I really want to marry you, even if I die, I will never marry a woman like you."

Hinata was furious when she heard the words, and ran towards Naruto to teach him a lesson, but Naruto could only turn around and run away when he saw this.

After Hinata returned to her original state, everyone stopped worrying. Instead, they recalled what happened to Hinata earlier, and they should ask her some more questions.

On the contrary, Ayano was a little unhappy, because Hinata from the world over there told her that she should have another daughter in the future, which made Ayano, who had always wanted to give birth to a son, not in a good mood.

Lingli persuaded her: "Okay, don't think about it, it's true that the two worlds are different, maybe you gave birth to a son here."

Ayano curled her lips and said, "How is this possible? Can the gender be changed?"

"What is impossible, there is no truth in the world over there, and Hinata and Naruto can get married, what is impossible."

When Ayari heard something from Hinata in the world over there, she could understand everything.

If he really didn't exist, then I would marry a day difference...

But there is no real world, and Lingli feels that she must not be very happy in her life, and her future son will die young.


At night, Kushina quietly came to Mikoto's room while she was sleeping.

"Why do you remember me here?"

The two women were squeezed together on the same bed, and Mikoto asked with a smile, when Kushina came in, she thought it was real and she was going to have some fun.

"I have something to say to you." Kushina said.

Meiqin thought for a while and asked, "Is it what happened to Naruto and Hinata these two days?"

"Well... That Hinata said that there is no truth in her world, you remember."

"You are not thinking, if there is no truth, who is Naruto's father?"

"...How do you know I'm thinking about this kind of thing?"

Meiqin said helplessly: "Everyone in the family can see your expression at that time."

Hearing the words, Jiuxinna just wrapped the quilt tightly, and said in silence for a while: "I did think so, but..."

"However, Naruto over there said that he has no parents..."

"If Naruto doesn't have me and the truth by his side, how miserable it would be."

Miqin also thought of Naruto with a timid face, and couldn't help but panic for a while. She also regarded Naruto as her own child, and she loved him as much as Sasuke.

Jiu Xinnai said again: "I've been thinking for the past two days, if it's not true, it shouldn't be a good thing for me..."

"At least it's not a good thing for Naruto. That Naruto went back from here a few days ago, back to the world without parents..."

Feeling something wrong in Kushina's tone, Mikoto patted her on the shoulder lightly.

Kushina said again in a low voice: "I now feel that I am really grateful that he gave Naruto a complete family and a happy and beautiful environment for his growth."

Meiqin laughed and said, "Why don't you go talk to Zhen?"

Kushina buried her head.

"I don't want to talk to him."

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