Rated Hokage

330 Chapter 329, different Tsunade

Tonight, Tsunade's house.

Tsunade, who has been wandering around Konoha all day, has a brief understanding of the current situation of Konoha, and at the same time is thinking about his current and future situation.

If she continues to live here in the future, it may be a good choice in her opinion.

A peaceful world, a strong enough Konoha, no more troubles, just enjoy life in the future.

Although it is somewhat different from my original world, it is not unacceptable, just handle the original interpersonal relationship well.

While Tsunade was lying in the bedroom, he suddenly heard a conversation outside, and walked out immediately, seeing Shizune chatting with a young and beautiful girl in the living room.

"Master Tsunade, I'm going out for a while, you should rest early."

The other party should be looking for Shizune, Tsunade looked at the girl.

Jing Yin thought of something, and introduced: "Lin invited me to play with her."

She is Lin...

Tsunade couldn't help but think that she later heard from Kakashi that why Obito Uchiha started the war, the girl Gein had always been infatuated with died.

She was quite curious about this girl in her heart. Although she looked pretty and cute now, she was far from that kind of disaster.

Hmm...not as pretty as me.

Tsunade thought so.

"You go." She smiled lightly.

Lin didn't find anything unusual, just greeted Tsunade, and then went out with Shizune.

After Shizune left, Tsunade, who had nothing to do at home, also planned to go out for a walk.

The development in the past few years has enriched Konoha's entertainment venues and nightlife.

After a brief tour of the old neighborhood, Tsunade went to the new town. She was surprised to find that it was more lively and bustling at night than during the day, and the pedestrians were more crowded.

She wanted to find an izakaya to sit in, but found that every family was full.

"Master Tsunade?"

"It's really you, Tsunade-sama."

When Tsunade felt a little depressed, he ran into a few acquaintances head-on.

It's Kakashi, Kai, and Obito Uchiha.


Tsunade looked at the cool Kakashi in front of him, and the slightly unfamiliar Uchiha Obito, feeling so strange in his heart.

However, Kakashi looks more reliable like this. When Tsunade gave up the position of Hokage to Kakashi, she always felt that the other party would be lazier than herself.

As for this Obito... She just met Lin just now.

Tsunade suddenly thought of something, and said to Kakashi: "Kakashi, you are still single, right?"

Kakashi looked at her with some doubts when he heard the words, why did he mention such a thing when they met.

Tsunade asked very bluntly again: "What do you think of the silence in my house?"

Kakashi: "..."

Obito and Kai next to him both had stunned expressions.

Kakashi was a little embarrassed: "Master Tsunade... why did you suddenly talk about such a thing?"

Tsunade chuckled and said, "You two are both single and of the right age, you can think about each other."

Obito gave Kakashi a slight push, then frantically winked at him.

Kakashi said helplessly: "I haven't thought about such a thing for the time being."

Tsunade said: "It's time to think about it. It would be a pity if you don't fall in love at your age. Youth is fleeting."

As she spoke, she reached out and patted Kakashi on the shoulder.

Kakashi just felt a little baffled, why Tsunade suddenly cared about his life-long affairs so well.

After a few perfunctory sentences, he bid farewell to Tsunade.

Obito couldn't help but said: "Okay Kakashi, Shizune is such a good girl, you just picked up a big deal."

In his heart, he wished that Kakashi could fall in love immediately, so that Lin would have no rival in love.

Kakashi just curled his lips and said, "Not interested."

Obito began to persuade Kakashi non-stop, and wanted to take Kai to match Kakashi and Shizune together.

After parting with Kakashi and the others, Tsunade wanted to find a gambling house to go in and play a few games, but after turning around a few streets, he didn't find such an entertainment venue. Ban this kind of place.

Tsunade couldn't help but cursed in his heart that Hinata was really not interesting at all.

Tsunade, who couldn't drink or gamble, could only return home depressed. Before Shizune came back, Tsunade went to bed early.

The next morning, Tsunade asked Shizune how to meet His Majesty the Emperor.

"Your Majesty is in the palace, if you want to go directly, the guards there will not stop you."

Tsunade wore casual clothes and went directly to the palace. As Shizune said, the guards did not stop Tsunade when they saw him.

But Tsunade, who was afraid of getting lost after entering, took the initiative to find the guards and asked, "Where is Your Majesty now?"

The guard looked at Tsunade in surprise: "In the front hall, Lord Samuy must be there, you can ask her."

This imperial palace was built even more grandly than the Daimyo Mansion. Tsunade looked at it and walked all the way to the front hall. She could tell that this was where the emperor worked, because she saw a few clerks hurrying with documents in their arms.

After Tsunade walked into the main hall, he saw a blond woman with a cold and beautiful appearance and a figure that was not much bigger than her own.

"Why are you here in this suit?"

The first thing Samui said after seeing Tsunade was to ask.

Tsunade looked down at her attire, inside was a loose sleeveless jacket, and outside was a green long coat, which she always wore.

Don't I dress like this in this world...

Tsunade thought of those sexy clothes in the closet again.

"Cough, I forgot today... Is His Majesty here?"

She said it casually, not paying any attention to the matter of dressing.

Seeing her like this, Sam frowned slightly.

"His Majesty has not come yet."

"Oh, then I'll wait for him."

The front hall is divided into three areas, a main hall for important meetings, which is rarely used.

One is the attic for the emperor to rest and entertain.

The last one is the daily office where they are now.

After Tsunade said that he would wait for the emperor for a while, he wandered around here and looked around, seeing that there was still a door inside, so he pushed the door and walked in.

This is a lounge, the same as the one in the Hokage Studio, with a bed, refrigerator and coffee table.

Tsunade sat down directly and made himself a cup of tea.

Samyi's figure appeared at the door, looking at her with a strange expression.

"What, is your Majesty coming?" Tsunade asked while drinking tea.

"...No, you are very strange today."

Tsunade froze for a moment, then quickly put down the teacup.

"Yes...is it?"

Tsunade was a little afraid that he would leak his feet, so he immediately became cautious.

"Aren't I usually like this?"

Samuyi pondered for a while: "No... I heard from Mabuyi that you should be like this usually, but you never do this here with Your Majesty."

Tsunade was a little confused, Mabui... isn't Raikage's secretary?

During the Fourth Ninja World War, she had seen that woman, but she was killed together with Shikahisa in the attack of Ten Tails.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps and a man's call from outside.


At this moment, Samui took a deep look at Tsunade, then turned and left.

Tsunade couldn't help becoming a little nervous.

Is the emperor coming...

py time:

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