Rated Hokage

Chapter 331 Chapter 330

Tsunade stood up after thinking for a while.

She has also been Hokage for many years, and there are few people in the world who can show her respect, but from what Samyi said just now, she doesn't seem to be too casual in front of the emperor on weekdays.

Just when her thoughts were chaotic, a figure appeared at the door of the lounge.

Just one glance at Tsunade can confirm that he has never seen each other in his original world.

The eyes are a bit strange, aren't they from the Hyuga family, why aren't they white eyes...

And this age... is too young!

Is he the one who unified the world and established an empire?

After seeing Tsunade's casual attire, Zhen was also stunned for two seconds before walking into the lounge.

Tsunade watched the other party walk to the sofa opposite him and sat down, followed by Samyi holding several documents in his arms.

"Your Majesty, these are expedited."

Tsunade was hesitating how to speak, but Samuy had already started to let the emperor handle official duties, so she could only stand in a little embarrassment.

After dealing with the official business, Samyi left with the documents in his arms, and really started to make tea for himself at a leisurely pace.

"What's going on today?"

Tsunade froze for a moment before realizing that the other party was talking to him.

"I... Me?"

Makoto sat on the sofa, holding a teacup in one hand, and looked at Tsunade.

It's been a while since he's seen Tsunade dressed like this. When in front of him, Tsunade always wears a professional OL outfit in a black silk skirt, and always has a low eyebrow and is pleasing to the eye.

But now with this outfit, I really have the feeling when I first met the other party, Tsunade, one of the heroic Sannin.

"You're not the Tsunade I know, are you?"

Zhen really said something that shocked Tsunade's heart, she laughed twice: "What do you mean?"

"The Tsunade I know wouldn't stand and talk to me like this." Zhen said to her.

It's like this again...

Tsunade is helpless, the secret ghost knows what the Tsunade you know looks like.

Thinking of this, she sat down directly in front of Zhen.

I couldn't help laughing, this Tsunade obviously misunderstood what he meant, and the "I won't talk to me like this at this station" in his mouth meant that it was normal for Tsunade to kneel in front of him at this time.

Moreover, he had explicitly asked the other party to wear something when he saw him.

But he didn't get angry, but he didn't expect that it was Tsunade's turn to travel through souls.

Tsunade asked, "How do you think I'm not the Tsunade you know?"

She was sure that the other party was not hostile, and she secretly sighed in her heart.

Zhen didn't know how to answer her question, but instead asked, "What time is it on your side?"

Tsunade looked at him suspiciously, not understanding what the time he asked meant.

Zhen asked again: "Are you Hokage now?"

Tsunade pondered for a while, and said, "Kakashi is the Sixth Hokage."

Kakashi... It seems that the Fourth War is over.

I really thought about it, and looked at the beautiful blonde woman in front of me again.

"Do you know what it is?" Tsunade asked him.

"That's right." He said, taking a sip of his tea.

Tsunade immediately asked a series of questions: "Then what is going on, how did I come here, and will I go back in the future?"

Zhen asked, "Do you want to go back?"

Tsunade was slightly startled when he heard the words, calmed down instantly, and replied: "I just want to find out what's going on."

She didn't answer Zhen's question directly, but this was already an answer for Zhen.

After thinking about it, I can understand that Tsunade was nearly sixty years old after the end of the Fourth World War, and now he is so much younger all of a sudden.

Really thoughtful and said: "Whether you want to go back or not, in the final analysis it depends on your own wishes."

"What's the meaning?"

"Before you came here, is there anyone in particular you want to see?"


Tsunade meditated there, and really didn't bother him any more.

"It means that as long as I see him, I can return to the original world, right?"

"You can't say that, it's just an opportunity for you to go back, it's your own obsession."


Tsunade suddenly looked a little disappointed, his obsession...

She recalled that she was in the original world, the war was over, the world was peaceful, and she had also removed the position of Hokage.

It seems that everything is going in a good direction, but the fact that she has been losing has not changed.

So after learning that she came to this world, her ability to accept it was much stronger.

Is there anything particularly worthy of her nostalgia over there?


On the contrary, after learning about the world here, Tsunade hopes to stay and start a new life.

She doesn't want to go.

Tsunade looked at Zhen who was sitting there slowly sipping tea, his expression moved slightly.

"You... know that I am not the original Tsunade, and you don't seem to resist me."

She is an intruder from outside. If the other party is close enough to Tsunade here, she should be angry about Tsunade's body being taken over.

Zhen spread his hands and said, "For me, no matter which side you are on, you are Tsunade."

"...Did I work as your assistant?" Tsunade asked thoughtfully.


"Then the relationship between the two of us...is it just superior and inferior?"

When I really heard her question, I couldn't help showing a weird smile.

Tsunade hated his teasing attitude, so he frowned and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhen got up from the sofa, holding the teacup in one hand, and walked slowly to the position behind Tsunade.

"What do you think the relationship between the two of us should be?"


Tsunade couldn't help but move slightly, she felt that the other party's attitude and tone were a bit frivolous, which made her inevitably have some thoughts about that.

She thought of those sexy clothes she found in the bedroom closet...

The self in this world seems to be quite open, but the age gap between the two is not small, and the other party is even the emperor of the empire.

The more Tsunade thought about it, the more embarrassing he felt, and immediately coughed lightly and said, "Hey, forget it if you don't want to say it."

The person behind him suddenly leaned down at this moment, and his face was very close to her. This sudden intimacy made Tsunade tense instantly.

"Is there a small mole that is not very obvious on the inside of your thigh?"


Tsunade's eyes widened suddenly, and the whole person froze in place.

In the past, if someone dared to tease her like this, she would definitely punch him directly, but at this moment, reason made her stop the urge to punch this guy.

No matter how young I am here, I am in my early forties. This guy looks like he will not be more than 20 years old at most. It seems that I have taken advantage of him...


Tsunade felt his scalp go numb.

After coming to this world, some unacceptable things happened to her. She never imagined that her private life would be so chaotic.

I still live with Jingyin, which means that I was with Duan at the beginning, so why is it like this now?

Tsunade stood up abruptly, with his hands clenched and his back facing Zhen.

Shin supported the sofa with one hand and held the teacup in the other, looking at her with a smile.

"What's wrong?"

"I... the two of us..."

Zhen Youyou said: "The two of us were very close before, and we have done many things."


Tsunade pursed his lips. The category of "many things" in the other party's mouth definitely included sex, otherwise how would he explain the sex toys in his closet.

She was actually with this man...

This thought made Tsunade goosebumps all over his body.

For a moment, Tsunade's thoughts were all messed up, and she had never faced various complicated business problems when she was working as Hokage.

If he wanted to stay in this world, how would he face his relationship with the emperor?

Tsunade, who couldn't figure it out, just wanted to flee the scene as soon as possible.

"Nothing else, I'll go first."

"Okay." Zhen didn't stop her, the different Tsunade in front of him made him feel very interesting, much more interesting than the former Tsunade who only knew obedience.

"If you want to see me, you are welcome anytime."

Ghosts want to see you!

Tsunade cursed secretly, and quickly left the lounge.

Samui in the office was still sorting out the documents, and was talking with a clerk who came to hand over the official duties. When Tsunade came out, he just glanced at her and didn't say anything.

Tsunade forced herself to leave here calmly, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she walked out of the front hall.

A messy world!

She thought so in her heart, and when she was about to go home, she suddenly remembered that she forgot to ask the emperor about Ziraiya.

But he turned his head and glanced at the place where he came out just now, and after a change of expression, he still chose to leave.

Forget it, look for a chance to ask later.

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