Rated Hokage

334 Chapter 333

When Zhen came out of Tsunade's bedroom, he saw Shizune sitting in the living room, as if waiting for him.

Because Zhen could isolate the sound inside, Jing Yin didn't hear any movement, and when he saw Zhen came out, he immediately got up to meet him.

"Your Majesty." She bowed and saluted.


Really responded casually, and then left.

"Your Majesty." Jing Yin hurriedly called out the other party again.

"What's wrong?"

"It's... about Tsunade-sama." She hesitated.

"Master Tsunade here, is she alright?"

Seeing Jing Yin's worried face, Zhen patted her on the shoulder kindly.

"Don't worry, it's okay. When the two sides of the Tsunade switch back again, the Tsunade here seems to have slept for a while."

Hearing the real words from his own mouth, Jing Yin was completely relieved, and a smile appeared on his face.

"I see, thank you Your Majesty."

"I'm leaving if I have nothing else to do. Tsunade is also very tired, so don't go in and disturb her."

"Congratulations to His Majesty."

in the bedroom.

Tsunade sat slumped on the ground, her clothes intact, and Zhen didn't really offend her just now, but did something that made her feel even more uncomfortable.

Before the other party left, she told her that it was fine if she wanted to stay in this world, but the price was that she might be violated by him anytime, anywhere.

Tsunade doesn't want to stay anymore, she feels like she had a nightmare at the moment, she just hopes that she will return to the original world when she opens her eyes, Shizune will complain about why she drank again, if Naruto that kid in the village She will whine and chirp and call her Tsunade mother-in-law...

But reality is not a dream.

What will I do next, what will I do tomorrow...

Tsunade is a little confused. As a former Hokage, even in the face of a powerful enemy like Uchiha Madara, she can not fear death and stick to her beliefs.

Hinata is really a demon!

It is a demon scarier than Uchiha Madara and Otsutsuki Kaguya!

Why did such a person become Konoha's Hokage, and why was he able to unify the world? !

Tsunade thought through gritted teeth.


Suddenly there was a knock on the door.

"Master Tsunade, have you rested?" There was a silent voice outside.

Tsunade sat up from the ground silently.

"Do you want to take a bath and rest? If you want, I will put hot water for you."

"...Okay, excuse me, Mute."

Tsunade forced his voice to calm down and responded.

She supported the bed next to her with one hand to stand up.


The sudden sound of the bell made her whole body freeze, and her face turned blue and white.

That damn bastard must kill him!

As she thought this way, she reached into her pants at the back of her waist. # After Zhen returned home, he checked the soul coordinate spells on everyone and made sure there was nothing wrong.

Tsunade's situation has been going on for several days, which means that things like soul travel may remain in this world for a long time.

It doesn't matter what the people outside are like, I really don't want anything to happen to the people at home.

Even if something happens, it's best to return to the original state in a day or two. It really doesn't matter if it's the soul of the person over there coming to travel.

That night, Zhen went to Jiu Xinnai's room and did not sleep with her for two days. Jiu Xinna's enthusiasm was a bit beyond Zhen's expectation.

The two of them tossed very late, and all the anger that really arose in Tsunade was released.

After finishing the work, Zhen put his arms around Jiu Xinnai and asked, "Why are you so active today, have you been lonely for a long time?"

Kushina curled up in her arms obediently, pillowed on his arm, and pressed her face against his chest.

"...Is there, I think it's the same as usual."

Zhen stretched out his hand to pinch her cheek, and said with a smile: "I don't know what you usually are, but today you look like a little pepper."

To his surprise, Jiuxinna suddenly opened his mouth and held Zhen's finger, and did not turn on the light in the dark night, but Zhen could clearly see her struggling to look at herself with big eyes, how charming and charming she was.

The anger that had just subsided suddenly rose again.

Feeling his change, Jiu Xinna chuckled and said, "Aren't you happy that I'm like this?"

Really just buried her head down, a deep kiss blocked her mouth.

Of the five women in the family, Jiu Xinnai is the most beautiful one. Her red hair is always very eye-catching. Even if she has lived together for a long time, she will often be amazed by her.

That's why when he knew that her heart was not with him, he still let her live in his home, treated her as his own woman, and made her and Ayari and the others become sisters.

Kushina's beauty made Zhen really fall in love with him, even though he had raped her severely, he still couldn't put it down.

After the fiery lingering, Kushina stared at him in the dark night panting.



"Do you think our future will always be like this?"

Zhen let out a chuckle: "Why, don't you fall in love with me?"

If you talk about love, I really feel a little unbelievable. At most, Kushina has completely resigned to her fate.

Kushina put her hand through Zhen's waist and hugged him tightly.

The two were so close together, feeling each other's heartbeat.

Zhen suddenly felt a little throbbing, and called softly: "Jiu Xinnai?"


In the dark night, after being so quiet for a long time, I really heard Kushina's voice again.

"Really, everything about me belongs to you."

After the person in his arms finished speaking, she seemed to cling to him a little bit more. Her delicate body was hot. He had never felt such a body temperature on Jiu Xinnai before. Now he felt it, felt Jiu Xinnai without reservation.

Zhen Ye hugged her tightly and said, "What stupid things do you say, you have always belonged to me."

Kushina just lay in his arms, feeling unprecedentedly peaceful and at ease.

The truth is true, she has always belonged to him, her body, her life.

If it was before, she could still think stubbornly in her heart that her heart didn't belong to the truth.

But she no longer wants to think about the past, and the people before...

Those memories do not bring any benefit to her now.

She once persuaded herself that everything she did was for Naruto, for Naruto to have a happy family, and for Naruto to grow up and live healthily and happily.

Now Naruto is indeed growing up happily, everything Naruto needs is really given to him.

Then why are you still being hypocritical and reserved here?

Obviously I need all of this, right? Everyone in this family, Ayari, Mikoto, and the others, have always treated her as family, and Neji, Sasuke, and Hinata will also call her mother.

Everything I ever wanted in the past...

No, I have not passed.

There is only the present, and the future.

I wish you all a happy New Year's Day in advance, and everything goes well in the new year.

I also wish me a new year with every step of the way!

Thanks to the cute Lord of Moon Rakshasa!

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