Rated Hokage

Chapter 335 334, Rebellious Sasuke

A summer rain came, and the temperature that had been suffocating for a day finally dropped. After the heavy rain, the drizzle continued, lingering like the hair of a woman next to the pillow, which would not be cut off.

Naruto yawned and came to the living room, closed the windows that creaked in the wind, but opened the door, the cool wind kept blowing in, opened the refrigerator and took out a can of soda.


He raised his head and took a big sip, only to feel refreshed.

Everyone in the family is taking a nap at this time, and it must be very sweet in the continuous sound of rain outside.

Naruto sat barefoot under the porch at the door and looked at the dense rain in the courtyard. The raindrops splashing on his body from time to time made people feel refreshed and cool.

He saw a figure running quickly along the corridor, it was Hinata.

"Why did you go?" Naruto asked strangely.

"I want you to take care of it." Hinata choked back Naruto's question with a single sentence.

Naruto couldn't help curling his lips, and didn't care about her.

Where did Hinata go? He could think about it casually. There was nothing else to do at this time except to go to the front hall to find his father.

Dad always favors her a little bit, which is why she is so pampered now.

This is what Ayari's mother often said.

Naruto thought about it, that Hinata from another world a few days ago was quite gentle, and spoke in a soft voice.

It's just that the self in that world doesn't seem to have parents, which is very bad.

Naruto sat at the door for a while, and after drinking the can of soda in his hand, he turned around and went back to the room, only to find that Sasuke was sitting on the bed in the bedroom.

Ning Ci is not at home at this time because he has to go to school.

Naruto looked at Sasuke who was sitting there, and said casually, "You're awake."


He stretched, lay back on his bed, and said to himself: "Hinata just went to look for Dad again, this girl always takes advantage of this time to bother Dad..."

"Did you just say Hinata?"

The person beside him suddenly spoke.

Naruto froze for a moment, turned his head to look at Sasuke, but was surprised to find that his eyes were scarlet, and there were three black patterns on them.

"Sasuke, you..." Naruto was dumbfounded at this.

"Is this... writing... Sharingan?! When did you open it!"

Naruto was so startled that he almost jumped out of the bed, got up and came to Sasuke, and couldn't help but look him up and down.

Sasuke just frowned and remained silent, his eyes fixed on Naruto.

"What's the matter with you, why don't you talk?"

Naruto was there in surprise for a long time, seeing that Sasuke remained silent, a little strange.

Sasuke began to look around the room, and the photos on the wall and on the table attracted his attention.

He suddenly took one of the photo frames in his hand, and stared at a black-haired woman among them.


Naruto stretched out his hand and shook it in front of Sasuke's eyes, but was restrained by Sasuke's backhand. The huge force immediately made Naruto scream out in pain.

"Hiss—it hurts! Let go! Let go!"

Sasuke stared at Naruto for a while before letting go.

While rubbing his aching wrist, Naruto finally noticed the difference in the person in front of him, there was a coldness and gloomyness between his brows that he had never seen before.

He thought of something, and hurriedly ran to the door.

"Mom! Sasuke! Sasuke is sick too!"

However, just as he ran to the door, he ran into someone's arms.


Seeing his father, Naruto breathed a sigh of relief, and then quickly said: "Father, Sasuke has become very strange, is it the same as me and Hinata before?"

Zhen just rubbed Naruto's hair lightly and said, "Don't worry, it's fine."

Sasuke in the room was also looking at Makoto at the door warily.

"There's no need to be so hostile." Zhen took the initiative to speak, and then walked in.

He was originally in the front hall, but suddenly felt that there was something wrong with Sasuke's soul coordinates, so he rushed over.

But this time, he made sure of one thing. Soul travel is indeed one-way. The souls of this world will not be exchanged with the souls of the other world. The body that occupies this side of the world.

The soul coordinates that really remained on Sasuke did not disappear suddenly like Hinata did, but were still in Sasuke's body.

"Who are you?" Sasuke questioned.

Zhen casually picked up the family portrait on the table beside him, and pointed to himself on it.

"I am your father."

Sasuke's face darkened instantly when he heard that.

Zhen Zhen smiled lightly and said, "Don't get excited, you have also found that your body has changed."

Sasuke frowned and said nothing, he discovered this when he just became conscious, and his body suddenly became a child.

At first he thought it was an illusion, but if it was really an illusion, it would be too advanced.

Zhen then said: "To put it simply, you have come to another world. This world has people similar to your original world, but there are big differences. Can you tell me how old you were?"

Sasuke heard the words but didn't answer his question, this remark was too absurd in his opinion.

Another world... How could such a thing be possible, could it be that Itachi's illusion!

At this time, several figures appeared at the door, they were disturbed by Naruto's voice just now, and rushed over.

Sasuke looked towards the door, and was stunned when he saw one of the black-haired women.

"Sasuke." Mikoto walked in directly, and came to Sasuke with a worried face.

"Really?" She looked at Zhen again.

Zhen reassured: "Don't worry, it's fine, it's the same situation as Naruto and Hinata."

Looking at Sasuke's reaction, he was also guessing in his heart.

Seeing Mikoto react so strongly, the genocide incident must have happened, and the samba-patterned sharingan and temperament are so cold...

Mikoto hesitated and asked Sasuke, "Sasuke, do you... still recognize me?"

But Sasuke's body couldn't stop trembling, he lowered his head and stopped looking at Mikoto, and stretched out his hands to form a seal in front of him to release the illusion.

I really felt that the chakra in his body stopped suddenly, and then started to work again.

"You haven't been hit by an illusion, so don't try it."

When Zhen spoke, he waved his hand to signal the rest of the people to leave. Seeing this, Ayari led everyone out of the bedroom and closed the door.

"Are you still with Orochimaru?"


Seeing that Sasuke's vigilance was still undiminished, he said again: "I told you, you didn't fall under the illusion. If I intended to harm you, are you safe and sound?"

He patted Sasuke's shoulder directly with one hand. Sasuke was shocked when he saw this, and instinctively wanted to resist, but the next moment he felt the chakra in his body suddenly become uncontrollable, like a rushing river rushing around. .

At the same time, a strong sense of weightlessness struck, like falling into a bottomless cave instantly from a height of 100 meters.

But this feeling came and went quickly, and when he regained his senses, he had already withdrawn his hand, but Sasuke was so shocked that his back was covered in cold sweat.

Just now it was...

He raised his head to look at the strange man in front of him, and found that his eyes were as bright as stars.

"This is your mother, Mikoto. The two children just now were Naruto and Hinata, but because they are both my children, they should look a little different from what you remember."


Sasuke turned his gaze to Mikoto.

Mikoto said: "Sasuke, don't you remember me?"

Sasuke swallowed, his throat rolling.

"mom, Mom, Mom……"

Mikoto immediately reached out and pulled him into her arms.

Embrace, warm...

This long-lost feeling made it difficult to maintain the coldness on Sasuke's face. He stretched out his hand tremblingly, trying to hug the woman he had been thinking about day and night, but for some reason, his hand froze in the air again.

"It's okay baby, it's okay, mom is here." Mikoto said gently, stroking Sasuke's back.

After Mikoto let go of him, Sasuke remained silent, his eyes turned to Shin.

"Why, do you want to hug Dad too?" Zhen smiled lightly and opened his arms.

Sasuke's face darkened: "You are not my father."

Miqin looked worried again, in fact, after Hinata from another world came over, she vaguely guessed what she would be like in that world.

Zhen smiled and said: "I am not in your world, but in this world, you are called Hinata Sasuke, and you are my son."


Looking at his expression, he thought for a while and said, "You still have an older brother, do you want to meet him?"

Speaking of the word "brother", Sasuke's face turned cold again in an instant.

Sasuke's reaction also made Zhenxin care.

This kid is just in the rebellious period.

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