Rated Hokage

Chapter 339 338, time and space travel successfully


There was no darkness at all as expected. After entering the space gap, there was a corridor of colorful streamers.

But the dazzling colors around it will inevitably make people feel dizzy after watching for a long time.

After Zhen walked in, he couldn't find the way he came here. Everything here made him completely lost his sense of direction, like a flat boat in the sea, drifting everywhere without bounds.

Fortunately, he can still feel the location of the two soul coordinates, which undoubtedly gave him a clear direction. Although he didn't know where he was going, he really started to try his best to move forward in the direction of the soul coordinates.

Stretch your hand into the colorful mist beside you, what you touch is like mist and water.


For a moment, I really felt that my ears were filled with extremely irritable and lingering noises, followed by another bang, and my consciousness went dark.

This is a feeling I have never had before, as if the whole person has been pulled into a strange and magical space, hundreds of thousands, millions, and hundreds of millions of colorful thin lines fly by.

It is really struggling, dissociating, and unable to escape in the vortex composed of these thin lines.

Finally, the sight began to recover, as if thick colored ink was smudged on a piece of black cloth.

"Mom, he's awake."

An immature child's voice sounded next to his ears, and the target was two figures, one big and one small.

The older one is an adult woman with blue hair and white pupils, with a gentle and beautiful appearance, wearing very ordinary home clothes.

The youngest is a little girl with short blue hair, cute and cute, looking at him curiously with big blue eyes, and there are beard-like textures on her cheeks.

I couldn't help being in a trance, and lightly stroked my forehead.

"Are you... Hinata?" The lady hesitated and said with surprise in her eyes.

Zhen looked at this person carefully, and couldn't help but ask: "Hinata?"

Hinata couldn't help but stretched out her hand to cover her mouth, and at the same time her eyes widened.

Sunflower on the side looked at this strange uncle strangely. Does this man know his mother? Why did it suddenly appear in my own home?

Zhen also began to look around, and found himself in a modern-style living room, leaning against the wall.

Soul coordinates, body time travel... I succeeded.

Looking at Sunflower again, he thought, "Are you... Sunflower?"

Little Loli blinked her eyes, looked at her mother, then at this strange uncle, and nodded slowly.

At this moment, Hinata couldn't help asking: "Mr.... how did you come to... here?"

He breathed a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, checked his body and found that there was nothing unusual before he breathed a sigh of relief, thinking back to the space corridor just now, he was very grateful.

Fortunately, I have left soul coordinates, otherwise I really don't know where I will go.

"I did an experiment and came here." Zhen said.

Half an hour later, the Seventh Hokage Uzumaki Naruto rushed back from the Hokage room, and he couldn't help feeling strange seeing a strange man sitting in his living room.


Hinata immediately came to Naruto's side and said to him, "Do you still remember the long dream I told you about?"

Naruto nodded suspiciously.

"This man...is the world over there...well, the father in my dream."

Naruto was stunned for a moment.

What do you mean, the person in the dream came to the real world? Could it be that I am dreaming?

"Hinata... is what you said true?"

Naruto couldn't make up his mind for a while, if it wasn't Hinata who said this to him, he would definitely think that someone else was making fun of him.

At the same time, Zhen was sitting on the sofa drinking tea at a leisurely pace, and was also looking at Naruto in this world, with blond hair and blue eyes, which more closely fit the image in the original manga and anime.

Knowing that they are two different worlds, he has no superfluous thoughts in his heart, Naruto and Hinata in front of him are not his children.

And I can really feel that this Naruto is very strong, the Seventh Hokage, the perfect Jinchuriki, can use the fairy fox mode, and if Kyuubi is willing, he will also have the heavy ion mode.

This is already considered Naruto at his peak, and his strength far exceeds that of ordinary mortals.

Fortunately, it is not an enemy.

Naruto came over, seeing that Zhen didn't intend to get up, so he sat down opposite him.

"Hi." He nodded slightly.

Zhen raised a hand, and a pitch-black ball instantly froze in his hand, which made Naruto's gaze slightly condensed.

How could he not know Qiudaoyu? He has used this power before.

Zhen chuckled and said: "It's just a coincidence that I came here, don't worry, I have no hostility, no matter what, I am your father over there."


If Hinata hadn't told him about that, Naruto would definitely think that the other party was deliberately taking advantage of him.

Naruto pondered for a moment and asked, "How did you get here?"

Now he is also the independent, calm and prudent Hokage, one of the two strongest in the ninja world, and he is no longer the stunned boy he used to be.

Likewise, he had no doubts about Hinata.

Zhen didn't elaborate, but said: "I came here by accident, and I will go back soon."

Naruto's mind was spinning rapidly.

Such a thing in another world sounds too amazing. According to Hinata, it is a world similar to this one, with similar people, but they all experience different things.

"But before I go back, I want to see Sasuke, is he in Konoha?"

"...I can get him back."

Shino acted very kindly, which made Naruto feel a little less guarded, and he could clearly feel that the other party looked at him as if he was looking at a junior.

But in fact, this Hinata's real age does not seem to be his age, it is estimated that he is only twenty years old at most, and he is in his thirties, which makes Naruto feel very strange.

Naruto asked Zhen some more questions, but they were all about Zhen's world, and Naruto was interested in the method of crossing the two worlds.

It's really understandable, after all, with Naruto's current strength, it's normal to be interested in this kind of thing.

Zhen smiled and said: "Why, do you want to go to my place?"

Naruto also smiled and said, "I'm interested."

Zhenha laughed a few times: "I think it's better to forget it. It's okay for you to go when you were a child, but if you go now, you might become an enemy of me."

Naruto savored the meaning of his words, but couldn't understand.

This Naruto, including this Hinata, did not make Makoto feel very close.

When Hinata went to his world and entered his daughter's body, she really regarded her as her own daughter.

But looking at them now, I really just treat them politely, after all, they are not the same person, even their looks are different.

As for the rest of the close people in this world, from the real point of view, there is no need to meet them, just pretend they don't exist.

Naruto regarded Zhen as a guest and arranged a residence for Zhen in Konoha.

Zhen was still shopping in Konoha that day, looking at Yingyan, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, he felt a little emotional.

Naruto's efficiency was very fast, and Sasuke came back the next day.

After receiving Naruto's summons, Sasuke thought something urgent had happened, so he hurried to Konoha. It took him a short time to come back, mainly because it took a lot of effort to summon him.

Zhenzhen met Sasuke as he wished. Compared with Naruto and Hinata, Sasuke is more like his son, because the appearance of Sasuke in the two worlds is more inclined to Mikoto.

Sasuke, who had a broken arm, looked at Zhen, and he learned everything from Naruto.

Zhen said, "I saw that you don't know me."

Sasuke heard the words and said, "Should we know each other?"

Zhen was silent for a moment, then smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's normal that you don't know me."

As he expected, a parallel world.

Sasuke who went to his world was sixteen or seventeen years old, and Hinata was thirty-two years old.

If the two were in the same world, how could it be impossible for Sasuke to know Makoto.

Since he really came to this world, he can only feel that this world has Hinata's soul coordinates, and he has this idea.

"My doubts have been resolved, and it's time to leave." Zhen said.

Sasuke frowned slightly when he heard the words, he came back on purpose, did the other party only say these few words?

"Thank you for your hospitality, I will give you a gift."

Really left behind a scroll with the imprint of the Immortal, which may have little improvement for Naruto and Sasuke, but it is an extraordinary treasure for Konoha.

Afterwards, Shin, who didn't intend to stay here any longer, said his goodbyes and flew away from Konoha.

Sasuke couldn't help but look surprised when he saw all this.

Really easy to find the teleportation array connecting the earth to the moon, and came to the moon.

Hamura Shrine.

Zhen, who was building the teleportation array, suddenly felt a chakra approaching quickly.

After thinking about it for a while, there is only one person on the moon, Otsutsuki Sheren.

But at this time, Sheren had lost Tenseiyan, and he regarded Zhen as an uninvited guest. Zhen did not hurt him, but subdued him, leaving a different soul coordinate on him than Hinata.

After some tossing, the space gap opened smoothly again.

This time, I didn't hesitate much and walked in directly.

It is also the familiar colorful corridor, a place where people can easily lose their way, but fortunately, they can really feel the soul coordinates connecting themselves.

This time, he was not in a hurry to find the location of the soul coordinates, but concentrated on studying this strange space.

Sasuke and Hinata who went to his world are both characters in the original plot, but they come from different time points. Why did they go to the world where Hinata is, but didn't see that Sasuke?

After thinking about it for a long time, I finally came to a conclusion.

He himself should not exist in the Hokage world. His existence made the history of Hokage take a different direction, and the world he lived in became a parallel world different from the original world.

Perhaps there is no such thing as a primary or secondary world, but some surprises have produced different worlds.

Sasuke and Hinata, who went to his world, learned many things in the real world, and then returned to their own world, which also produced a different parallel world, because they should not have known all this.

Take Sasuke as an example, he will never have anything to do with Tenseigan in his life, but he went to the moon because of the truth, and opened the teleportation array for the truth.

There seem to be thousands of parallel worlds, which are inexhaustible.

Thinking of this, Zhen suddenly became inexplicably flustered, and now he is going back to his original world, but is that still his own world?

Could it be that two different worlds have emerged since I walked into this space corridor?

A world that doesn't time travel itself.

A world that has time traveled itself.

No... no! You shouldn't think so!

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he began to comfort himself.

If this is the case, then a random thought of one's own may generate a different parallel world.

When I got up early this morning and had breakfast, there might still be a world where I slept in.

It would be meaningless to dig into a dead end for this, as long as I find it back along the soul coordinates left before I came, it will be my original world!

Taking a deep breath, I started to go to my original coordinates.

What time...

A thought suddenly came to Zhen Zhen's heart. He had already stopped, and there was a phantom in front of him. As long as he continued to move forward, he would be at his original coordinates, and he would be able to return to the original world.

But he remained motionless on the spot. He really remembered that when he first saw the space gap, it was like a projection of the high-latitude space in the three-dimensional world.

He suddenly stretched out his hand and waved it lightly, the dense mist in front of him actually avoided it by itself, although it was still an endless hallucination, but Shin's gorgeous Tenseigan seemed to see something completely different.

The parallel world is like a cross section, and there are countless different worlds on this section.

But if you look at it from another angle, look at its "longitudinal section".

Countless points in time in one world... the same point in time in countless worlds...

Zhen walked forward slowly as if in a daze, and walked into this illusion where he himself didn't know where he was going or where.

The world is spinning.

When I really recovered, I found myself in a dense forest.

Noisy during the day, the sun penetrated the branches and leaves, and shattered on his face.

This time he didn't have coordinates, so he didn't come directly to Hinata like last time.

Right now, this world doesn't have his coordinates either.

Really lay quietly on the ground full of dead branches and rotten leaves, watching the birds flying past in the forest from time to time.

"Why do you want to come to such a ghost place?"

"You are considered a medical ninja anyway, and you are too slack now."

"I'm looking for you to relieve boredom, you insist on picking some herbs."

The two voices were getting closer and closer. It sounded like a very young woman. When she turned her head, she was shocked to find that they were two strange creatures with grotesque shapes, writhing huge bodies and covered with tentacles. Those aliens in the past are even more terrifying, but those two monsters can speak people's words.

Seeing "they" getting closer, Zhen felt unspeakable palpitations in his heart.

After a moment of confusion, he opened his eyes again and sat up, breathing heavily.

"How are you?"

The familiar girl sounded next to his ears again, making Zhen's eyes widen instantly, and then what caught his eyes was a beautiful and pleasant woman with cherry hair.

not a monster...


I would actually have such a nightmare...

For a while, the true thoughts flew, and I bent my legs and stretched out my hands to rest on my knees to support my forehead, slowly calming down my breathing and mood.

"Why are you passed out here, are you a ninja from the village?"

Another question came from my ear.

Zhen looked at the two of them and recognized them after a brief look, even though it was the first time they met.

Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino...

Judging by their ages, they might be wives... no, the adult version.

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