Rated Hokage

Chapter 340 Chapter 339

Really expanded the perception ability, and soon discovered several familiar chakras.

And this sense of familiarity also comes from the world he went to not long ago, and the most obvious one is Naruto Uzumaki.

Makoto looked carefully at the faces of Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino. Although they were adults, they were not as mature as the Hinata they had seen before.

It might still be that world, but at a different point in time.

"How are you?" Haruno Sakura asked again.

"It's okay." Really said.

"That's it, it's fine." Haruno Sakura chuckled lightly.

Zhen stood up from the ground, but Haruno Sakura and Ino noticed in amazement that some dust and dead leaves on Zhen's body fell in response to his standing up.

It was the first time the two of them had seen this method of avoiding dust.

"Are you a ninja from the village?" The two exchanged glances, and Ino also asked.


"Is that so, I'm also the jounin of the village, I don't seem to have seen you much." Haruno Sakura said with a smile.

Really felt the vigilance and temptation in her words, but didn't care about it at all.

"Are you and Sasuke married?"

"Huh?" The sudden change of topic made both Haruno Sakura and Ino stunned.

"you know me?"

"I'm Sasuke's friend."

A friend of Sasuke...?

Haruno Sakura and Inoju showed suspicion.

Sasuke...does he have any friends they don't know?

Moreover, if you are an acquaintance, why not introduce yourself directly?

Suddenly, I really felt something, looked up to the sky, and a scene that surprised the three of them happened. The sun, which was originally high in the sky, actually fell to the mountain in the distance at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then the moon also followed suit. It rose to the sky at an extremely fast speed, exuding a strange halo.

The moon didn't stay in the sky for too long, and soon it also set, and the sun rose again.


"what happened……"

Haruno Sakura and Ino were speechless.

Looking at this scene, I frowned and said nothing, the flow of time has changed, but why is it like this?

Haruno Sakura suddenly stretched out her hand to make a seal in front of her body, thinking that she was possessed by illusion, but after several attempts, she found that it had no effect.

Suddenly, a figure galloped from afar.

"Sakura, Ino!"

That person soon arrived in front of the three of them, it was Naruto Uzumaki.


As Naruto approached, he suddenly stopped at the same spot, looked up at the sky, his eyes widened as he saw the rapidly alternating sun and moon.

"How could this be..." Naruto muttered to himself, then realized something, and quickly said to Kyuubi in his body.

"Nine Lamas, help me undo the illusion!"

"It's not an illusion." Jiu Lama responded.

After the sun had risen four times in a row, but in fact it was only a minute or two, another ninja came over, despite this time it was a small team.

When they came, they still shouted: "Naruto!"

Zhen finally realized something, and said, "Stay away from me."

Several people looked at him puzzled.

Zhen said to Naruto: "Naruto, you take everyone away now."

Naruto asked, "What do you mean, who are you?"

Zhen said: "It's too late to explain, I'm Sasuke's friend, you take those Anbu away now."

Sasuke's friend?

Naruto's eyes showed surprise, when did Sasuke have friends he didn't know?

Zhen pondered for a while: "Did you and Sasuke give each other the first kiss?"


Sakura: "..."

Ino: "..."

"Trust me now?"

After thinking for a while, Naruto waved away the Anbu who had rushed over, and Sakura and Ino also wanted to leave with them, but Shin said, "Can you leave one person behind?"

Sakura asked back: "Who are you? If you are a ninja from the village, why haven't we seen you?"

Zhen really stretched out his finger and pointed to the sky: "Now the flow of time has become very fast, and a day passes in less than a minute. Naruto, was this like this before you came here?"

Naruto shook his head slowly: "Sakura and Ino have been missing for three days, so I came here to look for them."

"Three days?!" Sakura and Ino exclaimed at the same time.

"How is this possible, we obviously..."

Zhen looked up at the fast-moving sun in the sky, and said, "It's been more than three days now, those Anbu should have come to look for you too, Naruto, you're missing too."

After some explanations, Naruto and Ino left together, and Sakura chose to stay by Zhen's side. Before Naruto left, Zhen told him that if the time returned to normal after leaving, he would come back a day later. them.

The sun rose and set again.

I really felt that this forest suddenly had more than a dozen strands of chakra, which should be Konoha's ninjas, but they didn't get close to him.

Naruto appeared with a white-haired masked man and an onion.

"It's been a day," Naruto said.

Sakura was startled, since it was less than a minute.

The onion-headed man said: "We have checked, and with you as the center, the time velocity in the area of ​​100 meters around is different."

It seems that Konoha has also done something during this time.

Zhen nodded lightly: "I'm going to move ten meters north now, please continue to investigate whether the area with different time velocity will move."

Sixth Hokage Kakashi said: "We have exactly that intention."

The three of them retreated, and Zhen took Sakura to the north for ten meters.

Soon, Naruto and the others came again, and they came to the conclusion that centering on the truth, the time flow rate is different in a space with a radius of 100 meters.

This result also confirmed what I really thought.

Is the way I travel through time wrong? This world is rejecting me...

He really didn't stay any longer, and flew directly into the sky. He wanted to leave this world.

To his surprise, Naruto actually chased after him.

"Where are you going?" Naruto asked behind the truth, he couldn't fly like the truth, he could only keep jumping up from the ground.

"Leave." The truth is concise.

"You said you were Sasuke's friend."

"That's a lie to you. I don't belong to this world. Don't follow me. If you are by my side for a day, it will take nearly ten years outside."

Naruto was taken aback for a moment, as if he planned to leave as he said.

Seeing this, Zhen threw a scroll at him: "In the future, you will meet all kinds of powerful enemies. Don't delay your practice. If you don't want to lose your companions, this is a gift for Konoha."

Naruto reached out to take the scroll he threw, and slowly dropped it to the ground.

He opened the scroll and glanced at it. There were various spell runes densely packed on it, and a few large characters beside it.

Immortal engraving.

Really came to the moon again, he didn't count how long passed, and how long passed outside.

As usual, subdue the coming Otsutsuki Tonero, drive the giant Tenseikan in the Temple of Hamura, and build a teleportation array.

However, to his surprise, what opened this time was no longer a pitch-black space gap like before, but a strong yellow and white light lit up, enveloping him bit by bit.

When I really saw everything around me again, I found myself in a space different from the colorful corridor before.

The surrounding colors are still dazzling, but there are countless black squares floating.

Zhen also floated in this space, staring at everything around him, he tried to perceive his own soul coordinates, tens of millions of coordinates flooded into his mind in an instant, almost made Zhen faint, and immediately stopped the investigation .

After a long time, I really recovered and began to think about my current situation.

The colorful tunnel that he entered before can go to different parallel worlds, but he passed a special method, which seems to have entered a different time.

Now what about this space...

When he searched for the coordinates he left just now, he could find countless coordinates, and he didn't leave so many at all.

The only explanation is that these coordinates all come from the same person, just at different times.

Just like Hinata, the thirty-two-year-old Hinata's soul has been to the real world, and the soul coordinates have been engraved by him, so after Hinata returns to the original world, her soul will always have this coordinate in the future.

The world I went to just now with a different flow of time may still be Hinata's world, but the time is earlier. Judging by the appearance of Naruto and Sakura, they may be just married or not married.

But why should your own time be different from the outside world's time?

After much deliberation, I finally came to a conclusion.

He didn't really grasp the correct method of time travel, and he didn't successfully travel through time just now, but he, who was still in the time stream, appeared, or was projected in that world, so he could He seemed out of place.

Zhen began to carefully examine everything around him. Standing on the edge of this round platform, his perception ability has been completely blocked, and there is no natural energy here.

On the contrary, he saw through those black squares through Tenseigan, each of which is densely packed with light spots, and there are countless surroundings of these black squares. It will take a long time to fully analyze this place.

Zhen suddenly stretched out his hand towards one of the squares, and he grabbed it, but in an instant, he saw that his hand was aging at a speed visible to the naked eye. The white bones were left, and the white bones began to corrode little by little.

This moment passed so quickly, I was so shocked that I quickly withdrew my hand, and found that only this hand had changed, and my body was the same.

Zhen Zhen looked at his right hand that had become a bone, recalling the feeling just now, he stretched out his hand again to turn to the square.

The next scene was that the hand, which had become a bone, started to repair itself, grew blood and flesh, and then became younger, as if the previous scene was presented in reverse.

I really understand that this is time traveling through his body, just like when he went to that world just now, it is not that he has traveled through time.

A blue and white ball of light suddenly appeared in his palm, and a golden beam of light shot out from the ball of light the next moment.

Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explodes!


This golden light is like a sharp blade, piercing through countless black squares, and directly piercing the entire space!


From these black squares, countless blue light spots exploded, instantly covering Zhen's whole body, as dazzling as the galaxy in the sky.

I really feel that this space is shaking, collapsing, tearing, and collapsing.

But the next moment, the shaking stopped suddenly, and in the real line of sight, it seemed that the picture played on the TV froze.

Looking at the dark cracks in the space, he finally felt the familiar soul coordinates again. This time he flew into one of the cracks without hesitation.

Everything in front of him was suddenly flooded with intense white light, and even Shin, who had Tenseikan, was temporarily blind.

But when he saw everything around him again, he found himself standing in front of that giant yellow Tenseigan.

This is his original world, and he perceives everything he is familiar with!

Zhen opened his hand, and the familiar blue light appeared in his palm.

The next moment, around the giant Tenseiyan, more than a dozen pitch-black space vortexes appeared at the same time, and then a figure walked out of each vortex, each of which looked exactly like him.

This is him at different moments in the next hour.

Now that Zhen understood everything, he and himself had nothing to say, and they all turned around and returned to the space vortex. With a wave of Zhen's hand, these dozens of black vortexes disappeared again.

Have you... mastered the power of time...

Thinking calmly from the bottom of my heart, I made a cut in my palm, and blood flowed out instantly.

But the next moment, the blood flowed back on its own, and the wound healed quickly, as if it had never happened.

This incredible ability did not really surprise me. I may be stronger than before, but I am far from omniscient and omnipotent. It is just that I am stronger than before. From an invincible existence on the earth, I have become Invincible existence on earth.

Really breathed a sigh of relief, turned and left here. # Konoha, the Imperial Palace.

Everyone in the middle of the night has already slept peacefully.

Naruto suddenly yelled and woke up from the bed.

This also woke up Sasuke and Neji who were sleeping soundly beside them.

"What's wrong?" Sasuke rubbed his sleepy eyes and asked blankly.

Naruto was dressed roughly, sitting there with his eyes wide open.


"Naruto?" Neji also sat up, looking at him suspiciously.

"I had a dream...a nightmare..."

"It's just a dream, go to sleep now." Sasuke said a little irritably.

Ning Ci also lay back and said, "Dreams are all fake, go to bed quickly."


Naruto sat on the bed for a while without saying a word, then got out of bed and left the bedroom.

Ning Ci watched his leaving back, said nothing, turned over and continued to sleep.

Naruto turned on the light in the living room, went to the table and poured himself a glass of water, feeling much better.

At this time, the door of the living room opened suddenly, and Shi Zhen walked in.


"Why haven't you slept yet?" Zhen asked, watching Naruto standing there drinking water in his pajamas.

"I had a nightmare and woke up with a fright."

"What nightmare?"

Naruto hesitated for a while, and then slowly said: "I dreamed...you and my mother...both died, and many people called me a monster..."

I was really startled, and then hurriedly walked up to Naruto.

"Naruto, you..."

Naruto put down the water glass, reached out and hugged his father's, but because of his height, he could only hug his real leg.

"Dad, I'm a little scared."

Zhen silently rubbed his hair and said, "It's okay, don't be afraid, Dad is always here."

After putting Naruto to sleep, Zhen didn't feel sleepy, and sat alone in the living room.

Is Naruto's situation just a dream, or is it that soul travel also happened to him.

I really couldn't figure it out for a while.

The plot may be a bit messy recently, I hope you don’t worry, there will be another chapter later

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