Rated Hokage

Chapter 341 Chapter 340, Two Tsunade, Double Happiness

early morning.

There was a rattling noise in the living room, disturbing one's slumber.

Tsunade rested his wrist on his forehead a little irritably, squinting at the morning light coming in from the window.

another day...

A plump white leg protruded from under the blanket, dyed with red nail polish, and the window was flexibly opened, and the cool light and wind broke into the bedroom together, and the tired and hazy consciousness was slowly dissipating.

Tsunade was wearing a thin pajamas, walked out of the bedroom, and saw Shizune in a hurry, probably making breakfast.

"Master Tsunade, you are awake."

"Yeah." Tsunade replied lazily, and was about to go to the bathroom.

"Your Majesty is coming." After Shizune finished speaking, she walked into the kitchen again, leaving the living room to Shinkazu Tsunade.


Tsunade's footsteps stopped suddenly, and then he opened his eyes wide and looked towards the living room, only to find that there was a figure there.

"Morning." The other party greeted her with a smile.


Tsunade's face turned cold. She hadn't seen the other party very much recently, and she gradually adapted to life here, but every time she thought of the humiliation the other party gave her, she hated her teeth.

She thought about escaping from here at first, but soon realized that such an idea was wishful thinking. This Hinata is really strong, probably... no, it should definitely be stronger than Uchiha Madara.

Konoha's Tower of the Sun and the God of Justice outside made her feel deeply powerless, and felt that she was now in a prison.

Having not seen each other for so many days made Tsunade feel better. If there was no bastard, everything in this world would be fine.

But if there is no such thing, this bastard came again, did he come to humiliate her again...

Tsunade clenched her fists tightly, she is not the kind of woman who can be played around with, if this bastard dares to force her again, even if he dies, he will have to teach him a lesson!

Zhen said: "You wash up first, I will find you if I have something to do."

But at this moment, Tsunade didn't have any thoughts about washing up, so he walked over to Xiangzhen directly.

She said coldly: "What's the matter?"

Zhen tilted his head and said, "I have prepared a new body for you."

Tsunade looked startled: "...what do you mean?"

Zhen explained: "You are now occupying Tsunade's body in this world, and Tsunade here is also in a dormant state because of you, so I prepared a new body for you, so that the two of you can interact with each other." do not bother."

"Don't worry, this body is cloned according to Tsunade himself. It is exactly the same as Tsunade in all aspects. Don't worry about any problems, but it should be younger."

Tsunade fell silent, looking at Zhen with a blank expression.

She said: "If I go back to the original world directly, will the Tsunade here be restored?"

Zhen smiled and said: "That's right, but the visitor is a guest, I entertain you so warmly, and you just leave like this, I am a little bit reluctant."

Tsunade silently clenched her fist again, as she thought, this bastard really has no good intentions!

But can she say no?

She did occupy someone else's body, and Shizune has been looking forward to the return of Tsunade here, she just took advantage of Shizune's kindness...

Zhen said again: "Let's go wash up, you have to return other people's things, don't you have to clean it up?"

Tsunade didn't respond, but walked towards the bathroom.

Half an hour later, Tsunade came out fully dressed, still wearing the same sleeveless top and green long coat.

Makoto looked her up and down with a smile, while Tsunade looked at him coldly.

"Let's go," she said.

"Why are you so hostile to me? We were not very close before?"

The truth made Tsunade unbearable for an instant, and he punched it directly.

But how could her attack be effective, this punch was restrained by an invisible force and stopped in mid-air.

Tsunade said bitterly: "Hinata Makoto, you'd better be more polite to me, and if you speak rudely, I will kill you even if I die!"

It is really the kind of person who is least afraid of threats, and he stretched out his hand to caress Tsunade's face, looked at her almost flaming eyes and said: "Tsunade, you think too highly of yourself, without my consent, you even die Neither can."

Then, Zhen walked out of the room with Tsunade, flew directly into the sky, and flew in the direction of the Biotechnology Research Institute.

This is not the first time Tsunade has flown. When he was fighting Uchiha Madara, he also used the power of Onogi and Gaara to fly.

She also heard in this world that he is the only person in the world who can fly, because Onoki was killed by him.

"It's time to get down to business, be quiet." Makoto patted Tsunade's buttocks, and then lifted the restrictions on her body.

Tsunade resisted the urge to do it again, she told herself over and over again that this body is not her own, and this guy is not playing tricks on her...

She can only persuade herself now.

After entering the Institute of Biological Sciences, the modern technological style here immediately made Tsunade look strange. In addition to the scientific researchers in white coats, there are also many mechanical dolls. They are the ones who study matchmaking dolls at the Institute of Mechanical Sciences. results.

These are undoubtedly new things for Tsunade, and he looked around.

Really ignoring the people bowing and saluting around him, he found the pocket all the way.

"He is..." Tsunade said in surprise when he saw Tou, and recognized him.

"The pocket here, one of the seven crown guards, the minister of the Biotechnology Department." Zhen said.

people from different worlds...

Tsunade quickly calmed down again, looking at the young man in front of him.

He pocketed and said, "I'm just the vice minister, and the minister is the second generation."

Shindou: "The second generation is just a name."

Second Generation Hokage...

Tsunade already knows that the second generation of this world is alive, but regrets that he has not been able to meet.

"Let's start." Zhen Duidou said.

He led the two of them into another room, and there was an operating table in the middle, on which lay a person who looked exactly like Tsunade, with the same choppy figure, but his appearance seemed to be younger, at most two years old. She looks ten years old, and the difference is that there is no diamond-shaped imprint on her forehead.

Dou said to Zhen: "Your Majesty, this physical body has been activated."

Zhen nodded lightly, then waved lightly, and left the room after giving a salute, and the automatic door full of technological style was also closed.

Only Tsunade Kazuma and the young Tsunade lying there were left here.

Zhen said: "I prepared it for you, see if you like it."

Tsunade came to this young body and reached out to touch her arm. It was soft and elastic, and it was indeed a very good body.

Zhen said again: "In the future, you can stay here with peace of mind."

Tsunade snorted coldly, and glanced sideways: "Stay here and continue to be humiliated by you."

Zhen walked over and took her into his arms: "Don't say that, Tsunade."

Tsunade showed anger and struggled: "Let go!"

Struggling was useless, Tsunade could only stare angrily at the opponent.

Zhen said slowly: "Tsunade, I really like you, otherwise I wouldn't spend such a lot of effort for you."

Tsunade was indifferent to such words, after what happened before, she just wanted to kill this guy.

Zhen sighed softly: "Let's begin."

Then he let go of Tsunade, and tapped the forehead of the body lying there, chakra poured in instantly, and the cold white skin instantly became a little more rosy, and at the same time, a black line appeared from the real fingertips. The place where it was pointed, crawled down, like a magic formula.

Zhen walked to the side of the instrument, fiddled with the operation, and a second operating table was raised next to the operating table.

Zhen said, "Lie down."

Tsunade didn't feel awkward about this kind of thing, and lay down on the bed as he said.

As the real operation was completed, Tsunade suddenly felt that his body became light and light, and at the same time it shone with luster.

Without any discomfort, she just came out of Tsunade's body in the form of a soul. She floated in the air, looking at the two bodies on the two operating tables, and then at Makoto beside her.

The next moment, a strong suction force suddenly came from that young body, pulling the spirit body Tsunade floating in midair.

Accompanied by this irresistible force, Tsunade only felt his consciousness dim, and passed out.

Drowsy, I don't know how long it has passed, Tsunade slowly opened his eyes, there was still a bright ceiling and a somewhat cold operating table.

"Wake up." A real voice came from the side.

Tsunade sat up, felt his body at this moment, and then found that there was really someone exactly like himself standing beside him.


"I'm also Tsunade." The other party said, she woke up earlier, she didn't know what happened, she learned everything from the real mouth, and was very curious about this other world's Tsunade.

"That's it...you're awake too."

Tsunade muttered to himself, then got off the operating table.


Suddenly, a clear and familiar voice sounded, which made the two Tsunade present startled.

Tsunade from this world standing next to Zhen was the first to react, looking at the young version of himself thoughtfully, with a strange look behind him.

Tsunade, who was in a young body, reached out and touched his butt, feeling something through the clothes.

Her face turned red little by little, but even her eyes were bloodshot and full of murderous intent.

"Ah! You bastard! I'm going to kill you!"

She rushed towards Zhen as if going crazy, but was once again controlled by Zhen.

Zhen coughed lightly and said, "Don't get excited, you'll just get used to it in the future!"


Such words made the young version of Tsunade almost faint with anger.

Zhen thought about it again: "In the future, I have to distinguish between the two of you, so as not to confuse you."

After speaking, his eyes scanned between the two of them.

Tsunade in this world is calm as usual.

And Tsunade, who traveled from another world, was full of resentment.

Zhen said to Tsunade next to him: "You will still be Tsunade in the future, and it will be fine to continue to be called Tsunade."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Tsunade answered with a bow.

Zhen turned his eyes to another person, Tsunade who wanted to eat himself alive in his eyes.

"Your words……"

"I must kill you! I must!" she said hysterically.

Really laughed: "I'm afraid you will never have this chance in your life."

She roared: "Then you kill me now!"

Gently caressing her cheek: "How can I be willing to do this?"

"You are Tsunade No. 2, um... Anyway, you can call me what I want in the future."

Looking at the two Tsunade beside him, Shin raised the corner of his mouth as he spoke.

Double the joy!

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