Rated Hokage

Chapter 438 Chapter 440

The Tsunade family.

"Master Tsunade?"

Hokage Tsunade came back to her senses suddenly, Shizune was calling her beside her.

"What are you looking at?"

Hokage Tsunade turned his head to look at Shizune, then pointed out the window: "The sky outside..."

Jing Yin heard the sound and looked out the window, then looked away in doubt: "What's wrong outside?"

Hokage Tsunade was stunned for a moment, she looked outside at the huge black shadow covering the entire sky.

"Mute, you...can't you see?"

"See what?"

I don't know what that black shadow is, the reminder is so huge that the field of vision can't fully contain it, only a part of it can be glimpsed.

Hokage Tsunade only felt palpitations, and then called out Tsunade and Hokage Shizune, but the two had the same reaction as Shizune.

"There is nothing."

"What do you see?"


Hokage Tsunade was speechless for a while, and the uneasiness in her heart became more and more intense. She ran out of the house and came to the street, and found pedestrians doing their own things as if nothing had happened. It seemed that no one except her noticed the abnormality in the sky .

how so……

She thought of the figure, then flew towards the direction of the palace, and stopped on a building in front of the palace.

Hokage Tsunade saw that a black curtain hung down from the black shadow above the sky, covering the entire attic of the front hall.

From the outsiders' point of view, everything was normal, but Hokage Tsunade felt extremely dangerous and dared not approach. # Front hall of the palace.

Zhen sat up from the sofa, looked at Unozhi Huaretsu at the side, and asked for no reason: "Are you still leaving?"

Mao Zhihualie was also stunned for a moment, she had just arrived.

"Your Majesty... don't you need me to report on some work in the soul world?"


Zhen really ignored her, but came to the side French window, looking out the window thoughtfully.

"I can't see..."

He turned to look at Kaguya, and asked, "Have you noticed?"

Kaguya asked puzzledly, "What?"

Unohana also didn't know what she was really doing. She came here from Soul Soul World to report some work information to the emperor. With Konoha's help, the reconstruction of Soul Soul World went smoothly.

She tried to speak: "Your Majesty?"

But Zhen's face at this moment was slightly ugly. He raised his hand and stopped in mid-air. This is a movement he often makes when he exerts the power of time and space. opened, but he suddenly felt the chaos of time.

He stood quietly in front of the window, looking at Kaguya and Unotohanaretsu without saying a word.

After a long while, Uzhihua was in a trance, and then her figure suddenly changed out of thin air. She bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I'm here to report on the work of the Soul Realm."

Lian Huiye also became dazed, looked between his legs suspiciously, and then looked at Zhen, with surprise in his eyes.

Apart from myself, I have never met another person who can control the power of time.

"There's no need to report, you can go back." Zhen said to Unozhihualie.


Even though he didn't know what was going on in his heart, Unokanaretsu bowed obediently to Zhen, turned and left the room.

Zhen glanced at the teacup on the table again, and under his gaze, the teacup suddenly shattered.

Not long after the time passed, Unoka's figure suddenly appeared in the room out of thin air, and the broken teacup on the table was restored to its original state.

What is chaotic is not their own time, but the time in this space, someone wants to bind him here! # Mt. Miaogi.

Jiraiya's figure suddenly appeared here, holding a wine glass in his hand, his face flushed.

"Come on, continue..." He hummed a little deliriously.

Immortal Fukasaku, who summoned Jiraiya by using the technique of reverse psychic seeing this scene, was extremely helpless, and slapped him hard on the head.

"Wake up, little Zilai!"

Jiraiya rubbed his aching head, looking blankly at everything around him.

Immortal Fukasaku spit out a stream of water, which splashed on Jiraiya's body, and Jiraiya was instantly sober.

"How did I get here?"

"It's the elder who is looking for you, something serious happened!" Immortal Shen Zuo scolded.

Hearing that it was the Great Toad Immortal, Jiraiya was more than half sober from the wine.

He followed Immortal Fukasaku to the residence of Immortal Toad, and saw the huge old toad sitting on the stone chair in the hall.

The moment Jiraiya walked into the hall, he felt something was wrong. Everything seemed to be in a state of stagnation, but he could move freely.

"My lord, Zirai has come too." Immortal Fukasaku said.

The Great Toad Immortal opened his cloudy eyes and looked down at Jiraiya who was kneeling below.

"Jiraiya..." Its voice was old and slow, and unlike before, it was a little weaker.

"Go and save the world."

Ji Lai was also surprised: "What did you say!"

The Great Toad Immortal said slowly: "The future is cut off, and those who play with time are trapped in the cage of time. It is the arrival of the omniscient and omnipotent God."

Zilai was also confused, and couldn't help asking: "Great Immortal, can you explain it more clearly?"

The eyes of the big toad sage gradually became clear, and Jiraiya and Fukasaku sage's eyes blurred, and the old toad sitting there suddenly turned into a young toad with a body shape that was not much different from Fukasaku sage.

From its mouth, three voices, old, middle and young, came out at the same time: "I'm going to die."

Immortal Fukasaku turned pale with shock: "My lord, you..."

The big toad fairy turned into a young and strong giant toad again, and his voice was still the same as before: "Time is eating me back... Our original god has been corrupted, and the world will soon be destroyed."

Ji Lai also asked ignorantly, "What should I do?"

"The human emperor is trapped by time just like me. You have to rescue him. Only he can defeat the god who is about to destroy the world." said the Great Toad Immortal.

The emperor of mankind...Hinata Makoto?

Zilai also froze for a moment.

This fate is too wonderful. Hinata Shin, who has a deep hatred with him, now wants him to rescue him.

His feelings towards Hinata were also very complicated in his heart. He felt that he should hate the other party, after all, the other party killed Minato with his own hands, but when he recalled the past, he felt more self-blame.

Zilai was also stunned for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "Great Immortal, what should I do?"

"Find someone who has been tricked by time..."

Immortal Toad weakly raised a hand, and a black chaotic vortex slowly appeared in front of Jiraiya.

This is a crack in space, and I don't know where it leads.

However, after Immortal Big Toad opened the crack in space, there was no sound at all. Immortal Shenzuo thought of what Immortal Toad said about dying just now, and hurriedly jumped over to check the situation.


The mournful sound of Shenzuo Immortal resounded in the hall.

Jiraiya was very confused at the moment, he didn't fully understand what the Great Toad Immortal said, all he understood was to ask him to find someone and save Hinata.

What's going on now Hinata...

Immortal Fukasaku soon woke up from his grief, and he came to Jiraiya's side: "Little Ziraiya, are you ready to leave?"

Ji Lai was also silent for a while, he didn't resist this mission, he just didn't know what to do, and the way ahead was at a loss.

Who is the person who has been teased by time?

The Great Toad Immortal also gave him a prophecy before, but it seems that none of them came true. This time...

"Little Ziraiya?" Immortal Fukasaku called again.

Jiraiya took a deep breath, and stepped into the space crack.

He has also felt the feeling of traveling through space, but different from the feeling of reverse psychic and Flying Thunder God, this time he felt a force pulling him forward, in a magical space.

When I opened my eyes, it was a clear day with no clouds in the sky.

This is not Mount Miaomu, but it looks familiar. After some investigation, Jilai also confirmed that this place is not far from Konoha.

He thought about what Immortal Toad said before he died, and after thinking about it, he thought that he should go back to Konoha first to see the current situation of Emperor Hinata.

And when he came to Konoha, he realized something was wrong!

The gate is completely different from the impression, the size has become much smaller, and the righteous god standing outside Konoha has also disappeared.

What surprised him the most was the Shadow Rock that he could see from the gate. It was no longer a Shadow Rock. It was supposed to be a tower of the sun, but Jilai also saw seven huge statues!

The first three are the first, second, and third Hokage, but the fourth one is actually his disciple, Namikaze Minato!

The fifth is Tsunade, and the sixth... seems to be Hatake Kakashi!

As for the seventh, the complete stranger is an unknown person.

Jiraiya stood blankly at the main entrance of Konoha, feeling a little at a loss for a moment.

What kind of place is this... is it Konoha?

"Hey, if you want to enter Konoha, please register."

The ninja guarding Konoha's main gate called out to him at this moment.

Hearing the sound, Ji Lai also hesitated for a while, then walked over.

"Excuse me...does Konoha still have Hokage?"

The guard ninja looked strange: "What do you mean, Master Seventh is in the village."

Seven generations...

Jiraiya looked at the seventh stone statue on the eye shadow rock from a distance.

"Seventh Hokage-sama... what is the name taboo?"

The Konoha ninja guarding the main gate immediately looked at Jiraiya with the eyes of an alien.

Zilai also scratched his head, and said with a simple smile: "I have been living alone in the mountains, and I don't know much about the outside world."

Konoha Ninja looked at Jirai thoughtfully: "Seventh Hokage-sama's name is Uzumaki Naruto, but he is the hero who saved the world!"

Whirlpool... Naruto...

Jiraiya's face suddenly became very exciting.

If it's the Naruto I think of, shouldn't I be called Hinata Naruto?

wrong! The fourth generation on the shadow rock is Minato, and that Hinata really...

An hour later, Ji Laiya was walking on the street when he suddenly found someone following him.

He led the other party through the streets calmly, and then walked into an empty alley, and he blocked the right way out in an instant.

"Why follow me?"

But this person stood firm and fearless, turned around and looked at him with a sneer: "Who are you, why do you want to look like Master Jiraiya!"

Zilai was also surprised: "You know me?"

But the man's face darkened, he rushed up and punched Zilaiye directly in the face.

After several simple fights, Jilai also found that although the opponent is young, his strength is not weak at all, and he is completely superior to Junin.

This person also realized that Zilai was not a good person, and immediately spread the palm of his right hand, the chakra quickly condensed, and a blue high-density chakra ball instantly condensed.

Ji Laiya was startled when he saw this, looking at the spiral pill in his hand, the thoughts in his heart suddenly became very complicated.

He also stretched out a hand, and under the incredulous gaze of the other party, he condensed an identical spiral pill.

"You..." The other party's eyes widened instantly, his face full of shock.

"How did you know the Helix pill?" The two spoke almost at the same time, asking out the doubts in their hearts.

After a moment of silence, Jilai also asked, "What's your name?"

Looking at the spiral pill in Jiraiya's hand, the man was silent for a moment, then said, "Sarutobi Konoha pill."

Jilai also said in surprise: "Then you and Hiruza Sarutobi the Third Hokage..."

"That's my grandfather."

Jiraiya scattered Heliwanwan, and wanted to ask something, but Konohamaru asked before him: "Who are you!"

Konoha's face was solemn, and the vigilance in his eyes did not fade away: "Who are you...!"

Ji Lai also smiled lightly, he now turned his head to look at the shadow rock in the distance, looked closely at the stone statue above, and then suddenly performed a strange dance on the spot, and the wooden clogs made a crisp sound on the ground.

"Toad Immortal is just my name to deceive the world. In fact, I am from east to west, north to south, and everyone knows it. The white-haired boy who is one of the famous Sannin, the messenger of Toad, and Master Jiraiya!"

Konoha Maru: "..."

He suddenly had a feeling in his heart that the guy in front of him who called himself Jiraiya should be real...

Ji Lai also said confidently: "Since you are the grandson of the third generation, you should know my name."

Konoha Maru was silent for a while, and then said: "You should have been dead for more than ten years."

Zilai was also taken aback by this.

This world seems to be very different from his original world.

First of all, the timeline is different. If the seventh generation is that Naruto, it should be many years later than his original world.

He was silent for a while, and said: "Say it, you may not believe it, I am not from this world."

Konohamaru asked in a daze, "What do you mean?"

Jilai also said: "I come from another world, and I came here...to find someone."

Konoha Maru looked at the white-haired man in front of him seriously, his appearance was the same as the Jiraiya he remembered, even younger, he had only seen a photo not long ago.

"You... come with me."

He decided to take this person to the seventh generation to meet, and he didn't know how Naruto's brother would react when he saw this person.

On the way to Hokage Building, Jiraiya asked, "Who did you learn your spiral pill from?"

"Naru... Seventh Hokage." Konoha Maru said.

Uzumaki...is Naruto...

Jiraiya was also thoughtful: "What about the spiral pill of Seventh Hokage?"

Konoha Maru turned his head and glanced at him, then slowly said: "...the master of Seventh Hokage is Jiraiya-sama."

Jiraiya suddenly felt a little nervous in his heart, and he asked, "Who are the parents of Seventh Hokage...?"

After listening to Konohamaru's answer, Jiraiya's heart suddenly relaxed again. He looked at the rock statue of the Fourth Hokage in the distance, and suddenly grinned: "The Fourth Hokage...is a very good Hokage, right? ?”

"Of course!" Konoha Maru said without thinking.

"That's it... that's good."

Ten minutes later, in Hokage's office.

After Zilai also saw the man with short blond hair in front of him, he suddenly thought of the prophecy that the Great Toad Immortal had told him.

I... will have another disciple in the future!

This disciple will break the nightmare of the world, and thinking about the purpose of this trip, Zilai can already be sure that the person in front of him is what he is looking for!

It will end soon, try to be before the 15th, there will be more in these few days

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