Rated Hokage

Chapter 439 Chapter 441, Makoto Hinata's rescue plan!

Naruto Office.

After a long conversation, there was a long silence. Both parties confirmed each other's identities. Uzumaki Naruto looked at the familiar face in front of him and said with a complicated expression: "I had a dream when I was young, but the time is too long. After a long time, I have almost forgotten it, but Hinata reminded me of that dream not long ago."

"In my dream, I went to another world, where I have a big home, many family members..."

Jilai can also feel the heavy feelings of the person in front of him, from the emotions revealed by the other person at the first sight of him, but he can't fully understand it.

"I want to ask you to help me save my world." Jiraiya said.

Nara Shikamaru on the side hesitated to speak, he felt that he should persuade Hokage to stay, there was no need to take this risk, but as a person who grew up with Uzumaki Naruto, he knew very well that Jiraiya was also Uzumaki Naruto position in people's minds.

Sure enough, Naruto Uzumaki gave a quick reply: "Yes."

Nara Shikamaru said helplessly, "Naruto, you have to think carefully, you are Hokage."

Uzumaki Naruto grinned and said, "Of course I know. Although so many years have passed, I still remember the people who should be remembered in that world."

Nara Shikamaru said again: "No matter whether you go or not, and what the result of that world is, it will not have any impact on our world. On the contrary, if something happens to you, it will be a great deal to Konoha. blow."

At this time, Jiraiya looked at this man who looked very similar to Lu Jiu. He also had a beard, but there was no scar on his face.

"Excuse me, what is your relationship with Shikahisa Nara?" he asked.

"That's my father." Nara Shikamaru said.

Jiraiya nodded knowingly, if the deer in his world hadn't died, he would have a child who was the same age as Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto was silent for a while, and suddenly said very firmly: "I'm going!"

Seeing that Nara Shikamaru couldn't persuade him, he had no choice but to say, "Why are you talking to your family?"

"I think... Hinata should support me."

Then Uzumaki Naruto said to Zilaiya: "I need to say goodbye to my family, please wait for me for a while, lecherous fairy."

Ji Lai also nodded with a light smile: "Of course..."

Before he finished speaking, his face froze suddenly: "What did you... call me just now?"

Uzumaki Naruto scratched his head, and said with a "honest" smile, "...I'm going home first."

Jiraiya watched Naruto's leaving back, and asked Shikamaru Nara unwillingly: "What did he call me just now?"

Nara Shikamaru looked strange, and said, "You...you heard wrong."

Jiraiya's face became very exciting.

Uzumaki Naruto returned home, approached Hinata and told him about it.

Hinata murmured: "You are... the mother who wants to see that world again?"

"Ah...you guessed it."

Hinata said softly: "I support you, but you have to be careful."

Uzumaki Naruto nodded firmly: "Yeah!"


When he returned to the Hokage Building again, Uzumaki Naruto said to Jiraiya: "Lust... we can go now."

Noticing the unfriendly gaze of the other party, Naruto Uzumaki stopped what he had said.

Jiraiya was stunned at this moment, and then stood there without saying a word?

Nara Shikamaru called out, "Jiraiya...sir?"

He originally wanted to call the other party "Master Ziraiya", but after all, the other party is not from here, so he changed his name.

Uzumaki Naruto also asked strangely: "A lecherous fairy?"

Ji Lai also showed embarrassment, and no longer pursued the issue of his address, but said: "I seem to... don't know how to go back."


The corner of Nara Shikamaru's mouth twitched, the person in front of him was exactly the same as the Jiraiya in his impression.

Jilai really didn't know how to go back. Before he came, the Great Toad Immortal only opened a door for him to come, and didn't give him anything or teach him any ninjutsu.

Uzumaki Naruto was a little speechless, thinking that I have already bid farewell to my family, is it possible that I should go back today?

Nara Shikamaru spread his hands and said, "Then what should we do next?"

Zilai was also thinking about it, and suddenly clapped his hands and said, "Mt. Miaomu!"

Naruto Uzumaki and Shikamaru Nara were both startled.

"I was sent here by the Great Toad Immortal, as long as I see the Great Toad Immortal in this world, there will be a solution!"

Jiraiya took a deep breath, then bit his finger, made a seal, and slammed down on the ground.

"Psychic art!"


When the white smoke dissipated, what appeared here was an old toad, which was Immortal Fukasaku.

Jilai couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief. Although they are in different worlds, the contracts seem to be connected.

After seeing Jiraiya, Fukasaku Toad looked as if he had seen hell.

Jilai also said directly to it: "I will explain later, boss, please send me and Naruto to Mt. Miaomu."

Uzumaki Naruto greeted it with a smile: "Long time no see, Grandpa Immortal."

Immortal Fukasaku was a little confused for a moment, he looked at Jiraiya, and then at Naruto: "Little Naruto, what's going on, why is Ziraiya..."

Uzumaki Naruto said: "It's true that this is a lecherous fairy, but it's not a lecherous fairy in our world."

Immortal Fukasaku was even more confused.

Uzumaki Naruto said: "In short, let's go to Mount Miaomu first, we want to see the elder."

Sento Fukasaku's gaze went back and forth between Naruto and Jiraiya, and finally nodded. It naturally trusts Naruto very much, and the other person is suspected to be Jiraiya.

It made a seal with its own frog palm, and disappeared in place out of thin air, and after a short while, the figures of Naruto and Jiraiya also disappeared here.

Inside Miaomu Mountain.

Immortal Fukasaku brought Jiraiya and Uzumaki Naruto to the Great Toad Immortal's main hall. The huge old toad was sitting on a stone chair. Jiraiya had only seen it not long ago, and saw its death.

"Master!" Jiraiya saluted.

"You're really here." The voice of the Great Toad Immortal was old and slow.

Zilai was also surprised and said, "Does the elder know that I'm coming?"

The Great Toad Immortal said slowly: "I had an extremely hazy dream a long time ago, and I thought it was an extremely distant and unreal illusion... If the corrupted god has the complete power of time, then all time will be gone. will be plagued by it, and it will devour all until the end."

Zilai also couldn't help asking questions: "What is the so-called god? Can you tell me, my lord?"

He was suddenly entrusted with a mission by the Great Toad Immortal in the original world, and he is still a little confused. He doesn't know who his enemy is, and the Great Toad Immortal just asked him to find someone and save them.

"He was originally the god in charge of the cycle of life and death. He is the most impartial and selfless existence. He is an existence older than me, the Sage of the Six Paths, and Otsuki."

"In your original timeline, Orochimaru split himself into two parts during the death fight with the Third Hokage and Namikaze Minato. The part full of kindness and affection and the soul of the Third Hokage were sealed into the Shinigami In the body, Orochimaru managed to undo the ghoul seal, but he did not choose to re-integrate with that part of himself, and the price of doing so was that only greed, cunning and cunning remained in his soul. , ruthless, cold and all kinds of extreme things, which made it difficult for him to maintain his sanity and sobriety. He began to continue to split himself, but what was missing in essence, the only numbness brought about by excessive splitting, and the countless split souls were all Pure evil."

"The gods devoured them all in order to purify these souls. The number of these 'evil' was too large, and eventually the gods were corrupted by them."

Immortal Big Toad told all the reasons, and Jiraiya finally understood what was going on in his heart, and it was still related to the events of the year.

His heart became extremely heavy. The death of Orochimaru has always been a heart problem for him. He felt that he hadn't dealt with everything well back then. Minato and Orochimaru should not have reached that point...

Jiraiya suddenly asked Uzumaki Naruto beside him: "Is the Orochimaru of this world still alive?"

Uzumaki Naruto nodded and said: "Well, but he is still a dangerous person, and has been under Konoha's care."

Zilai also let out a long sigh, suppressed his chaotic thoughts, and looked at Immortal Toad: "My lord, can you send us back?"

But the big toad fairy said: "It's not enough, there are still two people left."

Zi Lai also hurriedly asked, "Who is it?"

"Uzumaki Hinata, Uchiha Sasuke."

Uzumaki Naruto said in surprise: "Hinata too..."

The Great Toad Immortal said: "The Uzumaki Hinata has also been to that world."

Uzumaki Naruto came to his senses in an instant, and said, "So that's the case, did Sasuke go there too..."

At this time, Jiraiya also understood what the Great Toad Immortal in the original world meant by "people who have been tricked by time".

But the Great Toad Immortal said: "It's Sasuke Uchiha from another timeline, you go and bring Uzumaki Hinata over first."

Uzumaki Naruto hesitated a bit, he could go and take this risk with Jiraiya without too many worries, but if he wanted to bring Hinata...

The Great Toad Immortal said: "If the fallen gods swallow the person who has the power of time, all time and everything will come to an end."

"……I see."

Half an hour later, Hinata was also brought to Mount Miaomu, and together they came to Immortal Toad.

Immortal Toad slowly raised his old arm, and a dark chaotic vortex appeared in front of everyone, which was exactly the same as the one Jiraiya had seen when he came.

The direction that this space crack leads to should be the timeline where Uchiha Sasuke they are looking for is.

Uzumaki Naruto suddenly looked forward to it, he really wanted to know what Sasuke would look like in another world.

However, at this moment, the Great Toad Immortal suddenly lowered his arms and fell silent.

Immortal Fukasaku was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly stepped forward to check: "My lord! My lord..."

Zilai also stared blankly at the Immortal Toad who was no longer responding, and his heart suddenly became heavy.

Could it be that he will have to face the death of the elder again later?

"Let's go, lecherous fairy!"

Suddenly, Uzumaki Naruto's firm voice sounded beside him.


The three of them passed through the crack in space together, and Jilai also experienced the familiar feeling again. When he opened his eyes, the place he was in was exactly the same as before.

There is only one more figure in the palace where the Great Toad Immortal is.

"You are here."

"...Sasuke." Uzumaki Naruto looked at the black-haired man in front of him, recognized him at a glance, and said in a daze.

The other party looked in his thirties, but he didn't hide his eyes with his hair like the Sasuke he knew, and found that he was almost the same as when he was young, with both eyes black and his left arm intact.

"You know we're coming?" Ji Lai also asked.

Uchiha Sasuke said indifferently: "I am the strongest person in my timeline."

It is a very strange thing that he can appear in Myogi Yamamoto.

Uzumaki Naruto grinned and said, "Really, you seem to know everything already."

Uchiha Sasuke said: "That emperor helped me, without him, I would be Uchiha Sasuke in your timeline."

He looked at Immortal Toad sitting on the stone chair, and said, "You can take us there."

"Wait a minute!" Jiraiya hurriedly called to stop.

He looked at Immortal Toad and said, "My lord, if you do this, will you... have to give up your life?"

The voice of the Great Toad Immortal was old and indifferent: "Send you to another timeline, time will eat me back."

"..." Zilai was also speechless, he suddenly didn't know why he had to ask such a question, could it be that he wanted to ask the other party not to do so after asking such a question?

Compared with the next thing to do, nothing seems insignificant.

"Its death is worth it." Sasuke Uchiha said.

"Because we will save all the worlds!"

"Is that how confident you are?" Jiraiya asked rhetorically.

Uchiha Sasuke said: "If we fail, the so-called God will swallow up all timelines, no matter the past or the future, and now we can still talk here, which means that we have succeeded in the future!"

What he said instantly awakened everyone. They all felt that Uchiha Sasuke was right when they first heard it, but they felt very strange.

If the future is doomed, if you don't save the emperor now, will the future be destroyed?

Is there anything that makes them bound to save the Emperor?

But Immortal Toad said at this time: "The future is not a definite number. The so-called future is just a future on a timeline. If you can't jump out of time, or even control time, you can't define the future."

"You have to do what you should do, and do your best to make the future go according to your own wishes."

"The emperor is the one who masters the power of time. He has the power to defeat the gods. He must not let the gods swallow him."

After hearing the words, everyone except Sasuke nodded solemnly.

Uzumaki Naruto suddenly laughed and said, "In that world, this emperor is the father of the three of us."

Uzumaki Hinata smiled and said yes.

Sasuke's face darkened, and he glanced away.

Naruto's words complicated Jiraiya's mind. The person who pushed him to the execution platform, the person who killed his beloved disciple...is he going to save him now?

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