Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 980 Three Thousand Iron Men!

"Quick! Come this way!"

In New York, USA, wearing a red, white and blue star-striped costume and holding a shield, superhero Captain America Steve Rogers is running quickly through the corridors, guiding ordinary people to escape.

The disaster happened very suddenly, but SHIELD was well-informed, and the superheroes responded quickly and evacuated ordinary people.

The roar of the battle not far away shook the ground, and the corridors naturally trembled, and the walls gradually cracked. Fortunately, Captain America evacuated all the residents before the building collapsed.

Standing at the entrance of the half-collapsed corridor, Captain America just breathed a sigh of relief and was about to go to the next target, when he felt a strong wind coming.

He quickly blocked with his shield, only to hear a clang, and a huge force came, and his body flew straight up, completely collapsing the cracked wall!

His strong body prevented him from suffering any injuries. He stood up in the ruins and looked at the enemy. The guy who attacked him was dressed in blue skin, had a huge body, and was holding a mace. He was a frost giant.

Seeing that he failed to kill Captain America, the Frost Giant roared again and swung the mace. This time Captain America was fully prepared, stepped hard and waved his shield to block. In the violent collision, the Frost Giant's huge body was actually It bounced away!

Not showing mercy, Captain America then threw out his shield and whirled it onto the Frost Giant's head, knocking it down. He caught the rebounding shield firmly, jumped up, and dispatched the frost giant neatly.

But then they were surrounded by more Frost Giants and fell into a hard fight.

This is also the case for most other superheroes. The enemies are elite warriors from the nine realms, and each of them cannot be underestimated. In a one-on-one situation, the superheroes will basically win, but when there are many enemies, most of them will be at a disadvantage. .

When the six gods of the nine realms, headed by Malekith, joined the battle, the superheroes were defeated almost instantly. Even the old father of the gods, Odin, who retreated here, was killed by Laufey, the king of the frost giants. I can't handle myself with the stick.

At the critical moment, Loki came to the rescue, but also brought the news that "Thor was trapped in Jotunheim". Doctor Strange desperately broke through the containment of Malekith's witches and launched a large-scale teleportation Magic sends the injured heroes to the North Pole, Avengers Peak!

Facing the cruel current situation, it is not necessary to think about what kind of disaster the city will suffer after losing them. The morale of the superheroes dropped to the bottom, and they were a little silent for a while.

"Hey, say something." Until Tony Stark couldn't hold back and said: "Are we just going to hide here, be cowards, and wait for those guys to kill all they want to kill and take what they want? Do you hope they will go back?”

"Stark..." Pepper, who had been protected by another Iron Man armor next to him and was also teleported here, called out worriedly.

No one wants it either.

Stark paused, took a deep breath and said, "Sorry, I lost my composure."

Captain America smoothed things over: "Everyone is very anxious. The top priority now is to think about how we can launch a counterattack... Natasha, can you still get in touch with Director Fury?"

The black widow Natasha who was asked by him shook her head: "When those guys landed on the earth, the global network was cut off. Now even SHIELD's internal network and satellite signals have been interfered with. There is a technological force Helping them secretly, and they are probably from Earth!”


"We have to destroy Malekith's Rainbow Bridge, and we cannot allow him to summon people from the nine realms indefinitely." At this time, Frigga, the mother of the gods, who was taking care of Odin who was seriously injured, said: "The more important thing is to find Thor, if we want to fight against Malekith, we can’t do without Thor’s power!”

She looked at Captain America and said: "It's just that now Thor is trapped in Jotunheim, the country of the Frost Giants, and he doesn't even know life or death. We need reliable people to do this... Can you, Shi Steve Rogers.”

Obviously, she was a little worried about Captain America, who was just a mortal although he had power. But Hulk was not here, and there was no better candidate in front of her, so Captain America could only do it.

And Captain America's response was a firm one: "When do we set off?"

Tony Stark also planned to join Captain America, but another idea suddenly came to his mind, and Natasha also said: "The opponent's goal should be around the world, and superheroes from all over the world will participate in the war. Should we fight with him?" They get in touch to avoid being broken down one by one?"

"...That's right."

"Leave this to me," Doctor Strange said.

"And me, I'm going to China." Tony Stark suddenly said.

Everyone was a little surprised, but after thinking about it, they understood. During this period, news about Lan's Technology Group continued to ferment around the world, and everyone had naturally heard about it.

They didn't care at first. Mass-producing Tony's armor? How is that possible? But it can't help that a variety of extraordinary technological products appear and are used, constantly increasing their credibility.

If it is true, China will probably become the core force in resisting this invasion?

No, no, no, why do you really have hope? Just thinking of a bunch of Tonys flying in the sky makes them feel outrageous, so they should put their hope in finding Thor!

In this way, the heroes split up and Tony Stark flew towards China at full speed.

On the other side, the invading gods from the Nine Realms divided their forces after collapsing the resistance of the United States as they expected.

Malekith's goal is to sink the entire universe into a world of darkness, or at least to kill all life on earth. So in Africa, Australia...including Asia and China, there is a god from the Nine Realms leading his tribe there!

The one who went to Asia was the fire giant queen Cinder, and Cinder actually had her own plans.

As the master of a realm, she naturally did not surrender willingly to Malekith. It was just that she was not as skilled as others, so she was arrogant.

Her goal is to turn the entire earth into a world of fire and turn it into her territory, where she can launch a counterattack against Malekith!

So as she flew, strange whirlpools appeared everywhere in the ocean close to the Asian continent, and billowing heat waves spewed out.

Pillars of fire rose into the sky, and a large number of fire giants emerged from the sea, steaming the sea water, and rushed across the sea towards the inland.

At the same time, the aware Asian superhero organizations also responded quickly and organized defense work.

In China, the battle in New York bought enough time for this side. As the harsh air defense sirens echoed, the soldiers and armed police were busy and unhurriedly carrying out the evacuation of ordinary people.

At the headquarters of Lanshi Technology Group, most people followed the evacuation order and evacuated, leaving only the core members of the Information Technology Department.

They quickly deciphered the code on the computer. There was a black bar on the computer in front of Ji Xing, and the progress was full.

When the progress bar reached 100%, Ji Xing quickly entered the password and waited for two seconds after confirmation. The microphone on his collar made a rustling sound.

"Hey, can you hear me? Chairman Lan! I'm Qi Xing!" Ji Xing said.

"You can hear it." A deep voice different from Aizen came from the other side: "This is Zheng Xian, the person in charge of the Divine Spear Bureau. Aizen has already set off to perform the mission. I am using the Stardust Armed Mecha Type I. Unit 005, I need authorization from the Stardust armed mecha communication network!”

"I understand, please wait a moment, Director Zheng."

Ji Xing waved his hand, and the sound of the keyboard filled the sky again. Soon Ji Xing said: "The authorization has been completed, Director Zheng. Did the chairman tell you how to switch channels?"

"Yes... Got it." Zheng Xian seemed to have tried it, and said with joy in his tone: "It's been a big help, Mr. Qi Xing. Please complete the evacuation with your company's information technology team. Thank you and wait until we get through this." Let’s talk about this next crisis!”

"Please wait a moment, Director Zheng." Ji Xing said quickly: "I am equipped with a Stardust Armed Mecha II test machine, and I am applying for actual combat testing!"

The person on the other side was silent for a moment, as if contacting someone else, and finally said in a deep voice: "The test is allowed, but 50 mecha warriors are already flying to Shanghai and are expected to arrive in 15 minutes. You need to evacuate immediately after seeing them , and you must put your own safety first during this period!”


After hanging up the call, Ji Xing turned around and said, "Thank you for your hard work, everyone. I'll ask the chairman to give you salary increases and bonuses, and you'll need to take refuge first."

"Secretary Qi, be careful!"

"Kill those monsters!"

"Hahaha, when will we have the opportunity to wear a mecha?"

Under the orderly arrangement, everyone was not too nervous and followed the armed police waiting outside the technical department to evacuate. Ji Xing pressed the big belt around his waist and transformed into a mecha!

His perception told him very clearly which side of the enemy would appear first, but he still pretended to use the mecha radar before flying towards the eastern coastline.

Landing on the roof of a 45-story skyscraper, Ji Xing looked at the sea level and could already see a cloud of fire surging towards it.

Those were several fire giant soldiers. Each of them is more than five meters tall, with raging flames all over their bodies. Even the sea water cannot extinguish them. Their eyes protruding from the flames are as cold as evil ghosts.

After nearly five years of invading the Marvel world, Ji Xing had to "fight monsters" for the first time. He seemed to be nervously reviewing the mecha's energy and weapon assembly, but in fact he was evaluating it in his mind.

The energy response is not weak. The temperature of the flames around the body is about six to seven hundred degrees. Ordinary people can't even get close to it, but it is not a pure energy body. With that kind of body, a punch can definitely blow up a reinforced concrete building.

Judging from the assumption that these things are just miscellaneous soldiers, the actual combat effectiveness of superheroes is far higher than the performance in the movie version.

Well, this is also expected, the combat power of superheroes can also be seen this time.

Ji Xing glanced further east, flew into the air again, and headed straight for the fire giants.

So the fire giants also discovered him, and the flames on his body became more raging, and the seawater even began to turn into lava. But three hundred meters away, Ji Xing reached out and pushed him, and a laser directly penetrated the head of a fire giant!

There was no scream, the fire giant fell dead on the spot, and the flames on his body were extinguished by the sea water, revealing a skinny, dark-brown body for his size.

The other fire giants sluggishly walked, instead of fear, they became full of anger.

Amidst the deep roar, a fire giant waved its fist at Ji Xing, and a cloud of fire enveloped Ji Xing. Unfortunately, it only flew less than a hundred meters before turning into sparks and falling down, igniting the green belt.

Ji Xing immediately twisted his body and flew at low altitude at supersonic speed. The air pressure caused by it extinguished the flames. At the same time, he pushed out with both hands, and two more laser shots took away the lives of the two fire giants!

Then he flew back, leaving the sea of ​​fire behind.

Range and height are the truth.

Using kiting tactics, Ji Xing easily delayed the fire giants' landing for ten minutes and took away the lives of dozens of fire giants.

It was not until later that the wise fire giants gathered their strength, went into the deep sea, and crossed the water to move forward, and finally gradually pulled the battle line to the shore.

The raging fire ignited the houses and green plants near the coast. In this place where every inch of land is valuable, tens of millions of RMB may evaporate in one second.

But Ji Xing didn't care, and continued to fight and retreat, exerting his "greatest" energy.

When Iron Man Tony Stark came here, he saw this scene.

He hovered in the distant sea, staring at the "other me" fighting in the sea of ​​fire in amazement, and countless doubts arose in his heart.

Is it really produced? Why is his laser thicker and bigger than my laser? Why can it shoot farther than mine? How is his energy system designed, and what is the energy source? !

He was dumbfounded for more than ten seconds, until the fire giant found him and attacked him, Tony Stark woke up from his dream and quickly attacked the fire giants.

And it seemed that he was unwilling to admit defeat and wanted to compete with Ji Xing. He opened fire at full power at once. At the cost of a drop in energy, he cleared a row of fire giants in an instant, and the results were remarkable.

After clearing the crisis in front of him, he looked at Ji Xing, raised his hand and said hello, indicating that he was a friendly army, and at the same time, he also said, "What do you think of the genuine product? Is it stronger than the fake one?"

Ji Xing smiled and waved to Iron Man across the sea of ​​fire. At the same time, the expression under Iron Man's helmet became dull again.

It was not because of Ji Xing, but because he saw a lot of figures appearing in the sky and distance behind Ji Xing. With the aiming system of the armor, he saw that they were very distinctive... camouflage Iron Men.

At least thirty or fifty Iron Men plunged into the sea of ​​fire in a straight line, with powerful firepower gushing out and laser baptisms. It only took ten seconds to clear all the landed fire giants!

Immediately, the leader of them flew to Ji Xing and said in a deep voice: "Thank you for your hard work, Chief! Mecha units 1101 to 1050 are already in place, please evacuate!"

"I'm not the chief." Ji Xing said: "I'll have to work hard for you next. It seems that there is an American Iron Man over there. I will take him away?"

Iron Man's 'soul' has been taken away.

What the hell is this? !

At the same time, 3,000 'Iron Men' have been in place at various locations on the coast to guard the four directions!

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