Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 979 Monkey King Dark Elf!

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye it is another three months.

As August is about to enter, most areas have already become hotter, but Lanshi Technology Group has been ‘hot’.

The first mechanical prosthesis was successfully used, allowing veterans who had been disabled for decades to stand up and walk again. The first application of mechanical prosthetic eyes allowed a boy who had been blind since childhood to see the light again.

Things like this keep happening, washing away everyone's inherent impression of Lan's Technology Group, and the footage of Ji Xing being interviewed is also shown repeatedly.

All media analyzed it word by word, and experts from all walks of life competed to speculate whether things such as super serum could become a reality after the Iron Man suit.

And unexpectedly, Ji Xing's words became more popular on campus. "Let everyone shine like a star" may be a bit naive for primary school students and junior high school students, but it is just right for college students.

It's both foolproof and brainwashing. Nowadays when WeChat is not very popular, many people have changed their QQ signature to this sentence.

Ji Xing was happy to see the result. He would not feel embarrassed. Besides, how could that thing have the fragrance of starlight? His name is obviously not only spread within China. Even as 'Aizen's spokesperson', he is suddenly known to the whole world. His starlight easily jumped over 1 billion, reaching 4-star 2%, and it continues. increase.

On this day, in the secret private laboratory, Ji Xing gave himself an injection before leaving, and a warm current surged through his body along with a sense of strength.

The third stage of potion is finished!

Reproduce Captain America’s super serum? Ji Xing... No, Aizen, who received the knowledge given by Ji Xing, has already made something similar. It just depends on when they are willing to release it.

And that was just the first stage of the potion for them. Ji Xing, who had made the Ascension Potion, knew how to develop the human body's potential.

Now he has at least several Hulks hidden in his seemingly ordinary body, and he has plenty of strength.

"Everything is going well so far. The guaranteed income is already there. Now it's time to find ways to obtain some more high-end power."

According to some information Aizen obtained from the Divine Spear Bureau, this universe is not the movie universe, nor is it the main universe. The Divine Spear Bureau in the main universe has not yet been established in 2013. It is most likely an unknown person in the Marvel Infinite Parallel Universe. One member.

Many plots may still happen, but the process and direction may not be the ones I know. The best choice is to remain unchanged in response to changes.

Calculating the time, if it is the movie universe, it should be near where the plot of Thor 2 takes place, the ether particles and the reality stones. But even if it really develops like the plot of the movie, it is not the time to touch the six infinity stones now.

We have to start small. There are many artifacts in the Marvel world. Let’s start by adding a layer of armor to the body without leaving any trace. Well, 'again', he has already folded the first layer of camouflage armor.

Ji Xing pressed the button in the center of the large belt around his waist. Just like Conan's ejection football in the world of Kexue, countless armor parts popped out of the belt and flew towards Ji Xing as if they were alive, and were assembled on his limbs. on the torso.

In less than two seconds, Ji Xing completed a gorgeous transformation, shrouded in black and gold streamlined armor, gorgeous and handsome.

As an important figure in Lan's technology, it is normal to have a slightly higher-end armed mecha, right? What if I get kidnapped?

The life of OAA can only be prevented by the Seven Star Bead. All Ji Xing can do is pay attention to the details and hide the power of the body from external forces.

He soared into the sky and headed to the company.

On the other side, in the fortress of the Divine Spear Bureau, with a muffled sound, a strong young man with a semi-bald head and a long whip staggered back a few steps and sat down on the ground.

He coughed a few times while covering his chest where he was kicked. He waved his hands and said, "I won't come, I won't come. Aizen, have you really only learned fighting for three months?"

Aizen's face was not red and he was out of breath. He smiled and sat on the floor aside and said: "I have received training in this area before, but I was too busy in the past few years when setting up the company, so I put it down. Now I think I have picked it up again. , not considered a novice.”

"No wonder." The man muttered: "The weather witch said that I have no rules in fighting, just like ordinary people fighting. I'm still not convinced. Now it seems that I really need to learn some routines... Although I should learn stick skills. right."

"Aizen's swordsmanship is also very good. If you use ordinary weapons, you will not be his opponent." The voice of the Weather Witch floated.

Compared to Aizen's politeness, her evaluation was a little merciless. The man felt a little embarrassed and defended: "That's because I didn't use the power of the Monkey King. Besides, the Golden Cudgel is also one of my powers." , If I don’t use it, doesn’t it mean that I have to tie my hands?”

The Weather Witch hummed: "Your current power is simply an insult to the word 'Sun Wukong'."

"...Damn it, don't think that you can just judge me casually because you are responsible for training new people. If you dare, we have done two tricks?!"

"Don't fight, don't fight." Aizen raised his hand and acted as a peacemaker, saying: "We are all superheroes of the Divine Spear Bureau, and we should work together. The Monkey King and Ms. Weather Witch are also urging us to make progress. We Just exercise more and chase your shit.”

"...Hang." Sun Wukong hummed and went down the steps, because he knew that he was no match for the weather witch.

Yes, the bald whip man is called Sun Wukong.

The name was given by his parents, probably because of their parents' expectations, hoping that he would be as fearless and brave as Sun Wukong.

The man inherited this expectation very well, and took Sun Wukong as his idol, calling himself the Monkey King, fearless... and became a gangster boss.

That was 15 years ago, and evil forces were still emerging in an endless stream. Later, the "Monkey King" was framed by the enemy and locked up under Huashan Mountain with a mechanism, and then fell into the Eight Hot Hells below.

It just so happened that the real Monkey King Sun Wukong was in the Eight Hot Hells. At first, he naturally could not get the recognition of the Great Sage, so he suffered torture in hell and was locked up for a full 15 years.

Until not long ago, because of the fall of the Eight Heavenly Hammers, the Eight Hot Hells were smashed through, and "Sun Wukong", who inherited the power of the Great Sage, jumped out with the golden hoop and became the superhero Monkey King.

He joined the Shenlei Bureau only one month earlier than Aizen, and they were both newcomers, but if it weren't for Aizen, the Shenlei Bureau would not have been able to catch his shadow at all.

For this reason, the weather witch who was responsible for the training of newcomers was very dissatisfied with him. The Monkey King did not inherit much of his power, but his unruly character was exactly the same. Moreover, Sun Wukong and the Great Sage have special meanings in the hearts of Chinese people. Who didn't grow up listening to his stories when they were young?

The requirements for him will naturally be much higher.

The Monkey King actually discovered it, so he kept to himself and was too lazy to communicate with other superheroes. He kept to himself and only felt that Aizen had a good temper. More importantly, Aizen was rich and generous, and they became friends in these three months.

"Come on, let me try your kendo!"

He stretched out his hand and the Ruyi Jingu Bang flew into his hand. He said to Aizen: "Don't worry, I won't use all my strength, and I will stop in time when it's critical."

"Then thank you for practicing with me." Aizen's eyes swept over the golden hoop, and he murmured in his heart: This is really a good thing.


While the lives of the earthlings were still peaceful, a disaster was quietly brewing.

The starry sky in the Marvel Universe is full of aliens, and near the Earth, there are nine star regions including the Earth controlled by the same force.

That is the ruler of Asgard, the kingdom of the gods, Odin, the father of the gods.

And the seven star regions outside of this are all inhabited by different races. But at this moment, Alfheim, where the kingdom of the light elves lives, Vanaheim, where the Vanir gods live, and Nidavellir, where the dwarves live... have all been destroyed in the flames of war.

The one who initiated this war was the king of the dark elves, Malekith!

The place where the dark elves live is Svartalfheim, the most barren land in the Nine Realms.

The dark forests, humid swamps, and the stench of corruption are the ubiquitous signs of Svartalfheim. The harsh environment has made the dark elves who have lived here for generations become a violent race that will do whatever it takes to survive, believe in the survival of the fittest, and advocate fighting.

Years of war have caused great harm to every dark elf. This is how Malekith lost his 12 brothers and father when he was young.

His mother sold him to a funeral home for his safety, but it also deepened his distortion - the boy who had to burn thousands of corpses of his tribe every day was not only not traumatized by the war, but was infected and poisoned by the war.

He hoped to provoke endless wars, and he longed to let the universe enter darkness. Under his rule, the dark elves became the most notorious race in the Nine Realms. Finally one day, he launched the Nine Realms War for his ambition.

But that time, he was defeated by Odin's father, Bauer, and his ambition ended.

At this time, 5,000 years have passed since the Nine Realms War. Malekith made a comeback and vowed to let the universe sink into darkness!

Well, he did this in Thor 2 in the movie universe. He is the super villain in Thor 2. After getting the ether particles, which is the reality gem among the infinite gems, he was still beaten by Thor and finally beaten into "spicy chicken shreds".

But that is the matter of the movie universe. He has a power that is completely different from that of this universe!

Standing in the ruined dwarven kingdom, Malekith's face, one side of which was blue-gray and the other side was dark, had a strange look on it, waiting for his subordinates to build the rainbow bridge he made and head to Asgard.

At this moment, a figure suddenly flashed in front of him, a handsome young man with black hair and black eyes, the god of trickery, Loki!

He is the adopted son of Odin, the father of the gods, and the younger brother of Thor, the god of thunder. But at this moment, facing Malekith, the great enemy of the Nine Realms, Loki said in a warm tone: "Are you going directly to Asgard? Didn't you say that you should retrieve your Aether first? Is that thing in Asgard?"

"That's right." Malekith glanced at the guy who suddenly came to him and only asked him to help him ascend the throne of Asgard: "Aren't you looking forward to it? What do you want to say?"

"Of course I hope you can flatten Asgard quickly, but I'm not sure how much power Odin has left. Lord Malekith, I suggest you be careful. Do you want to use a little "bitter trick"? "

Malekith smiled grimly, looked at him, and motioned Loki to explain in detail.

Loki leaned over and whispered his plan. Malekith showed appreciation and motioned Loki to do so.

At the same time, in Asgard, Odin's palace, the gods, led by Odin sitting on the throne and Thor standing in front, were on full alert. Two years ago, Loki's rebellion broke the Rainbow Bridge belonging to Asgard, leaving them with no choice but to wait for the enemy to arrive.

As the atmosphere became increasingly tense, suddenly, a figure appeared on the dome of the palace and fell directly at Thor's feet.

It was the wounded Loki!

His body was penetrated by two spear-like substances. The large amount of blood loss quickly formed a pool of blood underneath him, and his face was as pale as paper.

The gods were shocked, and Thor immediately leaned over and said: "Loki?!"

"Cough... cough..." Loki coughed weakly and said, "I... I was discovered by Malekith. Quick... quick... Malekith's goal is... is..."

As if he wanted to use his last breath to convey the information, but this time it was indeed Thor and Odin who entrusted Loki to pretend to rebel. So in shock, Thor did not think much and quickly leaned down to check Loki. After hearing Loki's words clearly, a dagger suddenly penetrated his chest!

Thor stiffened, his face full of anger.

"Loki! You?!"

The surrounding gods were even more shocked. Some of them quickly rushed towards Loki. But at this moment, Loki's preset spell was activated. In a burst of arc light, Thor, Loki and the three people who rushed towards him disappeared together. In the main hall of Immortal Palace!

Odin, who was sitting on the throne, did not panic. He just sat there with a gloomy face, feeling the fluctuations, and suddenly murmured: "Not good!"

On the other side, Loki already felt something bad during the teleportation. His spells seemed to be interfered by the Rainbow Bridge and other spells.

His destination was where he came from, the ruins of the dwarf kingdom, but as soon as the scene flashed before his eyes, he came to a land of ice and snow.

"This is... Jotunheim?!"

Loki's expression changed and he looked up. Six powerful overlords of the Nine Realms appeared in front of him!

Laufey, the king of the frost giants and his real father, once defeated Cynder, the fire giant queen of Hela... and the leader was Malekith, who was riding a phantom beast shaped like a white tiger.

"Loki, you did a good job." Malekith began to praise, but Loki's heart sank to the bottom because... "But just piercing Thor's chest in the illusion is not enough, I need you to do something More of a 'prove yourself' thing."

The illusion was eliminated as soon as it was broken. Thor, who was lying on the ground with serious injuries, turned into a powerful thunder god standing next to Loki holding a hammer. The other three who were teleported were also ready to fight.

But...looking at the heavenly group opposite, Loki felt bitter in his heart. Perhaps only Odin at his peak could face these six people at the same time, right? It would be fine for him to actually betray Thor, but betraying him without any immediate benefits would be a fool.

As he expected, they who originally wanted to attack Malekith could only fight head-on. After the battle broke out, the situation became one-sided, and the chain reaction caused Asgard to be completely defeated in this self-defense war.

The only good thing is that before Loki 'betrayed' Malekith, he secretly copied a rainbow bridge made by Malekith that could connect the nine realms. The lucky ones in Asgard were able to retreat to the country in the middle of the nine realms, that is. The earth where humans live!

Soon, Malekith led the crowd in pursuit and arrived in the United States! A catastrophic invasion across the world began.

It's too late. There are too many things to consider when writing about movies and comics, and there is a lot of information to look up. Tomorrow Siyang should take a day off to study how the first plot of the Marvel world will develop... Well, there is a high probability that it will not happen tomorrow, sorry for that.

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