Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 978: Inside and Outside

On Earth in the Marvel world, there is an organization called the 'Brotherhood of the Shield' that was established much earlier than superhero organizations such as SHIELD.

It is the guardian of human secrets established by the Egyptian sage Imhotep to maintain human survival. Most of the sages in history are its members, such as Newton, Galileo, Leonardo da Vinci, etc.

In China, as early as the Eastern Han Dynasty, a sage joined the Holy Shield Brotherhood, that is, Zhang Heng, who invented the seismometer.

And because Zhang Heng was rumored to have said, "Since ancient times, the spear has been in the east and the shield has been in the west." Therefore, corresponding to the SHIELD, there is the SHIELD.

Compared with S.H.I.E.L.D., S.H.I.E.L.D. has no well-known superheroes and only secretly maintains the peace of the East. It was not until the Thanos incident in the future that it chose to come to the public and instantly expanded into a behemoth with 150,000 members.

In 2013, the Divine Spear Bureau was still very reserved and little known, but it already had a gorgeous sky fortress as its headquarters.

The director of the Divine Spear Bureau is named Zheng Xian. He is a middle-aged man with squinting eyes who looks friendly and smiling. At this moment, he is sitting behind the table, looking at Lan Ran with a smile and saying: "The communication is over, you don't need to worry about Divine Spear anymore." What measures did the Shield take because of your actions, Mr. Aizen?"

Aizen also wore the same smile: "I'm really sorry. I have long guessed that there should be a superhero organization in China, but I never had the chance to contact it. I didn't expect that the first time we met, it would bring you huge trouble."

"A small trouble is more of a surprise." Zheng Xian said with a smile: "The external problem has been solved. Can Mr. Aizen answer some questions for me?"

Aizen nodded lightly: "Forged identities can hide from ordinary investigations, but Director Zheng is probably full of loopholes. I don't know how long Director Zheng has been the director of the Divine Spear Bureau, and he may have learned about Japan's Tsukuyomi Project. '?"

"Monthly reading plan?" Zheng Xian was slightly confused.

He knew about 'Tsukuyomi', or 'Tsukiyomi', one of the three great gods in Japan. It was the god in charge of the Kingdom of Night in Japanese mythology, and it was also a mythical creature that actually existed in history.

In the Marvel world, mythological characters from various countries and the Heavenly Court of China basically all existed in real life. The God of Thunder even knelt down to worship the Jade Emperor, but now most of the gods have disappeared, and most of them have died.

Zheng Xian doesn't know whether Japan's Tsukuyomi is still alive, but the so-called "Tsukuyomi Project"... is it an attempt to resurrect the gods?

"As you can imagine, it was a top-secret plan to bring Tsukuyomi back to the world and put it in the hands of the Japanese authorities. They secretly collected countless orphans, baptized them with the soil of the moon core, and left the sacred powder with Tsukiyomi Feeding, and using various drugs and mechanical stimulation methods to transform, I want the children to become the carriers of the recovery of the moon reading life. "

Zheng Xian frowned and looked at Aizen.

"Yes, I am one of them." Aizen smiled: "And I am one of the last six semi-finished products. I may have gained some power of Tsukuyomi, or I may have gained some abnormal abilities just because of stimulation, it doesn't matter. .

In early 2008, a 7.2-magnitude earthquake occurred on Honshu Island. Coincidentally, the base of the Tsukuyomi Project was near the earthquake center. If you look for it now, you will definitely find the most serious chemical plant explosion in that earthquake, in which all 127 people one was spared! "

Um? That explosion was actually...

Zheng Xian's heart was slightly shaken. Looking at Aran who was smiling in front of him, scenes seemed to be playing in his mind. A young man who had been tortured as a test subject since childhood was unwilling to become the carrier of Tsukiyomi's destiny. He lost himself and took advantage of a natural disaster to create a man-made disaster and erase everything!

Zheng Xian had seen more than one problematic character among superheroes, but Aizen, who seemed to be recounting a tragedy that had nothing to do with him, still gave him a chill in his heart.

why? This guy is so bland.

"So you're Japanese?"

"Ah, my name used to be Aizen Sosuke, but now, I am just Aizen." Aizen said with a smile: "My past experiences may make me a little different from ordinary people, please forgive me, Director Zheng."

Zheng Xian nodded: "I can understand."

Of course he would not believe everything Aizen said, and would conduct a detailed investigation in the future, but at least now he felt that it was pretty much the same, and there was no unfounded doubt about this well-known entrepreneur.

So far, the existence of Lanshi Technology Group has been helping the country catch up with the gap with developed countries, and is keen on charity, which has also given them a good breath.

He thought for a while and asked: "Mr. Aizen, can you briefly tell me about your 'power'?"

"Of course." Aizen replied: "It's hypnotic, and it can be roughly called 'cognitive enhancement'.

It's not about tampering with cognition for no reason. Of course, if I'm given enough time to perform it, I can achieve the brainwashing effect. For example, it took me three years from planning to escaping and destroying the research base.

Since setting up the company, I have only used the most superficial reinforcement. For example, Qi Xing, the head of our company's scientific research team, loves this country, but whether he will give up everything in the United States and return to China is only between 5 and 5 years. I strengthened his patriotic awareness, and he came back immediately.

For most of the scientists I recruited, I strengthened their cognition of "loving money" and "having suffered injustice", similar to this. "

"In other words, as I sit across from you, you may have inadvertently strengthened my awareness of 'trusting you'?" Zheng Xian teased with a smile.

Aizen remained silent.

Then Zheng Xian's smile gradually disappeared.

Only then did Aizen laugh: "Of course not. Although Director Zheng Xian is an ordinary person, there must be something extraordinary since he can sit in such an important position as Director of the Divine Spear Bureau. Your willpower is very outstanding. I You can’t change your perception without you even realizing it.”

Zheng Xian didn't know whether to believe it or not, but he didn't seem to care much. He shook his head and said, "Is this the only auxiliary power? Yue Yuming?"

"Of course it's more than that. This power will be strengthened at night, and it can change other people's perceptions. Naturally, it can also change your own, to achieve the effect of strengthening yourself."

Aizen said: "I have never seen and only heard about those superheroes, and I don't know the strength of my own. But apart from other things, this armor should be enough for me to become one of the superheroes. ? I don’t think our design will be weaker than the American Iron Man.”

It’s hard to compare in terms of performance, it might be a little weaker, but the key point is ‘mass production’.

Zheng Xian stood up and said, "Would you mind doing a detailed test with me?"

"Of course." Aizen agreed.

He followed Zheng Xian out of the office and walked all the way to the testing base at the headquarters of the Divine Spear Bureau. On the way, Aizen responded to Zheng Xian's questions casually, improving his 'resume' bit by bit.

There will be no problem, because he has been preparing for today for five years since he came to this world! With his ability, all aspects are absolutely considered thoroughly.

What's more, when the fake becomes the real, the real is also fake. Japan does have such an experiment, but there is no Aizen in the experimental base. His ability does include cognitive rewriting, but the intensity is much more exaggerated than what he said, let alone face to face. Zheng Xian, even if he tampered with the entire earth in an instant, there would be no problem.

As for the use of the name Aizen Sosuke, there is no problem. The Marvel world does not belong to the first category of the ultimate world. At least there are no comics in this universe. No one knows his name, and can know it. Only people or demons invaded here from the star realm.

Will he be noticed by some omniscient and omnipotent beings in the Marvel world? It doesn't matter, this was his mission - to help Ji Xing attract attention.

The more people pay attention to him, the less conspicuous Qi Xing will be in his company's scientific research team, and they will not think that he is the core figure... As long as Ji Xing can avoid the attention of those guys.

The only thing Aizen doesn't understand is that compared to participating in some big events in this way, it is obviously safest to hide in a corner and practice silently, so why do you have to go 'in front of people'?

Perhaps this has something to do with Ji Xingjun's unique way of invading the world.

While their thoughts were turning, a breeze blew between Aizen and Zheng Xian. Aizen looked over without surprise, and Zheng Xian also stopped in his tracks.

A short-haired woman wearing a battle armor appeared in front of them. She had a unique temperament and heroic appearance, and her appearance showed no age at all.

Zheng Xian nodded lightly and introduced: "Aizen, this is Ms. "Weather Witch" Gu Ying, the captain of our Divine Spear Bureau who is responsible for training new recruits."

Aizen stretched out his hand and said, "Hello."

If possible, in the Marvel world with more than one omniscient and omnipotent power, Ji Xing would of course want to hide in the corner, but he couldn't.

His trespassing gains require starlight, which is difficult to obtain without being known.

If he wants to become stronger, he must find a way to obtain treasures and break through himself. Infinity gems, the power of the Phoenix, etc. will not fall on his head from the sky, nor can they fall on Aizen's head.

As of today, it has been four and a half years since he invaded the Marvel world, and he has been preparing diligently for four and a half years. The second star has even lit up! This is unique among all the intrusions, and it’s time to stand up!

So Ji Xing stood in front of the reporters who had gathered at the Lan's Technology Group building because of the news of 'mass production of Iron Man armor'.

"Mr. Qi Xing, is Chairman Lan Ran not in the company now? Can you fully represent Lan's Technology Group?"

"As far as everyone knows, it has been five hours since Lan's Technology Group released the video material of the 'Iron Man Armor Mass Production Model', but there has been no next step, and the group's official Weibo has not responded to the public's questions and Looking forward to it, is there something wrong?”

"Is it true that the Iron Man armor is being mass-produced? Won't this infringe on some patents?"

"Will the 'Iron Man Armor' be sold to the public next? What is the price?"

"Excuse me……"

Amid the noisy questions, Ji Xing raised his hands and clapped them, signaling the reporters to quiet down. Then he said with a smile: "I have been authorized by the chairman to answer a few questions that everyone is most concerned about on behalf of the group."

"First point, the successful mass production of Iron Man Armor is real, and the test video you have seen is not synthetic. The group will not joke about its reputation and stock price. However, there is one thing that needs to be emphasized. 'Iron Man Armor' is just To make it easier for everyone to understand the name, the real name of our armor is 'Stardust Armed Mecha Type I', which is similar to Tony Stark's armor type, but has different technological components, so it does not involve patent infringement."

The reporters' eyes lit up and they quickly recorded. Ji Xing continued: "Second point, where is the land under our feet? It's China!

Even guns are taboo, how can complete armor be sold to the outside world? That would only be provided to the military. Well, don’t worry, please note that I said ‘complete body armor’. We are actively negotiating and hope to sell the 'abridged version of the armor' as a means of transportation, just like a private car or a private jet.

Of course, there will definitely be a systematic 'driver's license assessment' that will follow, and the effort and money spent will not be small. If expectations are met, in a year's time, there will be almost a group of people from well-off families driving without bullets. Edition armor, realizing our individual human dream of flying into the sky! "

There was an uproar among the reporters. One reporter asked: "When you say that your family is you mean that only the rich can afford it?"

"Absolutely. After all, scientific research is a very expensive thing. We can't lower the price of armor to a level that most people can afford."

Ji Xing said frankly: "But don't be disappointed! The maturity of a technology is often accompanied by the development of many branch technologies. In the process of developing the Nebula Armed Mecha Type I, we also made a major breakthrough in mechanical prosthetics!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, we are recruiting "volunteers" from the whole society. Chinese citizens with broken fingers, broken arms and legs can all sign up on our group's official website, and we will provide free customized installation for 100 people. prosthetics.

Prosthetics include neuron repair, brain wave correction and other technologies, which will restore more than 95% of the feeling of real limbs! "


"above 95?!"

"Mr. Qi Xing, can you really take responsibility for what you said?!"

"When did Lan's Technology start conducting research in this area?"

Ji Xing shook his head and suddenly emphasized his tone: "We have been here from the beginning to the end! Maybe everyone's impression of us has always been that we are a good 'smartphone manufacturer' and 'smart home appliance manufacturer', but the goal of Lan's Technology has never been here!

Three years ago, Mr. Chairman’s words made me give up my high-paying job in the United States and return to the land where I was born and raised.

He said, ‘You’re in America, you’re in New York, have you seen superheroes? Captain America, Iron Man, or others, they are admired by everyone, do you envy them? Superheroes protect the earth and us in various disasters, and they are indeed worthy of everyone's admiration.

But admiration is definitely not looking up to, because we are also superheroes. As a son, he is a superhero to his parents, and as a father, he is also a superhero to his children. Each of us has unlimited possibilities for the future. We can shine in various environments and encounter the most shining moment unexpectedly.' "

Looking at the quiet reporters, Ji Xing smiled and said loudly: "The birth of armed mechas is by no means the end. Eliminating disabled prosthetic limbs and eyes is only a small step for us. We will continue to study next, Research serums that improve everyone’s physique, and even substances that can induce supernatural abilities!

Please remember that the goal of Lanshi Technology is - 'Let everyone shine like a star'! "

Half an hour later, Ji Xing and his words were on the headlines of major newspapers and websites, and seven of the top ten hot searches were related to Lan's Technology.

At the same time, Aizen also passed complex tests and officially joined the Spear Bureau and became a member of the superheroes!

The division of labor between the two is clear, Aizen is hiding behind the scenes, but Ji Xing is showing up inside!

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