Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 999 Seeing Through

In the Marvel world, there are countless parallel universes. In different parallel universes, the experience, strength and even gender of the same person may be different from that of another universe.

For example, in the film and television universe No. 199999, the most well-known Avengers movie plot takes place, but the presence of mutants in that film and television universe is extremely weak, while in the 10005th universe, mutants have become the protagonists of almost all stories.

Ji Xing doesn't know which universe he and Aizen came to, or perhaps this is a new universe derived from Aizen's arrival.

There are powerful mutants like Lin Xi, and there are also Thanos who is not very strong in the film and television version, and the Jade Emperor who is the God Group.

While this universe is fighting for the Infinity Stones, different stories are happening in the main universe, that is, Universe No. 616.

In the vortex of the universe, there is unimaginable knowledge, where thinking is carried out without accumulation and obstacles, and everything is possible. In front of the Well of Eternity, Thanos, the main universe Thanos, is meditating.

Suddenly, a dog-headed man came to Thanos and asked, "Thanos, what tricks are you thinking here? Why don't you fulfill your promise? You promised Lord Death a gift of sacrifice, half of the life in this universe! You know, only in this way can Lord Death accept your love!"

It is the messenger of the goddess of death, and this goddess of death is completely different from Thor's sister Hela. She is a creator god with a status countless times higher than hers!

She is one of the five gods derived from the birth of the Marvel main multiverse. She symbolizes the concept of "death". She is the source, creator and controller of all souls in the universe. She is the creator and master of all the gods of death, Hades, Hell, and Hell in myths and legends. She represents the concrete image of the end of all life in the universe and even the ultimate of the entire universe!

The Thanos of the main universe is her subordinate. He has obtained the power given by death and is a fanatical fan and admirer of death.

Facing the questioning of the Goddess of Death's servant, the Kobold, Thanos did not answer. He just stared at the abyss in front of him to gain knowledge of the abyss.

The Kobold was anxious. He grabbed Thanos' arm, and the positions of the two changed instantly, and came to the temple built for Death by Thanos to please the Goddess of Death.

On the throne of the temple, the Goddess of Death, dressed in black, was sitting there, and her appearance... was a skull. As a deity derived from an 'abstract concept', Death does not have a fixed face, and it can even be said that different people see different things when they look at death.

When most people think of death, a skull appears in front of them, so the face of the Goddess of Death is a skull.

But in Thanos' eyes, it was a black-haired woman with lines on her cheeks similar to those of Nohara Lin in the Naruto world, cute and sexy.

He looked at the goddess with fascination. The dog-headed man asked and answered the questions that were not answered. Before the goddess of death could speak, he took the initiative to explain: "With my strength, even with the divine power you gave me, it will probably take centuries to fulfill my promise to you and destroy half of the life in this universe.

I already have a more appropriate plan to get the six infinite gems derived from the six singularities at the beginning of the universe!

I once tried to use them to destroy the galaxy, but later I found that only a small part of their power was used. They can become extremely delicate but sharper knives!

The Well of Eternity revealed to me the location of their custodians. Even more fortunately, those guys didn't discover the true power of the gems!"

At this point, Thanos knelt on one knee and said: "I, Thanos, beg the goddess's permission to snatch these gems!"

The goddess of death looked at him, as if she saw through Thanos' true intentions, and did not answer. Almost no one had heard the goddess of death speak, and some people even suspected that she had no ability to speak at all. That was the side effect of the power of death.

No one dared to ask, and Thanos didn't expect to wait for the goddess of death to speak. He got tacit consent and bowed his head and said, "Then I'll take my leave."

He stood up, looked into the depths of the Temple of Death, and turned to leave.

The Temple of Death fell silent, and even the dog-headed man withdrew, leaving only the goddess of death sitting on the throne as before. At this moment, a dark figure suddenly appeared beside her throne, and a low voice echoed:

"This subordinate of yours is not simple. It is obviously impossible, but he seems to have discovered my existence. Feeling? Spiritual perception? Or is it familiarity with the power of death? Lady Death, are you sure his ambition is controllable?"

Death turned his head to look at him silently.

The more than five-meter-tall body was parallel to the figure of Death sitting high on the throne. His skinny face was full of decay, and a black horn was on the center of his forehead.

He did not belong to the Marvel world, but a demon from the star realm, the demon king Death!

As one of the six great demon kings and the weakest one-star demon king, it was a risk for him to come to the Marvel world, but he won the bet.

In this world, he met "Death" who had the same power as him, and quickly figured out the character of the goddess of death.

Thanos wanted to sacrifice half of the life in the universe to death to please death? It's too small, the pattern is too small. What the Death Demon King can sacrifice is the endless life of the endless star world!

The goddess of death was also curious about the star world, so she hit it off with the Death Demon King and reached a cooperation.

The strongest Supreme King and Three-star Supreme King Zheng Long was trapped by their design, and by the way, the steps of the Life Tribunal were also hindered. Their next goal is to find a way to destroy the four original gods other than Death, and even obtain and control the power of the four gods!

Thanos is a good knife, but the Death Demon King does not want to be hurt by this knife in the opposite direction.

Death still did not speak, but the feeling of peace of mind was conveyed to the Death Demon King. The Death Demon King smiled evilly, raised his hand at a distance, and seemed to touch the cheek of the goddess of death.

"Since the plan is going well, then Ms. Death, are you willing to be my partner after success?" He asked: "Let's let this world and the star world sink into death."

The goddess of death was silent, and an echo echoed in the mind of the Demon King: "Okay."

The Death Demon King laughed loudly.


Let's talk about two things.

What happened in the main universe cannot affect other universes for the time being, and the Thanos in the universe where Ji Xing Aizen is located is not a servant of death.

He here has the same lofty "ideals" as the film and television version. He can't stand the wars and resource shortages caused by the increase in population and overbreeding, so he decides to bear all of this and destroy half of the life in the universe.

And first of all, of course, he has to get six Infinity Stones and fill the Infinity Gauntlet!

In front, Lin Xi has begun to "show her skills" after arriving. The powerful flames burned every soldier who dared to approach her to ashes. Even Ebony Maw tried to seize the Space Stone, but half of his face was burned black by the gushing flames.

The warriors on the Earth side have quietly begun to retreat after Lin Xi appeared. With Thanos' wisdom, he can see that Lin Xi's state is not right, and he will equally kill everyone in front of him.

Humph, do you think that letting her keep the Space Stone will make me helpless?

After a brief observation, Thanos decisively forced back the people who besieged him, raised his right hand high, and the four gems inlaid in the Infinity Gauntlet shone brilliantly!

Under the horrified gaze of the people on the battlefield, the clouds in the sky were suddenly penetrated, and a flaming meteorite pierced through the sky and fell! Using the power of the four Infinity Stones, Thanos directly pulled a meteorite from the universe and smashed it at Lin Xi!

"This alien monster, it seems that it has not used up its strength before." Beside Ji Xing, Iron Man spitted: "Hey, the fire girl you brought has the instinct to dodge, right?"

Ji Xing replied: "No need to dodge."


Iron Man looked again, and saw that as the shadow of the meteorite enveloped, Lin Xi stopped the action of creating everyone equally, looked up, and the flames around her became restless, like countless claws and claws, and finally condensed into a point!

A 'fire seed' condensed in the middle of her forehead, and it became brighter as it absorbed heat.

When the meteorite was only about 100 meters away from her and the people around her had fled in all directions, she released all the heat, and in an instant a column of fire radiated to the extreme, distorting the surrounding light and shooting towards the meteorite!


At the moment when the fire column touched the meteorite, the muffled sound of the sky collapsing took away everyone's hearing.

The huge meteorite with a diameter of more than 100 meters was melted through in almost one second, and the fire column rushed into the sky, while the huge meteorite was turned into ashes from the inside to the outside by the fire column!

The volcanic ash in the sky changed the way the sunlight irradiated, and turned into colorful light under the reflection of the fire. This light was extremely beautiful, flickering in everyone's sight, and after a short period of stagnation, it suddenly exploded!



No matter who came into contact with this light, they all howled and turned into ashes, until the light approached Thanos, and was blocked by the four infinite gems on Thanos's arm.

The wrinkled purple potato face also changed slightly with this blow, and then, several fire dragons swam and attacked, directly blasting Thanos high up and falling heavily!


While groaning, Thanos quickly raised his arm and used the Infinity Stones to block the eight fire dragons that gathered from the sky, and the ground beneath him was constantly shattered!

The violent flames slapped Thanos' cheeks, sending waves of stinging pain, and his defensive arm was gradually pressed closer to his body.

Seeing that he was about to be reduced to ashes, Thanos roared, and his power burst out, shattering all the fire dragons in the broken and sunken ground within a radius of 100 meters!

But then, the pillar of fire that rushed out from the cracked ground pushed him up to the sky. His sturdy body could help him resist the flames, but it couldn't stop Lin Xi from beating him like a volleyball!

The people who retreated from the flames to a distance were a little stunned. They saw that the previously invincible Thanos could only roar helplessly under Lin Xi's attack and use the Infinity Stones to protect himself.

"Hey, should we consider how to deal with the flame girl after we destroy Thanos?" In the distance, Tony Stark's eyelids twitched and he asked Ji Xing, "How did you resist such guys before?"

"With my life."

Ji Xing responded casually, watching Ebony Maw in the distance quickly cast witchcraft to rescue Thanos from Lin Xi's infinite control, and said to Tony and several nearby superheroes, "Why don't we find a chance to kill the alien wizard first?"

"Good suggestion." Doctor Strange immediately said, "With his assistance, it won't be so easy for the flame girl to kill Thanos... Although it seems that is the most in our interest."

The few people reached an agreement, and Ebony Maw, who had saved Thanos in the distance, suddenly felt a chill, shuddered, frowned and looked around.


This battlefield gradually evolved into a showdown between Thanos and Lin Xi, while in New York, a fierce battle was taking place in a mountain.

Thanos collected four of the six Infinity Stones, and there was one in the center of the battlefield, and one was missing.

The last Mind Stone was here, embedded in the forehead of the superhero Vision, and this was already known by Thanos.

While fighting on the main battlefield, he also sent an elite team to snatch the Mind Stone. Although the superhero side also left the Hulk and some mecha soldiers, they could only take a defensive position under the siege of Thanos' elite troops and retreated step by step.

At this time, Scarlet Witch Wanda rushed to the battlefield and turned the tide of the battle in an instant with her powerful magic ability.

After annihilating all the enemies, Scarlet Witch gently hugged the embarrassed Vision, her eyes slightly red, and said: "It's okay, I will protect you."

Vision's body was stiff.

Wanda initially thought he was "shy" and gently patted Vision's shoulder. It was not until Vision's body slid down softly that her expression suddenly changed and she looked up in shock.

"Where's the gem?!"

What caught her eye was Vision's empty forehead, an extremely conspicuous hole! Something had quietly dug out the Mind Gem without alarming anyone!

And without the gem as the core, Vision's eyes were already staring and he was losing his life quickly.

"No... No... No!!!"

Wanda screamed in panic, and powerful magic energy swirled around, but it didn't help!

In the distance, Aizen smiled and gently weighed the gem in his hand, and the gem was embedded in his grasp as if it had life.

"This power... interesting, no wonder everyone is fighting for this Infinity Gem."

"Are you targeting the six Infinity Gems?" Suddenly, a cold voice sounded beside Aizen, and a figure quietly approached him, but Aizen didn't notice it!

"Use illusion to pretend you are on the road, sneak here and steal the Soul Stone. Then, if you find an opportunity and 'pick up' the other six in the melee, or even pretend you have no choice but to use them to deal with Nüba, you may become a hero."

Aizen was silent, looking around, the person who suddenly appeared was the 'Jade Emperor', the God Group!

"Not good, I've been seen through."

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