Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 1000 Aizen vs. Jade!

Aizen said "not good", but his tone was calm, and even had a sense of interest.

The tone of the God Group calmly revealing his "plan" and wanting to "strangle" him made him recall some rare memories.

It was not long after he met Ji Xing. He was curious about Ji Xing's specialness, and felt that continuing to let it go would affect his plan, so he secretly used the Collapsing Jade to implant the soul of the Hollow into Ji Xing's body, causing Ji Xing to lose control and become hollow. But Ji Xing took control of the Hollow in an instant and gained stronger power, which defeated him.

"I am very curious about what you demons who traveled from the distant universe want to do, but if you get all the Infinity Stones, it will probably bring me some trouble.

If you take the initiative to tell me your purpose and make me feel interesting enough, I might let you go. Otherwise... I will grant you death, demon, Aizen."

Interesting, more like it.

Then do I have a chance to counterattack with a weak body? Aizen stretched out his hand, and the mirror flower and water moon appeared in his hand. Without saying anything, he had already expressed his attitude to the Jade Emperor.

Jade looked indifferent.

If you don't cooperate, then die.

The next moment, the energy rushing out of the Jade Emperor suddenly collided with the sword blade slashed by Aizen, and the power swallowed up the light, shadow and sound!

In the distance, the Hulk ran to the Vision who died because of losing the gem and looked up as if he had noticed something. The Scarlet Witch, who was holding the Vision's body in pain, looked up with red eyes and shocked.

Then, they both died!

In the center of New York, in the SHIELD base, Nick Fury, who was staring at the satellite screen, had a warning in his heart. He looked up and saw that the world in his sight was "collapsing" and turning into nothingness.

"Ma Ze..."

He didn't say what he wanted to curse, and he couldn't press the hand that reached into his arms to find the Captain Marvel communication device, and he turned into nothingness.

Everything is withering.

If you look at the earth from the sky, you can see that the whole of New York was swallowed by nothingness with the collision between Jade and Aizen, turning into a dark cenote and disappearing without a trace!

At this moment, countless research institutes and intelligence agencies related to superpowers and superheroes sounded the highest alarm, but with the second collision between the two, everything was meaningless.

The earth's magnetic field was directly chaotic, all communication methods were completely out of order, countless active and extinct volcanoes erupted, and earthquakes of magnitude 8 or 9 began to occur everywhere, just like a doomsday scene!

"What's wrong?"


These two sentences filled everyone's mouth, and the earth seemed to be about to explode, making everyone's face pale with fear.

This is a matter of course.

As a member of the Celestial God Group, Jade has the power to destroy galaxies when she goes all out!

As a one-star sage, Aizen's power is already above the star-destroying level! When two lives collide like this, even if most of the attack power is directed at each other, the residual power is not something the Earth can withstand. If this happens three or five more times, the Earth will disappear directly in this universe!

Jade doesn't care. That kind of thing can be repaired by reversing time with the Infinity Stones later.

Aizen, on the contrary, seems to care.

After resisting Jade's second attack, his figure flashed, broke through the atmosphere, and entered the deep space of the universe. Jade's eyes turned slightly, the corners of her mouth curled up slightly, and she followed Aizen's footsteps.

The two fought fiercely in the starry sky, and the terrifying energy cut off the spread of sunlight, turning the Earth from day to night in an instant.

People's panic intensified. Zheng Xian, who was rescued from the crashed Shenlei Bureau, stared at the ruined earth in a daze, muttering absentmindedly: "Compared with those lives, what are we?"


Ordinary people living in this world are actually very sad, because everyone is an "ant" that can be destroyed by some life forms by stomping their feet.

Thanos, who has collected all the Infinity Stones, can destroy half of the life in the universe with a snap of his fingers, and these lives can be revived with another snap of his fingers as superheroes collect all the Infinity Stones.

They cannot control the future or even the past, cannot choose to live or die, and can only pray that someone will save them when they are in danger. Even if the appearance of mechas allows ordinary people to have superhero-like powers, the gap between them and creatures like the Celestials can never be made up.

That is a fact that has been determined since birth and from the origin. Even Ji Xing cannot and is powerless to change it. After all, even he is walking on thin ice in a world like Marvel.

"It's finally started."

In the desert that the Wakanda grassland turned into, the battle between Thanos and Lin Xi was temporarily suspended because of the deep valley that cracked the earth.

When the shock of the battle between the Celestials and Aizen made Lin Xi stop acting instinctively, and the superheroes were even more shocked.

Thanos's side was not happy either. The embarrassed Ebony Maw tasted the pulse of witchcraft, and his lips were trembling. He had just been besieged by a superhero team led by Ji Xing, and had narrowly escaped death several times, but that was nothing compared to the current situation.

The shudder that came from the source and the soul told him that the scene in front of him was caused by an existence that he could not touch at all!

"Could it be... the Celestials?" As a knowledgeable wizard, he made a trembling judgment, and then roared: "Lord Thanos! Retreat! It's the unknown cosmic Celestials fighting!"

Most people don't know about the Celestials, but they only see Thanos' purple face change, and they know how serious it is when they see the doomsday scene in front of them.

"Celestials?" As the Supreme Sorcerer, Doctor Strange, who has inherited knowledge, also knows what that means. He said hoarsely: "How could it be? The Celestials have been missing for many years?"

Iron Man and Captain America looked over immediately, but all they got was Doctor Strange shaking his head. His face was horrified and powerless, telling them that the Celestials were invincible, and that if they were really the Celestials, they could only rely on "luck".

In a dead silence, Ji Xing suddenly took action.

He flashed, as if he had changed his shape, and suddenly appeared behind Ebony Maw, swinging the golden hoop at Ebony Maw!

The action was very sudden and extremely fast. When Ebony Maw, who was shocked by the Celestial Group, reacted, the golden hoop was only a dozen centimeters away from the back of his head, but as a cosmic wizard and mage, he immediately cast the strongest defensive magic and turned back.

Logically, a buoyancy magic shield would appear in front of his forehead to block Ji Xing's stick, but he suddenly... got stuck.

The spell he recited silently... got stuck?

In a pause, the defense that should have appeared did not appear, so the scene looked like he was using his head to catch Ji Xing's stick!

His eyes immediately showed fear.

'Spell interference? ! Who is it? Who can interrupt my magic so accurately and powerfully? No! ! '

He thought Doctor Strange was not good enough, but he didn't have time to suspect anyone, and the golden hoop fell heavily on his head. Without any defense, he used his head to meet the attack that could split the mountain, and the scene was extremely bloody for a while.

Ebony Maw's head exploded like a watermelon, and the little things left were stuffed back into his neck. The headless body shook and fell heavily to the ground. This attack also made the dead battlefield seem to come alive again.

"No matter what the Celestials are! Let's deal with the enemies in front of us first, and we can't let them escape. Let them be fully prepared and come back again!"

The next moment, Ji Xing's shout also let everyone know what they should do, especially Doctor Strange. Yes, the battle of the Celestials is not something we can intervene and influence. If the earth is destined to die for this, they can't do anything.

But the enemy in front of them is within their ability to fight and should fight, and they can't just let them go!

So Doctor Strange cast a magic spell, and this time the target was Thanos' spaceship!

Thanos looked ugly. Since the appearance of Lin Xi, who was stronger than common sense, his plan to collect six infinite gems has been shattered, and now there are guys who are suspected to be from the Celestials.

As for the death of his capable subordinate Ebony Maw, it was not a big problem in his eyes. He was just annoyed that the guy was scared by the Celestials and even forgot to do basic defense.

But it doesn't matter. He stretched out his arm, and the Time Stone in the Infinity Stones shone, and began to reverse time to revive Ebony Maw!

But... he failed.

Without finding the reason for the failure, and having never encountered such a situation, Thanos' eyes flashed with confusion. Could it be that the hateful Celestials modified the dimensional rules to make the gems invalid? !

But when he used the Power Stone to fight the rushing Thor, the effect of the gem was still strong.

He could only give up Ebony Maw with confusion, and retreat while fighting, preparing to evacuate from the earth. The only thing to be thankful for was that Lin Xi seemed to be deterred by the power of the Celestials, and stood still for a long time without moving, and no longer brought greater chaos to the battlefield.

In the collapsing environment, Thanos fled, and everyone chased, and a new round of battle was underway.

In the deep space of the universe, two figures constantly collided at the speed of light and separated again. The impact destroyed the scattered star stones and continued to crush the surrounding barren stars.

Aizen responded to Jade's attack, and his voice continued to echo in Jade's ears: "With such strength, you are not a life on Earth, nor are you the Jade Emperor of Heaven. According to the information I know, life forms like you are called "Cosmic God Group" in this universe.

But there is one thing I don't understand. The information says that the average size of the Cosmic God Group is about 600 meters, and it is an energy life form in a non-material form. But with such a close contact, I am very sure that you have a physical body. Why is this?"

Jade did not respond, but responded with a more powerful punch, which was blocked by the sword of Aizen.

Aizen continued: "I have another doubt. From what I know, the Celestial Gods should be a very orderly group.

Judges, searchers, eradicators, collectors, surveyors... These Celestial Gods with different identities will visit a civilization in turn to confirm whether the civilization is worth continuing to exist. So what are you? Can you tell me your English name, or your 'serial number'?"

Jade punched and blew up the planet in front of him along with Aizen's body, but a moment later, Aizen's blood regrouped and restored his body.

After becoming a Supreme, rebirth by dripping blood is the most basic ability. As long as the soul and energy are not completely wiped out, it is difficult for a Supreme to die.

Not only did he not die, Aizen was beaten by Jade this time, but his momentum became even stronger!

"Angry out of shame? No, although your power is innate and has not been trained and polished, you have lived for endless years after all, and you shouldn't be easily angered by me." Aizen smiled and said, "Are you worried that I will see through your foundation and be killed by me, and want to eliminate me as soon as possible?

You are not a god group, at least not a complete god group. A clone? An incarnation? Or a man-made thing, or even just a god group that is "developing". Otherwise, you should have rewritten the rules of the dimension and killed me as soon as possible, right?"

He collided with Jade again. After separation, Jade looked at him coldly and finally responded: "Your power seems to be very adaptable to the mind gem."

"Yes, thinking and will, this is the power that fits the mirror flower and water moon. Waiting for me to show up after getting the mind gem is also the biggest mistake you made." Aizen continued to attack the heart.

"Are you stalling for time to fuse the Mind Stone?" Jade asked in a calm tone, and then answered herself: "No, the purpose of your stalling is not this."

As if responding to Aizen's attack on her heart, Jade also said in the same tone: "You probably didn't realize that your words have revealed too much information.

I don't seem to tell you that I am the 'Jade Emperor', why do you know?"

Aizen's body stagnated slightly, and was blown up by Jade's punch again, and then he re-condensed, his face solemn, and attacked Jade without saying a word.

"For you as a demon, what does the earth in this universe mean? Why would you take the initiative to move the battlefield to the universe?

You should know that getting the six infinite gems and mastering their power is your only chance to defeat me, but choosing to stay away from the earth is to take the initiative to abandon your only chance of winning. Unless after I stay away, you still have helpers to help you seize the remaining five gems, Qixing."

He calmly spit out the name of Jixing's intruder, and his expression was exactly the same as Aizen's before.

"You know that I once summoned Qi Xing to Heaven because you suspected him, but I didn't find anything unusual. It wasn't until I found out that your ability was illusion that I thought of another possibility.

I have to say that your illusion was able to deceive me, and I should give you praise. But is it because you are too close to success? You lost your caution and your subordinates will lose their lives."

Very strange.

Is he imitating my personality and tone?

At the first moment, Aizen's mind flashed this judgment. The Cosmic God Group would not be so boring, so... this is his ability!

On the surface, he looked anxious as if his plan was exposed, and launched a frenzy attack.

'Jixingjun, it's your turn next. '

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