Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 1015 Thanos's Scheming

The Champion of the Elders of the Universe is a fighting maniac. The so-called audition by him first is obviously a suggestion made for his own enjoyment.

The Thanos could hear it, so they all tried their best to teach him a lesson.

But when the ring match started, the results of each match surprised them greatly.

This champion is simply too powerful.

The Thanos from many universes have different focuses. Some are good at close combat, some are good at magic and witchcraft, and there is even a technology-mad Thanos who wears an iron armor on the stage, making him look like an enhanced version of Iron Man.

But the champion defeated them all with his fists and feet! Almost no Thanos could last a minute in his hands!

"Too weak! Too weak! Too weak!" The champion, who had defeated hundreds of Thanos in a row and whose physical strength seemed to have not weakened at all, stood in the center of the ring and taunted: "You guys can't fight after losing those gems?!"

Not only did the Thanos who didn't play look ugly, but even the six glove Thanos who were half-sitting on the judges' seat with Ji Xing were a little unhappy.

"This guy from Universe 922 is so strong?" Thanos from Universe 799 frowned and said, "In my universe, I have dealt with him before, and even the Power Stone was taken from him.

The champion of Universe 799 is also very strong, proficient in the fighting skills and martial arts of thousands of races, and has spent a long time honing them. But that guy relies more on the energy of the Power Stone, and is easily fooled. He is just an idiot! Now it seems that the Power Stone has restrained him and reduced his mental stability."

"The ring match is also good for this guy." Thanos from Universe 2407 nodded and said, "If we don't set up rules and venues, even if we don't use the Infinity Stones, we have plenty of ways to kill him. But being constrained in such a small ring, it is difficult to find a chance to defeat him."

As he said, he snapped his fingers, restored the venue that was destroyed in the previous battle, and signaled that the next game could begin. The Thanos who came on the field made him smile slightly, and turned to look at Ji Xing.

The other glove Thanos were the same.

Because the one who came on the field was Thanos 18500!

This 18500 universe Thanos, who was supposed to be among their glove Thanos and at least be able to judge everyone from a high position for a short period of time, was ambushed by Ji Xing and can only participate in the ring battle now.

His arm that was cut off by Ji Xing was specially healed by the 2407 universe Thanos. He said that he would give him a fair chance to compete, but in fact, of course, he had other calculations and wanted to watch the show!

However...'You have to be more competitive, 18500. If you can't even pass the level of the universe elder champion, you can only be cannon fodder. '

The 18500 universe Thanos is very 'competitive'.

Having lost the artifact of the Infinity Gauntlet, he picked up the 'Tyrant Butcher Knife' that he had not used for many years, which was the double-edged sword that Ji Xing cut off his arm. It was made of mysterious metal and could easily cut off even diamond!

Wielding this sword, he unexpectedly became the first Thanos to fight back and forth with the champion, and even almost injured the champion several times. Three minutes later, he was hit on the shoulder by the champion who was completely serious, and was knocked off the ring.

The champion also laughed and judged: "This is a little bit more like it, and I have a little expectation for you! Come on! Keep going!"

In the next battle, there were two more Thanos who performed very well, but most of them were at the same level.

They are all Thanos, they are not too strong, and they are not too weak. These nearly 3,000 fights ended in one day and one night on Earth time. The champion and Ji Xing and other seven Thanos with infinite gloves made comprehensive judgments and selected 200 Thanos fairly!

They will all have infinite gems to use, but only the top 53 can get the new gloves that are being made one by one, and get a set of six complete infinite gems!

In fact, the champion can also sort out the top 53, but the strength gap between these 200 Thanos is mostly negligible, and it may take a little luck to fight against the 616 universe Thanos.

So they adopted a random draw method, and two people fought against each other. The loser of the first game was out of the game, and the winner of the second game directly won the Infinity Gauntlet. The loser of the second game had to compete with each other for the top ten.

The top three could still get the Infinity Gauntlet, and the fourth to seventh had to compete with the seven of them as Ji Xing said before.

Most of the Thanos after 200th place were disappointed and left the stage, but obviously, some of them were unwilling to have only a slight chance of "picking up leaks".

Or it could be said that all the eliminated Thanos would not be willing, but some took action.

The young Thanos of the 4399 universe was one of them. At the age of 16, he would certainly be at a great disadvantage in fighting against those mature Thanos, but since he knew that he came to the 922 universe, it proved that he already had sufficient wisdom and decisiveness.

Realizing that some Thanos seemed to be quietly trying to get those Infinity Gauntlets, he did the opposite and decided to sneak away.

He felt that the seven glove Thanos would definitely be wary of stealing the gloves, but the multiverse channel might relax its vigilance!

He also didn't plan to return to his own Universe 4399, but planned to go to Universe 1231.

Yes, that was the Thanos Universe that sent a message to everyone, saying that Thanos of Universe 616 was crazy, and asked Thanos of Universe 922 to gather everyone together!

It is known that Thanos there has definitely been killed by Thanos of Universe 616, so Thanos of Universe 616 will never go there again in a short time.

Moreover, Thanos from the 616 universe who possesses the Infinity Gauntlet will not take away the Infinity Stones from the 1231 universe. He still has a chance to collect six Infinity Stones there and get another chance!

With this in mind, he secretly watched the actions of those Thanos who stole the gloves. Feeling that it was almost done, he secretly sneaked to the place where the multiverse gate was located. The journey was indeed smooth, and all Thanos' men in Universe 922 were easily knocked unconscious by him!

It wasn't until he sneaked into the corresponding cabin that he ran into trouble. Deadpool, who was bound in the instrument, saw him and teased him directly: "I remember you, you are the little Thanos of the 4399 universe.

I just wanted to say this when I met you. At such a young age, do you know what love is? Fighting for death with some uncles and old men? Hahaha, even if you understand, has your hair grown evenly? "

"Shut up!" 4399 Thanos couldn't yell loudly, he could only threaten with his eyes.

Seeing this, Deadpool got excited: "It looks like you sneaked here? Haha, where do you want to go, little hairless chicken, let me out, or I'm going to scream, I'm really going to scream!" "

"I said...shut up!" The young Thanos took a deep breath and said: "I will let you out, but you must first help me find the location of Universe 1231, as soon as possible. If I are discovered, I will indeed suffer. , but you will be imprisoned here until death, until the madmen from 616 come and kill you!"

"Universe 1231?" Deadpool sounded familiar, his eyes rolled around a few times, and he complained that the young Thanos was a "little" smart guy, and at the same time he really cooperated. He was extremely aggrieved after being locked up for so long.

There are ready-made channels, which can be debugged very quickly, but channels that are not bidirectionally connected can only determine a rough orientation and cannot guarantee a stable landing. In other words, young Thanos may appear in space in the past and die directly!

But he decided to take the risk.

Before taking action, he even set up Deadpool to be released in one minute as agreed. He nodded to Deadpool and walked into the passage.

This is of course not a good intention, but I hope Deadpool can escape for a while to buy him time. Deadpool, one of the core members of the multiverse tunnel, escaped, which also reduced the possibility of someone chasing him.

A minute after the young Thanos disappeared from the passage, Deadpool ran out of the instrument as expected.

He moved his body and muttered: "I always feel that something is wrong. It seems that every move is being watched by others. Those tentacle monsters and multi-eyed monsters? Oh, this feels terrible!"

He did nothing and quietly slipped away.

On the other side, Thanos, the boy from Universe 4399, looked around happily: "It has not been teleported to space, but it is still a planet with certain traces of civilization. I'm lucky, hehehe..."

"Really?" A low and familiar voice sounded in his ears.

The young Thanos' expression changed horribly, and he suddenly raised his head, only to see a 'mature' Thanos looking down at him with an evil smile, and the Infinity Gauntlet was still clearly visible on his hand!

Found! Damn, which one is it?

No, there is no nameplate on his chest. Did he take it off, or... In an instant, a terrifying suspicion lingered in his heart. The young Thanos was silent for a while, and a sad smile appeared on his lips.

"Are you a madman from the 616 universe? No, you are not a madman, we are the fools. Did you imitate the tone of the 1231 universe and easily bring us together?! Oh, we are all going to die..."

With a snap, he turned into flying ashes and disappeared, and a ray of the origin of death was picked up by Thanos in front of him.

Yes, this is Thanos from the 616 universe.

The so-called 1231 Universe Thanos Communication does not exist at all! It was a trap designed by him!

Because even if he obtains the Infinity Gauntlet and the Blessing of Death, he cannot accurately find every universe, let alone kill all Thanos in the multiverse and collect the origin of death.

That would only tire him out, and it would take too long! But through this method, he made a large number of Thanos consciously gather together, killing thousands of Thanos in one wave. And he did this hundreds of times!

This is a trap he specially designed for ‘himself’ based on his own personality!

"Is the 922 universe also mature? Ha, wait, death, I can save you soon!"

922 Universe, next to the ring.

While Deadpool was escaping, Ji Xing turned to look at the spaceship and heard Thanos of the 2407 universe laughing: "922, you don't have to worry about things over there. Those guys who dared to steal the Infinity Gauntlet have been wiped out. , I should worry about yourself now."

With the multi-stage competition in front of them, the top two hundred Thanos were also quickly ranked, and very coincidentally, the one ranked 54th, who will be the first to challenge their seven attempts to replace them, is the 18500 Universe Destroyer Ba!

This guy obviously 'controlled the points'.

According to his strength, he definitely shouldn't lose the second battle and could have gotten the gloves directly. But obviously, in order to get revenge, he deliberately fought a few more games and got a 54th place!

Soon, the arena match was over and it was his turn to challenge the seven Thanos.

As expected by the other six gauntlet Thanos, the top 53 Thanos who stood out have not yet obtained the Infinity Gauntlet, but they have become loyal fans of this challenge - we all came up fighting one by one, you guys The seven of them have been sitting high and high for too long!

Seeing that 18,500 Thanos were about to challenge, all the Thanos who were 'forced' by Ji Xing to fight in such an arena match were a little gloating about their misfortune.

Seeing the 18500 universe Thanos standing in the center of the ring, looking around, his eyes lingering on Ji Xing, everyone guessed what he was going to say.

"Come up, 2407!"



The whole audience was silent, and the 2407 universe Thanos even performed a fancy face change, from smug to shocked to furious in just a moment.

Who are you challenging? Challenge me? !

I cured your arm for you!

This thought flashed through his mind, and he suddenly understood the reason for the current situation. This guy thinks I'm watching a show? Thinks I'm using him for the 922 universe?

Yes, that's true.

But no matter what, your hatred for the 922 universe Thanos can't be fake! He took away your infinite gloves to command everyone, how could you not challenge him? !

Ji Xing was not surprised at all.

Because he is strong.

The 18500 universe Thanos is definitely not a fool, or there is no stupid Thanos. Even if he couldn't react at the time, he must have realized in his later memories that Ji Xing's speed and strength when he cut off his arm far exceeded his, and he couldn't win!

So why did the 18500 universe Thanos deliberately rank 54th? To establish his prestige.

The scene of Ji Xing cutting off his arm and snatching the Infinity Gauntlet was seen by too many Thanos. Even if he showed his strength in the ring, he would be easily regarded as a soft persimmon by everyone.

The object of establishing prestige? Of course, it is the malicious guy in the 2407 universe!

The 2407 Thanos was naturally very angry. He felt like a clown, and even wanted to snap his fingers to make the 18500 universe Thanos disappear into ashes.

But looking at the surrounding glove Thanos who changed from watching Ji Xing's good show to watching his own good show, he could only withdraw this plan, snorted coldly, and walked to the center of the ring.

"Wait." At this time, Ji Xing said, "Take off your Infinity Gauntlet first."


"Take off the Infinity Gauntlet first, otherwise what's the point of you going on the stage?"

"...This is impossible!" The 2407 universe Thanos glared at Ji Xing and said coldly, "How can you guarantee that you won't take the opportunity to attack me?! Without the gloves, I have no self-protection ability at all when facing you with the gloves!"

"Without the gloves, you will become an ordinary member of them, and the threat level to us may not even be comparable to theirs." Ji Xing pointed to the top 200 Thanos present.

The 2407 universe Thanos paused.

"That's right, go up, 2407." At this time, the 1085 universe gauntlet Thanos also agreed.

"Don't waste time, the lunatic from the 616 universe will come at any time." The 5523 universe Thanos also said.

The 2407 Thanos couldn't believe it. Shouldn't the six of us work together to deal with 922? !

But this thought only lasted for a moment, and he cursed himself for being stupid. He snorted coldly, took off his gloves and threw them on the table, and walked to the center of the ring.

As a fellow Thanos, how could I think that I was the only one who was scheming and calculating? !

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