Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 880 In the audience

Glory Arena.

When seeing Riven being escorted to the center of the venue, Ji Xing was a little surprised, but the audience who came to her were boiling with excitement, ignoring the explosion in the venue passage just now.

Shouts like "traitor" and "kill her" were heard incessantly, and the malice was burning.

"Ah, it's this girl. I thought she was dead a long time ago." Anbesa beside her raised her head slightly and explained to Ji Xing: "She is a general excavated by the Empire in the war against Ionia. She was originally just a farmer, but because of her outstanding talents, she was appreciated by the Empire. Darkwill also rewarded her with an enchanted greatsword, which is the goal of those ordinary soldiers.

It seems that she was captured by Ionia and surrendered. She was just captured back? She should have some strength. Draven was sent away by you. It may be difficult for ordinary liquidators to beat her."

The generals and nobles who heard her words looked at Ji Xing one after another, not knowing what "send away" meant. Some people looked for an opening remark to make friends with Ji Xing. Ji Xing responded casually, but he was more concerned about Riven. He didn't know the specific situation, but Riven didn't look like a deserter or prisoner.

Because Riven didn't bow her head.

In the center of the venue, facing the criticism of thousands of people, Riven always raised her head and looked calmly at the scolding of her former compatriots.

There was no trace of guilt in her eyes, because she was the one who was abandoned.

As she said to Jinx and Wei in the cell, her team was treated as abandoned, and all her friends and compatriots except her died.

After that, she saw the true nature of the war and the truth of the empire, and chose to exile herself.

She even asked the Ionian elder Suma to break her sword with the wind sword technique to sever her relationship with Noxus. In the past year, she has been working in the home of a farmer in Ionia to pay off her debts, and was even adopted as a daughter.

If she didn't want to disturb the peaceful life of her parents in Ionia, she would not be caught by the Noxian pursuit team so easily.

So even on this "execution platform", she was still calm, but there was an indescribable confusion in her heart-abandoning the Noxian Empire where she was born, and being forced to leave Ionia, where else can I go?

If it were an ordinary person, she might be unable to recover from such a blow, or even choose to give up on herself, but Riven would not. She quietly waited for more prisoners to be brought in, and for the liquidators to appear, and moved her wrist vigorously.

She was innocent, so she would not accept the liquidation!


When the "execution" of tonight began, a nearly one-sided battle began.

On the high platform on the south side, the organizer of the arena, Youan, watched the liquidators fall under Riven's iron fist one by one, and sweat gradually seeped out of his forehead.

The assistant who hurried over even sent him the unfortunate news: "General Draven can't be found anywhere! Should we... ask that Sevier Mage?"

Youan waved him away impatiently.

Ask? If you could ask me, you would have asked me a long time ago!

General Draven's two axes never left his hands, but they were still hanging on the wall until now. Obviously, there was some conflict with Sevier Mage or Lord Anbesa. The gods were fighting, who could he, who opened the arena, afford to offend?

What he didn't understand was that there was a conflict, so how could the person be killed? Can General Draven still catch up with the liquidation tonight? !

No, we must consider the worst case scenario.

He knew who these 50,000 people were coming for tonight, and the audience definitely didn't want to see a traitor killing everyone.

It would be fine if it was just a warm-up now. Let Riven show enough strength, and General Draven would chop her down with an axe to get more cheers.

But... what if Draven is gone?

He paced anxiously for a few steps, and felt that the audience seats were gradually quieting down. He gritted his teeth and called his assistant back: "I remember that there are two reserve soldiers of Trifali in the prisoner area. Captain Simon of Trifali wants to take defeating the senior liquidator as their assessment content, right?"

Ten minutes later, Wei and Jinx walked out of the "player channel" of the arena side by side.

"Wow! There are so many people!" Jinx leaned back slightly, bent her waist, and made a look in front of her eyes, exclaiming without any fear of the venue.

Wei moved her wrist more maturely and looked towards the center of the venue first.

When they were "released", they received a special mission. Only if they were the last two standing in the arena, could they completely eliminate the charge of killing the nobles. Otherwise, they would be imprisoned.

Defeat all opponents... huh?

The next moment, her eyes were slightly shaken, because she saw the situation on the field clearly.

"Boom, we are in trouble."

"Huh?" Jinx turned her eyes back and met a powerful sight from a distance.

How could there be more opponents in such a large field? There were only the liquidators lying crookedly, not knowing whether they were alive or dead, and the prisoners who had died with a blade stuck in their chests!

There was only one standing, panting slightly, frowning at the girls who came on stage.

"Hey, it's her." Jinx said.

"Why are there two more little girls on stage?"

"Where is General Draven?!"

"Hurry up and kill that traitor!"

The noise of the audience gradually rose again, and Jinx glanced at them unkindly, only regretting that she didn't bring a Gatling gun with her hand.

"Two against one is too embarrassing." She twisted her mouth and said, "Let me try first, Wei."

“…Ah, be careful, Baobao.” Wei gritted her teeth and nodded in agreement, trying not to protect Jinx behind her in everything.

“Although we haven’t seen each other for less than half a year, I feel that the two sisters have matured a lot.”

Ji Xing smiled slightly, and finally crossed his legs with some interest: “But if the strength has not grown, two against one will not be Riven’s opponent, even if Riven has no weapons, this is a double gap in strength and combat experience.”

But they should have made a lot of progress, right?

Thinking so, Ji Xing, who was waiting to watch the game, suddenly felt something and turned his head to the right.

A Noxian colonel sitting there suddenly became energetic, thinking that his topic had aroused Ji Xing’s interest, and then said: “According to the order of appearance in the preview, the sisters named Ole should appear very late. General Draven…had an accident, and Youan must have had no choice but to move them to the front.

From this point of view, the sisters should have good strength and will not be one-sided anymore. We can look forward to it, Mage Seville.”

“Why are you here?” Ji Xing responded with a question.

The colonel was startled, turned his head, and stood up as if struck by an electric current. The other generals who saw the visitor earlier also stood at attention: "Faceless Councillor!"

The visitor was wrapped in a layered robe from head to toe, and wore a black mask with a smooth texture and a cold expression. Even the small holes for the eyes were covered with black silk mesh, completely covering her appearance. Only the shadow of female features could be vaguely seen on the mask, but it was impossible to know whether it was an illusion.

No one knew her identity, but the senior generals of Noxus did not dare to ignore her.

In the Trifarian Council of Three, there was the great commander Swain, who symbolized far-sightedness, and the great general Darius, who symbolized force. The third person was the cunning 'Faceless Man'.

She had the same power as Swain and Darius, but she had never used it. Even her name was not known to anyone, and she had never appeared in public.

How could she appear in the arena?

Just now, the tone of Master Seville…seemed familiar? Master Seville knew her?

Even Anbesa looked solemn, looking at the faceless man and then at Ji Xing, wondering.

“Seville, do you have a world rune on you?” The faceless man, or Leblanc, asked as she sat in the seat vacated by the colonel.

“World rune?” Ji Xing was startled.

“Rune mage Ryze is here, and he’s with Swain now.” Leblanc said, “You should know the name Ryze, right? He’s in the records of the magic library.”

Ryze? Ji Xing certainly knew, and this was one of the few heroes he knew well outside the story of the Alliance’s Twin Cities, the wandering bald savior.

He was stunned for a few seconds, and said with a smile: "I do want the World Rune, but I don't have it yet. But I roughly know what's going on. It's okay, just wait for him to come."

"That's the best." Leblanc said: "Don't think about the World Rune, Sewell."

In her plan, Ji Xing is a link that is difficult to find a replacement for, but she didn't expect that Ji Xing had caused quite a stir just half a month after coming to Noxus, and now even a tricky guy like Rune Mage Ryze has come to the Immortal Bastion.

In order to prevent some unnecessary misunderstandings and ruin her plan, she must show up.

After confirming that Ji Xing didn't have the World Rune, she calmly turned her eyes to the arena, while the other generals and nobles could only stand there, nervously exchanging glances, not knowing whether to sit down.


In the center of the venue, Jinx had already stood in front of Riven, and Wei was supporting.

The two girls of similar height looked at each other. Jinx looked a little thin, but she had the illusion that she was better at fighting than Riven.

"It seems that I have become the content of your assessment?" Riven shook her head gently: "I don't know if you have listened to my persuasion, but I will not let you pass today."

"Preaching, you must beat us first!" Jinx stepped forward.

The thin arm burst out with strong power, stabbing at Riven's face like a gun!

Riven dodged sideways, her short silver-white hair dancing in the wind of the fist, and her right knee was raised, fiercely hitting Jinx's lower abdomen, while Jinx pressed down with her other hand and bent her body to defend.


The dull collision sound echoed, and Jinx's eyes changed slightly. The power from that knee was stronger than expected, and even made her chest a little stuffy, and her center of gravity was slightly unstable.

She could only twist her toes back, and while her long braid was swinging, she kicked up and kicked towards Riven's chin, but was hit down by a powerful punch, and then kicked in the waist!


Grunting, Jinx spun and flew, rolling awkwardly for a few rounds before half-kneeling and looking at Riven, raising her hand to stop Wei who was anxious to help.

"I'll try again." She spit out a mouthful of bloody saliva to the side and grinned, "This guy is very strong, but he is far inferior to that bastard Sewell!"


In the audience, Leblanc tilted her head slightly to look at Ji Xing, and then both of them cast their eyes at the open space in front of them. In the arc of light that leaped in space, two figures appeared at the same time.

Ryze and Swain!

The generals and nobles who were originally standing behind him were shocked and took a breath of cold air. Even Anbesa stood up with a solemn expression.

What's going on? Even Swain is here?

"Captain Swain!"

Swain looked at Leblanc with a little surprise when he greeted her. He knew that she was here, and he might have misunderstood something.

Then he looked at Ji Xing, who he had always heard of but saw for the first time.

Ji Xing also stood up and extended his hand to him: "Nice to meet you, Commander Swain."

Handshakes are not a popular etiquette in Noxus, but Swain still extended his intact hand to shake hands with Ji Xing: "Mr. Seville."

He did not call him 'Mage', as if to explain that Ji Xing's other identities were more meaningful here than the mage, and then he introduced sideways: "This is the Mage Ryze."

Walking in a sparsely populated area for a long time, Ryze rarely appeared in public, but the World Rune was more important than anything else.

He had already looked at Seville, who Swain said 'might' have the World Rune.

No? Not him... No, wait?

Strong vibrations echoed in his heart. Ryze hadn't had such intense emotional fluctuations for many years. What was this? !

World Rune... Human?

The glow of magic was stirring around him, and most people around him felt dangerous and depressed.

After a few seconds, Ryze eliminated the fluctuations of magic. He had seen something clearly.

"You have been exposed to the World Rune and accepted the transformation of the rune... or you are actively learning the power of the rune."

Leblanc tilted her head, is there?

Why didn't I notice it?

Swain quietly communicated with the secret demon in his body, but the secret demon did not respond.

Ji Xing shook his head and smiled: "I haven't touched it. The magic in my body is automatically arranged like this. They make myself more perfect. As the world rune of creation, it should be the most perfect and fundamental form of magic."

Ryze was stunned. I don't know what he remembered. He said with some heaviness: "Is it really like this? Then you may have taken the wrong path. Magic does not belong to us. We are just the channel through which it flows. It is not something we can hold in our hands and drive at will. It is like air, flowing through our bodies, used by us, and then returned to creation in another form.

I have never seen a genius like you, and I have never thought that someone can "tame" magic to this extent, but I am afraid it is already very dangerous. It is like a ignited bomb that can shatter you at any time, and even this overly powerful force can make the place where you are disappear into ashes!"

What? Swain suddenly became serious.

Ji Xing replied: "Master Ryze, is there such a possibility that I did not take the wrong path, but opened up a new path?"

Ryze was silent.

Many years ago, a child also asked a similar question, 'Teacher, is it possible that I am a genius apprentice and you are not a qualified teacher? '

It is true. But this time he did not think he was wrong. Humans cannot control the dangerous power of runes!

He shook his head and said, "No, this is not a new road, but a dead end."

"There is no road in the world. When more people walk on it, it becomes a road." Ji Xing smiled.

Ryze: "?"

This sentence sounds very philosophical... but is the key point here? There is a copper wall in front, and no matter how many people hit it, they can't break it!

The atmosphere became a little subtle, and Swain and Leblanc looked at each other, feeling quite tricky.

At this moment, a strong figure walked over like a dragon and a tiger. Those bewildered noble generals looked at it and stood up straighter: "General Darius!"

What's wrong, what's wrong?

First it was the faceless man, then the commander-in-chief, and now even the Hand of Noxus is here? !

Darius only came to see Ji Xing because of Draven's matter. When he walked into the VIP audience, he stood there and was silent.

He didn't understand the situation in front of him, but was shocked. Why were they all there, but...

No one called me to the meeting? !

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