Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 881: Revenge Flame Soul!


Powerful fists crossed each other and crushed each other's face. The beautiful appearance was squeezed and deformed, and large beads of sweat sputtered from the hair of both parties.

Wei and Riven both staggered back, holding on to their bodies, gasping for breath. Their fronts were already wet with sweat, while Jinx on the side was holding her belly and struggling to get up. However, she slipped in the middle and fell down again. on the ground.

The battle has entered a state of contention.

The two sisters first took turns in the battle, each was beaten by Riven, and finally joined forces to fight.

Both of their skills are top-notch in Zaun, but they are nothing in Rune Continent. Fortunately, Wei had grown a lot in the few months since arriving in Noxus, and Riven didn't have a sword in her hand. The two against one were finally evenly matched, each with their own injuries.

The smell of blood filled their throats, and the burst of adrenaline made Vi and Riven's ears buzz. The shouts of the audience became extremely noisy at this time, but they could not disturb their minds, but suddenly they disappeared one by one and became particularly conspicuous... What happened?

As if the mute button had been pressed, the voices of the 50,000 to 60,000 people stopped one by one in tacit agreement. From the corner of their eyes, they could see that the audience stood up from their seats one by one.

Everyone was looking in the same direction, with expressions of surprise and astonishment on their faces.


"General Darius!"

The whole place was quiet for more than ten seconds, and then the shouts gradually echoed. The sounds quickly connected into a piece and turned into a majestic cheer!

Few people may have noticed one or two people appearing in the VIP auditorium, but one after another arrived, especially after Darius's majestic back appeared, the audience naturally saw it!

They didn't understand how Cui Farali could appear in the arena, but that didn't stop them from giving their excitement, loyalty and admiration for this.

Riven also knew about the changes in power in Noxus, not to mention that Darius was also her idol target as a former Noxian general.

She followed the audience's gaze and saw Swain and Darius with confused expressions on their faces. Are they here for themselves? Riven is not narcissistic yet, but... why?

Wei Ze, who was also looking at it, was stunned, stretched out his hand and rubbed his eyes: "Are you dazzled..."

"Tch...why did I see that guy Sewell? Do I want to beat him so much?" At the same time, Jinx stood up and muttered.

The next moment, the two sisters looked at each other fiercely!

Not dazzled? Not an illusion? !

In the audience, Darius quickly realized that this was not a small meeting.

At Swain's signal, he silently walked to Swain's side. His original intention was to apologize for Draven, and to 'warn' Sewell, this is the Noxus Empire, just use me to teach Draven a lesson once, please don't repeat it again, I will take care of it. Good to him.

But at this moment, he put his plan back for the time being.

Swain did not speak, but turned his attention to LeBlanc. There is a tacit understanding and agreement between the two, that is, all fighting must not affect the security of the Noxus Empire. Now the security of the empire has obviously been affected. You have to persuade the people you invite.

LeBlanc was caught off guard.

Among everyone present, Swain gained top-level power only because of the devil. Only she was a top-level mage like Ryz Ji Xing and could understand the conversation between the two. Did Sewell 'sacrifice' himself into a world rune?

She was shocked that Sewell could do such a thing, and at the same time she felt even more troublesome.

This is more dangerous than collecting contact runes!

This is impossible to succeed!

As Ryze said, Sevier has become a 'big bomb' at this moment. It's better to listen to the advice. If you don't listen to the advice, you may die or twist into other monsters at any time, destroying a city or even a country, and giving Rune Continent Bring disaster!

The plan is over before it even begins?

"Sewell," she said, "I have never heard of your situation. You said you were opening up a new road, but how can you be sure that it is a new road and not a dead end?"

Ryze glanced at her, and someone helped him. He also breathed a sigh of relief, "I heard your name from a couple, Sewell. At that time, I had an amazing talent appear in Rune Continent." Delighted by the stunning new mage.”

"I have done a lot of things over the years, some of which are not necessarily glorious, but I have not deceived anyone, at least I will not hinder the progress of young people, but your path... is blocked.

No human being can grasp the power of creation in the world's runes, including me and you. My appearance is contaminated by the power of the world's runes. Over the years, I have seen too many young people die due to the temptation of runes.

Hundreds of years ago, I took on an apprentice named 'Kegan' in the ice field. He was very talented, but what he always wanted was the same as you. He wanted to master magic, instead of just needing magic like us. When... give it a gentle push.

In the end... he was swallowed up by the most primitive magical energy, twisted into a brand new soul under the power of the world's runes, and turned into a flaming life without rational existence. "

Ryze showed a little sadness: "He exists in the world like a lawless wildfire, always taking and never giving anything back. He is now known as...the Flame Spirit of Vengeance, Brand. Sevier, you Walking on a dangerous tightrope with a cliff and an abyss below.”

He speaks sincerely and has the demeanor of an elder.

Normally, he would be right, and it would be very well-intentioned advice.

But Ji Xing is ‘not normal’.

He did take the wrong path. It was not until he joined the Noxus School of Magic that he realized that the magic of the Alliance world is not like Fairy Tail, which first takes in the magic power and then casts the spell. Instead, it only keeps a small amount of magic power in the body and uses the body as a carrier to communicate with the magic power of the outside world.

Alliance mages are more about ‘mobilizing the power of heaven and earth’, and it is difficult for them to restore the great power.

But others have to turn back when they take the wrong path, but Ji Xing took the wrong path, that is, to open up a new path!

The world rune twists the soul?

Go ahead, you are awesome if you can twist it.

But how can I prove that I have the ability to open up this new path and convince them?

Ryze is more than a gentle elder. Ji Xing has no doubt that if he rejects his ‘good intentions’ again, he will undoubtedly take action to eliminate the dangerous hidden dangers of his rune continent!

Since the other party was sincere, Ji Xing also straightened his expression: "Talented mages are pioneers in exploring the world. I think I have decent talent. Before I succeed, I can't prove to you that my direction is definitely wrong. So let it be. Whoever questions, please provide evidence.

Mage Ryze can choose the test method. I will cooperate with anyone who can. If I can pass, please give me a few more months, and then everything will be clear."

Ryze was silent. This was the most troublesome situation for him - neither believe nor resist.

Test? How to test?

But if you don't test, should you kill this talented young mage directly like those who were corrupted by the world rune?

He has done this many times, but he still can't be calm.

While hesitating, his expression suddenly changed.

Ji Xing and Leblanc also cast their eyes to the distant eastern sky at the same time.

There are still masters? !

The dark night sky was painted by fire, and a fiery red cloud was falling towards the arena!

It was like a monster flying in the clouds, with a flaming meteor in the center, but the outline of a burning human figure could be seen faintly!

"Kegan..." Ryze murmured absentmindedly.

Yes, it's not just me who can keenly perceive the fluctuations of the world runes, but also Kegan who only has the desire for the runes! Brand!

After a hundred years, he met his disciple again. At this moment of "re-enactment", Ryze was a little dazed, and Swain immediately shouted in a low voice: "It's the Vengeance Flame Spirit! Stop him!"

There are too many people in the arena, and this is the center of the capital of Noxus. With the power of the legendary Vengeance Flame Spirit, the whole city can be turned into a sea of ​​fire in an instant. Don't let him land!

In Swain's heart, nothing is more important than the empire. While shouting, he was mentally prepared, even if it would expose the power of the devil in public!

Seeing this, Leblanc sighed softly under the mask. He didn't expect there would be such a good opportunity. If he had known, he would not come.

But if she didn't take action, it would be equivalent to a direct confrontation with Swain. A staff appeared out of thin air in her hand, and she waved it at the incoming fire cloud.

Invisible and illusory chains shot out, directly tied to Brand, and fixed him in mid-air!

The next moment, Darius flew up.

Actually, it was a jump, but with the blessing of the magic equipment on his body and his powerful basic strength, this jump was a hundred meters away and dozens of meters high!

The audience had long noticed the flying fire cloud, and now they all looked at Darius, who was bending over and holding his axe, with fanatical eyes.

What kind of monster is the fire cloud?

They couldn't understand it.

But they could understand the value of the axe of the general who symbolized the military power of Noxus! Is this the legendary 'Noxian guillotine'? !

Even Wei and Jinx were slightly stunned. Can humans with magic equipment be so strong? This Noxian general is probably stronger than Sewell in fighting ability? !

But everything was just a moment. Leblanc's phantom chain melted, and a flaming tongue hit Darius's Black Cleaver.


The sound of a sonic boom exploded.

After a white air wave, Darius's figure was shot backwards and disappeared. The wall of the arena was first smashed, and then a rumbling sound was heard!

The audience's eyes gradually became straight.

No... no way?

General Darius... huh? !

Before they could show their surprise, a miracle beyond their imagination appeared.

They flew up.

Not just one or two, but all the more than 50,000 spectators present, including the unconscious Liquidator and Riven in the center of the arena!

The miraculous power made them soar into the air, panicked, unable to resist, and lined up to fly away to the distant west!

As her slender arms and legs swung, Jinx in the air grabbed Vi's outstretched hand, but her eyes were fixed on the direction of the VIP audience seats.

She saw Seville leaning on that extremely gorgeous "crutch", half-lowering his head, trying his best to control something. As if he noticed Jinx's gaze, he raised his head, smiled and nodded.

It was fleeting.

But it also made Jinx grit her teeth.

It was really Seville! And he...

"In an instant, he covered the entire arena with magic power, and accurately controlled tens of thousands of people to fly into the air."

Half-lowering her head, Leblanc whispered in her heart that Seville was indeed the best choice to deal with him, but the current situation... was a bit tricky. The possibility of Seville's path being successful was too low, almost equivalent to a dead end.

If he failed, he would become a monster that could not be communicated with, just like Brand in front of him!

Boom! The blazing fire man fell into the arena, and the sparks of the fire snakes ignited all combustible objects!

Fortunately, there were only Swain, Leblanc, Ryze and Ji Xing in the arena at this moment, and no one was afraid of the splashing flames.

Ryze's eyes moved away from Ji Xing, and the arc of arc light leaped, and in an instant he moved to the center of the arena, opposite Brand.

"Kegan, do you still recognize me?"

The only response he got was a pair of hateful eyes covered by flames, and even more turbulent flames.

Yes, Kegan's remaining desire for the world rune and hatred for himself, the master who prevented him from collecting the world rune!

On the day Kegan changed, I was so soft-hearted that I almost died in the flames.

But today is the time to solve it. If Kegan really finds a world rune, then there will be few people in the entire Rune Land who can deal with him!

The next moment, Brand raised his hand, and the surging fire snakes rolled and roared like a giant dragon, steaming the surrounding water vapor in an instant, and the lights of the arena were folded by the vast magic power, showing a wonder that seemed to distort the space!

Ryze, who was attacked by the fire dragon, did not move, but pushed forward with both hands, and the robes behind him fluttered, and the surrounding magic energy was used by him.

A blue arcane giant net was woven by him, blocking in front of him, and the impact of the fire snake was like being blocked by the wall of space!

The colorful energy dissipated in all directions, and the earth was trembling under the collision of the two people's magic!

The vengeful flame soul roared.

The runes in Ryze's eyes jumped!

The wall of arcane energy gradually pressed over the fire snake and pushed towards Brand. At this moment, a huge shield interwoven with ice blocked Ryze's energy wall again, helping Ryze to stop the swallowing of the fire snake and also pushing forward!

Ryze's eyes changed, and the surging magic paused. He looked at Ji Xing who was slowly descending beside him and pointing at Brand with his silver-white staff.

"Let me do it. Killing my former disciple with my own hands will make you feel a little heartbroken. It's also a good opportunity for you to see if I can control the 'rune energy' in my body." Ji Xing said.

The staff in his hand danced, and the melted extreme ice was growing again, and the next moment it expanded into a huge cage, covering Brand's fiery body in it!


The staff immediately hit the ground, and the light of rune energy jumped around. The ice cage covering Brand's body quickly retreated, and finally turned Brand into an ice sculpture standing in the field!

The splashing flames and gushing flames were frozen, lifelike!

Leblanc's eyes under the veil of the mask fluctuated slightly, and Swain, who no longer hesitated to stretch out his demon arm to extinguish the flames, also looked solemn.

He actually froze the vengeful flame soul? !

"It's a precision rune."

Ryze, who had come into contact with countless runes, judged that the way the energy in Ji Xing's body circulated was the most precise among the five types of runes. The power of magic had been significantly improved. The staff was not simple either, and it also greatly improved the efficiency of spellcasting.

He was silent for a while and took two steps back.

"Then I'll have to work hard for you, but Keegan is not so easy to solve."

As soon as the voice fell, a roar exploded.

The vengeful flame soul broke through the ice, and the flames dyed the sky red again!

Another book recommended: The new book of the demon monk Hua Wuque, "From the Development of Yijin Jing to the Other Shore", has a million words, and it's time to start! If you are interested, you can go and have a look.

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