Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 884: Heading to Shurima

After explaining in detail the experience of going to Shurima two months ago, Cassiopeia lowered her head and said: "I disappoint you, Lady Pale Witch. Not only did I fail to get weapons back for the organization, I also made myself This monster look.

I am not escaping your punishment during this period, but I just don’t know how to explain it to you. "

"Don't take appearance too seriously, Cassiopeia." LeBlanc said, "Have you heard of Elise's name?"

"The duchess who resurrected the Kythera family a few centuries ago?" Cassiopeia was startled and said, "I have heard rumors about her. Could it be that..."

"She is still alive and is one of my capable subordinates." LeBlanc said: "She is in a similar situation to you. She was bitten by the despicable throat of the spider god. The difference is that she can interact with spiders in a human body. Switching back and forth, I think you can do some communication with her next.

Becoming a snake girl is a disaster for you, but it may also be an opportunity, which will give you lifespan and strength that you never had in human form. "

Cassiopeia's snake eyes were slightly raised, and she looked at the masked LeBlanc with excitement and admiration: "Is the legend of the Spider Queen true? I understand, I will visit Mrs. Elise! But the witch, The expedition failed..."

"No, that's not considered a failure." LeBlanc's voice was gentle: "The stone statues can move, and the toxin curse that can turn humans into snake bodies all means that the Ascended tomb you finally discovered is not simple, but It exceeds the exploration capabilities of you and the Shurima mercenaries."

"This discovery is very important to us." She looked at Ji Xing and said: "Sevier, what I want to ask you to do is to explore the tomb for me and bring me valuable things. As a reward, I can give the black I’ll give you a copy of Rose’s exploration of Shurima over the years. I think both you and the Philos family will need this information.”

Cassiopeia looked at Ji Xing and couldn't help but spit out the snake letter. Sevier? Have you ever heard of this name? The man who invented the universal capsule? The witch actually wants to have a 'fair deal' with him? Could it be that he...

"Why don't you go by yourself?" Ji Xing looked at LeBlanc and asked, "A slightly stronger clone will be enough to explore there, right?"

"Shurima is dangerous."

LeBlanc said directly: "It is the oldest country of mankind, full of secrets. What we will encounter there is different from Cassiopeia and those local mercenaries.

Sevier, you should know something about the history of Shurima, right? "

"Of course, Piltover and Zaun were once part of Shurima's port cities."

It was the first and strongest human nation in Rune Continent. At its peak, its territory radiated to almost the entire Rune Continent.

If it hadn't been for a special disaster nearly three thousand years ago that cut off the bloodline of the Shurima royal family and buried its capital in the yellow sand, Rune Continent would probably still be under its rule!

"Solar Disk, Ascension Ceremony." LeBlanc continued: "So far, no one has been able to figure out the long-standing secret. They just suspect that it is related to Mount Targon.

As long as an ordinary person can be recognized by the gods, go through the ascension ceremony, and become a warrior or ascendant of the gods, he can gain a long life and power that exceeds the limits of human beings!

Today's powerful Noxus Empire may not be able to resist the simultaneous attack of two Ascended Ones, but when the Shurima Empire was at its peak, there were more than a thousand such Ascendants! "

Her words were slightly bewitching: "Perhaps with your talent, you can crack the secret of ascension and let the sun disk... rise again."

Ji Xing smiled and said, "I'm embarrassed too. But I'm really interested in 'Ascension'. Even if you don't tell me, I will go to Shurima."

LeBlanc smiled: "Collaboration achieved?"

"I want to see the information first."

"Ah, Cassiopeia."

The ancient secrets in their conversation and LeBlanc's praise for Ji Xing shocked Cassiopeia. When she heard LeBlanc's call, she suddenly came back to her senses and wandered around. The body went to get family information.

She is the general person in charge of the Black Rose organization's exploration of Shurima. Before this failure, she had conquered more than a dozen precious tombs and brought many powerful ancient weapons to the Black Rose, so LeBlanc was tolerant and kind to her. she.

"In addition to the information that falls on paper, there are also some secrets that only a few people know."

Sitting on the sofa opposite Ji Xing, LeBlanc continued: "Sevier, have you heard of the void?"

"A little bit." Ji Xing said.

"That is a mysterious plane, and I know very little about it." LeBlanc said: "The only thing that is certain is that the void has absolutely no good intentions towards our world. When a void passage is opened, countless powerful dangers will arise. Void monsters will come and destroy everything they see.

Fortunately, there are no large-scale void passages in our era, but in the south of Shurima, at the ruins of a vassal state called Icathia during the Shurima period, there is a void land that interacts with the void.

Sevier, I don’t recommend you to explore there. Of course, if you are really interested, I can’t stop you from observing the outside. "

Interesting knowledge added.

Ji Xing smiled and nodded: "Void Land? I will do what I can."

LeBlanc nodded: "As far as I know, the Shurima Empire fought a war with the Void during its heyday. They paid a huge price to repel the Void, but the consequences of this war remain to this day. There is no elimination.”

"Darkspawn." She spoke the term in a low voice and said: "The most powerful Shurima Ascendants who experienced and survived the war had their personalities changed due to the erosion of the void. Killing and brutal, after the failure of the ascension ceremony of Azir, the last emperor of Shurima, which led to the collapse of the Shurima Empire, a darkin war started across the entire continent.

I don't know the specific situation. When the Darkin War came to an end, I was just a kid. But unlike the ascended warriors of the gods who have completely disappeared, the activities of dark descendants can still be heard occasionally over the years.

They were originally the most powerful warriors among the Ascended ones, and they were promoted by the distortion of the power of the void... Because Shurima is their homeland, I suspect that there are several darkspawn hiding in Shurima, looking for them What are you wearing? "

"This is one of the reasons why I don't want to set foot on that land." She looked at Ji Xing, answered Ji Xing's initial question, and added: "Another reason... It is not accurate to say that the ascended ones have completely disappeared. At least it can It was confirmed that Nasus, the Grand Maester of the Shurima Empire and one of the most powerful Ascended Ones, was still alive in that land.

He has the powerful power to directly attack the soul. He is the type that I am least good at dealing with. I don't think he will welcome tomb robbers. "

Her words were filled with relaxation and joking, and she shook her head and said, "That's probably what you need to pay attention to. As for some ancient curses and magic in the tombs, I don't think they can hurt you."

She did give an overview of the opportunities and dangers she might encounter in Shurima, like an NPC mission instructor. Ji Xing looked at her with interest and said, "I understand."

He had not seen it with his own eyes, so he could not easily estimate the power of the Ascended Ones and Darklings.

However, according to some descriptions in ancient books and some battle relics on Rune Continent, Ascended Ones that can be mass-produced on a small scale cannot be regarded as completely surpassing the human species.

There should be a crossover between the top human combat power and the Ascended Ones. Mages like LeBlanc should be stronger than the middle and lower level Ascended Warriors, but the top Ascended Ones, mutated dark descendants, and Ji Xing are also It's not good to ignore it completely. did you ascend?

Next, his path of cultivation is actually very clear. He condenses four kinds of runes besides precision runes one by one. Each time he successfully condenses one, his strength will transform and improve.

But now his physical strength is actually slowing down his progress. Without magic enhancement, his physique is only comparable to Darius.

Ascended people are not pure mages. Most of them are stronger than the physical body. He also wants to try flying.

Soon after, Cassiopeia returned with her snake body, and at LeBlanc's signal, handed it to Ji Xing... a universal capsule: "All the information about Shurima is in it."

Ji Xing nodded and took it, LeBlanc said again: "Sevier, do you still need a guide?"

Cassiopeia was startled and spoke first: "Master Witch, the group of mercenaries and Sivir who used to be my guides have been killed by me in the ancient tomb. This news may have spread among the Shurima mercenaries. Open it, hire again..."

He paused mid-sentence and his eyes bulged. The guide the witch is talking about...can't be me, right? !

Ji Xing looked at the girl with a human body and snake legs. She might have been transformed into a snake for a short period of time, but her appearance was much more childish and delicate than the original painting in the game. The curves of her upper body were also very elegant. He shook his head and said with a smile: "Forget it, Fei. The Ross family has many miners in Shurima, and I have many guides.”


Sivir felt as if a piece of broken glass had been stuck to her throat, and her chapped lips were burning like fire. Everywhere in her body was telling her that she must replenish water as soon as possible.

But leaning over the edge of the boulder and observing, those Saenz people who hated the mercenaries, especially her, were still staying next to the spring with no sign of leaving.

She flinched and lay back, and cursed in a low voice: "That glamorous Noxian girl really made me embarrassed!"

When Cassiopeia stabbed her in the back with a dagger, she thought she was dead.

In fact, she should indeed go to death, but there are always miracles in Runeterra, and there are especially many miracles in Shurima.

I don’t know if it was because of their conflict that she woke up. When Sivir woke up, she saw an ‘ancient man’ who was taking care of her.

She stretched out her hand, and water columns spewed out from those ancient statues. The water was like the legendary spring of life. When it poured on her body, her wounds and physical strength gradually recovered.

She was rescued from hell and later witnessed a miracle with her own eyes.

The capital city of Shurima, which had been buried for countless years, reappeared on land from the ground buried in the yellow sand with another move from the ancients!

Then the ancient people chanted some incomprehensible ancient spells and were busy repairing the damaged temples.

The other party seemed to have told him something, but Sivir didn't understand it, and even if he understood it, he wouldn't follow it. The ancient person talking to himself in the city of yellow sand really couldn't look like a sane person. She was afraid that the other party would bury everything underground again, or suddenly feel that she owed him something.

She escaped and has been here.

What she needs now is water.

Breathing gradually became difficult, and she knew she could not wait any longer. Looking at the muscles on her arms and the cross blade that made her proud, Sivir got up from the ground.

If you don't leave, you can only kill them. You can't die of thirst here, right? !

Cassiopeia did not know that Sivir, who was stabbed in the vital part by her sneak attack, was not dead.

Sivir also didn’t know that the ‘ancient man’ who revived her was Azir, the last emperor of Shurima! She has the blood of the Shurima royal family flowing in her body, and can be called the princess of the Shurima Empire. In the underground tomb, her blood awakened Azir's remnant soul, allowing Azir to ascend for the second time. And successfully resurrected!

And among the ancient sentences that Azir, the Yellow Emperor of the Desert, muttered in the yellow sand capital, there was this sentence - "Shurima, your emperor is back!"

Immortal Fortress, underground, LeBlanc, who bid farewell to Ji Xing, stood on the edge of the Well of Souls.

The shaft dug into the bedrock beneath Noxus, far deeper than the fortress's dimensions could accommodate. Cold blues and suspicious greens merged into a billowing miasma that swirled far below, reflecting the three bridges that spanned the gorge.

Beneath the bridge, above the mad whirlpool, hung a huge, terrifying humanoid shadow that no Noxian could mistake. A pair of lifeless armor must be mentioned in every history book!

His name is Mordekaiser.

A monarch who defeated death and brought brutal rule to Runeterra twice.

It was he who built this immortal fortress. LeBlanc was once just a wizard under him, and eventually betrayed him.

She contacted the barbarians around the Immortal Fortress, killed Mordekaiser, and established the Noxian Empire that would last for nearly a thousand years.

But as time went by, LeBlanc's strength increased, and she gradually stood at the top of the mage, and the fear in her heart became stronger.

The power he had back then could not kill him at all!

Mordekaiser saw through my plan and chose death for the second time!

LeBlanc didn't know what he wanted to do, but she knew that one day, Mordekaiser would appear in Runeterra for the third time.

With more power than the previous two times.

By then, everything will be liquidated by him, and the world will be ruled by him!

Compared to Mordekaiser, Swain is just an opponent worth spending time with. I must accumulate more power to deal with Mordekaiser!

"Sevier..." she murmured softly.

"What's the matter?" At this moment, a voice suddenly echoed in her ears.

LeBlanc's body trembled, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he looked at Ji Xing who appeared beside him in shock: "Sevier?! You're not..."

"Let's go." Another similar voice appeared on the other side of her. LeBlanc turned around again and saw another Ji Xing.

Then the third, the thirtieth!

Just like what she did in Bilgewater, densely packed Ji Xing surrounded her, and every Ji Xing had a strange smile on their face.

"Let's say goodbye. I'm going to Shurima."

They all said in unison, disillusionment disappearing.

LeBlanc was left standing there blankly.

The feeling of fear has been gone for a long time!

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