Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 885 Qiyana, the axiom of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty!

With the changes and development of the times, every piece of land in Rune Continent is covered with human footprints. Shurima, which once gave birth to the first and most powerful empire of mankind, welcomes countless explorers every day.

They come from all over the world, hoping to harvest ancient treasures and make a fortune here.

It stands to reason that with such exploration, Shurima should have no secrets, but in the eastern part of Shurima, in the dense forest, there is still an isolated country hidden, Ixtal!

They are famous for their mastery of elemental magic and are the first countries to join the Shurima Empire. Their history can even be traced back to more ancient times and is related to the first great migration of mankind to the west.

But now few people know about them.

Because they have experienced the Void War, the Darkin War, and the Rune War, they think that other ethnic groups are upstarts and covetous, and use powerful magic to isolate themselves.

Because the dense forest where they live is also rumored to be the location of the legendary dangerous Jerlu Garden, no one would venture deep into it, and occasionally a few daring guys were eliminated. Over time, this place became a forbidden area.

Up to now, even the vast majority of residents in Ixtal think that this is the only country of mankind and they don't know the outside world.

Qiyana is different from them.

As the youngest daughter of the ruling family of the core city of Ixoken, she has known more than ordinary people since she was a child, and has always been dissatisfied with her situation and the order of inheritance in this closed country.

Since she started learning elemental magic at the age of seven, she has shown talents far beyond others. The nine sisters above her have been surpassed by her one by one, but her inheritance right is still the tenth!

She thinks that this inheritance method that does not rely on talent but only on seniority is too old and backward. Ixtal can only prosper under her rule. She wants to become the Queen of Elements and lead Ixtal back to the attention of the outside world and rule the whole world like the great Shurima!

Before that, she had to do something to let the foolish and corrupt elders know her talents and let her become the queen.

In this way, she defeated her eldest sister, who was 12 years older than her, and used practical actions to let the other sister know her weakness. Her name was known to more people in Ixoken.

But this was not enough, and it could not change some people's inherent views. At this time, she discovered another incident that made her feel deeply ashamed.

Around the dense forest of Ixtal, a group of miners from Piltover came at some point. They cut down the forest, dug deep mines, and dug out precious metal gems from deep underground.

Because they did not want Ixtal to contact the outside world, the elders even asked two villages that might be discovered to migrate. This cowardly move made Qiyana furious.

She decided to act.

She wanted to let those Piltover people know whose territory Ixtal was!

So one day, she openly controlled the wind element to descend on the mine of the Piltover women, and looked at the soldiers and miners who were shocked by her appearance with satisfaction.

Her eyes looked at the central open space, where a young man with a different dress and temperament was half-crouching on the ground, dismantling and explaining a huge metal arm. Qiyana knew that thing seemed to be the latest Hextech technology in Piltover, miner gloves, which could increase the efficiency of mining, and often made a huge noise during this period.

She snorted coldly and raised her head high: "I am the great elemental queen, the ruler of Ixtal! You broke into my territory without permission, you deserve the death penalty!

Are you their leader? Remember the lesson I taught you, go back and tell other Piltover women, never set foot here again!"

The powerful elemental power enveloped her, and Qiyana admired the surprise of the crowd, which would soon turn into despair and fear.

At this time, an accident happened.

She saw the young man opposite summon a silver-white staff out of thin air. The staff was so beautiful that she had never seen it before. Even Ixtal's treasure house had never had such a thing!

She was stunned for a second.

Then the staff flashed and pulled closer!


Damn, sneak attack... She was hit hard on the back of her head, and her consciousness sank into darkness.


"Fate is an intricate web, but I originally have an instinctive sense and use the magic of the card. Divination is like foreknowledge."

As night fell, in the jungle, Ji Xing sat in front of the campfire and looked at the unconscious girl not far away.

A few days ago, when he said goodbye to Leblanc and headed for Shurima, Ji Xing specially used the card to calculate the hexagram, and the result was "three days late".

The card guided him to arrive three days late, so Ji Xing wandered around on the road for a while, and landed in Shurima three days later, and found the miners of the Piltover Philos family here.

It happened that a Hextech mining glove broke down, so Ji Xing helped to fix it. Just as he was accepting the miners' flattery and praise for Hextech technology and universal capsules, he saw the 'Elemental Queen' Qiyana descending from the sky and making an arrogant statement.

I have to say that although she was knocked unconscious by his stick, the two moves Qiyana performed were extraordinary. In the Noxus School of Magic, she must be at level 4 or above or even level 5. If he was not there, those soldiers in Piltover would have to be slaughtered by her even if they were equipped with Hextech weapons.

"Well, she looks only fifteen or sixteen years old."

The girl lying on the ground is wearing a magical armor woven with elemental magic. Her exposed skin is dark but dazzling, showing a healthy and sun-kissed color. She is full of vitality. Her short white hair is naturally curved and wild.

The moment Ji Xing looked at her, she was actually awake. At this time, she closed her eyes tightly and secretly checked her situation, but the tip of her strong nose couldn't help but twitch due to the wafting fragrance.

Some brains, but not much.

Ji Xing took a deep breath and let it out.

A fireball that suddenly appeared and bombarded him was annihilated like mist!

What? ! At the same time, Qiyana turned over and sat up with a look of astonishment on her face, her heart rolling with shock.

My elemental fireball... was blown out?

Even if she was broken up, she would not be so unbelievable, but blown away? Even the elemental dragon in the jungle wouldn't have such a breath!

It was a fireball that I woven using the Sixth Axiom and fire element threads. Although it still looked like a fireball, the energy and toughness contained in it were enough to blast a big hole in anyone's chest!

Blown out by...?

"Don't start fighting and killing just after you wake up." Ji Xing raised his head and said, "Sit down and chat? I am one of the heads of the Philos family in Piltover and one of the rulers of Piltover, Sewell.

According to the information we know, there are no humans living in this jungle. I'm sorry for disturbing you, but just because of this kind of thing, you kid wants to kill our miners and soldiers. Isn't this a bit too much? ? "

Qiyana paused, and the elemental power in her body surged again: "In front of you is the wisest elemental queen in the history of Ixoken. Don't speak to me like you are talking to a child, Pier Mrs. Tewo!"

This time it's the element of wind.

Feng Suosu arranged the threads of the Fifth Axiom in front of her, forming a wall of wind that pressed towards Ji Xing! This attack is not very damaging and destructive. Qiyana wants to test it more and understand the weirdness of the guy named Sevier in front of her!

But she didn't understand.

She only saw the man opposite waving his hand, and her wind wall suddenly collapsed. However, the fluttering wind cord silk threads did not return to nature. Instead, they built a net in a way that she could not understand, covering her in an instant. On your body!

The strong restraint made Qiyana sit on the ground, and even her posture was strictly corrected by the net, making her assume a sitting posture that could only be achieved when she was listening to the teacher's lectures when she was a child.

She blushed and struggled, and at the same time, what she had learned and seen over the years was impacted.

Why? This magician outside of Ixtar doesn't even understand the 'Axioms of the First Yuan Dynasty', yet he seems to have surpassed me in being a master of the elements? !

Taking away Feng Suosu usually only happens when Yuentar (the senior elementalist of Ixtal) faces his apprentice.

But I have long been Yuentar!

During the struggle, Qiyana finally noticed the source of the previous fragrance with her peripheral vision.

It was a thigh of some kind of creature that was being roasted on the bonfire until it became oily. It seemed to be as thick as her waist and as long as her height. Qiyana searched for her own knowledge and understanding, and found only one kind of creature. Can cope with it.

Elemental dragon? !

She stopped struggling.

Ji Xing then smiled at her and dissipated the suppression of the wind element: "Can we have a good chat now? Queen of the Elements?"

Qiyana's narrow pupils barely maintained the arrogance and sharpness that was beyond her age.

"What do you want to say? Do you want Yu to admit the compliance of Mrs. Piltover's mining? Stop dreaming, even if you kill Yu with this weird spell, Yuental will not give in!"

Ji Xing smiled and said: "Piltover is a city of science and technology and a city of progress. We have always adopted a friendly communication method with every country and city-state, and never conquered or coerced others with force, unless we were attacked and fought back in self-defense.

To be honest, the minerals found outside this jungle are of high value. Piltover needs this resource very much, and there is a high probability that those families will not be willing to give it up. We can exchange some interests, exchange materials, and establish friendly relations. "

Other Ixtal people and elders would not even consider this kind of thing, but Qiyana is different.

She is not the Queen of Elements yet, she is just the daughter of the Queen who is still ranked tenth in succession.

Ji Xing's 'negotiation by those in power' diluted her dissatisfaction with the situation in which she was captured. She thought about it properly and decided to use her wisdom to defeat the weird mage in front of her.

"This kind of thing... It's not impossible for me to consider it." After thinking for a moment, she said: "But the mage of Piltover, I want to know first what trick you used to take away my Sosus."

When she finished speaking, she tilted her little face arrogantly and added: "Of course, if you are worried that Yu will crack the trick and be beaten to the point of running away, you can also keep your secret."

Video of a little girl who deserves a beating.

Ji Xing smiled: "There is no secret. You use elemental magic very well. It seems to follow some fixed and best spell-casting formula compiled by predecessors. The power and effect are as good as the magic power you can mobilize." peak.

But there are good things and bad things, because your formula is too tight. As long as I change one of the parameter variables and destroy the balance, the thread in your mouth will naturally unravel. "

Qiyana was stunned, looking annoyed.

"Coward! If you don't dare to tell me the secret, just tell me directly. Don't tell such lies! A wizard who has not even learned the 'Original Theorem' said that he can destroy the formula of the Yuanchu Theorem. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"

"The Yuanchu Theorem?" Ji Xing murmured, turning the elemental dragon leg and roasting it indifferently, saying: "If this is just the most ridiculous thing you have heard, what is the most ridiculous thing you have ever seen?"

It was just now...

Qiana's thoughts flashed, and she was stunned again.

"No... Don't try to deceive me!"

Ji Xing smiled: "I am interested in the Yuanchu Theorem you mentioned. If you are not afraid that I will learn it secretly, do you dare to demonstrate it to me? Then I will show you the proof I just said?"

"Why should I not dare?"

If the Yuanchu Theorem is something that can be mastered at a glance, what is the value of the Ixutal people learning it since childhood?

That is the crystallization of the wisdom of elementalists over thousands of years. The Yuanchu Theorem has been enriched from the original seven to the current twenty, accompanied by the efforts of the Ixutal people for thousands of years!

Qiyana thought for a moment, and the power of the elements became active, forming lines out of thin air above her head. Some of them were parallel, some intersected, forming intricate figures, some were cutting into others, and some were cut off by chaos.

This seemed a bit strenuous, and Qiyana held her breath for half a minute before she could sort it out. She hummed: "This is part of the third theorem. You try to change their parameters? Or let me explain it to the ignorant foreign wizard first..."

"Water element." Ji Xing interrupted.

The intricate figure appeared in his eyes, and it was naturally arranged. In Qiyana's unbelievable eyes, Ji Xing flicked his finger and ejected a drop of water, which was dripping into a point of the figure.

Like a domino that was pushed over, the figure that Qiyana had worked hard to condense quickly disintegrated, and like the previous magic, it was destroyed from the foundation!

"No, this is impossible..." she murmured.

"Elements are free." Ji Xing said, "Bounding them to theorems is a shortcut for ordinary people to learn magic, but for a magician with outstanding talent like you, it will kill your creativity and future. I think that in the past few thousand years of Ixutal... there should have never been a magician with the power to destroy a city or a town."

Success is due to the Yuanchu Theorem.

Failure is also due to the Yuanchu Theorem.

Ji Xing can see through it at a glance. The existence of this thing can make people with only weak talents, such as apprentices of the Noxus School of Magic, become mages, but if you learn it since childhood, it is impossible to become a mage of Leblanc's level, let alone have a level like Ji Xing!

But Ji Xing was a little surprised at this time.

The Yuanchu Theorem is useless to him, but the idea of ​​creating the Yuanchu Theorem is useful to him!

He smelled the power of runes.

The ancestor of Ixutal who created the Yuanchu Theorem must have come into contact with the world rune, and it should be the "witchcraft" rune among the five major runes!

I just came to Shurima, and I have already found a way to practice the second rune. That's great.

But it was a big blow to the child.

He looked at the silly-looking Qiyana, smiled and said, "The Asian dragon leg is ready. You must be hungry too. Come and try my cooking?"

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