Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 888 Taliyah Sivir

"What a shabby city."

Walking in Vicola, a city rebuilt from the ruins, on the wide streets leading to the dilapidated city walls, Qiyana couldn't help but wrinkle her nose in disgust: "What a bad smell."

It has been a week since Ji Xing left Ixtar. The two of them have been traveling in the yellow sand. This is the first time they have returned to the crowd.

Compared to the gorgeously decorated Ixocan, Vicola looks like a garbage dump, although there are indeed scenery here that Qiyana has never seen.

Nothing like the generally educated elementalists of Ishoken. People here gather in hundreds in a market, sweating profusely, talking very fast, laughing loudly, and bargaining, which looks like a quarrel. warm.

The vendors kept selling and boasting, as if the products on the stalls were unique in the world, but Qiyana, who was of noble birth, could see at a glance that they were just crudely made items imitating the equipment of the nobles of the Shurima Empire.

There were even vendors who tried to pull her and Ji Xing's clothes and force them to the stall. Qiyana had disgust on her face and pushed them far away with a wind ring.

She did not use the Yuanchu axioms for this elemental magic, but relied on 'instinct'. This was what she had gained from following Ji Xing for seven days. Casting the spell no longer required calculations based on the Yuanchu axioms.

In layman's terms, she used to have to form the vertical form for two-digit multiplication, but now she can also get the answer directly for three-digit multiplication. This improvement made her feel that the shame of agreeing to be a 'maid' was gone.

The Queen of Elements is flexible and flexible, and... there is no shame in pursuing knowledge.

Of course, the main reason was that she heard the news that Azir wanted to rebuild the Shurima Empire, and Ji Xing did not regard her as a real servant.

"Isn't there any law to restrict these vendors here? If you were to drag customers by force, you would be arrested if it were Isuoken!" Qiyana couldn't help but complain after walking through this smelly commercial street. : "If they collide with me, I can even sentence them to death!"

"Maybe there are certain rules." Ji Xing shook his head: "But didn't you hear just now? Some people say that if they don't make money, their families will starve to death. What meaning do the rules have to them?"

Qiyana was startled: "Even an idiot can tell that it's just an excuse to sell products, right?"

Ji Xing looked at her: "What if I told you that at least half of it is true?"


"The future Queen of Elements should have only seen how the so-called 'lower class people' live in books, right?" Ji Xing smiled and said: "People who really work hard are 100 times more miserable than that. Isu Okun's isolation For the common people of Ixtar, at least from a certain perspective, it is a good thing.”

Qiyana was silent for a while, then looked back at the market that was gradually getting away. This time, what she saw was no longer noise and chaos, but some people struggling hard and hoping to survive.

"...Since you can see it, why don't you just buy something? You must have money to spend, right?" she asked in a low voice.

"What does that have to do with me?" Ji Xing shook his head: "And believe it or only takes 10 gold coins, and at least 20 corpses will be left in that market. If there are more, and there is a large-scale riot, say It might be a river of blood."

Qiyana curled her lips: "That's right, that has nothing to do with me."

But she couldn't help but ask herself, if I become the queen in the future, how can I make these guys live a prosperous life?

At least like the people of Ixoken.

It's not that she has a kind heart, but since she heard the news of Azir's resurrection, she has been holding back the urge to 'compare'. The dynasty she will rule in the future must at least catch up with the legendary Shurima Empire at its peak. Period!

The future queen feels the pressure, and the ruler doesn't seem so relaxed?

She thought about it and became more and more distressed. She realized it and looked at Ji Xing who was looking at her with a smile. After getting along for a long time, she always felt that there was something bad about Ji Xing that she couldn't explain, always teasing her like an adult. They tease themselves like a 20-year-old child, but the key is that they are always fooled and fall into some verbal and thinking traps.

Not only magic, but also all aspects of thinking, experience, etc. were crushed, and the arrogance of the Queen of Elements was almost worn away.

"Let's go quickly. Didn't you use some divination magic to confirm that Azir's descendants are in this city? What's the specific location? You won't be able to figure it out, right?" She asked angrily.

Ji Xing smiled and said, "We're almost there. We've been on the right track."

Qiyana pursed her lips.

Azir was resurrected because Cassiopeia and Sivir unsealed the emperor's tomb, more than three months ago.

The royal capital that had been lost for three thousand years has reappeared, and countless people have seen it. The news has actually spread throughout the few areas of Shurima continent except Ixtal.

Even in the distant continent of Valoran, Ionia and other places, there are rumors of the Shurima Emperor's resurrection in taverns on the streets.

After hearing the news, even without confirmation, Taliyah, who was in Ionia, immediately rushed back to Shurima.

She is a girl from the Shurima nomads. She awakened to magic when she was very young. Because of the strong power of magic and her inability to control it, she caused some damage to her family members and had to stay away from her hometown.

She wandered in the continent of Valoran, was hired and deceived by Noxus, and narrowly escaped death in Ionia. Finally, she found a master who could teach her to control power - the wind swordsman Yasuo.

During the year they had been together, she had made a lot of progress, both in physical fitness and magic, but when she ran head-on into the Ascended Nasus, she still fell hard on her butt.

"He's really tall. He doesn't seem to be fully upright yet, but he's at least... two meters?"

As she rushed to her temporary shelter, Taliyah gently rubbed her butt and murmured, curious about the giant whose face she hadn't seen clearly just now.

But what made her more anxious at this moment was the goal of finding her family.

Nomadic people always chase water sources and often change their living locations. At this moment, most of the river water in Shurima was flowing back to the capital of Shurima under the power of Azir, building the legendary Dawn Oasis. She knew that her parents and tribesmen must also move in that direction.

Not far from here, the abandoned city of Vikaola prospered again because of this.

But she was held back.

Soon, she returned to the abandoned house on the eastern edge of Vikaola, and saw the woman lying in the shade of the tree, still unconscious, and she quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

She found the woman in the desert. At that time, she was covered in wounds and buried in the sand dunes. Of course, the situation is not very good now.

The wound she sutured has gradually scabbed, but Taliyah can't forget the bloody look. Ordinary people would have died long ago if they received such injuries. This woman must be a warrior.

She knelt beside the woman, helped her take off her armor, and washed her body as much as possible. The intricate scars on her body that looked like a map made Taliyah's hands tremble, which made her more certain.

After cleaning, she put on a new bandage for the woman, and heard a few painful moans from the woman's mouth, murmuring like a dream: "Azir... Emperor..."

Taliyah has heard her murmuring about the emperor and death a lot during this period, although she still doesn't understand what happened.

After doing everything she could do, Taliyah sat there in a daze and missed her hometown for a while, and then she lifted the black hair on the woman's forehead out of boredom.

Unlike her body covered with scars, the woman's face was very beautiful, with a kind of toughness and sharpness on her typical light brown skin color of Shurima.

"May the Mother of Weaving bless you." She murmured.

At this moment, she suddenly heard the sound of hard boots stepping on the yellow sand not far behind her. She turned around and saw a young man with a kind and handsome face but definitely not a Shurima, and a girl with eagle eyes.

The sound of stepping on the sand came from the feet of the girl in high boots. Taliya was stunned for a moment and said quickly: "Hello, this abandoned house is already occupied. If you need a place to stay, there should be no one next door."

"Who would rush to live in such a place?" Qiyana expressed disdain for Taliya's vigilance.

Ji Xing said kindly: "We are looking for someone."

"Looking for someone?" Taliya was briefly confused, and then realized that since she didn't know them, they could only come here to find one person.

She half-turned her body to block the unconscious woman more, and asked: "Are you... her friends? Or her enemies?"

"Neither." Ji Xing said: "It may be a bit complicated to explain, and it seems that it is not very convenient to see her condition... Well, to put it simply, I heard that she is the descendant of the Eagle King, and Azir was revived because of her blood. I want to ask her for some blood for research to see the secrets of the Ascendants."

"...Ah?" Taliyah was stunned.

Descendant of the Eagle King? Emperor Azir was resurrected because of her? The woman I saved actually has such a great background? !

"No, didn't it say... that all the bloodlines of the Shurima royal family died with the Ascension disaster that year?" She couldn't help asking.

"I don't know that either."

Ji Xing smiled and said, "But Azir, as an emperor who has been in power for decades, has dozens of wives, plus some maids and slaves who have not been made public... It is normal for a bloodline to be left by chance."

He walked to the side, bent down and picked up a uniquely shaped cross blade, weighed it lightly, and soon found something unusual.

This "wheel of the wheel mother", the weapon Charikar inherited from the founding queen of Shurima, Setaka, is not a magic weapon, but it is filled with an extremely powerful force, making it a divine weapon containing terrifying energy!

The power of ascension?

The essence of this power is even greater than magic power. The difference should be similar to that of fairy chakra and ordinary chakra, and it has melted other things.

Qiana, whose inheritance has never been cut off, hesitated and said, "Is this...Charikar?"

"Charikar?!" Taliya, who had not yet come to her senses, was even more surprised. Obviously, as a Shurima, she had also heard of this legendary weapon.

She looked at Ji Xing and Qiyana, and for a moment she still couldn't tell whether they had malicious intentions, and said: "You also said... her current condition is not very convenient, can you wait until she wakes up before you come?"

"She's awake." Ji Xing said.


Taliyah heard a noise behind her.

Sylvie really opened her azure eyes, propped up her body and sat up with all her strength, as if it was related to the injuries on her body. There was a trace of pain on her beautiful face, but she was still not weak, and even made a gesture of killing the enemy at any time.

"Give me back my knife!" She stared at Ji Xing and said: "Or do you plan to use my weapon to cut open my body directly and take my blood for research? You can try to see if I can bite off the throat of a pretty boy now!"

Qiana couldn't help but curl her lips. Sivir's threat sounded so funny to her. Little white face? Hahaha... Really good. The Queen likes this name!

Ji Xing also laughed and said, "Am I white?"

He let go of the cross blade that began to struggle hard, allowing it to be summoned by Sivir's blood and return to Sivir's hand.

Holding the weapon, Sivir seemed to have some confidence. She wanted to stand up, but she couldn't help coughing a few times and sat down again when she just moved.

"Be careful of the wound." Taliyah hurriedly half-supported Sivir and said, "Thank the Mother Weaver, you finally woke up, but you still need to rest."

She looked at Ji Xing and Qiyana again, and her handsome face like a boy added solemnity, obviously saying that she would protect Sivir.

Sivir glanced at her.

There were too many people who wanted to take her life in this desert, because she was a mercenary who only recognized money and had offended too many people over the years.

Originally, she had enough power to dominate the desert, but most of her trusted subordinates died under Cassiopeia's conspiracy. After hearing that she had the blood of the Shurima royal family and Azir was resurrected because of her, other large forces dreamed of reviving Shurima and becoming nobles.

Her injury came from this. She didn't want to go back to the capital to see the crazy emperor, and she was not interested in the royal identity at all.

Now she is alone, and the girl who saved her couldn't get her trust quickly, but when she pretended to faint before, Taliyah's performance made her relax a little.

"Those bitch-sons, who usually eat my food, are more ruthless than anyone else." She said, "It seems that my threat is indeed a little weak now. You two dare to cross the desert to come here, you must have some confidence. Although I still don't know where I am.

Well, if you want to fight, I won't say much just now. I will assume that you have no ill intentions. In this case, you want my blood? Bring money to buy it, one drop for one gold coin."

She sold a sky-high price and waited for Ji Xing's reaction, but saw Ji Xing casually touched his pocket, took out a gold note, and activated the money ability.

"Then buy 10,000 drops first."


Sivir took it with his eyes wide open, and Taliyah also looked over with wide eyes. The largest denomination of 10,000 gold coins invented by the Piltover Vault came into their eyes.

They had never seen it before.

Taliyah had never seen so much money.

Xiweier had handled some, but she had never seen such a large amount of gold notes before!

She took a sip to confirm the authenticity, and felt relieved for a moment.

"It's true..."

She looked at Ji Xing again, her eyes radiating greed, and suddenly she was startled again: "Wait, 10,000 gold coins... to buy 10,000 drops?! Are you going to put me in a cage like a pig and take me around to draw blood for your research?!"

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