With the help of divination magic, Ji Xing easily found Sivir, but Nasus, who also came for Sivir, found the wrong place.

In the temple of Vikora, Nasus, whose body had become even bigger, lifted the priest who claimed to be the descendant of Azir with one hand, and pressed his face, which was rubbed with blood by sand, on the fake sun disc.

Compared with the real sun disc and the ascended artifact, this fake was just a low-quality product cast with copper and iron, and was hung in the air by a few rough hemp ropes. Nasus felt shame and full of anger at a glance.

This was also the most common emotion he had along the way, except for sadness. He could not see the Shurimans' awe of the past dynasty, but only a series of poor imitations. These people stubbornly believed that the future of Shurima was in the glory of the past, but they had no idea what the real Shurima was.

But fortunately, at least it can reflect sunlight.

Amid the screams and cries of the priest, his blood was burned brown by the fake, and the smell of blood drifted into Nasus' nose.

He was sure that this was not the blood of ascension, and threw the priest aside sadly.

The emerald pendant hanging around his neck was vibrating, and its sea-green texture was running with thin golden threads. A ray of light shone through it, slowly rising and falling, like a human pulse, guiding him to a vague direction.

"Is it over there?"

He looked to the east of the town, and suddenly his attention was attracted by the blue light flashing on the surface of the disk. Under the miracle of the sun, it revealed a distant scene.

A war group of at least 500 people from multiple tribes was coming towards Vikora. They were holding various weapons and had different styles. They were originally hostile to each other, but now they were twisted into a rope under the dark magic.

"Xerath." Nasus whispered.

He really came to destroy the last bloodline heir of Shurima. I must find her before him and protect her!

"So you are Seville."

Siville leaned against the tree trunk, rubbing the gold note in her hand lovingly, "The little inventor of Piltover. Although I don't know how it is now, at least three months ago, the universal capsule was still a rare item in Shurima, and I finally got two.

If I had known it was you, I would have offered a higher price. This gold note may not be an astronomical figure in Piltover, but in Shurima, it is enough for me to start a war group from scratch.

I am very tempted, but as I said just now, I don't want to be locked in a cage like a pig waiting for you to draw blood for research."

As she said this, she put a gold note of 10,000 gold coins into her bloodstained lapel, placed it close to her body, and grinned: "Is there anything else I can do for you?"

Ji Xing shook his head and said: "Even in this situation, you still don't forget to be greedy for money. What if I don't have anything else to do?"

"Money can heal all wounds." Sivir waved her arm and seemed to pull the wound. She hissed: "You rich people will never take back the money you paid?"

"Be careful, the wound that just scabbed is about to be torn again." At this time, Taliya noticed that there was a fresh streak of red on the new bandage on Sivir's chest, and hurriedly reminded her.

"Hey, I'm not going to die yet." Sivir smiled and said, "I feel like I'm full of strength now. When I exchange the gold note for money, I can give you half of it to thank you for saving my life. So... do you want to join my regiment?"

Taliyah was about to refuse when she suddenly uttered a sigh. Sivir also felt a strange tingling coming from the wound on her chest. With a slight hum at the tip of her nose, she frowned and lowered her head, and saw a blue light covering her.

"What the hell?" She subconsciously looked at Ji Xing, and indeed found the source of the blue. Ji Xing stretched out his finger and hooked it, and the new blood that had just dyed the bandage red regrouped into five or six drops, flashing a strange light under the sun, and flew above Ji Xing's finger.

"Don't waste it, collect a few drops first."

Ji Xing covered it with his other hand, and it seemed that he had built a centrifuge with magic between his hands, making the blood spin at high speed.

"Is this... witchcraft?" Sivir was stunned. After hearing the name 'Sevier', she assumed that the other party wanted to use technology to study her blood. What happened?

"Tsk, I thought you had the confidence to cross the desert because of the little girl next to you who looked so impressive. You are actually a wizard?"

Qiana, who was concentrating on watching Ji Xing use magic, raised her head unhappily: "A woman as greedy as you is actually a descendant of the Eagle King. Was the Shurima Empire once ruled by such a bloodline? No wonder it has fallen into such a state now."

"If I can choose, I really don't want it." Sivir said indifferently.


With a tiny explosion sound, the rapidly rotating Sivir blood burst like foam, and a breeze blew Qiyana's long hair.

Qiyana, who was still about to argue, immediately lowered her head and asked curiously: "How is it, is there really any magical power in the blood of Ascension?"

Ixtal also had Ascendants, and even in ancient rumors, the first Ascendant Queen Setaka was from Ixtal, which gave Qiyana some "Queen support", so she didn't say too harsh words to Sivir.

Sivir also looked sideways. She didn't know how much blood she had shed in the desert over the years. The same taste and color made her never feel that she was any different until Azir was resurrected.

Does my blood really have the power of Ascendants?

Ji Xing did not answer, frowning and thinking.

Why is it a bit like Otsutsuki?

First of all, it can be confirmed that the race of the ascenders has not changed, but the bloodline has indeed changed. If Setaka is compared to Kaguya, then Sivir is Uchiha Sasuke after countless generations of inheritance? The blood contains a higher level of power waiting to awaken.

Of course, Setaka's status power is far from comparable to Kaguya, but the existence that turned her into an ascender must be of a higher status!

Sun bloodline? No, what is the sun? For the real strong, the energy contained in a star is no longer enough!

"Star Forging Dragon King?" Ji Xing murmured in his heart: "Did the ascenders get its gift? No wonder I got nothing when I wanted to divine Nasus. I thought his power was beyond my ability. Even divination Sivir was a bit reluctant. It turns out that their fate is connected with the guy I can't afford to offend now."

That's really... great!

He looked at Sivir and smiled, "You still owe me 9994 drops of blood now."

"Ahem..." Sivir coughed repeatedly, almost collapsing, and paid off all the debts at once.

At this moment, the city wall collapsed first.

It was a muffled explosion from the west, followed by the roar of rolling rocks.

Taliyah, the rock sparrow with rock magic, would never have heard it wrong. She looked over there in surprise, not knowing what happened.

Ji Xing cast his eyes to the sky, and then turned to the direction of the market he had walked through before.

'I knew that a place where heroes gather would definitely have big things happen, so soon? It's better to come early than to come early. ' His expression was slightly solemn. Although he had never seen it, he recognized it at a glance.

Because he liked this trick when playing games, it was full of the fun of psychological games, watching the opponent with low blood twisting and turning and unable to escape...

Ancient witch spirit Xerath, open the big!


The sky was pouring flames down.

Comet with blue and white flame flew out from between Xerath's outstretched arms, drawing a long arc, like a huge boulder thrown by a catapult. The first one fell into the market that Ji Xing and his companions had just passed, and exploded like a meteor falling to the ground, bursting out fierce flames. The flaming corpse was thrown into the air, like charred firewood!

Whether it was the merchants struggling for a living or the greedy and despicable profiteers, they no longer needed to consider their future, and only the vicious and treacherous smile of Xerath came with it.

No matter what kind of person he was in the past, and why he killed Azir, now Xerath is just a witch spirit cursed for usurping the blood of Ascension, a dark creature!

Why didn't I see his evil thoughts before? Nasus, who was rushing to Sivir, stopped and looked at the sky in the distance, and saw more fireballs hitting him like thunder and lightning.

The people on the ground could only watch this sudden disaster, screaming in despair, and fleeing helplessly.

I can't save everyone. The blood of the Eagle King is more important than that of ordinary Shurimans.

Nasus turned his head away in grief and quickened his pace towards the abandoned houses in the east. A sudden gust of wind blew off his hooded robe.

What is this...?

The hurricane suddenly arose, but it did not make the disaster-stricken Vikora worse. Instead, it turned into a transparent barrier to protect the city.

The falling flaming comets hit the barrier one after another, canceling each other out and destroying each other. The war beasts of the war group that were about to drive straight in and start the massacre at the western wall were also forced to stop where they were!

The desperate Shurimans stopped in astonishment and looked up blankly. Seeing the gorgeous light and shadows intertwined by the comet and the wind, they opened their mouths in amazement.

"Is it, is it the Eagle King?"

"It must be! The great Shurima Emperor saved us! We are saved!"

"Long live the Shurima Empire!"

At first, they whispered quietly, and then quickly connected into a piece. People shouted enthusiastically. This power seemed to be able to dispel all the dust and haze.

Occasionally, two sober and wise old men said that this power belonged to the wind, not the yellow sand, but they were also drowned out by the voices of the crowd.

Looking at this unity, Nasus did not feel proud, but a little ashamed. He naturally knew that this power did not belong to Azir.

"The resurrected Azir actually attracted such a guy?"

He had heard of similar things during his long self-exile. It should be three hundred years ago that the alchemical bomb in Piltover brought about a devastating tsunami. It was the legendary god, the incarnation of the element of wind, Janna, who used the power of wind to block the anger of the sea and the tsunami.

The wind in front of him also has similar power.

Demigod? No, more like a human wizard, a wizard who is almost equivalent to an ascender?

He exhaled deeply and continued to walk in the original direction, hoping that this powerful wizard was a friend rather than an enemy.

Three thousand years ago, he sacrificed his brother Renekton to seal Xerath, and he had fallen too much in the past three thousand years.

He had no confidence to stop Xerath, whose power was growing in the seal, by himself. If he could have a helper, that would be the best!

At the same time, Xerath, who was suspended outside Vikora, stopped laughing and put down his arms.

The dark energy on his spirit body crackled, and the cast iron chains wrapped around his body and the fragments of the ancient sarcophagus hit each other with a buzzing sound, and he uttered a low sentence: "Someone is looking forward to death."


What kind of wind swordsman is my master?

Such questions filled Taliyah's mind at this time. She looked at Ji Xing holding a staff in front of her with wide eyes, and kept comparing her master who cut out a small wind wall with the sky barrier.

The more she compared, the more she felt that her master was too inferior.

Sivir, who was supported by her and stood at the gate of the courtyard, felt that she could not escape the 9994 drops of "blood debt".

It was also the first time that Qiyana saw Ji Xing "casting spells with all his strength". Although she had seen a little bit of it from sporadic contact, she was still shocked at this time.

No wonder he dared to call himself the first mage. Not only was his knowledge, but his spellcasting ability was also like a god and myth. He was worthy of being the future spell advisor of my Elemental Queen... But the comet that suddenly fell down seemed to contain terrifying energy.

"Didn't you just say 'what does that have to do with you'? Why are you taking the initiative to save some irrelevant people and provoking an obviously very troublesome guy?" Qiyana automatically filtered out the worry and asked a rhetorical question.

"Saving people is different from saving people." Ji Xing responded casually, looking at the dog head walking in front of him.

They are together? Nasus's pace changed slightly, and his extremely oppressive figure kept approaching this side.

This of course attracted the attention of the three women, and his unique appearance was very recognizable, and the legend of him never stopped in the desert.

There were even some clear pictures of Ishoken, and Qiyana blurted out: "Grand Scholar?"

"I'm glad to be recognized at a glance." Nasus glanced at her and was a little surprised: "That unique fabric... Ishoken still exists in that dangerous jungle?"

He turned to Ji Xing and said: "I am Nasus, the keeper of the desert. A powerful wizard from afar, thank you for saving the people of Shurima. Maybe it's not appropriate, but I still want to confirm that you appear next to the descendants of the Eagle King. Is there any purpose?"

Ji Xing felt Nasus's physique and vitality like a raging fire, and said: "I want to buy some of her blood for research. Now she still owes me 9994 drops of blood."

Nasus was startled and said: "Do you need the blood of ascension? I can repay her for this."

"Are you the first generation ascender? How far are you from Queen Setaka?" Ji Xing said: "Your blood may be different, otherwise there would not be only one legendary bloodline of the sun. I have to check the quality of your blood first."

Nasus was silent for a moment, and said in a muffled voice: "That's right. Although I have accompanied Setaka in battle for three centuries, other ascenders, including me, are indeed not as powerful as Setaka."

He looked at Sivir: "But at least her current state is not suitable for extracting a large amount of blood. As a creditor, you should ensure her safety before repaying the debt."

Sivir was startled, and her expression became a little strange, while Ji Xing smiled and said: "That makes sense."

At the same time, the approaching Xerath used dark energy to break through Ji Xing's wind barrier and quickly flew to where Ji Xing was!

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