Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 891 The root of fatality!


Qiyana, who was buried in the yellow sand, carefully raised her head, spit out the sand in her mouth, and looked around in confusion.

She remembered that the terrifying witch spirit flying in the air had just launched a devastating blow to the entire Vicora, and her 'teacher' Sewell teleported over to hold up the magic protective shield, and took a picture of the moment the shield was broken. own shoulders.

She couldn't see clearly what happened next. She only felt sand and dust constantly hitting her face. If she hadn't instinctively used magic defense, the majestic queen would have lost her appearance.

I shouldn't have stayed, it was a war belonging to the gods. She muttered to herself, nervously searching her surroundings with magic... Sewell won't get into trouble because he wants to protect me, right?

Wait, where am I?

What about Vicora?

What is that Grand Canyon in the distance?

After being stunned for a few seconds, her mouth slowly opened wide, and then... she took another mouthful of sand.

So the girl was asked to stay as a 'bait'? ! Nasus didn't expect the situation at all and was greatly surprised.

What surprised him even more was the power Ji Xing possessed. Xerath, who he and Renekton could not defeat together back then, was actually at a disadvantage from the beginning to the end. In this battle, his help was minimal. of.

This human mage is far stronger than ordinary Ascended Ones, stronger than Renekton and me. The powerful Shurima has never had such a precedent. Since the legendary three ice sisters in ancient times, there has been another human mage. A mage with the power to challenge the gods was born at once? !

Witnessing Xerath's figure disappearing in the flames of Ji Xing, Nasus, who was holding a long ax, was shocked and surprised. However, he did not relax his vigilance, but shouted: "Be careful! The witch spirit is not that easy to kill!"

Of course Ji Xing knows.

Boom! A purple thunder fell from the sky, instantly defeating Xerath who had re-formed behind Ji Xing, and Xerath then let out a shrill and painful howl!


Then similar things happened again many times. No matter where the witch spirit energy escaped and reunited, it was greeted by a powerful thunder, which Xerath, who was already traumatized, was unable to resist.

In the blink of an eye, Ji Xing was defeated six times, and the dark energy in the sky was weakened a lot. When Xerath, who appeared in the sky for the seventh time, was defeated, Ji Xing frowned slightly and saw an ancient sarcophagus fragment in the thunder. Struggled downwards, and finally collapsed into debris falling into the yellow sand!

As an ancient wizard spirit, Xerath is already an energy life, which can also be said to be an aggregation of dark energy. What binds these energies together are the chains and sarcophagus fragments on his body. That is who he is. The body!

The previous defeats of energy bodies weakened Xerath, but this time breaking the sarcophagus fragments can be said to have severely damaged Xerath.

But it shouldn't be so fast.

Although their combat power is only at the level of "destroying the country", these guys with the blood of ascension do have the ability to be reborn with blood.

Just killing him seven times in a row still didn't hurt his true nature, unless he did it on purpose.

Actively throw out part of the body to escape.

Sure enough, when Zelas appeared again, it was already over the other end of the canyon more than ten kilometers away. Ji Xing's magic could certainly cover it, but it was not enough to defeat him across that distance.

The witch power of Xerath who appeared there was obviously dimmed a lot, and he immediately fled away from Ji Xing and Nasus.

At the same time, of course I didn’t forget to leave a cruel message: “I won’t let you go!! Mage!”

"We can't let him escape!" Nasus, of course, would not let go of this golden opportunity and immediately ran after him.

Ji Xing wouldn't fight for a long time and let his enemy escape because he was worried about him.

With the blessing of the staff, his flying speed was like a meteor, quickly closing the distance between him and Xerath. Xerath looked back, his energy face was distorted, and it accelerated like burning.

Two of the three were in the air and one was running on land, quickly leaving the canyon behind and crossing a large area of ​​yellow sand. A few dozen miles later, Ji Xing suddenly felt something in his heart and threw out a card from his sleeve.

"come yet?"

The real deadly threat?

Boom! !

There was a sudden muffled explosion, and Zelas, who was flying at the front, fell into the yellow sand like a cannonball, causing the yellow sand earth to roll up and down!

Nasus stopped.

Ji Xing is also hovering in the sky.

Xerath emerged from the sand in embarrassment, shocked and annoyed: "Who is it?!"

His energy body dimmed a lot again, proving that the attack just now was also a defense-breaking attack. There was a wolf behind him and a tiger in front of him. For the first time, he felt a fatal threat.

No! I was Azir's slave for decades in my previous life, so I should be allowed to be his master in this life! I have just escaped from trouble, how could I die here? !

The witch energy in his body surged, and his momentum violently rose back to its peak. The waves of sand swept away the surrounding sand sea, revealing the figure in front of him.

His height is actually about the same as Nasus, and his body is burly and strong, like a mobile war fortress. His whole body is covered with thick black armor. The armor is engraved with ancient and strange runes. These runes are beating in the sand and dust. It emits a faint but disturbing red light, as if it contains endless anger and wails!

He was holding a giant blade, and his head was covered by a huge, strange-shaped helmet, revealing only a pair of blazing red pupils and horns. Behind him, a pair of wide, dark wings spread out, like bat wings in the night!

"Aatrox?!" Xerath blurted out in shock: "You are still alive?!"

Aatrox, the Ascended General, was a contemporary of Nasus and followed Queen Setaka. If Nasus is the leader of the 'civilians' among his subjects, the Grand Maester, Aatrox is the best among the generals.

He is kind and kind, dares to be a pioneer, and has a prestige in the Shurima Empire army that is almost second only to Queen Setaka.

But just for a moment, Xerath noticed something was wrong: "Your appearance..."

Xerath, who had been imprisoned for three thousand years and had just been released, didn't know the story after Shurima's demise. He didn't know that the Ascended generals who participated in the Void War were contaminated by the Void.

Aatrox is no longer the beloved general of Shurima. He has a new title - "The Darkin's Sword Demon."

It was also the first time Nasus saw Aatrox after his fall. Facing such an old friend, he felt extremely heavy and full of guilt.

In that void war, only he and Renekton stayed behind to guard Shurima, so they were not contaminated by the void, but the two brothers failed to do anything in the end.

"Aatrox, why are you here?" he asked in a deep voice.

"Grand Maester." Scarlet eyes shot over, and Aatrox's voice seemed to echo in two voices: "You have also fallen, sinking into the abyss of cowardice.

I heard the desert travelers singing, Azir is resurrected and has come to pay homage to the Desert Emperor. "

"Is that true?" Nasus didn't hear the kindness and tightened his grip on the ax handle.

Xerath discovered something strange about Aatrox during his observation, and said in a surprised voice: "Aatrox, your Ascended body..."


The sound of the giant blade breaking through the wind echoed, and Aatrox pointed the blade at Xerath: "I remember you, although you have changed your appearance. Azir's slave, Xerath, the sinner who destroyed the capital."

"Slave?!" Xerath's voice changed slightly: "No, it's not that long ago. Azir gave me my freedom before the ascension ceremony."

"What?!" Nasus was shocked by this: "Then why are you still..."

"Yes, why?" Xerath looked back at Ji Xing warily, but did not continue to provoke Nasus, but said: "Let's work together to kill them, Aatrox.

I can see the weirdness of your body. I think you are not looking for Azir out of good intentions, but because you want to ask about the mystery of his resurrection. Nasus and this damn mage will be obstacles, join forces with me and kill them here! "

"Aatrox!" Netheris roared immediately: "Do you still remember the glory of the Ascended Ones?"

Aatrox only looked up at Jising.

The glory of the Ascended? He no longer had that kind of thing, and it disappeared after he degenerated into a dark descendant and was sealed into his own blade due to the conspiracy of the twilight star Maisha.

It is true that he came to the desert to find Azir not to restore the Shurima Empire.

His current body is still the sword blade, he just usurped the bodies of the ignorant people who touched the sword blade and roughly changed them into his own appearance.

As the first dark descendant to escape from trouble, he had devoured countless flesh and blood in a similar way over the past few hundred years, strengthening his body's strength.

But even if his current flesh and blood is stronger than his original body, it is just a look-alike that only allows him to walk from one prison to another!

He wants to take back his ascended body, and he needs a way to revive Azir!

But... "It seems that I don't need to find Azir, can you give me the answer?"

Xerath was startled, and the explosion echoed!

The giant blade of the darkin sword demon Aatrox once again came to Xerath's head, cutting Xerath's energy body in half almost instantly, causing Xerath to howl and shoot into the yellow sand.


Roaring with gnashing teeth, Xerath, who had been being beaten, released powerful witchcraft energy at Aatrox who was following him, and the devastating impact was sounded again.

Even more violent than when Nasus and Xerath collided, Aatrox was worthy of the name of the Sword Demon. The two dark energies squeezed and flattened hundreds of miles of yellow sand as they expanded!

Ji Xing's figure landed next to Nasus, and a magic shield protected the two of them.

Nasus looked angry and complicated. Aatrox, do you still remember the glory of the Ascended?


The wise Grand Maester did not know how to face Aatrox. He only knew that he did not want Xerath to escape.

He looked at Ji Xing and said: "Thank you, the mage of Piltover. Things have not developed in the worst direction, but I have to ask you to keep an eye on Xerath. Aatrox may not be his opponent. The two of them There won’t be a fight to the death either.”

Ji Xing hummed casually.

From the moment Aatrox appeared, a sharp alarm sounded in Ji Xing's spiritual sense.

He seemed to be targeted by some kind of beast, one stronger than the Jax he had once seen!

Not him, not Aatrox.

After watching the battle for more than ten seconds, Ji Xing was sure that the dark sword demon Aatrox was very strong, but it was only stronger than Nasus and comparable to Xerath at his peak. His destructive power was slightly weaker and his actual combat power was slightly stronger.

This can cause you a little trouble, but it's far from fatal.

There are also masters.

Ji Xing narrowed his eyes and looked around the desert.

Two minutes later, Xerath couldn't stand it anymore and howled in anger: "Aatrox, have you become a madman?! Do you really want to fight me here and lose together?!"

Having experienced Ji Xing's methods, he really didn't want to be hurt by Aatrox again.

"Why did Azir come back to life?" Aatrox just asked in a low voice.

"You can't do it even though you know it!" Xerath said: "That is the ascended blood inherited by the Ascended Empress Setaka, the power of blood!"

"Really? You were lying to me before." Aatrox said calmly: "Then what can I get after I join hands with you to fight against the Grand Scholar?"

Xerath: "..."

His mentality was a little exploded. Has the outside world developed so complicated?

Just when he wanted Aatrox to stop again, a dog barking sound came suddenly, which should never appear on their battlefield.

The strange scene finally stopped the collision between the two. They looked into the distance of the desert and saw a group of dune hounds running towards them.

In this desert, the unity and ferocity of dune hounds surpassed that of wolves, and they were one of the creatures that merchants and travelers feared the most. However, for ascenders and darkin, they could be killed with a wave of their hands.

But in this group of hounds, Aatrox felt a familiar taste and power.

"You are..."

"Aatrox, long time no see, don't you recognize me?" The leading hound spoke in human language: "I am Nayafili. As you can see, there were some accidents. My sealed dagger was torn into pieces and eaten by these guys."

"Nayafili?" Nasus was shocked.

"Oh, Grand Maester."

Another powerful ascender, or another powerful darkin! Like Aatrox, she is one of the most powerful darkin, but obviously, her situation is a little weirder.

"I felt your power from the distant desert." Nayafili did not communicate with Nasus much, but simply said one sentence, and the hounds looked back at Aatrox and Xerath.

"It's not bad, these little guys taught me some life philosophy. I've been looking for you. Let's unite, Aatrox... maybe we can bring Xerath?"

Nasus no longer paid attention to Nayafili's condition, but cast his eyes to the other end of the desert, his expression gradually becoming sad.

The Ascended can feel the power of the Ascended collision. Are you here too? My brother.


He can feel that the violent and irritable 'Desert Butcher' is also approaching here!

Ancient witch spirits, Ascended Grand Scholars, two Darkin, crazy Renekton...

It's getting more and more chaotic.

"It's not them." At this time, Ji Xing's eyes also moved away from Nayafili and looked in the same direction as Nasus: "Crocodile? No, it's not him either. They are not as good as the Sword Demon."

The sixth sense from the soul spread to the extreme.

Ji Xing suddenly turned his head and looked at the desert in another direction. In the yellow sand, a new figure appeared in the shadows!

It didn't move.

Or it can't move.

Because it was a scarecrow that was planted there by someone at some unknown time, swaying in the wind, with a deep smile on its mouth!

"So that's it."

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