Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 892 Fiddlesticks!

Except for Ji Xing, no one noticed the scarecrow that flashed in the desert, nor the approaching terror.

Nasus was completely attracted by Renekton's aura, and even Xerath retreated one step.

The dune hounds persuaded one by one: "Aatrox, you can't forget who made us like this, right?"

"Rhaast? Yes, he shamelessly betrayed us, but it was more of a trick of the Twilight Aspect Maesa!"

"Don't you want to climb Mount Targon and completely destroy those hateful Aspects who secretly dominate and guide this world?"

"One person can't do it, far from it. We must unite together, combine the strength of everyone, and rule this world again!"

Nayafili once collapsed because the dignified god warrior could only live in the body of a pack of dogs. Later, she slowly accepted it and gradually felt the power of the group and cooperation.

So she has been looking for other darkborn, especially powerful allies like Aatrox, and will not miss the opportunity she finally found.

She tried her best to persuade him, but Aatrox didn't give any feedback, but Xerath had some ideas.

The ancient witch thought that the accumulation of more than 2,000 years would make him invincible in Rune Continent, but he was defeated continuously. Not to mention Ji Xing who defeated him with "secret calculation", Aatrox and the resurrected Azir were all opponents he didn't have full confidence to kill.

If you want to rule this world and be the master yourself, you can't do it without enough men.

Aatrox and Nayafili are both familiar and unfamiliar god warriors to him. Their current situation is not right. If I know more about them, can they become sharp blades in my hands?

Just as he was wandering and thinking, a voice suddenly echoed in the desert.

"You are free... Xerath... my brother!" The voice was as harsh as a cat's claw scratching glass, and it was like a demon from the abyss whispering: "Shurima... no more slaves!"

The chill rose from his heart and froze his soul in an instant. Even when he was defeated by Ji Xing, Xerath was mostly angry, but at this moment, his heart was occupied by fear!

He was too familiar with this sentence, which was what Azir said before the Ascension Ceremony. Aatrox and Nayafili beside him seemed to have become the guards standing beside him that year, and they expressed their blessings and congratulations to him because of Azir's words.

Then, he pushed Azir out of the Ascension Ceremony fiercely, killing his best friend and brother who had just given him freedom!

"...Who is it?! Azir?!" He trembled and roared, peeking at the place where the voice came from.

Aatrox and Nayafili looked over earlier, and they saw the scarecrow inserted dozens of meters away, with a gloomy and weird smile and sharp teeth, looking at them.

"Scarecrow... Could it be..." The dune hounds showed humanized astonishment.

The scarecrow's mouth opened and closed, chanting new fears: "Estrus? Mating? The instinct of the hound... the way to continue life!"

"I am a god warrior... I am Aatrox... I will not be imprisoned!"

The hot wind of the desert suddenly became as sharp as Freljord, piercing the deepest shadows in the hearts of the two darkborn! The content that they feared and rejected the most was exposed nakedly, and the whispers of the devil kept hitting their souls!

The soul was trembling, and the power was disappearing.

"Fiddlesticks?!" The knowledgeable Nasus spit out this name in disbelief: "Why does it appear here?!"

"I'm afraid it's because you all have fear." Ji Xing said: "Isn't that its delicacy?"

Ancient fear, Fiddlesticks!

There are countless rumors about it in the world. People say that it walks on the edge of the world, waving a sickle to harvest people's fear and destroy the mind of those who are unfortunate to meet it.

Most people regard it as a ghost story to scare children. Only those who understand this world know that Fiddlesticks is real!

It was born from the first scream of fear of mankind. It is a demon that represents fear. It is of the same nature as the secret demons in the River King and Swain, but it cannot be considered a life of the same level.

It is the head of the ten demons! The most terrifying and evil life form in Rune Continent!

"Brother... lock him up... quickly lock me up with him!" Perhaps noticing the conversation between Nasus and Ji Xing, the scarecrow's eyes peeked over, and a sentence with the power of fear pierced Nasus' soul.

The god warrior who was not defeated by Xerath almost collapsed because of this sentence, and his forehead was full of sweat. Ji Xing supported him in vain, and his eyes met the fake eyes of the scarecrow.

"It smells so good... brain flower... I want to eat it! Eat it!" The scarecrow paused for two seconds and finally said Ji Xing's "fear".

Ji Xing's expression did not waver, but his heart was slightly solemn: "Can even I 'see through' it? Although it is a few versions behind, it is definitely a rule-based life."

He felt that the mark of fear had locked him. If his soul was not unshakable, he would have tasted the long-lost feeling of fear.

It is said that no one who has seen Fiddlesticks can survive. Although it is unknown how this legend came about, no matter the divination result or rational judgment, I am afraid that today will not be as 'resolved' as the previous two demons!

Ji Xing's staff was slightly raised.


The spikes condensed from the dust rose up and tore the weird scarecrow into pieces in an instant! The worn-out straw and the wooden stakes flew in all directions, returning to their most ordinary appearance.

That was ordinary straw and wood, but they were transformed into scarecrows under the power of fear, and were props for projecting Fiddlesticks' power.

The fear control of people except Ji Xing was finally lifted at this moment, and Fiddlesticks's body finally revealed its traces!

It seemed to have descended from another space, and the main part was still a human figure made of dry straw, tall and thin, as if a strong wind could blow it away, but it exuded a sense of existence that could not be ignored.

Its head was a huge straw-woven head, with a hollow face, only two eyes flashing with evil light as the focus, and a gloomy mouth occupying most of it. A tattered scarf was hung around its neck, fluttering in the wind.

Fiddlesticks' arms were slender and twisted, and he held a huge sickle in his hand, symbolizing the power of the end of harvesting life. Its body is made of countless straw bundles, and some rotten wood chips or rusty nails can be seen on it.

"I'm so... scared..."

Amid the whispers of hell, its figure flickered like a slide, leaving afterimages of fear in many places, and appeared beside... Xerath, waving his scythe to attack!

Why me again? ! When fear came, Xerath's anger broke through the fear.

As an ancient witch spirit, a dark wizard who mastered countless knowledge, he knew Fiddlesticks better than anyone else. There was only one reason for attacking him first, and the fear in him was the strongest!

How is this possible? At least Nasus should be ahead of me, but I have spent hundreds of years to bewitch Renekton's mind! He expects brothers to kill each other, he believes that Nasus is weak, and I... have no fear!

"Get out of here! Disgusting thing!"

Witchcraft energy exploded, blocking the sickle from slashing down. After the powerful energy impact briefly flattened the wind and waves, it turned into a dark column with a diameter of 100 meters and rose into the sky, bringing Shurima to night ahead of schedule!

Xerath roared in disarray: "It's not me who should be afraid, it's Azir!"

"Without me, the assassination that took the lives of all his brothers and sisters in his childhood would have killed him. I saved his life!"

"Without me, his father would continue to give birth to new heirs, shaking his inheritance rights!"

"Without my assistance, he would not be so easily recognized by his subjects after he came to power. I helped him handle most of the government affairs!"

"Without me, he would not be able to become the first emperor recognized by the gods after the ascension of Empress Wu, and he would not be able to get the opportunity to ascend!"

"But what about him? What did he do?!"

"He promised me that after he ascended to the throne, he would liberate all the slaves in Shurima, but he made me wait for decades ! He only worries about the instability of his throne, and he only worries about the nobles whose interests he has touched shaking his rule! "

"He has never regarded me, a slave, as a true friend or brother. I will always be a useful tool for him! Only give me freedom until the moment before ascension? Give me a surprise? Mortals are still slaves to the ascenders! "

"Nothing will change, our status and relationship will not change! Azir has never fulfilled his promise. The so-called surprise is just a gift from him when he is in a good mood! "

The long-lasting scenes echoed in Xerath's mind. Most of those pleasant memories and those disgusting memories were forgotten after he became a witch spirit, but they were remembered again at this moment.

Yes, he was not wrong.

The corrupt Shurima dynasty and Azir who did not keep his promise should be turned into dust!

Xerath's power surged and grew, pressing Fiddlesticks to raise his sickle continuously.

But Ji Xing, who retreated to a distance, whispered: "Xerath is finished." Nasus looked solemn, but did not express the opposite opinion.

An ancient witch who has lost all humanity should not talk so much, nor would he feel regretful. The scene in front of him only means that the fear in Xerath's heart is constantly rolling, and will soon reach its limit and collapse!

Sure enough, the next moment, Fiddlesticks's eerie voice echoed again: "It's too late... my brother. I'm ready... to seize your ascension ceremony... it's too late... I can't stop... if you become an ascender... I will definitely die."

Xerath's movements stagnated, and all the reasons he found for himself collapsed in front of the truth.

Yes, it's just because it's too late.

Fate played a huge joke on him. Even if Azir told him one day earlier... two hours earlier that they had fulfilled their promises, he would not do that!

But the arrangements of all parties have been completed, and the action to seize power has begun, and it can't be stopped. If he stops, he can only be executed as a traitor!

But... can I blame me for this?

It's fate! This is fate!

He howled in anger in his heart, but the scarecrow's mouth opened and closed again. This time, he didn't use a sinister tone, but just pointed out the fact in a low voice, "He trusts you... but you... don't trust him."


The witch spirit body has no physical heart, but Xerath heard two heavy sounds. The deepest fear was completely detonated, and the witch power surging around him receded like a tide.

It's my fault, it's all my fault.

Azir, I'm sorry.

The scythe of the god of death passed through his body, and all the energy stopped at one blow.

The chains wrapped around Xerath dissipated like weathering, and the fragments of the ancient sarcophagus also shattered and disappeared. Invisible energy flowed into Fiddlesticks's open mouth along the sickle, but Xerath's expression was extremely calm.

His fear was swallowed up, including the fear of impending death.

So he just turned around quietly, looking at the capital of Shurima returning from under the yellow sand, looking at the location of Azir.

Until he disappeared.

This ancient witch spirit, the culprit of Shurima's destruction, the ascender who could reunite after being defeated by Ji Xing many times, was shattered by Fiddlesticks' sickle!

Nasus was not surprised by this, because it would be their turn next, and more because the person he was most afraid of seeing had also arrived.


An angry roar sounded from the distance in the desert, and a gust of sand approached this place at high speed.

The figure in the middle of the sand had a sturdy and strong body, muscles bulging like hard rocks, and skin showing the sandy color of the desert.

His head is a huge crocodile head, his eyes are flashing with fierce light, his nostrils are spewing hot breath like a volcano, his sharp teeth are shining coldly in the sun, his hands are transformed into sharp and strong crocodile claws, and the tail behind him is extremely strong and powerful.

Renekton has always been different from his brother as a Shurima Grand Scholar. He is a fierce warrior with a bad temper.

And the two thousand years of imprisonment in the dark room and the induction and bewitching of Xerath have made him almost crazy, and his memory has errors.

The brother who originally gave up his life to protect him is now an enemy who betrayed him and imprisoned him for a thousand years in his heart!

And the voice that awakened the deep fear naturally echoed in time: "He betrayed you... He abandoned you... He locked you and the enemy... together!"

Renekton was still a little rational and could communicate with Nasus for a few words, but at this moment the red light in his eyes doubled.

The roar broke out in his mouth, his body suddenly expanded, and a hurricane blew around him.

Nasus sighed, and the wrath of the desert surged into his body again, expanding his body again.

"If you have fear in your heart, you can't escape Fiddlesticks' scythe. With Xerath dead, I have no mission that I can't let go of. Only Renekton is left... my brother!"

Either wake up Renekton here, or be buried in this desert with Renekton!

The next moment, the two remaining Ancient Ascendants other than Azir collided with each other, and the angry sand rolled up waves, and the ground dust waves rose.

Nasus's power has obviously become much stronger than when he fought against Xerath before, but Renekton's power seems to be still stronger than him!

The wind wall separated the angry waves and sand, and Ji Xing looked at Fiddlesticks, and the scarecrow holding the scythe also turned his head here.

The only people left here are Ji Xing, Aatrox and this fear demon. As for the dune hounds, they turned around and ran away when Fiddlesticks killed Xerath.

But they can't escape.

Those who are marked by fear cannot escape.

A staff appeared out of thin air in Ji Xing's hand. Fiddlesticks' dark eyes looked at Ji Xing for a few seconds, then turned to Aatrox.

"I'm so... scared..."

Recommended a book: "Starting from Visualizing Beast Martial Arts"

Recommended words: Martial arts revival, fighting against mutations. Lu Yao simulated strange beasts and comprehended animal-like skills. Starfish (creation and regeneration), electric eel (dragon transformation), water bear (adaptive force). Break free from the shackles of the human body and refresh the limits of human beings!

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