Re-becoming a human being from Conan

Chapter 893 Dark Descendant Ji Xing

Fiddlesticks is wise.

According to the strength of fear, he clearly prioritized the collection of prey. The easiest to deal with Xerath was in the front, and Nasus was in the second place. However, because of the appearance of Renekton, he could temporarily put down the two brothers who were fighting.

So the next target became the Darkin Sword Demon Aatrox.

The straw body like the god of death appeared in front of Aatrox in an instant, and what greeted his body was the edge of the magic sword pressing down from above!

After a moment of silence, the deafening sound of the collision between the blade and the sickle resounded through the sky, like thunder exploding in the heart of the desert, awakening the sand that had been sleeping for thousands of years. Every echo of the metal collision formed a circle of ripples in the air, spreading rapidly around.

Fiddlesticks' two paper-like legs were pressed into the yellow sand, and Aatrox's eyes were blood red as he looked down and overlooked, and the two curved horns on his head made him look more like a demon!

"I have never hidden my fear." A deep voice echoed, "I also long for destruction, but I... will not be harvested by something like you!"

With the violent force applied, Aatrox actually showed a force far beyond his battle with Xerath, and Fiddlesticks' scythe was constantly pressed down.

At this moment, the impact of their weapons colliding suddenly condensed into a wind blade, rushing in the opposite direction, tearing Fiddlesticks into pieces!

Aatrox paused, his eyes looked at Ji Xing holding a staff in the distance. He had long been eyeing this human who could stand calmly among their ascenders, dark descendants, and demons, and Fiddlesticks' words of fear about him were also quite interesting.

But he did not take this opportunity to escape, but took the initiative to intervene in the battle between us?

This reminded him of a mortal who had defeated him and cut off one of his arms.

So he became more furious, and a bloodthirsty scarlet glow appeared on his body. The sword demon's wings spread, stirring up a violent wind.

Coming against the wind was a monster.

It was a completely crooked, twisted burlap face, with rusty fangs in its mouth, and behind it... was some kind of behemoth. It was like a twisted and irrational beast made of various objects.

"Cage... Cage!!"

While roaring and biting, it collided with Aatrox again, and the fierce shock roar pushed Aatrox back and forth at a high speed.

Fiddlesticks was born out of fear and had no real form. The scarecrow-like appearance and the ferocious monster appearance in front of it were the two most commonly used forms, and the latter was the combat form!

This time, Ji Xing did not help Aatrox, because in front of him, there was also a monster biting at him.

Clone? No, both were the original body.

Fiddlesticks is everywhere and can appear at any corner of the world at the same time!

Of course, when he acts like this, his power will be weakened.

Ji Xing let go, and the staff fell to the ground. The beautifully carved staff was like a phantom. When it touched the ground, it was not blocked by the layers of flattened yellow sand, but sank straight into the ground and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a huge magic circle that spread for dozens of kilometers emerged out of thin air, and the blue light illuminated the desert, and the yellow sand rolled!

In the middle of Ji Xing's forehead, the phantom of precise runes emerged, changing the terrain in an instant. A nearly 500-meter-high yellow sand pyramid was built out of thin air, and the back-swept sand and dust sealed the two Fiddlesticks that Aatrox and Ji Xing faced!

The sides of the pyramid that covered the sky and the sun were branded with various powerful sealing runes. Ji Xing built a building comparable to the core of Noxus and the Immortal Fortress in an instant!

Aatrox looked up at the pyramid with some surprise and even doubt. In his thousands of years of scattered memories, he had never seen a wizard who could change the world in an instant.

This is no longer a power that humans can possess. Even Ascended wizards can't reach it!

Nasus, who was distracted in the distance, was almost cut open by the crazy Renekton. His long axe quickly fought back, but he felt a little relieved.

Sewell has such a terrifying power, maybe I don't need to feel guilty for my cowardice in attracting Fiddlesticks... Renekton!


The buzzing sound echoed, and Ji Xing stood in front of the pyramid he built, and the staff was back in his hand.

Was it Nasus, Xerath and others who attracted Fiddlesticks? No, maybe it was me?

When the fearful demon Fiddlesticks appeared in front of me, the divination in Ixoken became ambiguous. Does the "great evil" mean that this trip to Shurima is very dangerous, or will it really become a great evil when I retreat?

If I give up this trip to Shurima because of the divination result of "fear", will Fiddlesticks appear in front of me in a stronger appearance?

"Divination is really only useful as an aid. No one can see through all the branches of fate, not even me."

But a feeling in the dark told Ji Xing that Fiddlesticks's appearance was because of himself, and it might be related to the secret demon in Swain!

He stared at the pyramid in front of him.

Five seconds later, the pyramid that was condensed together and reinforced by hundreds of magic spells collapsed. The monster rushed to Ji Xing in an instant and hit him directly!

With the magnificent pyramid collapsing as the background, Ji Xing's body also split into countless pieces, only the staff flew up to the sky.

When it landed, a hand stretched out to the sky to hold it, and those body fragments disappeared. Ji Xing, who reappeared, spit a mouthful of blood foam into the sand and dust: "Sure enough, it can't be sealed. The speed is so fast that it's like moving in space."


When Fiddlesticks bit again, a magic shield was constructed out of thin air to block his advance. Under the brilliant light, the still collapsing pyramid quicksand was dyed colorfully.

As if his soul had left his body, another Ji Xing jumped out of Ji Xing's body, slashed his palm with his backhand, and pulled out a soul blade!

When the phantom holding the staff wrestled with Fiddlesticks, Ji Xing's "shelled" body rushed to the ground and beheaded the monster with one knife!

"Roar~ It smells so good..."

In a gloomy whisper, Fiddlesticks' body dissipated again, but another Fiddlestick condensed on the other side and crashed into it!

"Is it difficult to cut the soul? Conceptual creatures must be wiped out with conceptual attacks?"

Ji Xing's mind turned, and the phantom holding his staff had instantly blessed his body with countless auxiliary magics, and his strength, speed, physique, etc. were all improved to the extreme!

So Ji Xing held the knife with both hands.

Sword art, it has not been used for a long time.

Lightning covered the blade, and Ji Xing's sword turned into a brilliant galaxy!

The galaxy penetrated the dark fire on the monster, like sunlight piercing through the haze, stirring up continuous energy ripples, and instantly cut Fiddlesticks in half from the center!

The residual power of tearing the earth shook out a thousand meters, and Nasus and Renekton, who happened to be in that direction, were blown away, and the dog-faced crocodile faces were full of confusion.

Ji Xing, holding the sword, did not stop.

The next moment, his sword danced into a rain of fast rain, dense but not chaotic, and every swing of the sword accurately captured Fiddlesticks's reunited body.

One knife, one!

The monster's powerful defense seemed to be useless under his sword. With the blessing of magic, Ji Xing, who could accurately capture the loopholes, was invincible. In just two minutes, he killed Fiddlesticks in monster form more than a hundred times!

"It's still weakened." Ji Xing, holding the knife in both hands, analyzed: "Every reunion will consume a lot of fear power?"

If it goes on like this... I should be able to beat it back if I kill it 100,000 times... Tsk, no.

Ji Xing's physical strength is limited, and the ordinary human body under the blessing of magic can't support so many full-strength sword swings. If he continues to fight in this way, he will be the only one to be worn out.

We have to think of other ways.

On the other side, Aatrox, who had killed Fiddlesticks once with great effort, was facing the attack of the second Fiddlesticks. His eyes couldn't help but shift to Ji Xing from time to time. The powerful and fierce sword demon now had only two words in his heart-absurd.

He is obviously a human, but his combat power is stronger than the gods? I seem to have an impression of what appeared on his forehead. That kind of pure and powerful energy seems to be... World Rune?

This human wizard absorbed a World Rune into his body? ! That's why he has such a powerful power? If I can seize his rune, can I change my imprisoned predicament... Wait, no!

As soon as he thought about being imprisoned, Aatrox felt his own strength suddenly weakened.

His memory of being imprisoned in the dark brought fear back to his heart, which was fatal when fighting against Fiddlesticks!

He quickly adjusted, changing his offensive to defensive, and his two bat-like black wings spread into the air, but he did not receive the attack he expected.

As if he had been killed, the Fiddlesticks that had originally attacked him disappeared, causing Aatrox to pause slightly and look into the distance.

Is this... taking back this part of the power?

As expected, what he saw was Ji Xing, who failed to kill Fiddlesticks with his slash and was knocked into the air by Fiddlesticks. His body rolled awkwardly on the sand for several times, avoiding the claws that followed Fiddlesticks, and then was attacked by Fiddlesticks and retreated awkwardly.

Aatrox felt humiliated.

What do you mean? Does this mean that I am not worth mentioning compared to that human? Even if you can give up the chance to hurt me, you must immediately gather your strength to fight that human? !

Whether it was once a god warrior, or a brutal darkborn, or now a magic sword monster that absorbs flesh and blood, Aatrox has never felt the taste of being underestimated.

Rage increased his strength. He was like a dark meteor, controlling the magic sword to nail Fiddlesticks, which successfully shifted the attention of Fiddlesticks in monster form from Ji Xing to him.

Boom! !

In the terrifying explosion sound like a meteor hitting the earth, the sand and dust land rolled again, and the huge sandworms running a hundred miles away were instantly bleeding and died, and their limbs were cut off!

At the center of the collision, Fiddlesticks' head cracked a small bloody hole, but Aatrox shot out with blood, and his dark face was even more angry. The damn monster turned so hard? I can't absorb its flesh and blood yet!

His wings trembled, and he tried to stop, but suddenly his back felt cold, and his scarlet eyes widened, revealing an expression of disbelief.

Why? Why? !

His wings were torn apart, and Aatrox was cut diagonally from shoulder to waist.

As blood gushed out, his huge body was cut in half and slid down, and the magic sword in his hand fell to the sand because of the broken arm.

Puff puff——

After two falling sounds, Aatrox's scarlet eyes turned to Ji Xing who suddenly appeared behind him and cut him in two with a sword.

Even Fiddlesticks's movements paused, as if he didn't understand what was happening in front of him.

"Why, wizard?!"

Aatrox felt that his consciousness was sinking into darkness, and his gradually dying body made him return to the darkness of the magic sword.

He didn't understand the reason. Even if the proud sword demon had never thought of fighting alongside Ji Xing against Fiddlesticks, at least Ji Xing shouldn't have attacked him.

What is this? Kill him before Fiddlesticks absorbs his fear?

You're the only one left alive? !

"You can't beat him this way."

When Aatrox's body weathered and returned to the darkness of the magic sword, he only vaguely heard this answer - you can't win this way?

Can you win by attacking me?

And after sinking into the magic sword cage that he hated and feared the most for a moment, Aatrox's world became bright again.

A hand grasped his hilt.

He felt a consciousness opening up to him, inviting him to fight side by side. The confusion just now was instantly cleared, and he laughed wildly.

So that's it.

Human, Aatrox recognized your courage. Facing an invincible opponent, you took the initiative to give me your body and the rune power in your body!

Don't worry, I will keep a part of your consciousness, let you see the death of this monster, and then completely devour your flesh and blood!

The power of the magic sword instantly dug into Ji Xing's body and surged into the depths of Ji Xing's soul.

Ji Xing seemed to have turned into Toguro's brother, with muscles twisted and swollen all over his body, and his flesh and blood constantly changing and evolving, and the breath of the Dark Sword Demon was rising! Two blood-like tear marks were rendered on both sides of his cheeks, and his eyes turned dark red!

The magic sword was connected to him.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, there was a sudden exclamation from the Dark Sword Demon: "Huh?!"

"Okay, that's enough."

Ji Xing held the sword horizontally, extremely rational.

Dark Sword Demon: "..."

No, something's wrong! What is this? !

His power was borrowed by Ji Xing, but his consciousness could not control Ji Xing's body. At this moment, he who turned into a magic sword seemed to have really become Ji Xing's weapon, and his soul was controlled by Ji Xing!

"Damn it! You lied to me?!"

"I didn't lie to you. I didn't say anything. You may have imagined it." Ji Xing laughed.

He raised the magic sword high to block it, clanging against the sharp teeth of Fiddlesticks. As the ripples of space were transmitted, Ji Xing raised his other hand horizontally, and the soul blade pierced through the head of Fiddlesticks in front of him, and then... twisted it!

Fiddlesticks collapsed and disappeared.

In the distance, another Fiddlesticks appeared.

Ji Xing's shirt was torn to pieces, and two black wings fluttered out from his shoulder blades!

He held two swords in his hands and the staff hung behind him.

"Come on, second round."

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