Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 41: Allen's plug-in: Di Ming!

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Ling Xian did not immediately start to attack the attacking giant with all his strength.

Let's take a casual shot and see if there will be an accident to stop you. After all, you don't know Alan. Maybe they are just ordinary giants with overdeveloped ears?

A slap exactly like dealing with a super giant, slapped Alan's giant head.

"Tsk, it's really difficult to hit directly. Can you guarantee that this is Alan?" Ling Xian thought.

"Yes." At this time, the invisible Alice 9 flew not far from the back of the giant Ellen. She saw the last interaction between Mikasa and Ellen.

Alice 9 raised her hand and aimed at Allen, who was starting to regenerate his head, and fired a magic [Cloud Blast[]].

"Boom!" The explosion completely submerged Allen, and everything around him was blown away by the huge heat wave.

Alice 9’s magic [Cloud Bomb[]] set off in the heat wave of flames, the giant Ellen’s body quickly hardened, this is the ability he acquired while devouring other giants in the Marais empire——

The warhammer giant can use the hardening ability to make a variety of weapons, and it is also indestructible as an armor.

The flames come and go fast, Allen's human body emerges from a giant body that is hardened and turned into a weapon that is difficult to move. He wants to become a giant again, and then he fights. Unexpectedly, he could only scratch his own neck with both hands, falling from the back of the giant's neck with painful face, struggling to roll, and after a while, there was no movement.

"Making an oxygen-free zone can be considered an unavoidable attack, isn't it." Alice 9 was slightly proud.

Ling Xian was about to completely kill the huge body, but when he saw that the body turned into steam and dissipated, he turned around and continued the work of destroying the wall.

"Allen!" Mikasa activated the three-dimensional mobile device and went to Allen's place regardless of the danger that still existed.

"Wait." A man with hairy face and glasses stopped Mikasa.

"You are!"

"I'll go." said the man with glasses. He is Jike Yeager, Alan's half-brother. Inheriting the blood of King Eldia from his mother, he was forced to instill revolutionary ideas by his parents and sent to be a "Marais warrior". He became a warrior commander because of his outstanding ability. Not long ago, he returned to Aldia and became a member of the radical faction.

He saw Alan struggling. Although he didn't have the knowledge of cloud explosive bombs, he guessed that it might be something like poison gas. Anyone who stepped into that range would have the same result.

Ling Xian, who was destroying the wall, turned around.

I saw a giant resembling a wild beast again.

It even approached Ellen, and now the anaerobic zone has not disappeared. It turns out that the giant doesn't need to breathe?

Well, it doesn't matter whether you need to breathe or not. Although the beast giant was a little bigger, it was still too small compared to the super giant who could be a sandbag for Ling Xian a little bit more.

The "ten-tailed giant" casually slapped the beast giant to death, and then refocused his attention on destroying the wall.

"Master Ling Xian, be careful!" Alice 9 screamed to Ling Xian vigorously.

"What's the matter?" Lingxian of course felt the swelling vitality, which giant is probably about to appear on the stage, it's not too late to wait for those guys to appear on the stage.

"Ah...Ling Xian-sama, keep your golden eyes wide open, this time the shape is really a bit..."

The giant of the beast, Jike Yeager, inherited the blood of King Eldia from his mother.

And Alan Yeager's father once swallowed the daughter of the Royal Reyes family who inherited the ancestor giant. After that, Alan swallowed his father, so Alan got the power of the ancestor giant.

These are all things that happened before Ling Xian and Alice 9 came, but no matter how they interfere with the direction of this world, these histories still affect the future of the world.

The contact between the ancestor giant and the king's blood giant has undergone a wonderful "chemical change".

In the original time and space, Alan was also in contact with the Jike who came to him at the moment he was killed by the weapon of the giant, entered a certain spiritual space, saw the spiritual body of the ancestor giant's Ymir, and then learned about the history There are a lot of subjective and objective secrets. After that, in order to be his hometown of Parady Island, Allen decided to expel all the life on the continent that harbored hatred against Parady Island from the world!

Now, Allen naturally has no way of knowing the true origin of the "Ten-Tailed Giant", but the fact that the mainland sent the giant to Parady Island is real, and the fact that the mainland is gathering allied troops to clear Parady Island is also true. exist.

So, it is only natural to regard the "Ten-Tailed Giant" as an object of Allen's expulsion.

In this way, due to the large-scale destruction of the island of Paraty by Ling Xian and the killing of the protagonist group, the large-scale impact on the world line was caused, and it was abruptly broken back to the original track!

Some of the survivors around, as well as Lingxian from the tall "Ten-Tailed Giant" and Alice 9 flying in the air, all began to slowly raise their heads in unison.

That giant appeared. With steam, it was getting bigger and bigger. It was already ten times bigger than the super giant, and it continues to grow bigger!

Alan, who has obtained the power of the ancestor, is a giant that is more than one thousand meters high and thousands of meters long! Except for the head, there are only bones in the body, supporting the ground with countless rib-like bones.

This is not so much a giant as it is—

"Bone Stitching Monster?"

Ling Xian tilted his head and looked at Ellen, who was many times taller than his ten-tailed body. He was not terrified, because the giant he saw in Jin's eyes was indeed amazing in energy, but it was still a bit worse than Little Ten-tailed.

It's different for Alice No. 9, which seems to be an invincible and incomprehensible existence for her: "Alien, it's on, it's definitely the so-called protagonist! This is what Dad and Master Star worry about. What happened? Write it down, write it down quickly!"

The various detection magic learned for the mission should not be magically thrown at the kilometer giant.

The ancestor giant seemed to have a disgusting response to magic, and his voice was full of resentment and a certain desire.

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho!"

In the gazes of most people even more frightened and the two elves were very surprised, the remaining ruins of the three walls and the collapsed but still intact walls were finally turned into fragments.

In the smoke and dust, a huge figure, surprisingly a giant who is a lap larger than the super giant that Elmin transformed into, awakened from his deep sleep, as if he had a thought, striding forward with full murderous intent. Step out of the wall.

This is the power Allen's father seized from the royal family to manipulate the "coordinate power" of the brainless giant. At this scale, it is not an exaggeration to call it the "earth" that the ancestors of giants arbitrarily manipulated all giants and even memories.

(to be continued)

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