Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 42: Peace is still there! Nuclear level 1 hour!

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Alan, who became the ancestor giant, activated his ability called "Ming of Earth".

Although the wall has been destroyed by the "Ten-Tailed Giant" for the most part, such a huge body still compares the "Ten-Tailed Giant" in momentum with the remaining number. Super giants surround the "Ten-Tailed Giants"! Hit hard!

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Countless flesh and blood shattered, bones collapsed and flew, but the skin of the ten tails could not be lost, but a part of the life energy would be taken away.

But the super-large giants relied on their bodies to be repaired arbitrarily and quickly.

Ling Xian was overwhelmed. It was really annoying to use his tail and hands and feet to fight her body shape. Because of the giant figure, the range magic that Ling Xian mastered became like a single magic here.

Under the attack of the "ten-tailed giants", the super giants fell like wheat, and the ones behind immediately made up for them.

It made Lingxian regret that she had blasted all the walls to pieces before she started.

[Master Ling Xian, here I am! 】

Flying high in the sky, Alice 9 launched the communication magic and waved to the "ten-tailed giant" surrounded by the ground, meaning that you don't need to care about her, let go!

"Huh." Ling Xian raised his mouth, lowered his head, and sprayed a [tail beast jade] on the ground, exploding to clean up all the super giants.

Strangely, human deaths are rare.

[At the last moment, all the giants actually crystallized collectively to protect the remaining humans? 】

[It shows that Allen is not crazy yet, within the error range. 】

The fairies communicated on the communication magic private channel.

[Master Ling Xian, a rare opportunity, will you be the savior of the world? Although my dad doesn't care about this aspect, there is always an overwhelming concern for the moral high ground in my dad's words and deeds. 】

[Emmmmmm...Yes, all right. 】

[Then, please leave Lord Lingxian first. The appearance of the giant made by this illusion is no longer needed. 】

The ancestor giant Allen transformed into rushed towards the "Ten-Tailed Giant". His kilometer size made him move like a crustal movement. The "Ten-Tailed Giant" is not even a child under him. superior.

With one kick, the "ten-tailed giant" stepped on the ground and disappeared.

Allen did not stop the action due to the disappearance of the "Ten-Tailed Giant", and resolutely walked towards the ocean and headed towards the mainland.


Marais Continent——

The world united fleet is waiting in front of the ancestor giant, just like the bugs on the water, not to mention the various giant abilities that Allen has acquired, just the huge body of kilometers, and the repairing power, let the most advanced weapons against giants To no avail. Hit the back of the neck? How do you fight the kilometer giant? This world is not without flying machines, but how big is the back neck of the kilometer giant? How to cut it off? These are all issues worthy of consideration by the military.

However, there was no American time, Allen only had to crash and crush, and the world united fleet would be easily annihilated.

Allen landed on the mainland, and the power of "Cry of the Earth" brought all the remaining giants under control, accelerated the expulsion of mankind, and destroyed everything in front of him like a worm under his feet.

The humans on this world continent are in a desperate situation. They think that the countdown to destruction is not an exaggeration. The difference is only to be crushed to death by Alan first or crushed to death by the ancestor giant later.

Even so, many people still stopped and looked at the towering giant.

Not all were frightened or abandoned, some were just like the psychology of seeing the spectacular and shocking scene of the lava eruption even if you knew the danger during the eruption of a volcano.

Then they saw it.

Even if they know that giants have many abilities and phenomena that cannot be explained with the most advanced science and technology they are currently developing, they can only call for existences called "gods" in the face of the current scene.

The white light with the color of flame, the white light shooting from the bottom to the sky, lifted the ancestor giant into the air, and turned into light together in the air.

Never again, not down.

"Have you ascended to heaven?" Many people can't help but think so.

"Giant, even God can't stand it anymore?" Someone would have such thoughts.

At this time, the human beings who have witnessed all of this on the land where life has been devastated, except for a few incumbents, smart people, and insiders who think a little bit more, most people only have a sense of peace of mind.

Because the world is peaceful again (nuclear peace).

Only, has never given up to persuade Allen to give up "destroying the world", Mikasa and others who are chasing behind him, their tears have dried up............


Alice No. 9: "Obviously, Dad and the Three Fairies like souvenirs, but there is nothing good in this world. It's a shame."

Ling Xian: "Yes, I feel the same, I am sorry too. That guy is really tough. He wanted to use [Millennium Kill] but he launched the rocket actually used thirty-two shots of [Tail Beast] Jade] Just get rid of that guy.

Alice 9 heard it, and muttered in her heart: "Open the hang and this is the end? [Tailyuyu] Ping A will be solved? Or is the Lingxian who became the ten-tailed man Zhuli really has the ability to directly oppose the will of the world?"

She recalled what Star had confessed. One possibility to be verified was whether Tokusu could fight against the world itself. Considering the history of a small number of large trees, it is known that it would be very difficult for the planet where the Tokuo sacred tree rooted to resist. , Naruto World’s precedent for the success of a short-term resistance also has the reason that the first rebel was Otsuki’s own son, and the "protagonist" who was later divided into many parts and was born later also received Otsuki's power.

Generally speaking, this is the relationship-

World Invader: Are you the son of the world? So what? I'll throw the world down for you. Is your son in this world **** up? At least it must be my son who wants to fight me?

Ling Xian: "Oh oh... can't I just show up and accept the cheers of human beings?"

Alice No. 9: "Will there be cheers? Let's remember the history of giants we found. When the waiter is comfortable, it will be overcast wherever you are behind."

The ancestor giant Ymir, who was initially powerful, was nothing but chess pieces and props for those in power. After his death, he was divided into several portions and eaten.

Alice 9: "And Master Star warned, don’t cause too much cause and effect with another world that you don’t plan to communicate for a long time. Let’s end it. The experimental record is rich enough, if the experimental records of other worlds also go well. Enough."

"Yes, I understand in my heart, joking jokingly, just talking." On the barren land that was once destroyed by Allen, Ling Xian reached out and opened the door of time and space...

(to be continued)

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