Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 43: Pace and Otohime's world-class date

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Naruto World——

After Klauen Pith threw the training of Chuanmu to the "Shell" organization, he went to the mainland with Bai Yiji to wander around.

Because Baek Oul-hee, who got the genetic information of Purifying Eyes, said that she wanted to trade with Crowen Pith.

What can Kraunpith do?

When the connection between the souls of the two cannot be lifted, it is natural that they can only accommodate her. Anyway, as long as Kraunpisi died, Bai Yiji must die too; if Bai Yiji was forced to resurrect completely, he would also die; and Crounepis hurt Bai Yiji and consumed herself. Because the relationship cannot be said to be good, so as long as they don’t put each other to death, basically loving each other can make the other person unspeakable. Their relationship is so delicate.

Klauen Pith wanted to see what moths Bai Yiji could make after doing some tricks on Bo Ren.

"How about making a deal?" Bai Otsuki told her to Kraun Pace after the Kawaki Nakaxia "tool" that Bai Otsuki showed her at the time. There is no retreat. Even though my defense is only a failure caused by the accusation rather than a betrayal, the Otsukimoto family will not forgive the loser. They don't need the loser. Instead of leaving the possibility of failure, it is better to turn it into a chakra fruit. It is our family’s approach to leave to the talents of this family who can really succeed. Therefore, how about our cooperation, now I have the sacred tree of Huiye here, although there is only a dry shell, but only need to reinfuse the chakra, since I do not intend to deprive this The possibility of the world resisting the big barrel wood family, then I need other sources of chakras, please help me introduce. If it succeeds, both exist forever, how about working together? You also have obstacles in your world, I I can feel that although it is not strong, there is indeed a threatening existence, and the space is unstable. I am afraid that there will be a plane invasion event in about a hundred years, right?"

"Yes." Kraun Pith agreed.

If Bai Otohime fulfilled her promise, that would be a good thing.

Of course, Kraunpis will not let go of his guard because of this. In the future, the means to deal with Bai Otoji must be prepared at any time, and now he is also ready at any time with the means that at least disgust her.

The first destination of Kraunpith and Bai Otoki is the location of the "Sky Spear" on the border of the Fire Country.

Bai Yiji squatted on the "spear of the sky", Datongmu looked down with white eyes, then stood up and shook her head slightly: "For the natives of this world and the natives of the world you live in, it is indeed a terrible thing, but it implies The upper limit of energy is not as good as the initial form of the sacred tree."

The "initial form of the sacred tree" referred to by Bai Yiji is not the first ten-tailed posture shown by the outer golem after absorbing the nine big-tailed beasts, but the sapling of the sacred tree with a large tube of wood, which has not yet taken root on the planet to absorb the life of the planet and transform it into the form of Chakra. , And therefore not satisfied.

"Can't you just dismantle it as a permanent energy filling device and a water-of-life generator?" Kraunpisi came to the nearby water and took a sip. "For me, HP can be restored, that's right. Other creatures are not bad, right?"

"Where do you think the power of this device comes from?" Otohime pointed to the large desert outside the huge tiankeng where the "spear of the sky" is located, "This product absorbs the planet nine times worse than the **** tree, and the generation rate and upper limit of the chakra It's not high. I really don't know which idiot did it."

"I don't think an idiot can do this." Kraun Pice said that although it is inferior in the eyes of Otsuki, it can be counted as the history of scientific and technological development. The fairly high-end energy power system also started from the low energy utilization rate of the coal-fired steam engine. Right.

However, Kraunpith, who paid more attention to his own national forest, passed the "spear of the sky" directly together.

The second destination of Kraunpith and Baek Otsuki is the final battlefield where Konoha Village and Sagakura Village once fought against the invasion of another continent.

The reason why the final battlefield is the final battlefield is that the underground here is rich in the mineral veins of Greer. The two sides of the war fought a battle near the veins to seize and seal the veins. In the end, Konoha Ninja won and successfully took the veins. Sealed to a different space.

This place was originally turned into scorched earth due to the war, but after the war it turned into a "tropical rain forest", because the Glenelg Stone contains huge vitality, and the leaked energy alone can make the desert become lush in a few minutes. In the jungle, even the elderly who suffer from many chronic diseases and terminal illnesses are dying, just by staying near the spilled energy, they can instantly recover and live a long life.

Of course, the energy here has long since dissipated, otherwise it will definitely become a place where great powers compete.

However, the mineral deposits sealed in a different space will not decrease.

After all, it was a human-level sealing technique, and Bai Yiji cut through the cracks and walked into the mine.

"This is really amazing. Is it so easy to get?" Crawnpice, who walked in, raised her head and looked up at the large luminous mine and admired it, but unfortunately it didn't look like it could be. recycled resources.

"Claunn Pith, look at it with my eyes." Bai Yiji said.

"Go away, don't look at it. I can feel that this energy is used well to destroy the world."

It is not strange that there are mines in the world that can destroy the world, and the raw materials for nuclear weapons are also the same.

Bai Yiji knotted several seals on her hands: "[Psychic · Outer Golem · Magic Dragon Nine Forbidden】."

Summoning the outgoing golems to start absorbing the energy here. This is a function that Tokuo didn't originally possess. To make Chakras, Tokuo must take root in the planet and turn it into a sacred tree or directly eat life.

"To be honest, the things Xiaohuiye's descendants did caused us a lot of trouble, but now I have to admit that it is very convenient to use the technique they invented. Is this the wisdom of inferior creatures." On the way, Bai Yiji Commented.

"After all, the intelligent race with a fragile life foundation must figure out all kinds of ways to enable itself to compete with other races for survival. Isn't it surprising? We can't relax either." Kraunpith said.

"That's right, I couldn't have been killed once by your existence of this level...well, isn't the energy here enough to restore the sacred tree to a usable state."

"Not enough energy to destroy the world?" Kraunpith frowned.

"It is true that the light it emits is full of power to promote life, but after all, it is an inorganic thing, and the nutrients needed to transform into a sacred tree are not the same thing."

"Then don't smoke, save me some. Go to the next place." Kraunpisi opened the "door" of the "Treasure of the King" and threw the remaining part of the mine into it.

(to be continued)

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