Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 104: Horned Eagle Magic Commando

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Time goes back a little--

A group of huge horned eagles flew over a village in the kingdom. That huge figure caused many farmers who were about to start working in the evening to look up.

"A big flock of birds, speaking of it, is it time for migratory birds to migrate?"

"I don't know, but isn't it summer?"

"No, it seems to be a kind of eagle? If that carnivorous bird piles up in piles, we will be miserable."

But anyway, such a big eagle didn't do anything like swooping down and taking away children and livestock. As it gradually went away, everyone didn't care anymore and left the farmland and walked back to the village.

"But will the eagle be like this? It's not a migratory bird."

"Who knows, I don't know much about birds. Take care of those adventurers' jobs."

For this topic, some people jumped to another topic. Adventurers are relatively remote to the average rural people. There may be some young people who leave the village and embark on the path of adventurers due to a certain opportunity, but they are also a minority. , The dangerous life of fighting beasts and monsters is not a life that most people want to live for a long time.

But if there are military topics in common with adventurers as combatants, they will talk a little more.

"Are adventurers free? It's enviable not to join the army at this time."

"Don't be pitiful, you won't be envious when you accidentally get killed by a monster."

"Don't adventurers have to fight monsters? My brother is a bronze level adventurer. Although his income is a little less, he still has jobs that he can do in big cities."

"Envy brother? Then why don't you go?"

"I inherited the property and the fields, why should I go, but... gradually, life has become difficult."

Someone sighed as they said.

"Yeah, those noble lords. What kind of war is waged? Those **** will only continue to squeeze us."

"Yo, not only does it usually make us spit out taxes, but now it also makes us spit out our lives."

Many middle-aged laborers in the village have been drafted into the army, and the remaining people, in order to avoid the waste of farmland, reduce the harvest and make life after tax payment difficult, they share more farm work. Perhaps this is lucky. I don't know how many villagers who were forced to participate in the war can return-people generally don't mention this.

If it is to protect their homes from destruction and looting by the enemy, it is not unacceptable for them to take up arms and fight. However, if this is the case, shouldn't the village where the army has been given a reduction in taxes and issue such things as military salaries and war rewards? However, none of these are in the kingdom's system.

What's more, the kingdom has not been invaded by any foreign enemies, and there is no enthusiasm for war.

"At this time, I actually remembered the time when I was a kid holding a wooden stick and yelling to bring down wild beasts."

"When it was embarrassing, what do you say?"

"Aren't adventurers free?"

"Pull you down, it would be better to envy the birds in the sky." Someone looked up at the horned eagle group that had long gone.

Um? Is the bird's back a bit arched? Are you carrying something? Food hunted for the children of the family? It seems that animal life is not easy.

The small talk caused by the passing by the horned eagle has no unexpected impact on their lives.

Dozens of horned eagles are still lined up in irregular queues, flying past villages, passing small and medium-sized cities, and after the sun goes down, they arrive at Ye Pespel, the largest city southeast of the King’s Capital.

"Sir Victor, it's weird." A human voice appeared on the back of a horned eagle.

This is the Horned Hawk Knights of the Bajas Imperial Air Force. The horned eagle can be found so far, and it can serve as the beast with the lowest cost of domestication and feeding among the aerial mounts. However, due to its power limitation, the combat power formed by people riding it is probably better than letting the trainer drive the horned eagle to fight.

However, the empire still incorporated such units into the Air Force. As a result, the difficulty of caring for the griffins and dragons was not generally lower, and the war did have the survivability of this unit.

If there were rare things like dragons and griffins flying over villages and cities, it would be hard not to cause a sensation.

"Captain Yulia, what's weird?" Wikya turned around and asked the captain of the magic caster who was sitting behind him in a hood and robe.

"This is not the transportation hub city between Wangduli Yestij and Ye Lantil, which is on the front line of our empire-Ye Pespel, right? There is no atmosphere of war at all? ?"

"Are you questioning the navigation capabilities of my troops?"

"No, just questioning the strange status quo."

"Then I'll tell you the truth-actually I think it's weird." Victor said.

The Imperial Air Force has been established for decades, and the kingdom that intends to invade the empire is something that the more knowledgeable citizens of the human kingdom can understand. The kingdom is not prepared for air defense?

Although I hope that the kingdom is really so, we have to beware of the possibility of traps, such as the lack of high-altitude anti-aircraft firepower, and will wait for them to suddenly gather fire when they land.

"Captain Yulia, release the scouts." Victor ordered.

"Understood." Yulia took out a small bottle as big as a palm from the pocket of her robe, poured out a few grains from it, and threw it into the air.

That is the zombie flying insects she made. Although excessively low-level animals add audio-visual sharing will cause problems due to proportions, but only visual sharing, keeping a suitable distance for detection is still visible. In addition, the insects are not easy to be noticed. The zombie insects that are made into dry insects do not need to be fed and can be easily stored. The sealed packaging is ready for use.

After a while--

"Even if the physical strength of the mount is maintained by magic items, it is almost reaching its limit." Victor urged, "Moreover, opening a magic circle above the enemy city at night will increase the risk of exposure. Report the investigation immediately."

"There are a large number of military supplies and tens of thousands of garrisons in the city. With my enchantment's ability, there is no way to quickly count. The sentries and patrols have not been confirmed, but the key cemetery has been confirmed." Yulia quickly drew Zhang cemetery. Simple arming the map, moved forward a bit, stretched out his hand in front of Victor and shook the map in front of him.

At this moment, Victor felt his back touched—this lady was wearing that kind of invisible clothes, which turned out to be quite big, although it had nothing to do with his sexual interest.

Of course, based on the picture, he calmly ordered the horned eagle rider squadron responsible for carrying the magic caster squadron to land in Yee Pespel's cemetery.

Because the law of this world is that corpses without sacred purification will sooner or later become undead, so cemeteries in large populated cities will be built like low fortresses, just to occupy them.

(to be continued)

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