Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 105: Death pay

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

The laws of this world make corpses that have not been sacredly purified sooner or later become undead. In order to eliminate the undead who crawled out of the cemetery at any time, humans will build the entire cemetery like a low city fort. At the same time, there must be a considerable number of soldiers as grave guards.

The imperial army will directly land here, with the purpose of sneak attacking the transportation hub of the enemy's capital to the frontline city, which is simply a cover-up.

However, at this time it was time to cut the chaos with a sharp knife. You must know that the Kingdom Army on the border has already begun to attack. Although some preparations have been made, it is better not to be too optimistic that Andalu City will not fall.

Under the command of Victor, this unit immediately killed all the outposts, patrolmen, and tomb-keeper's dormitories with lightning speed.

"what is this?"

"What are they doing?"

"This is really a soldier? Isn't it a civilian in military uniform?"

The knights who had solved the enemy jumping from the back of the horned eagle, some people talked in such a low voice, this little battle was played too easily anyway.

Since the imperial cemetery of the Bajas Empire was attacked by the religious state and anti-imperial forces decades ago, the empire has learned a lesson from the fact that the undead almost broke into the city. Therefore, the cemetery stationed in the cemetery, except for the part responsible for the priests dispatched by the fairy temple , At least are the Cavaliers squad of level 4-7.

And this... is definitely a level 1 to 3 guy, really.

Seeing them patrolling and standing guard, it is no different from sleepwalking, and there is no secret whistle. When they broke into the dormitory, they were drinking...Well, the imperial soldiers could not fully blame the drinking, but the moment they saw the enemy The reaction was not to take up arms or surrender, but to be scared on the spot... Are you serious about preparing for war with the empire? Couldn't the king be replaced by the spies of the empire, ready to give the empire a big gift?

This is a misunderstanding. The kingdom is relatively comfortable and has never encountered things like the empire. So in order to save the beginning, it is really recruiting ordinary citizens to be grave guards, but for the time being, they are civil servants, but let the noble lords who look down on civilians give It was impossible for them to drop the clothes of regular officials, so they were given a soldier's uniform.

With the help of a stronger team member, Yulia slowly lowered the horned eagle, pulled the hood away, and shook her head to smooth the hair that had been wrapped up for most of the day. The thing is really uncomfortable, my legs are numb."

"Who made most of you magic casters so beautiful, you have the ability to fly with magic by yourself, you old witch." Victor replied politely in response to some words that belittle his troops' mounts.

"Isn't your mission to reduce the consumption of magic power before we engage the enemy? That's what the Horned Eagle Knight can play, and I'm only thirty-two years old."

"Isn't she an old witch with a seventeen-year-old face in her thirties?"

"Go away, this is also a miracle of magic. Besides, apart from gays like you, who doesn't favor young girls with good figures."

Nowadays, with this kind of magic like ZTE, Fluda's disciple, many women like the way they were not long before they became adults, but men seem to be more mature.

There is no longevity effect. It only maintains appearance. Because the price is only continuous consumption of magic power that is lower than its own recovery speed, it is a bit popular, but the threshold is not so easy that ordinary magic casters can easily learn it. It is not much wider than a hundred miles. But considering that the Empire has five-figure magic casters, there are quite a few.

"Then may I ask this Yulia who is favored by men, who is your target?"

"Woo... It's just that I haven't met someone I like!" This is really the truth of Yulia, because her status has climbed a little higher, and her own requirements have also increased. Unknowingly, she was unmarried in her thirties. .

"Two sirs, please, whoever remembers the task entrusted to us by the empire." The adjutant looked a headache.

Contradictions between different arms exist all the time. It is more common to despise each other's shortcomings, but it is not uncommon for them to develop into personal attacks.

"I haven't forgotten, haven't I already started preparing for this?" Under Yulia's robe, the magic circle is already stepped under her feet, but it is still a bit slow for her to read this magic. "You guys, hurry up too. Each find a tomb area that fits better with your own magic to prepare necromantic magic. In order to avoid mutual interference of magic, you are not allowed to approach me within 30 meters."

"Could it be that Captain Yulia, use that one!" someone exclaimed in a low voice.

"Yes, that's it, because poor control will cause urban destruction, so be careful."

"Yes! Captain Yulia!" x30

A crowd of magic casters dispersed immediately.

For a moment, the magic circle under Yulia's feet suddenly expanded. Even though the light was dim, the cemetery was made up and down in order to extend the distance of the undead. There was a lot of occlusion ~ It's a sense of existence.

It will be discovered by people outside the cemetery soon.

But no matter what you do, it is too late. Even if you find out early and send someone to interrupt her magic, you must break through the fifty-man Horned Eagle Knights battalion ranging from level 9 to 15.

The ground began to vibrate slightly, all the tombs in a radius of 30 meters broke open, and the dead crawled out, and then the bones scattered, more and more broken bones floated, circling and dancing over Yulia, gathering , Reconstructed, and finally became a three-meter-high bone dragon.

It seems that it is less than twice the height of an adult, but if the length is added, its size is very deterrent for humans.

"Huh, huh..." Yulia took a few breaths, took out a bottle of green potion, gurgled her neck and drank it.

This is a potion that enhances mental power and promotes the recovery of magic power. This time, she directly raised her wand, opened the big magic circle without any cover, and aimed at a fresh corpse made by the horned eagle rider not long ago to cast magic——

"[Magic rank ascends·Creating the fourth rank undead·Death Cavalry Commander [BoostedMagic·CreateUndead4th·]】."

A burst of black mist appeared out of thin air and merged into the corpse. The corpse stood up trembling as if it had Parkinson’s syndrome. The black liquid poured out from all the holes in the corpse, covering the body, twisting and deforming, and finally A cavalry with black armor all over, with swords, shields, bows and spears, exuding a gloomy atmosphere that swayed like heat.

The death cavalry grabbed the bone dragon by the neck and turned over in a fluent manner, obviously without a saddle and reins, but rode up smoothly, as if the horses were closed. In fact, based on the number of combat units, they are really one.

(to be continued)

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