Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 124: Pisi's remote forest support education

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Kraunpith: "Even humans now have the opportunity to learn the third-order space magic [Dimensional Movement[]], and the storage magic technology in different spaces, you didn't count it?"

Delo Dilong: "But these magic and technology can't bring people to move, can they?"

Kraunpith: "I know that a hundred years ago, there was not even this level. Maybe it will be better in a hundred years?"

"I hope that development will not breed malice." Delodilong looked up at the surrounding trees, his eyes stopped for a moment on the fruits and flowers. It helped a lot."

"Ah la la? Although the quality is not as good as here, but my country can do it for the time being." Kraunpisi said hurriedly.

"It's different from what you sell for money, because of my relationship with Your Highness, I send a batch of them for free every year."

"That's really envious... Is it okay to destroy the market economy?"

"Market economy?"

"Oh, I don’t have this concept? Actually, I don’t specialize in this...In short, if it is the privileged person and the outsider, it means that ordinary people can get a return that is much higher than the value of labor with less labor. Great, isn't it?" Crown Pith thought, touching his chin.

"...It is true, but our country does not have this problem in agriculture. Because the population has expanded too much in recent years, and our country has a lot of land thanks to your relationship, but except for the part you directly occupy, most of the left to our country is left. It is not suitable for direct farming, and there are also historical conflicts with the locals for generations...In short, due to many reasons, some areas of our country have insufficient food production. We also imported surplus fruits and orcs from Titanya and the Lionheart Kingdom as livestock feed. It’s the grain. In short, self-produced grain can’t satisfy the people’s food and clothing. There is no harm in increasing the yield per mu and the harvest season.”

Kraunpith said in her heart that these trades are not under her control, so she doesn't know much about it. In short, she can talk about things that she can ask about without revealing her own national affairs: "What about population expansion?"

"Our country was once used as a ration by the orcs, so the habit has grown. But after the number of deaths has decreased, this historical habit has not improved, hey."

I heard that Claunpis patted Delodilong on the shoulder: "Isn't it going to implement family planning?"

"family planning?"

"It is to limit the people's marriage age, childbearing age, and the number of children. Doesn't that become the case?" Kraun Pith is very happy to sell his favors without paying anything.

"But this..." Delodilong made a circle with one hand, and with the other hand stretched out his finger to poke inside, seemingly embarrassed to lower his voice, "Even if the law can be determined, can it be restricted? Is there any? Isn't the child watching the sky?"

"It can be used for contraception and abortion... Please consult the Fairy Temple about how to do it." Kraunpith replied.

The Goblin Temple did not become complacent because every Goblin born in Kraun Pith was born with a priesthood. It also learned collectively the practical medical techniques of the indigenous people, which not only improved the market, credibility and reputation, but also improved the level. . Klauen Pith doesn't know more specifically, but there are ways to solve the problems that can't be solved by general healing magic, such as the flow of people, tumor removal, and foreign bodies in the body, which may become more serious with casual healing magic.

Because the fetus is too big to deal with, you can beat the pregnant woman to force her to have a miscarriage, and then use healing magic to cure her body-this is generally not useful.

"...That's it, thank you. The next time the political affairs are discussed as a topic." Delodilong was about to say goodbye to leave, but saw that Crow Enpis's footsteps did not go elsewhere, "Is there anything else?"

"Do you want to go back to the VIP guest house? It's not good to just walk around and have fun after so many years? You are usually busy with government affairs, right?"

"Yeah..." Delodilong raised her head again, feeling ambivalent about Crow Enpis, she might get help either intentionally or unintentionally, but in fact she would feel upset when entangled, just like accompanying. Like a bear child, she couldn't help thinking that when she first became the throne, the prime ministers were not in the same mood. It's not that lo*ic*n might have been impatient for a long time.

Come whatever you want.

It just so happened that there was a blond goblin with a black pointed hat and black robe, who looked like a cultist and passed by with a crowd of more than half of the elven loli.

"Hi, Lily!" Crown Pith raised her hand and said, "I haven't seen it in more than 30 years. Is it okay to be a teacher of the royal family of the elves?"

"Well, no problem. Now, it's time for physical education class, I should go." Lily put her hands in front of her, bowed slightly to Crown Pith, and took the children away.

"Hehe." Kraun Pith grinned, looking at the children, and said, "You have something to do with the Elf King? Since he won't come out, please come and help my compatriots in I think their father will be very happy as well."

Delodilong: "It's really like his idea...but I don't know how to go to class, I haven't learned it."

Kraunpith: "Then I'll go."

Delodilong glanced at the frivolous pace of Clown Pith, with a bad premonition, and said hurriedly: "It's gym class, right? Don't tire them out."

Delodilong knows how strong the Elf King desires his own race, so he hopes to train his children to the death. The fairy will probably cater to the Elf King’s ideas, but Kraunpith is probably just a pastime. It's not good to be in the mood to do it.

"Yes, I won't kill the children of important allies."

"Don't kill and pretend to be healed and resurrected."

"...Is it?" Kraunpisi's body paused for a moment, although there is actually no need to listen to this "true and false dragon king"?

Delodilong prayed for the children of the Elf King in his heart, and followed.

After two hours, the Elf King finally found time to meet.

He has no opinion on the declaration of war on the kingdom, but the Elf Kingdom and the Kingdom of Riyestij are not bordered and it is inconvenient to send troops. The elders of the Elf Council are opposed to direct military intervention in the war. A team of elves, including some of their weak children, went to fight.

The goal is to go northeast through the Aberion hills to reach the border city of the kingdom of Ye·Lantier.

Seeing opposition, the elven elders are hopeless, so they hope that Klauen Pith, who has a considerable deterrent in the Abelion Hills, will come forward to prevent the local demi-humans from conflicting with the elves.

This is not a difficult task for Kraunpith, just throw it to a few Alice and it will be done properly.

(to be continued)

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