Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 125: Seraph

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Elf Kingdom Army Day——

"Would you like to go like this?" Clown Pess, who had just returned from the "gentle" Abelion Hills, looked at Delodilong, who was about to go with the elves, and asked.

"Yes, although the kingdom's first offensive failed, the probability that the empire will not be able to resist the kingdom's offensive is not high, but I don't want to lose the territory of the southern part of the empire (then the temple church forces will border the dragon kingdom)." Delodilong said, “If you occupy Ye Lan Tier, even if the Kingdom’s Expeditionary Forces are completely cut off all the possibilities of retreat, although I can’t talk about it, there is no doubt that the country’s system is not conducive to development. In this way, let him surrender and surrender, and he can reduce casualties. If he recognizes himself, he may still have a chance to become a happier country for the people. It is inconvenient for our army to cross the border directly, and it has not been mobilized for war. The country has just explained it. , Just transfer a few flying dragon knights and giant dragons directly from the flying dragon tribe, and unite this group of elven army, so it is better to go directly."

The elves all looked at the future princess gratefully. They knew that the Elf King didn’t care about winning or losing in the war, but the more important purpose was to train them. If the dead body was not dragged back, it would not be able to be resurrected. Once captured, it may be miserable in areas where elves have a good market for slaves.

With the Dragon King suppressing the battle, I feel more relieved.

"The martial arts is prosperous!" Kraun Piss waved from behind the expedition team until they disappeared in the dense forest, then turned and rubbed his hands and smiled, "Next, I have to find an excuse to prepare to toss Otohime in the future. 'S child."


The thirty-second day of the war


Delodilong had to admit that he was careless. Although he didn't have the frivolous mentality like a fairy, but was very serious about speeding up the end of this human-led war that would surely pile up corpses, the result was still careless.

It’s not difficult to occupy Ye Lantil. It’s not difficult to hear the Elf King say that these elves are weak, but they are much stronger than the soldiers of the human army. In addition, they are transferred from the Flying Dragon Tribe with the help of a flying dragon knight and a dragon. Lantier's less than five thousand guards directly surrendered.

In other words, Delo Dilong, who has been dealing with the Flying Dragon Tribe a little bit more over the years, has become accustomed to watching dragons, but most humans are scared to pee when they see dragons, and they don't even have the thought of resisting.

However, the army of the Holy Land has appeared, the troops of the Sunshine Sacred Code and the Fire-extinguished Sacred Code!

Although it has few hot weapons, it is stronger than the empire. In addition, it summons archangels as a high-altitude bombing unit. There are obviously fewer people than elves. Although there are also reasons why elves and flying dragon knights are not good at defending the city, the elves are only a few of them. A number of Sunshine Scriptures and Fire-extinguishing Scriptures suppressed severely.

So what are Delodilong and the other dragons doing?

They are fighting with Seraph!

Although I have seen the temple high up, I did not expect that the religious nation will also send troops, and there are people who rely on Seraphim!

Seraphs must not be put into the city, they must be stopped. Delodilong intuitively feels that human beings who rely on Seraphim have some powers that are no less than the three fairies of light!


"Gliodori! You are so pale!" The dragon Igonicos rushed towards the Seraph, violently spitting out a red and hot breath, a red magic circle appeared on its wings, and fire-like magic blasted out one after another.

"Idiot!" Dro Dilong cursed, inserting between them at the moment Igonicos' attack was resolved by the Seraphim.

In return, the person who relied on the seraph released the sickle of light.

Delodilong hurriedly opened up his defensive magic.

"Boom!" Her petite body flew backwards a hundred meters away with the huge dragon body behind her, the shield shattered, and finally she was not injured.

"Are you okay?"

"Reluctantly... it's okay." But Igonicos felt as uncomfortable as being hit in the stomach by a small hard rock.

Originally there were still a few dragons, even thanks to the dragon's vitality, they were still alive, but now Igonicos is the only one who can move.

"Oh, Her Majesty the Queen of the Dragon Kingdom, in all fairness, we really want to recruit you and let you be our partner, but since we are firmly on the other side, we can only let you die." The other side resounded across the battlefield. the sound of.

"It's ridiculous, even if I am accepted by you because of my good abilities, do you have a place in your heart to tolerate my people?" Delodilong couldn't believe the most human-supremacist religious people.

"Then you go to die!"

"Huh! Come on!"

Now Delodilon has learned the origin magic [World Teleportation], and has not told anyone that it is the space magic that cannot be blocked by the space blockade magic beyond the dragon clan in this fact, Germany Luo Dilong can escape at any time. It is no problem to bring all the dragons, flying dragon knights and a few elves. The remaining elves should have their morale plummeted and surrender.

But at least it’s better to find a way to get the angel to drink a pot first, but this guy is better than her, Siyuan Magic [Soul Fusion] has been resisted, otherwise, if you can grab the soul of Pingyi Seraphim, even if you can’t kill it. It can also create flaws and have a chance to win. But even if he couldn't win, giving him a pain in his soul can still do it.

Suddenly, several golden cannonballs flew past the Seraph, and after being easily avoided, they fell into the city and there was a big gold explosion.

"Who! Stupid!" Delodilong subconsciously wanted to blame the person who hit the enemy but hit the innocent people, but he was also a little stunned.

Outside Ye Lantier, a large number of chariots with golden round heads and five pairs of road wheels are rushing.

It was Luna Cherud’s Golden Type 59 armored corps, shooting continuously while on the move.

She was aware of the situation here and came to the nearby area to summon the Golden Type 59 armored corps.

Feeling the threat of the golden cannonballs, the Seraph kept dodgeing from left to right in the air at high speed, abandoning Delodilong and rushing towards the group of chariots, opening a full range of spherical enchantment outside his body.

The barrier passed the Golden Type 59, and the chariot was safe and unobstructed. However, Luna, who had not made her face publicly, raised her head and stared wide-eyed.

A white light gate appeared above her, and little angels sprang out from it.


The golden AK47 held in Luna's hand burst into flames!

(to be continued)

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