Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 5: Naruto's weakness is too obvious

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

At the moment when Bai Otohime unfolds the lava space of the [Tianzhiyuchu]——

Naruto activated the Wukong ability of the Six Ways of Immortality, caught Hinata who had fallen and fell, and made a stepping jade for her.

Um? Where's Sasuke? It’s totally okay to have the wings of [Susanoh].

"It's here?" Naruto calmly observed the surroundings at this moment, his perception ability was fully activated, but he couldn't perceive where Bai Yiji was, and even no other life existed here.

"I'm afraid it's the same space as Kaguya's [Tianzhiyuchu]." Sasuke guessed that he found Kaguya's different space after the Fourth Ninja World War to investigate, but unfortunately he never visited this one. space.

[Tian Zhi Yu Zhong] Every space has a distance of tens of thousands of miles. Since it has never been, it is difficult to find out the coordinates of other spaces.

"Since I didn't use the location to kill, I'm afraid it was because I was aware that the frontal battle was disadvantageous, or that the chakras that the little sacred tree could provide are not as durable as the real sacred tree." Sasuke calmly guessed and analyzed, "So I intend to use us. As a human characteristic, it throws us into a different space and starves to death."

That one is not as arrogant as Peach-style, but as shameless as Pu-style. Maybe he would really do it.

"Starved to death..." Hinata was very troubled by this.

"Is there a way to leave as soon as possible?" Naruto asked eagerly, "We must act as soon as possible, and we must find a way to save Kawaki."

"Naruto! Don't be naive." Sasuke said coldly, "Kawaki is no longer there. Compared with this, it seems that the human experimental organization we destroyed in the country of silence is not so simple. This world is still there. There are organizations related to Otsuki hidden, and after this battle is the real battle."

Konoha Village did find many traces of human experimentation and modification on Kawamu, and all that could be removed were removed as much as possible. There is really no way that the diamond-shaped mark is located at the vital point of the human body. But for a while, they didn't find the traces of Datongmu in the Kingdom of Silence, nor did they consider the diamond-shaped mark to the "tool" of Datongmu.

One reason is that Kawaki has never used the ability of "tools": the more you use it, the more erosion rate you use, and the better the fit with Otsuki Otohime. This is something that Kraunpis doesn’t want to see—maybe yourself. Otohime appears more difficult to suppress; another reason is that the rhombus is just a very common shape. For example, don’t Tsunade and Uchiha Sakura’s foreheads have that kind of mark? It does not mean that it is related to Otsuki.

Sasuke held Naruto with one hand, a pair of samsara eyes staring at the void, exploring the coordinates that could leave this space.

"Found it. Naruto, you keep a considerable number of shadow clones in the village every day, but it's a great help." Chakra chasing Naruto, Sasuke quickly found the coordinates of the village of Konoha.

"But it's a little strange... Naruto, can you try to remove all shadow clones?" Sasuke asked.

"It doesn't affect Sasuke's opening time space door, right?"

"It doesn't affect."

"That's good." Naruto Yuiyin lifted the shadow clone. The Chakra and intelligence returned were surprisingly small, and it seemed to be blocked by multiple barriers. In fact, it was blocked, but it was more blocked than [Tianzhiyuzhong]. Much, not just a span of space, but a seal!

"Something happened in the village! Sasuke, take us back quickly!"

Sasuke used part of Naruto's Chakra to urge Reincarnation Eye to open the door of time and space.

They rushed back to the door of Konoha Village—to be precise, outside the gate of the place where Konoha Village was once. From the outside, nothing seemed to happen, but when I opened the door, I saw it—it suddenly became clear, because the village of Konoha had disappeared, and what was left in place was a hemispherical pothole.

"The village... where is the village?" Naruto was stunned for a while.

"Calm down, Naruto, look at the top." Sasuke pointed to the huge stone ball high in the sky. It wasn't too big from a distance, but considering the distance, it might be the lower half of the ground that was dug out along with the entire Konoha Village.

Hinata's eyes looked through the stone ball and observed the inside. He sighed in relief and said to Naruto with a strong smile: "Naruto-san, the whole village and everyone seems to be all right, just because of something like [Earth Burst Star]. The ability is wrapped up."

Naruto took a closer look and confirmed that the village was indeed okay, and Uzumaki Sunflower and Boren were also okay, and he was relieved.

Suddenly, the skin turned red, and the slightly different big barrel wood fell from the sky.

Tao Yiji looked at the three people in a pose, raised a hand to indicate that it was okay to be shocked, and said, "The people in this village are all good partners, and ordinary death threats really can’t make them tell me what I want to know. After coming out, for the first time I felt that illusion was so convenient that I didn't want to have it, so I could only use a more effective threat method."

She raised her hand and pointed to the huge stone ball in the air: "If you attack me rashly or make me unhappy, that will be tightened immediately. You don't naively think that the inferior creatures inside can withstand even ten. The pressure that the tail can’t get rid of or can you break the seal instantly, right?"

The raised hand shook Ah! Hinata screamed. Different from Naruto's perception, she saw it clearly that the buildings outside of Konoha Village collapsed as the stone ball was slightly compressed in an instant.

Fortunately, under the operation of Shikamaru and other high-level Konoha, the residents close to the inner wall of the stone ball have been evacuated. It seemed that ninjas were summoned as much as possible to cast support piles with soil, but it seemed that they couldn't stop them for even a second.

"[Six Paths·Earth Burst Stars]?" Naruto asked with restraint of temptation.

"It doesn't matter if you understand it as that kind of power." Tao Yi Ji still said lightly.

"What is your purpose?" Sasuke asked. He felt that Otsuki seemed to have become more than simply trying to use planetary life to grow trees and harvest fruits.

"If you want to say why, it is that the time for a Datongmu tribe who died for some reason has arrived with the help of the resurrection of the son of mankind, and he just came to meet him. Is there any problem?" Tao Yiji asked rhetorically.

"Then the container is Kawaki?" Naruto said angrily.

"You know? Accepting the chakras that we spread on the planet means accepting all of this. Although it seems that because Xiaohuiya's filial son has sealed her mother's own opinions without knowing it, she spread the chakras to let you all. Ako, whom the son of humanity doesn’t know at all, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. In fact, Naruto Uzumaki, the reincarnation of the son of Hakata and the descendants of Hamura’s sideline are the best containers, right? I think you can understand."

"Won't let you do whatever you want!"

Naruto almost wanted to do it right away, but still held it back, the village in the sky was still in Momoka's hands. Ninjas can protect themselves without fear of sacrifice, but they cannot sacrifice everything they protect for victory.

(to be continued)

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