Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 6: Hollite Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Sasuke recalled the different attitudes of different Otsuki towards these human beings, and asked Momoko: "Could it be that Otsuki's clan is still in faction?"

The only arrogant people who want to make this world into a seedbed are the big wooden peach style and the golden style. The others seem to have a way to talk, and they can't feel the will to deal with death. Huiye can barely speak. Although Pu Shi is an ally of Peach-style, he is not saved in the critical moment of Peach-style. He is very talkative and humorous with humans, and he has never killed anyone in battle.

"Ha? It seems that you are all one heart? Why do human beings who have never been united think that we are a perfect whole? How can we accept the definition of'perfect' that there is no more room for evolution? It's really strange. The idea, human, you succeeded in making me amused." Tao Ou Ji chuckled, covering her mouth.

"Do you know Pu Shi?"

"More than just knowing? How can Xiaopupu count as my former partner."

"Your view of humans is different from that of Peach, right?"

"It's really different. Planting the sacred tree is naturally the same. After all, we and our family need chakras. But the methods are different. In your words, the peach style and the gold style are the style of exhaustion and fish; the Wuhepu style is the style of thin water and long. But as long as It will threaten you, there must be no possibility of peace talks, right? Ninjas like you who have thought that they have dominated the world by their own power for thousands of years. Hehehehe."

"Does the peace talk? It means that you plan to talk? Then please put down my village first, otherwise there is no possibility of talks as you said." Naruto is ready to sacrifice for the village at any time, which does not mean to his own strength I'm not confident, wouldn't I just suppress the whole process of playing Bai Ou Ji? But as Hokage, he must also consider the village.

"Yes." Tao Yiji snapped her fingers, and the village in the sky began to slowly descend. During this period, she continued, "I heard that she has recovered part of the power with the help of the little sacred tree obtained by my other companions to throw you away, so This painstakingly caught hostage is naturally useless.

"Our request is very simple. As long as it is not the big tube tree of the Exhaust Fish Sect who comes to this world, I hope you will not easily make an endless relationship. On the contrary, if the Exhaust Fish Sect comes, you will kill them all without mercy. Hee. Alright, there will be no time limit later—"

Tao Otohime briskly turned her back to Shinobu, scrutinizing Hinata's eyes, and directly jumped on the spot and flew quickly in the opposite direction to widen her distance.

"Wait!" Naruto's body began to sink slightly-

Tao Yiji turned around and flung her sleeves lightly, shot six black rods from the palms hidden in the sleeves, and expanded the cubic seal enchantment: "[Six Black Mist Array]."

A huge dark barrier suddenly appeared and quickly enveloped the three of them.

"I can't see!" Hinata's eyes opened out and stared, but his vision couldn't penetrate. The defensive power of this enchantment is not strong against the sixth-level ninja, but it has the ability to block the sight of the pupil technique.

By the way, this is the product of Dashewan, which must be a fine product.

After Naruto Sasuke took a few seconds to tear the barrier open, Momoko had already opened [Huangquan Hirasaka] calmly and disappeared.

Naruto: "Damn it, is Otsuki a bunch of guys who talk to themselves and don't listen to others?"

Sasuke: "Calm down, Naruto. This is a clan that treats people as a seedbed for planting trees, and also treats all of your compatriots as food. Does Naruto still talk to ramen before dinner?"

Naruto: "Yes."

Hinata: "...This is true."

Sasuke: "Well, when I didn't, Konoha village speeded up and fell down!"

The huge golden Avalokitesvara and the purple samurai giant rose into the air and headed towards the fallen Konoha village............

The process is thrilling and dangerous. Naruto and Sasuke have done their best, and all the ninjas in Hinata and Konoha Village have also joined forces to use ninjutsu to solidify the ground and buildings in Konoha Village, and reduce the acceleration and deceleration of the fall as much as possible. A three-magnitude earthquake of tens of seconds was formed.

The village is intact and the villagers are well, but some personal property losses cannot be avoided.

Although Kraunpisi and Bai Yiji have nothing to do in this world, this muddy incident, coupled with the development of new media and the Internet, is still enough to make mainland countries and the tail beasts highly nervous. After a while, various investigation organizations ran all over the floor.


Gu Zhiguo, Hollite Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.——

This is a legal enterprise established by Sunflower's pseudonym "Hollet" to raise funds for various experimental research in this era when it is unable to use Akatsuki's identity and similar methods to make money. It has four-digit employees.

It is also an important branch of the "Shell" organization, with double-digit employees.

This has brought considerable employment opportunities and taxes to this country in the valley where development is difficult, as the name suggests. Therefore, it has received a high degree of support from the daimyo. Although in the past, other "shell" organization bases were used to transport illegal research materials and employees were exposed to secrets and were forced to cause accidents, they were but there is a daimyo cover. With the addition of remedial measures, the aftermath was neat, and was not caught.

But now the troublesome investigator is here again.

"Why are you again? Sarutobi Konoha Maru in Konoha Village, even if the health tea and health snacks sold by our company and used to receive VIPs taste very good, you can't always come to me and eat in the name of investigation. Drink it."

In the VIP room, the sunflower skin sitting on the chairman's leather sofa looked at Konoha Maru and his teammates with a smile.

They are really there to eat and drink, and at the same time, if they are testing poison, they want to grasp the handle?

I wouldn't do such low-level things. If you want to poison you, you should be poisoned as soon as you step into the room.

Konohamaru put down the tableware and said to Sunflower very kindly: "Oh, since your company has such good products besides medicines and medical equipment, I really hope that the country of fire can also introduce them."

"Thank you for your praise." Sunflower also smiled kindly. "Unfortunately, the country where our company is located is not connected to railways. Transportation is not very convenient. It is naturally not a problem to export high-margin medicines and medical equipment, but these teeny Small profits will come to your country of fire, but you won’t make any money.”

"As long as your country's daimyo nods, our seventh generation of Naruto-sama is very willing to help build roads. Like Naruto-sama, I hope that everyone can communicate in harmony." Konohamaru was polite for a while, and the conversation changed——

"So, why did your company purchase the materials and tissues of inter-column cells and large barrel wood? It doesn't seem like you want to live together peacefully."

Dare to say so, that is, there is solid evidence............

(to be continued)

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