Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 139: Da Pa Xing Festival·3 angle vinegar altar has been turned

Kamijou Touma is a good person, and since he learned from Fran Pis that there is a magic association intending to launch a large-scale attack in the school city, he can't let it go.

"Then, leave the auxiliary power to this lady——"

Before the sound of the prayer fell, the honey ant came to steal: "It's obviously better for me to go here. The bee eater is a sports idiot."

"It seems that your sports performance is very good?"

"Our abilities are all controlled by water. Although I am Level 3, I am different from you. The water I manipulate has a little direct lethality. Besides, I have a lot of remote-controlled robots that strengthen myself."

"Isn't that going to retaliate against me and the faction's equipment? Both have been separated from the group and reconciled, haven't you lost it?"

"I didn't plan to throw it away before it was scrapped. It's a pity that the bee-eaters. Your ClonePolly& was damaged in the battle the day before. Under the countermeasures of the so-called mental blowout, one-time control may be scattered throughout the school city. Terrorists may be difficult, isn't it?"

"I said—" Dang Ma was embarrassed, "The more you hug, the tighter I can't concentrate on eating hamburgers. This is my own bill. If you don’t eat Mr. Kamijou’s wallet, I will die unfairly. ."


Suddenly, the entire set of tables and chairs connected by steel frames just flew out of the window.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, a certain kind of shadow of muscle memory has been triggered by this scene.

"Can I ask a question?" Cao Qi said with embarrassed expression.

"What?" Franpies asked.

"Looking at the speed of displacement of the scenery outside, we are flying at a high speed of 60 kilometers per hour? Why is it so stable without feeling a bit of wind?"

"Oh, this is an important meal time. I don't want to disturb Shangjiao's nutrition, so I added enchantment and floating magic, and the part that I don't understand can be replaced with the concept of super power." Franpis replied, hurriedly continued. , "Shangjo is numb, don't touch it with your right hand."

The honey ant felt that his argument was incredible: "Huh? Shouldn't the focus be why we fly here?"

"Don't even think about it, it must have been made by the Amazon warrior who has been trading his bust for combat power."

"Who do you think is an Amazon warrior who exchanges bust for combat power!" Mikoto ran directly to the river and threw the tables and chairs that had been taken away by magnetic levitation into the river.

The table and chair floated a few times under the magic operation of Fran Pith, and slid to the opposite bank of the river, attracting a few seconds of onlookers. Although it seems strange in common sense, this is a school city, so it's not worth all the fuss about.

Mikoto jumped to the table, took up her hands and stared at her and said, "Explain it to me!"

"I just want an explanation! Bilibili, are you messing up?" Dang Ma's heart was broken at this time.

"My name is Misaka Mikoto, and you should almost remember it! When did you start loving this guy and the other guy!"

"Are you, Misaka Mikoto? What is the relationship between Misaka-san and Kamijou?" Mi ant looked at Mikoto and asked.

"I... I and this idiot, this... Then what is your relationship with him!"

"The knight and father...cough, savior."

"You just wanted to talk about the knights and the princesses! This is the kind of situation where you obviously came to save people without asking for help?"

The honey ant nodded.

"So, so is the bee-eater?"

"God," said Cao Qi, blinking his star-studded eyes, braggingly, "we all met a year ago who was still in junior high school like us, how about you, Misaka?"

" fellow!" Mikoto sighed, approaching Dangma fiercely.

"Yes! What's the matter?" Dang Ma stood up in fright.

"Tell me clearly what is going on, how much trouble are you involved in!"

"Anyway, after all, you can't stand by and watch people you see are in danger." Dang Ma answered this sentence very seriously, a little handsome, and Mikoto's face flushed a little flustered for a while.

"Why don't you go on a date together?" Franpies wiped her mouth gracefully after the meal and smiled.

Mikoto: "Who wants it!"

Caoqi: "If you don't want it, I want it."

Honey Ant: "Obviously I am the first one!"

Mikoto: "Huh?!" She didn't expect that she was the only one with Tsundere attributes.

"You guys talk slowly, I have said everything I should explain, can I go?" Fran Pith asked.

"you please."

Franpies smiled and took Qianhezi to get up and leave without looking back, "Okay, please negotiate and pay for the compensation and repairs of the tables and chairs. Ah, anyway, it's a fraction. Also help bury it. By the way, are you going down here? I want to talk to you about the'internal evolution plan'."

"Huh? Is something wrong? It's not..."

"Don't worry. Anyway, your half-hearted Level3 is dispensable in solving such incidents without machine assistance. There is nothing to worry about." Fran Pith said casually, but it was— —

"Take that sentence back." Dang Ma immediately retorted.

Franpies was taken aback, then smiled and bowed slightly: "Sorry, the hurtful truth came out of my mouth for a while. But it's not a curse. Since I want to chat with Honey Ant alone, I mean you can't replace it."

"Let's contact with my mobile phone." Mi Ant nodded at several people and followed it honestly. He picked up the phone and pointed the camera at Fran Pith.

Franpies let go of a part of the passive skill defense and let her "voice" come in.

[What's the matter? 】

[Mie Ant, your performance today is not the same as your record after you left It’s really strange that you still don’t go to school but you wear a Tokiwadai uniform. What’s even more strange is that you should have been in the past few months. Acting more like a bad girl, speaking like a melancholic girl, and still riding on a man without any scruples and laughing (literally), why didn't I feel that at all when I saw it today? 】

The honey ant's mouth became a "^" shape.

[Do you not want that boy to see the disgusting look? Or is your dark image deliberately shaped to prevent yourself from being too new in the'darkness' of the Academy City? 】

[This is what you want to ask? 】

[Can’t you just chat beforehand? It's boring, anyway, first--]

Franpis turned around, grabbed one leg and one arm of the honey ant and lifted it up.

"Huh? Huh, huh, huh, huh, huh, huh!?"

"What's the matter? Your body is very flexible. It's not a problem at all." Franpis squeezed the honey ant's leg and arm. "It's strange. It seems that my eyesight is correct. You are obviously I have practiced..."

(to be continued)

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